ARINC 591-1972 Quick Access Recorder for AIDS System (QAR)《AIDS系统快速进入记录器(QAR)》.pdf

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ARINC 591-1972 Quick Access Recorder for AIDS System (QAR)《AIDS系统快速进入记录器(QAR)》.pdf_第1页
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ARINC 591-1972 Quick Access Recorder for AIDS System (QAR)《AIDS系统快速进入记录器(QAR)》.pdf_第4页
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ARINC 591-1972 Quick Access Recorder for AIDS System (QAR)《AIDS系统快速进入记录器(QAR)》.pdf_第5页
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1、- _- .- . ._ _ I -2 .-. ,- - - ARINC 591 72 O307617 0003119 O k .I -. . - ARINC 593 72 O307637 0003320 7 W AERONAUT1 CAL RADIO I NC . Annapol is , Mary1 and 21 401 2551 Riva Road ARINC CHARACTERISTIC NO. 591 QUICK ACCESS RECORDER FOR RIDS SYSTM(QAR) ISSUED: July 26th 1972 Prepared by the Airlines El

2、ectronic Engineering Committee Characteristic 591 Approved by the Airlines Electronic Engineering Committee: Characteristic 591 Approved by the Air Lines Cornunications Administrative .May 19th, 1972 Council: May 24th9 1972 &y ARINC 591 72 W 0307b17 0003121 9 W FOREWORD ._ -C- Activities of AERONAUT

3、ICAL RADIO, INC, (ARINCI and the Purpose of ARINC Characteristics Aeronautical Radio, Inc., is a corporation in which the United States scheduled air1 ines are the principal stockholders. Other stockholders incl ude a variety of other air transport companies, aircraft manufacturers and foreign flag

4、airlines. Activities of ARINC include the operation of an extensive sysi-em of domestic and overseas aeronautical land radio stations, the fulfi I Iment of systems requirements to accompl ish ground and airborne compatibi I ity, the allocation and assignment of frequencies to meet those needs, the c

5、oordi- nation incident to standard airborne communications and electronics systems and the exchange of technical information. Communications Administrative Council (ALCAC), composed of the top airline communications officials, which establishes the industry common interest communications policies. O

6、ne of the ALCAC standing committees is the Airlines Electronic Engineering Comn:ittee (AEEC), composed of airline technical personne I. The AEEC formu lates standards for electronic equipment and systems for the airlines. The establishmenf of Equipment Characteristics is a principal function of this

7、 Committee. ARINC sponsors the Air1 ines An ARINC Equipment Characteristic is final zed after investigation and coordination with the airlines who have a requirement or anticipate a requirement, with other aircraft operators, with the Mi I itary services having similar requirements, and with the equ

8、ipment manufacturers. It is released as an ARINC Equipment Characteristic only when the interested airline companies are in general agreement. Such a release does not commit any airline or ARINC to purchase equipment so described nor does it establish or indicafe recognition of the existence of an o

9、perai-ional requirement for such equipment, nor does it constitute endorsement of any manufacturers product designed or bu It to meet the Characteristic. An , ARINC Characteristic has a two-fold purpose, which is: (I 1 To indicate to prospective manutcturers of airline electronic equ i pment the con

10、s i dered op i n i on of the ai r 1 i ne techn i ca I people, coordinated on an industry basis, concerning requisites of new equipment, and (2) To channel new equipment designs in a direction which can result i n the maximum poss i,b le standardi zat i on of those phys i ca I and electrical characte

11、ristics whichaffect interchangeabi I ity of equipment without seriously hampering eng neeri ng i ni tiative. _. . r . -i -. ii r . ARINC 593 72 = O307637 0003322 O ARINL LHAKALItRIST1L 5YI , c (- ITEM - 1 .o .1.1 1.2 1.3 1.1.1 1.1.2 1.3.1 1.3.2 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 3.0 3.1 3.2

12、 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10 3.11 3.3.1 3.3.2 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.4.1 4.4.2 ATTACHMENTS 1 2 3-1 3-2 3-3 4 5 6 7 TABLE OF CONTENTS SUBJECT INTRODUCTION AND DESCRIPTION Purpose of this Characteristic Relationship to ARINC Characteristic 573 Relationship to ARINC Characteristic 563 Functions and

13、 Modes of Operation Re1 iabi 1 i ty and Maintainability Re1 i abi 1 i ty Maintainability Unit Description Interchangeability Regulatory Approval Applicable Pub1 i cations, Spec and Reports STANDARDS REQUIRED TO EFFECT INTERCHANGEABILITY Form i-actor. Connector, Index Pin Coding Input and Otput Signa

14、i Characteristics- Standard Interwiring Power Circuitry Weight Envi ronmental Requirements Recordinq Duration Data Input Source(s) and Speed Programing of Nunber of Data Sources Data Speed Recording Format Sel f Test Provisions for ATE Cassette Design Cassette Playback Track Swi tchi ng Incremental

15、Recording Control Input Is01 ati on STANDARD SIGNAL CHARACTERISTICS Diai tal Interface Standards Digital Data Input Clock/Frame Synchronization Input Signal Sel f-Tes t QAR Status QAR Maintenance F1 ag Typical AIDS Configurations Includin Quick-Access QAR Form Factor Connector Locations !Rear View)

16、. Notes Applicable to Standard Interwiring Standard Interwi ring Connector Pin Layout Quick Access Recorder for AIDS System Quick Access Recorder for AIDS System Quick Access Recorder for AIDS System “QAR Status“ Circuitry“ Recorder PAGE 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 - 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 .6 6 a 9 10

17、11 12 13 14 15 16 ARINC 593 72 O307637 0003323 2 - Page 1 ARINC CHARACTERISTIC NO. 591 QUICK ACCESS RECORDER (Q.A.R.) FOR A.I.D.S. SYSTEM 1.0 INTRODUCTION AND DESCRIPTION 1.1 Purpose of this Characteristic This document is intended to provide design guidance for development and installation of a Qui

18、ck Access Recorder (QAR) which provides an easily accessable stora e of data within an Aircraft Integrated Data System !AIDS) primarily intended for airline use. I 1.1.1 Relationship to ARINC Characteristic 573 The Quick Access Recorder is primarily intended as a complement to an AIDS Mark 2 System

19、as defined by ARINC Characteristic 573 which is composed of a Flight Data Acquisition Unit (FDAU) and a crash protected Digital Flight Data Recorder (DFDR). The first purpose of such an ARINC 573 AIDS is to meet the expanded parameter flight data recording requirements of FAA or other reg- ulatory b

20、odies for accident investigation. However the FDAU defined by ARINC 573 has extra-capability (by itself and/or through optional Auxiliary Data Acquisition Unit ADAU) to accept other input parameters than those required to meet mandatory requirements. Addition of a Quick Access Recorder to the mandat

21、ory sys- tem makes it possible for airlines to take advantage of this extra input capability to acquire parameters for performance monitoring, maintenance monitoring, etc . , thus achieving a low cost, yet effective, minimum size AIDS capability. The QAR may also be used to store the data output of

22、a separate AIDS-oriented acquisition unit (FDAU or other unspecified DAU) , or of a Data Management Unit (DMU), provided the output characteristics of such units are the same as that of ARINC 573 FDAU “DFDR OUTPUT“ (re- fer to Section 2.2). Attachment 1 exhibits some AIDS configurations, including a

23、 QAR, which may be used as an al ternative to the system shown in ARINC 573 Appendix 1. COMMENTARY FDAU and DFDR are the first “building blocks“ of an “Expandable Flight Data Acquisition and Record- ing System“. These two units are basically needed to meet mandatory flight recording, but provide gro

24、wth potential to various AIDS configurations. Addition of a QAR is the first step towards such an expansion. 1.1.2 Relationship to ARINC Characteristic: 563 Apart from the crash-protected “Flight Data Recorder“ , ARINC 563 defined two recorders as possible components of an “AIDS Mark 1“ system, Reco

25、rder“ and the “Long Term Recorder“. The Quick Access Recorder as defined by this Character- istic may combine the main function of both, The amount of data to be stored (both rate and duration) is compati- ble with that “Long Term Recorder“, yet it still complies with the “Quick Access Recorder“ req

26、ui rements of ARINC 563. Thus the name “Quick Access Recorder“ has been These are the “Quick Access - . - kept. However, the QAR defined in this Character- istic does not conform to ARINC 563 as far as form factor is concerned : with the same assumptions . about storage capabilities, present state o

27、f the art allows design of a more compact and lighter recorder. 1.2 Functions and Modes of Operation The basic functions of the QAR are to: a) store the digital data supplied at the output of an ARINC 573 FDAU or other similar AIDS acquisition unit or DMU. b) provide an easy access to these stored d

28、ata for systematic ground processing for perfor- mance monitoring, maintenance monitoring or other purposes. Recording may be continuous , or constant-speed intermittent (for example under DMU control). 1.3 Reliability and Maintainability 1.3.1 Reliability Reliability must be designed and built in a

29、s an integral part of the equipment. COMMENTARY The designer may be surprised to find no elaborate requirements for reliability. The airlines are in a most fortunate position in this regard because they have found the pres- sures of the “market place“ exert a :truly meaningful influence upon the des

30、ign and pro- duction quality control necessary to achieve high equipment reliability, The key advantages enjoyed by the vast majority of airlines is the ability to purchase existing, fully operational equipment “off the shelf“ after the product has established itself in the market. Reduced to ?he si

31、mplest of terms the manufacturer will find that if he does not design it and build it pro- perly, it wont sell. 1.3.2 Maintainabi 1 i ty The equipment should be designed to use replaceable functional modules as far as is practical, in order to faci 1 i tate maintenance. Adequate and effective Bui 1

32、t-In-Test-Equipment (BITE) should be incorporated to identify failures within the QAR. The BITE should clearly distinguish failures of the QAR from other system elements in order to avoid the use of “shotgun“ maintenance on the whole system. COMMENTARY Airlines have found the BITE provided in many o

33、ther systems suffers from the dual fault of being too complex and yet too ineffective. Equipment designers are urged to avoid both pi tfal Is! cr ARINC 591 72 O307637 0003324 4 li ARINC CHARACTERISTIC 591 Page 2 1 .O INTRODUCTION AND DESCRIPTION 1.4 Unit Description The Quick Access Recorder is a ma

34、gnetic tape (or wire) recorder in which the magnetic medium is contained in an easily removable “cassette“ in order to provide an easy access to stored data. The cassette is described further in Section 3.7. The QAR also contains the necessary circuitry to control tape transport, drive magnetic head

35、s, and determine status to facilitate maintenance as set forth in Section 3.5. 1.5 Interchangeability “Unit interchangeability“ as defined in Section 2.0 of ARINC Report Number 403 is required for the Quick Access Recorder regardless of the manufacturing source, The detailed requirements intended to

36、 ensure satisfactory interchangeability are set forth in Section 2.0 “Standards Required to Effect Interchangeabi 1 i ty“. These require- ments will enable the airframe manufacturer and airline to manage space and wiring provisions (especially inter- wiring between FDAU and WAR) regardless of the ma

37、nufac- turing source. They will also allow use of the same type of QAR by an individual airline in different fleets of aircraft regardless of the AIDS configurations of these fleets and without any flight line adjustment. COMMENTARY Interchangeability is not specified for the “cas- sette“. Thus use

38、of any QAR from any manufacturer remains possible on an individual aircraft but needs the availability of the corresponding ground pro- cessi ng equipment, 1 .6 Regula tory Approval In the absence of a current TSO for the QAR, direct regu- latory approval of this unit cannot be obtained. The install

39、ation will normally be approved as part of the original equipment on the aircraft or by a supplemental Type Certificate. The equipment manufacturer should re- fer to Section 2.6 of this Characteristic for the envi- ronmental requirements. In this regard, the reader is also referred to Section 1.3.5

40、and 1.3.6 of ARINC Report 414 “General Guidance for Equipment Installation Designers for further information on this subject. 1.7 Applicable Publications, Spec and Reports The reader is referred to ARINC Report No. 414, “General Guidance for Equipment and Installation Designers“, and specifically Ap

41、pendix I of that document, where a tabu- lation will be found of the current reference publica- tions of ARINC and other organizations which are of importance to equipment designers, installers, and users, ARINC 591 72 m 0307bL7 0003325 b m ARINC CHARACTERISTIC 591 Page 3 2,o STANDARDS REQUIRED TO E

42、FFECT INTERCHANGEABILITY It is of prime importance that the Industry establish specific form factors, mounting provisions, interwiring, input and output interfaces and power supply requirements for the Data Link equipment. These standards are neces- sary to ensure the continued independent design an

43、d development of both the equipment and the airframe instal- lation. It should be noted that although this ARINC document does not preclude the use of different form factors and inter- wiring features, the practical problem of re-designing accommodate some special system could very well make the use

44、 of that other design prohibitively expensive for the customer. Thus, manufacturers should recognize the practical advantages of developing equipment in accordance with the form factor, interwiring and output interface standards of this Document. what will then be a standard aircraft installation to

45、 2.1 Form Factor, Connector, Index Pin Coding The Quick Access Recorder should be contained in ashort one-half ATR case per ARINC 404 with an M/81659-31A2-0033 or equivalent connector with index pin code 48 as shown in Attachment 2. shell with a 67 pin insert. The corresponding aircraft connector is

46、 M/81659-29A2-0034 or equivalent. The unit hold-down hardware should conform to ARINC 404 Class A or C (thumb screw) standards. This connector consists of a single NOTE: Exampl es of manufacturers I part numbers which correspond to the above MIL-C-81659 connector are: AMP RMlP67S-0048 for the aircra

47、ft and ITT 0- Cannon DPXB-67-34P-0048 for the QAR Unit, ARINC Specification 404 with all current Supplements must be followed in explicit detail to assure universal interchangeabi 1 i ty between equipments of different manu- facturers. The equipment manufacturer is cautioned that the equipment must

48、conform to the requirements of dimen- si ons , to1 erances , types of hol d-down pro jecti ons , handles, extractors, cooling prcsvisions, and specified limits on weight and center of gravity as set forth in ARINC Specification 404. COMMENTARY The one-half ATR form factor was selected by the airline

49、s primarily to accommodate the use of a cassette which mounts on the front panel of the QAR in such a manner as to minimize the complexity of the tape drive mechanism and to facilitate con- venient cleaning of the recording head, Input and Output Signal Characteristics 2,2 The input and output signal standards are set forth in Section 4.0 to insure interchangeability and standardi- zati on o 2.3 Standard Interwiring The standard interwiring to be installed for the QAR equipment is set forth in Attachment 3. This interwiring is designed to provide the degree o


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