ARINC 722-1980 Projection Video System《发射视频系统》.pdf

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2、CHARACTERISTIC 722 PROJECTION VIDEO SYSTEM (PVS)Published: November 5, 1980Prepared by the Airlines Electronic Engineering CommitteeCharacteristic 722 Adopted by the Airlines Electronic Engineering Committee: June 19, 1980Characteristic 722 Adopted by Industry: September 17, 1980FOREWORDActivities o

3、f AERONAUTICAL RADIO, INC. (ARINC)and thePurpose of ARINC CharacteristicsAeronautical Radio, Inc. is a corporation in which the United States scheduled airlines are theprincipal stockholders. Other stockholders include a variety of other air transport companies, aircraftmanufacturers and foreign fla

4、g airlines.Activities of ARINC include the operation of an extensive system of domestic and overseasaeronautical land radio stations, the fulfillment of systems requirements to accomplish ground andairborne compatibility, the allocation and assignment of frequencies to meet those needs, thecoordinat

5、ion incident to standard airborne communications and electronics systems and the exchangeof technical information. ARINC sponsors the Airlines Electronic Engineering Committee (AEEC),composed of airline technical personnel. The AEEC formulates standards for electronic equipmentand systems for the ai

6、rlines. The establishment of Equipment Characteristics is a principal functionof this Committee.An ARINC Equipment Characteristic is finalized after investigation and coordination withthe airlines who have a requirement or anticipate a requirement, with other aircraft operators, withthe Military ser

7、vices having similar requirements, and with the equipment manufacturers. It isreleased as an ARINC Equipment Characteristic only when the interested airline companies are ingeneral agreement. Such a release does not commit any airline or ARINC to purchase equipment sodescribed nor does it establish

8、or indicate recognition of the existence of an operational requirementfor such equipment, nor does it constitute endorsement of any manufacturers product designed orbuilt to meet the Characteristic. An ARINC Characteristic has a twofold purpose, which is:(1) To indicate to the prospective manufactur

9、ers of airline electronic equipment theconsidered opinion of the airline technical people, coordinated on an industry basis,concerning requisites of new equipment, and(2) To channel new equipment designs in a direction which can result in the maximumpossible standardization of those physical and ele

10、ctrical characteristics whichinfluence interchangeability of equipment without seriously hampering engineeringinitiative.iiARINC CHARACTERISTIC 722TABLE OF CONTENTSITEM SUBJECT PAGEiii1.0 INTRODUCTION AND DESCRIPTION 11.1 Purpose of This Document 11.2 System Fun ctions 11.3 Unit Description 11.3.1 V

11、ideo Tape Reproducer/Tuner 11.3.2 TV Tuner 11.3.3 TV Antenna 11.3.4 Video Camera 11.3.5 Control Panel 11.3.6 System Switching and Distribution Unit 11.3.7 Video Projector 11.3.8 Monitor Unit 11.3.9 Screen 11.4 Modes of Operation 21.4.1 Playback Mode 21.4.2 Off-Air TV Mode 21.4.3 Closed Circuit TV (O

12、ptional) 21.5 Interchangeability 21.5.1 General 21.5.2 Interchangeability Requirements for ARINC 722 (PVS System) 21.5.3 “Generation Interc hangeability” Considerations 21.6 Regulatory Approval 21.7 Reliability 21.8 Glossary of Terms 2-32.0 INTERCHANGEABILITY STANDARDS 42.1 Form Factors, Connectors

13、and Index Pin Coding 42.1.1 Video Tape Reproducer/Tuner(s) 42.1.2 TV Tuner 42.1.3 TV Antenna 42.1.4 Video Camera 42.1.5 Control/Distribution Unit (Baseline System) 42.1.6 Control Panel (Expanded System) 42.1.7 System Switching and Distribution Unit (Expanded System) 42.1.8 Video Projector 42.2 Stand

14、ard Interwiring 4-52.3 Power Circuitry 52.3.1 Primary Power Input 52.3.2 The AC Common Cold 52.3.3 The Common Ground 52.4 Environmental Conditions 52.5 Cooling 52.5.1 Control/Distribution Unit (Baseline System) 52.5.2 System Switching and Distribution Unit (Expand ed System) 52.5.3 Video Projector 5

15、2.5.4 Video Tape Reproducer/Tuner 52.5.5 Other Units 52.6 Ground and Bonding 52.6.1 Video Circuit Grounding 5-62.7 Acoustical Noise 62.8 Video Monitors 62.9 Weights 63.0 STANDARD SIGNAL CHARACTERISTICS 73.1 Input Signals 73.1.1 RF Input to Tuner 73.1.2 P.A. Keyline 73.2 Output Signals 73.2.1 TV Ante

16、nna Control 73.2.2 Audio 7ATTACHMENTS1 Baseline System Block Diagram 81-A Extended System Block Diagram 9TABLE OF CONTENTS (contd)ITEM SUBJECT PAGEivATTACHMENTS (contd)2-1 Standa rd Interwiring (Baseline System) 102-2 Standard Interwiring (Baseline System) 112-3 Standard Interwiring (Baseline System

17、) 12-132A-1 Standard Interwiring (Expanded System) 14-152A-2 Standard Interwiring (Expanded System) 16-182A-3 Standard Interw iring (Expanded System) 193 Control Panel (Typical) Baseline System 203A Control Panel (Typical) Expanded System 214 Control/Distribution Unit Baseline System 224A Switching

18、& Distribution Unit Expanded System 235 Video Tape Reproducer/Tuner Maximum Envelope 246 Video Projector Envelope 257 Video Projector Envelope Restricted Volume Unit (A300/310) 268 Short (61 in) Throw Projector 279 Long (86 in) Throw Projector 2810 Typical PVS Installation 2911 Environmental Test Ca

19、tegories 30APPENDIX1 Chronology and Bibliography 31-32ARINC CHARACTERISTIC 722 - Page 11.0 INTRODUCTION AND DESCRIPTION1.1 Purpose of This DocumentThis document sets forth the design guidance and airplaneinterfaces for the development and installation for aprojection video system in commercial trans

20、port typeaircraft. As such, this guidance will include specificinformation necessary to mechanize the individual videosystem functions plus that needed to insureinterchangeability of equipment in a “standard” aircraftinstallation.Installation provisions for the following PVS units will beinstalled b

21、y the airframe manufacturer. Basic or optionalstatus of these units will be determined by negotiationsbetween airlines and manufacturers.The “Baseline System” has an integral SystemSwitching/Distribution and Control Panel Unit. The“Expanded System” provides a separate Control Panel foruse with an in

22、dependently mounted Switching andDistribution unit. See Attachment 1 and 1A for blockdiagrams of these systems.The units are:a. Video Tape Reproducer/Tunerb. TV Tuner (optional separate unit)c. TV Antennad. Video Camera (optional)e. Control Panel (“Expanded System” only)f. System Switching and Distr

23、ibution Unitg. Video Projector Unith. Monitor Unit (optional)i. ScreenEquipment manufacturers should note that this documentaims to encourage them to produce maintenance-free, highperformance equipment rather than that of minimumweight and dimensions. They are at liberty to accomplishthis objective

24、by means of design techniques they considerto be the most appropriate, as their airline customers areinterested primarily in the end result rather than the meansemployed to achieve it.1.2 System FunctionsThe basic function of the PVS system is to displayprojected television images to each passenger.

25、 Thematerial displayed may be for passenger entertainment orinformation and may originate from video tape, off-air, orother sources. Sound accompanying the PVS images maybe distributed via the PAX or PA systems.1.3 Unit Description1.3.1 Video Tape Reproducer/TunerThe Video Tape Reproducer (VTR) unit

26、 uses a video tapecassette, of the designers choice, to reproduce colorvideo signals for distribution to the several passengerareas or “zones” in the aircraft. The VTR may alsoinclude a TV Tuner to provide the “off-air” modedescribed in Section 1.4.2. Such built-in Tuners normallywill receive only t

27、he NTSC signal format.COMMENTARYAlthough present tuners now get NTSC signalformat, in the future they may also receive PAL andSECAM.1.3.2 TV TunerThe TV Tuner unit, where provided as a separate unit,should receive the standard VHF Television channels (2-13) and UHF Channels (14-83) encoded in PAL,SE

28、CAM, or NTSC signal formats.1.3.3 TV AntennaThe TV Antenna, suitable for reception of standard VHFTelevision channels (2-13) and UHF channels (14-83)where required, should accommodate either horizontallypolarized signals in installations limited to reception ofthe NTSC format or both horizontally/ve

29、rtically polarizedsignals where PAL, SECAM, and NTSC formats are used.1.3.4 Video CameraThe Video Camera, where provided, should convert anoptical image into video signals suitable for use by thePVS system. Due to the various applications, the formfactor, mounting, and other characteristics of the V

30、ideoCamera will not be defined in this document.1.3.5 Control PanelFor the “Baseline System” the Control Panel is mountedintegrally with the System Switching and DistributionUnit. The Control Panel for the “Expanded System” maybe mounted remotely at a convenient location in thepassenger cabin. The C

31、ontrol Panel function is to allowthe flight attendants to operate the PVS system includingmodes and zones of operation as required.1.3.6 System Switching and Distribution UnitThe System Switching and Distribution Unit providesmeans of connecting and switching the various elementsof the PVS system as

32、 required. The “Baseline System”provides a System Switching and Distribution Unit withan integrally mounted Control Panel in a non-rackmounted installation. The “Expanded System” provides aunit packaged in a ATR Long ARINC 404A formfactor which is controlled by a remotely mounted ControlPanel.1.3.7

33、Video ProjectorThe Video Projector unit converts the video signals into afull color optical image for display on a separate screen.1.3.8 Monitor UnitA standard CRT type Monitor Unit may, at the option ofthe installation designer, be used in place of a VideoProjection Unit where installation limits s

34、o dictate.1.3.9 ScreenA separate screen, similar to that used for movies, willdisplay the optical image created by the Video Projector.The screen may, at the equipment designers option, useeither a flat or curved surface. The normal viewing areaof the screen is 30 x 40 inches although larger sizes m

35、aybe provided.ARINC CHARACTERISTIC 722 - Page 21.0 INTRODUCTION AND DESCRIPTION (contd)1.4 Modes of OperationThe system is intended to be operated by flightattendants. All the necessary controls for power up,program selection, distribution, and adjustment arelocated on the Control Panel.1.4.1 Playba

36、ck ModePre-recorded video tapes may be played on one or twoVTRs. The video and audio outputs may be selected bythe flight attendant at the Control Panel for presentationin any passenger zone. Simultaneous presentation isprovided in the Expanded System. Program audioshould be switched to the Passenge

37、r EntertainmentSystem (PES) zone multiplexer simultaneously with thevideo signal to the zone projector or monitor. Programaudio may also be switched to the passenger addressspeakers. On aircraft with PA class select capability,different programs may be presented simultaneouslyover the PA speakers in

38、 first class and coach sections ofthe passenger cabin. Audio programs on the PA systemshould override (switch off) the PES headset programand the same audio will be heard on the PA speakersand headsets. Capability to switch two differentlanguages over PA should be provided.1.4.2 Off-Air TV ModeVHF T

39、V channels 2-13 and UHF channels 14-83 whererequired may be tuned in at the systems control center.Installations may provide the capability of operatingwith the NTSC format only or with either PAL,SECAM, or NTSC as described by the aircraft operator.Video and audio switching capability is the same a

40、sdescribed for the playback mode.1.4.3 Closed Circuit TV (Optional)In installations where the optional camera is provided,the Closed Circuit TV (CCTV) mode shouldaccommodate display of the image in any or all zonesas in the Playback Mode. The CCTV programstypically do not have associated audio, howe

41、ver, audiois possible via the PA system.COMMENTARYThe specific system configuration and modes ofoperation may vary within the constraints of thisCharacteristic. The unique configuration for aparticular airplane model or interior arrangementshould be determined by negotiation between theairline and t

42、he airframe manufacturer. ThisCharacteristic does not attempt to identify “basic”or “optional” equipment as related to particularaircraft types. In general the “worst case” or“maximum” system configuration is described.1.5 Interchangeability1.5.1 GeneralOne of the primary functions of an ARINC Equip

43、mentCharacteristic is to designate, in addition to certainperformance parameters, the interchangeability desired1.5.1 General (contd)for aircraft equipment produced by variousmanufacturers. Manufacturers are referred to Section1.6 of ARINC Report No. 414 for the airline industrysdefinitions of Terms

44、 and General Requirements forinterchangeability considered necessary and attainablefor each particular equipment as specified in thepertinent ARINC Equipment Characteristic.1.5.2 Interchangeability Requirements for ARINC722 (PVS System)System interchangeability as set forth in Section 2 ofARINC Repo

45、rt 403 is desired by the users for the PVSSystem with respect to the installation configurationsdescribed in this document. The screen, aircraftinterwiring, and antenna (optional) are considered partsof the basic aircraft installation with which theremaining PVS system LRUs should interface on a“Sys

46、tem Interchangeability” basis.1.5.3 “Generation Interchangeability” Considerations“Generation Interchangeability” in the customary senseis not applicable to the PVS system. However, theselection of unit form factors and interwiring wasinfluenced in certain cases by the “movie” equipmentprovisions in

47、 many existing aircraft.1.6 Regulatory ApprovalThis equipment should meet all applicable FAAregulatory requirements. This Characteristic does notand cannot set forth the specific requirements which anequipment manufacturer must follow to be assured ofFAA approval. Such information must be obtainedfr

48、om FAA.1.7 ReliabilityThe airlines insist upon the utmost attention to the needfor reliability in all phases in the design, production,installation, and operation of this equipment.COMMENTARYThe users do not normally state how muchreliability they are willing to accept in newequipment-they always wa

49、nt all they can getwithin the bounds of reasonable equipmentcomplexity and cost. However, in the case of thePVS system the visibility of failures to thepassengers and resulting impact upon other cabinservices dictates a greater degree of reliabilitythan might be assumed for entertainment systems.1.8 Glossary of TermsCCTV Closed Circuit TV including a videocamera, video distribution equipment andmonitor/projector.Channel A term used in the context of audio toidentify each audio input (electrical) signal.It is also used in the context of Televisionto identify an RF transmission/r


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