ANSI AIIM MS19-1993 Standard Recommended Practice - Identification of Microforms《缩微胶片标识推荐惯例》.pdf

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ANSI AIIM MS19-1993 Standard Recommended Practice - Identification of Microforms《缩微胶片标识推荐惯例》.pdf_第5页
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1、AIIM MSLS 93 W LOL2348 O500462 821 ANSVAIIM MSl9-1993 Standard Approved As L- August 18, 1993 m m a 7 # 5 B 5 # Silver Spring, Maryland 20910-5699 z U 5n Association for Information and Image Management 1100 Wayne Avenue, Suite 1100 Telephone 3011587-8202 - I AIIM MS19 93 1012348 0500463 768 = ANSI/

2、AIIM MS19-1993 Standard for Information and Image Management - Standard Recommended Practice - Iden t if cat io n of M icrofo r ms Association for Information and Image Management This standard identifies ways of identifying microforms of private or public records. AIIM USIS 93 = Contents Foreword .

3、 i 1 Scope and purpose . .l 2 Normative references . .l 3 Definitions .l 4 Roll film targets .l 5 Microfiche targets - Computer Output Microfilm (COM) or source document . .9 6 Information sheet .ll Figures 1 Test target: reflectance, resolution and reduction ratio . .2 2 Microfilming sequence .3 3

4、4 AIIM X112 and AIIM X113, rotary camera e . AIIM X303 planetary camera test chart .5 test chart. . .6 5 Bibliographic target. .7 6 Title target .8 7 Declaration by camera operator .10 8 Information sheet .ll Annexes Annex A (informative) Blank targets and forms . .12 Annex A-1 Start .13 Annex A-2 R

5、oll No .14 Annex A-3 Continued from preceding roll. .15 Annex A-4 End of volume 16 Annex A-5 Continued on n roll . .17 0 Annex A-6 End-please rewind .18 Annex A-7 Title target . Annex A-8 Bibliographic target. . Annex A-9 Declaration by camera operator. . .21 Annex A- 10 Information sheet .22 Forewo

6、rd (This foreword is not part of American Na- tional Standard for Information Image Management ANSUAIIM MS19-1993 - Standard Recommended Practice - Identification of Microforms.) This standard is a revision of ANSIIAIIM MS19-1987, Recommended Practice for the Identification of Micro- forms, which wa

7、s a revision of ANSUAIIM MS19-1978, Recommended Practice for the Identification of Micro- forms. It is a compendium of the following standards that contain sections that refer to the identification of microforms: ANSIIAIIM MS5- 1992, Microfiche, ANSIIAIIM MS 14- 1988, Specifications for 16mm and 35m

8、m Roll Microfilm, and ANSUAIIM MS23- 199 1, Practice for Operational ProceduresIInspection and Quality Control of First-Generation Silver-Gelatin Microfilm of Documents. The purpose of this standard is to present, in a coherent format, various ways to identify microforms of private and public record

9、s. As written in the foreword of both the 1987 and 1978 versions of ANSUAHM MS19, “the practice of requiring fore and aft certification as LO12348 05004b4 bT4 the only legally acceptable substitute for original records is no longer considered viable or acceptable.” The mere placement of the declarat

10、ions does not guarantee the in- tegrity or the completeness of the original records, or the content accuracy of individual documents. However, following the practices as outlined in this standard recommended practice should satisfactorily identify and authenticate the microform copy to meet this req

11、uire- ment as stated in the Uniform Photographic Copies of Business and Public Records as Evidence Act, which has been adopted in some form by, most states in this country. All evidence submitted in court must be identified. By following this standard on the identification of micro- forms, the user

12、will: (1) establish the time/date records were microfilmed which can support the contention that the microfilming was accomplished during the regu- lar course of business; (2) identify the individual who performed the microfilming in case testimony from the microfilm operator is necessary; and (3) e

13、asily index from properly identified microforms. Correct use of proper identification through appropri- ate targets will serve to strengthen microfilm programs and help to achieve their universal acceptance. ANSIIAIIM MS19-1987 referenced ANSI 239.32-1981, Information on Microfiche Headings, which h

14、as since been withdrawn while it is being revised. The National Information Standards Organization (NISO), plans to re- vise ANSI 239.32-1981, pending completion of ANSI 239.62, Eye Legible Information on Microfilm Lead- ers and Trailers and on Containers of Processed Microfilm and Open Reels. This

15、version of ANSVAIIM MS19 references IS0 5123-1984, Documentation - Headers for Microfiche of Monographs and Serials, in place of ANSI 239.32-1981, Suggestions for improvement of this standard are wel- come. They should be sent to the Chair, AIIM Standards Board, Association for Information and Image

16、 Manage- ment, 1100 Wayne Avenue, Suite 1100, Silver Spring, Maryland 20910. At the time it approved this standard, the AIIM Stan- dards Board had the following members: Marilyn Courtot, Chair Thomas C. Bagg Association for Information and Image Management National Institute of Standards and Technol

17、ogy Thomas E. Berney Consultant Loretta DAgnolo American Express Bruce Evans 3M Company Company AIIM MS17 73 LO12348 0500465 530 Bruce A. Holroyd Don Klosterboer Anacomp, Inc. Alan S. Linden Wang Laboratories Charles A. Plesums USAA George Thoma National Library of Charles F. Touchton IBM Herbert J.

18、 White II Eastman Kodak Company E. Brien Lewis I-NET Medicine Genealogical Society of Utah The AIIM Public Records Committee, C 18, approved this standard. The committee had the following mem- bers at the time this standard was approved: Name of Representative Richard M. Harrington, Douglas P. ,411e

19、n Carl J. Anderson Tom Berney John Breeden Kathy Davis Marc R. DAlleyrand Chair Thomas Dibble Jeffrey Brownson Eric Erickson Cherron Faulkner Clara Jehle Edward Johnson Dorthea S. Kane Stephen C. Kernble Janice R. Kinzer Lester Kruger Karen-Marie Mason William E. IVeale William Ptacek Brent Reber Ad

20、ele Rehder George M. Reid Mark L. Smith Judy G. Sommervell Robert Starbird Herbert S. Wheling Albert H. Whitaker Donald G. Wilson William H. Wolchak Organization Represented Virginia State Library and Archives Business Records Corp. 3M Company Consultant Virginia Retirement System South Jersey Gas C

21、ompany Computer Retrieval and Imaging Systems National Center for State Courts Oregon State Archives Genealogical Society of Vermont Yankee Nuclear State of Alabama Consultant Henrico County Schools Jorm Microlab, Inc. Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission Consultant Arlington County Governm

22、ent First Image State of Nebraska Genealogical Society of Texas State Library South Carolina Archives Naval Air Development Sommervell I-. 31 mm (1.615 inches) X reduction * IS0 Test Chart 2 4 IS0 Test Chart 2 IS0 Test Chart 2 / / Reduction 2 mm 5.1 rnrn X reduction /c / 5 mm X reduction 6% reflecta

23、nce w / , I - m square I X reduction if“ Test Chart/ 7 - reflectance w-E / I I I ratio 2 mm high on Reduction X 10 rnm - - - 11 68 rnm X rrdurtion IS0 Test Chart 2 - 9, A E 6% reflectance backaround 1 rnm inches) ( ction Large Document Figure 1 - Test target: reflectance, resolution and reduction ra

24、tio 2 AIIM MS19 93 1012348 0500468 24T W STARTIEND -1 RETAKE ROLL NUMBER resolution and reduction ratio and section 4.2.6 propriate place within the filmed documents. See Figure (of this standard). Retake documents should be 2, Microfilming sequence. filmed. (4) The end retake should contain the fol

25、lowing in- 4.2.3 Start target The letters in the word “START” formation: End of retakes for roll should appear large enough so that the image on the film number will be at least 2.0mm (0.08 inch) high and can be read without magnification. See Annex A, Blank targets and forms. The complete retake fi

26、lm should be spliced in front of the START target or after the END target, or at its ap- Retake targets - (where applicable) Leading end of film Leader SOO mm (20 inches) minimum as needed for camera threading, sodium thiosulfate test area and reader/duplicator threading Retake targets (where applic

27、able) c3- RETAKE 1 START r-l ROLL NUMBER I INVOICES 1 JAN TO + Start target + Roll number target Technical target Special targets: restriction, or classification, target; information sheet; bibliographic target; and declaration by records custodian + Title target t Docu.ments being filmed (insert mi

28、scellaneous targets when needed) I .c - Special targets: declaration by camera operator I I Trailer 500 mm (20 inches) minimum as needed for reader/d up1 icator th read i ng, sod i um th iosu Ifate test patch (if desired) and camera threading Figure 2 - Microfilming sequence 3 AI11 ISIS 73 4.2A Roll

29、 Number target Numerals should be large enough so that their image on the film is at least 2.0mm (0.08 inch) high. The roll number may be used in the indexing system to indicate the roll on which the desired documents are located. See Annex A, Blank targets and forms. 4.2.5 Technical targets

30、 Planetary camera test targets Test targets for planetary cameras should be similar to Figure 1, Test target: reflectance, resolution and reduction ratio, or Figure 3, AHM X303 Planetary camera test chart. The test target in Figure 1 is generally used when microfilming large documents, such as engin

31、eering draw- ings or newspapers (see ANSI/AIIM MS24 and ANSI/- AIIM MS111). For engineering drawings and newspapers, the density of the 50 percent test element or reflectance patch on camera film should be 1.0 to 1.2 to ensure cor- rect exposure and reading of resolution targets. The 6 percent refle

32、ctance target approximates black ink on drawings. Figure 3, AIIM X303 Planetary camera test chart, is referenced in ANSUAIIM MS51 and is used when microfilming small documents. If certified resolution targets (or charts) are required, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) lOlOA,

33、Microcopy Resolution Test chart, should be used. These target!; are available from NIST? Rotary camera test charts ANSUAIIM MS17 defines a rotary camera test chart and how to use it. See Figure 4, AIIM Xll and X113, Rotary camera test chart. 4.2.6 Special targets The following are samples of

34、 targets that may be required for special purposes. See Figure 2, Microfilming sequence. 4.261 Restriction or classification target Any res- trictions on access or use, including further reproduc- tion or security classification, should be specified. The source of the classification (law, administra

35、tive determi- nation, donor or copyright) should also be specified. If the restrictions apply for a period of time, e.g., 20 years, the ending date of the restriction should be given, e.g., January 15, 2012. Bibliographic target If required, a biblio- graphic target may be used on microfilm

36、that is either to be acquired immediately by libraries or archives, or that is likely to be deposited in a library or archive at a later date. See Figure 5, Bibliographic target and An- nex A. Obtaining the Charts. X303 Planetary Camera Test Chart, X112 Rotary (Camera Test Chart (Plastic) and X113 R

37、otary Camera Test Chart (Paper) are available separately from this standard from the Association for Information and Image Management (AIIM), Publications Sales, 1100 Wayne Avenue, Suite 1100, Silver Spring, MD 20910; telephone (301) 587-8202 and fax (301) 587-2711 and other sources. The purpose of

38、this target is to ensure that the microfilm receives the same identification and description as does the original material. The target may be omitted from microfilm intended only for short term use. The target is concerned with bibliographic data and this identify- ing information must be supplied b

39、y the custodian of the material before microfilming. The camera operator is not normally in a position to supply such information. If the information is not submitted with the order, the camera operator should request it. The headings in the target are self-explanatory, except as follows: the author

40、 and title entries shall refer to the original material as it is to be filmed. If only a segment of a publication is to be filmed, author and title shall describe only that segment, with a citation of the entire original publication in parentheses. Care must be taken to show clearly which part of th

41、e original publication appears on the film. The location of rare and special copies of books should be given. If the material is located in numerous places, this infor- mation should be given. 4.263 Title target(s) Title target(s) should be includ- ed and contain, at a minimum, the following informa

42、- tion: Full identification of the organization, institution or governmental entity for which the microform is be- ing produced; name and title of the records custodi- adofficer at the time of filming; name and location of service bureau if filming is done by a vendor; reduction ratio; and series ti

43、tle and any dates, volume numbers or serial numbers needed to clearly identify the records. It may also be useful to include additional information on the Title target(s) such as image orientation, micro- form format and size, policy with regard to destruction of originals, and/or types of equipment

44、 utilized. See Figure 6, Title target and Annex A, Blank targets and forms. The use of an abbreviated eye-readable title target is also recommended. See ANSI Y1.l and ANSI 239.5 for ab- breviations. The letters should be large enough so that the image on the film is at least 2mm (0.08 inch) high, up

45、 through a reduction of 1:24. For unpublished records and manuscripts, the target should give the name of the organization or institution, the name of the unit or office whose records are involved, the title(s) of the records series, and other necessary in- formation, such as dates and file arrangem

46、ent. For example: (continued on page 9) * National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), Office of Standard Reference Materials, Building 202, Room 204, Gaithersburg, MD 20899; telephone (301) 975-6776 and fax (301) 948-3730. 4 AIIM MSLS 93 1012348 0500470 9T8 Centimeter 2 3 4 5 Inches LL Fi

47、gure 3 - AIIM X303 Planetary camera test chart 5 AIIM MS19 93 W 1012348 0500471 834 5 1/2 pt New , g m 1 6 8 3 The Observer May Have Astigmatism That May Cause Two Equal Groups Of Par i Ili pi Chelmi h n p 4 7 Y 5 III Addition To Ident8fring The Curiditioii Of A Parmldr Rotary Carneia. Their 7 pt Ne

48、w Gothic d r w J 8 O 2 1 Such A System If Not Properly Ad usted Or Assembled Or If 7 Dt Chelmsfnrrl t s u q 3 5 7 6 AS 1 he Rrduction I5 Raised, It WslI pcome Progressively I 7 pt New Gothic d r w J 8 O 2 1 Such A System Il Not Properly Ad usted Or Assembled Or If 9 pt Chelmsford h I I y 8 3 O 5 The

49、 Exact Reflectance Of The White Sk 7 pl Chelmsford t s u q 3 5 7 6 As The Reduithn Is Raised, li Will Become Progressively Ir 9 pt New Gothic z f, k v 8 3 O 5 Legibility May Be Judged By Scanning T 5 1/2 pt New Gothic o e g m 1 6 8 3 The Observer May Have Astigmatism That May Cause Two Equal Groups i Par 5 112 pl Chelmhrd b p 4 i 9 5 In Addition To Identifying The Coiidilion 01 A Panic111ar ROV Cdnirra Thci 7 pt Chelmsiord t s u q 3 3 7 6 As Thc Reduct;on lb Rdised. It Will einme Progre5sivey I. 7 pt New Gothic d r w I 8 O 2 1 Such A System If Not P


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