1、-, lULs15286 (USAF) IS November 1952 Suporsoding wUIs42a6 (u=) 23 January 1950 MILITARY SPECIFICATION STARTER, ENGINE, ELECTRICAL, TTPE Ja 10 SCOPE i.i hi qmciiication comri one typa of aloctrioa engine starter, designated Type J-h. 2. APPLICABLE SPECIFICATIONS, STANDLRDS, AND PUELICATIOblS 2.1 The
2、following apecifications, rrtandord8, and publicatioai, of the is8w in effect on the date of inritation for bids, form a port of thir apeciication ta the oxtent bpeclflod hereinr SPECIFICATIONS FEDERAL 2fiLITARY JAN-P-lOC; JAN=P=lO JAN-P-108 MIL-P-Ub JAN-P-lZC; Packaging and Packing For O+bl.seas Sh
3、ipment; Boxeer, Wood, Cleated Plywood Packaging and Packing for Oversem Shipent - Boxes; Wood, #ailed Packaging and Pack Boxea, Fiberboard ”$: V-Board and W-Board), Exterior and Interior Proservation, Hethod8 of Packaghg and Packing for Verse88 Shiprent Barra?-H8torfah, Uatorpmof, Flrdblo Adhesire,
4、WPtW-R08i8tUit, Waterproof Bamiar4ateri.l AntiSsire Conpound; Whit. Load Bm, Genoral Purpoua (For Tbreeded Pitting81 Hag7.1eaur Alloy; Processes For Corrosion Protection of Enghorr, ACCO88OfiO8 and Other A WePOration Of (For Environmental Tasting, Aeronauticel and Airmcirte aid; Heat-Resisting, l.pe
5、wl-Phthr2at0, Blaiction.- The 8tartW ahdl conform to Figure 1. The starter rhrll be deeigrred and constructed 80 that no parts will work loo8e in ssnice, It shall be built to withstand the 8t-8, jam, ibrationa, and other conditions incrident to apping, storage, installation, rnd 8erPice. 3.3.1 Th et
6、artsr shall be constructed 80 that adljuSt286A (uso) 3.9.3 Magnesium alloy partrr,- AU. exposed ngnesium crlloy parts SU 3.9.4 Steel parti.- All exposed abel parts, except bearing surfaces be mrfaco treated in accordance with Specification ML-N-Un. pound feet continuousy for a period of 2 mirmtes wi
7、tbut replaoeinerJt of or damage to my of tihe conponent parts, ar ZlOt be Used %hi6 t08t. Rapid aycling.- The darter shall be capable of perfomlng 6 accelerations oonds%ing of accelerathg 8 flywheel having 8 pobr molaent of Inertia of not less than 525 pound feet squared for 30 seconds. At 800 rpni of the starter jaw, a voltage of 20 f 0.9 ah and the feet that the Qoverzr- Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-