ANSI AMAC 500-L-2007 Laboratory Methods of Testing Louvers for Rating 《测试热流率用热控百叶窗的实验室方法》.pdf

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ANSI AMAC 500-L-2007 Laboratory Methods of Testing Louvers for Rating 《测试热流率用热控百叶窗的实验室方法》.pdf_第1页
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1、The International Authority on Air System ComponentsAIRMOVEMENTANDCONTROLASSOCIATION INTERNATIONAL, INC.ANSI/AMCAStandard 500-L-07Laboratory Methods ofTesting Louvers for RatingAn American National StandardApproved by ANSI on January 17, 2006ANSI/AMCA STANDARD 500-L-07Laboratory Methods of TestingLo

2、uvers for RatingAir Movement and Control Association International, Inc.30 West University DriveArlington Heights, IL 60004-1893 2007 by Air Movement and Control Association International, Inc.All rights reserved. Reproduction or translation of any part of this work beyond that permitted by Sections

3、 107 and108 of the United States Copyright Act without the permission of the copyright owner is unlawful. Requests forpermission or further information should be addressed to the Chief Staff Executive, Air Movement and ControlAssociation International, Inc. at 30 West University Drive, Arlington Hei

4、ghts, IL 60004-1893 U.S.A.AuthorityAMCA Standard 500-L-07 was adopted by the membership of the Air Movement and Control AssociationInternational, Inc. on 19 October, 2006. It was approved as an American National Standard by the AmericanNational Standards Institute (ANSI) and became effective on 11 J

5、anuary 2007.ANSI/AMCA 500-L Review CommitteeRobert Van Becelaere, Chairman Ruskin Manufacturing Co.Larry Carnahan Airline ProductsSharyn I. Blanchard The Airolite CompanyRoger Lichtenwald American Warming I-P units are the foot (ft.) or the inch (in.). The unit ofmass is the kilogram (kg); the I-P u

6、nit is thepoundmass (lbm). The unit of time is either theminute (min) or the second (s). The unit oftemperature is either the degree Celsius (C) orkelvin (K). I-P units are either the degree Fahrenheit(F) or the degree Rankine (R). The unit of force isthe newton (N); the I-P unit is the pound (lb).3

7、.3 Airflow rate and velocity3.3.1 Airflow rate. The unit of volumetric airflow rateis the cubic meter per second (m3/s); the I-P unit isthe cubic foot per minute (cfm). 3.3.2 Airflow velocity. The unit of airflow velocity isthe meter per second (m/s); the I-P unit is the foot perminute (fpm).3.4 Wat

8、er flow rateThe unit of liquid volume is the liter (L); the I-P unit isthe gallon (gal). The unit of liquid flow rate is the literper second (L/s); the I-P unit is the gallon per minute(gpm).3.5 PressureThe unit of pressure is the pascal (Pa) or themillimeter of mercury (mm Hg); the I-P unit is eith

9、erthe inch water gauge (in. wg), or the inch mercurycolumn (in. Hg). Values in mm Hg or in in. Hg shallbe used only for barometric pressure measurements.The in. wg shall be based on a one inch column ofdistilled water at 68F under standard gravity and agas column balancing effect based on standard a

10、ir.The in. Hg shall be based on a one inch column ofmercury at 32F under standard gravity in a vacuum.The mm Hg shall be based on a one mm column ofmercury at 0C under standard gravity in a vacuum.3.6 TorqueThe unit of torque is the newton-meter (N-m); the I-Punit is the pound-inch,(lb-in.). 3.7 Gas

11、 propertiesThe unit of density is the kilogram per cubic meter(kg/m3); the I-P unit is the pound mass per cubic footAMCA INTERNATIONAL, INC. ANSI/AMCA 500-L-072(lbm/ft3). The unit of viscosity is the Pascal-second,(Pa-s); the I-P unit is the pound mass per foot-second(lbm/ft-s). The SI unit of gas c

12、onstant is the joule perkilogram-kelvin (J/kg-K); the I-P unit is the foot-poundper pound mass-degree Rankine, (ft-lbf/lbm-R). 3.8 Dimensionless groupsVarious dimensionless quantities appear in the text.Any consistent system of units may be employed toevaluate these quantities unless a numerical fac

13、tor isincluded, in which case units must be as specified.3.9 Physical constantsThe value of standard gravitational acceleration shallbe taken as 9.80665 m/s2(32.174 ft/s2) at mean sealevel at 45 latitude 2. The density of distilled waterat saturation pressure shall be taken as 998.278kg/m3(62.3205 l

14、bm/ft3) at 20C (68F) 3. Thedensity of mercury at saturation pressure shall betaken at 13595.1 kg/m3(848.714 lbm/ft3) at 0C(32F) 3. The specific weights in kg/m3(lbm/ft3) ofthese fluids under standard gravity in a vacuum arenumerically equal to their densities at correspondingtemperatures.ANSI/AMCA 5

15、00-L-074. Symbols and Subscripts4.1 Symbols and subscripted symbolsSYMBOL DESCRIPTION SI UNIT I-P UNITA Area of Cross-Section m2ft2AcLouver Core Area/Area of hole in Calibration Plate m2ft2C Nozzle Discharge Coefficient dimensionlessD Diameter and Equivalent Diameter m ftDhHydraulic Diameter m ftE E

16、nergy Factor dimensionlessE Effectiveness %F Beam Load N lbg Acceleration due to gravity m/s2ft/s2G Water Volume Flow Rate L/s gpmKpCompressibility Coefficient dimensionlessl Length of Moment Arm m inL Nozzle Throat Dimension m ftLeEquivalent Length of Straightener m ftLx,xNLength of Duct Between Pl

17、anes x and xN m ftM Chamber Dimension m ftn Number of Readings dimensionlessN Speed of Rotation rpm rpmPsStatic Pressure Pa in. wg PsxStatic Pressure at Plane x Pa in. wgPtTotal Pressure Pa in. wgPtxTotal Pressure at Plane x Pa in. wgPvVelocity Pressure Pa in. wgPvxVelocity Pressure at Plane x Pa in

18、. wgpbCorrected Barometric Pressure Pa in. HgpeSaturated Vapor Pressure at twPa in. HgppPartial Vapor Pressure Pa in. HgQ Louver Airflow Rate m3/s cfmQxAirflow Rate at Plane x m3/s cfmqdWater Penetration Rate Collected Downstream of the Test Louver L/h gpmqsWater Supply Rate to Nozzles L/h gpmquWate

19、r Rejection Rate Collected Upstream of the Test Louver L/h gpmQvVolume rate of Airflow at Flow Meter m3/s cfmSUBSCRIPT DESCRIPTIONc Converted parameterDS Louver and systeml Outlet of Louver under Testm Measuring Point at the Airflow Metern Value at Selected Point of Airflow Rate/Static Pressure Curv

20、eo Measured value with Calibration Plater Readings Systemx Plane 0, 1, 2, ., as appropriate0 Plane 0 (general test area)1 Plane of inlet of louver being tested2 Plane of outlet of louver being tested3 Plane of Pitot traverse4 Plane of duct Psmeasurement downstream of louver being tested5 Plane of no

21、zzle inlet Psmeasurement6 Plane of nozzle discharge station7 Plane of Psmeasurement in chamber downstream of louver being tested8 Plane of Psmeasurement in chamber upstream of louver being tested9 Plane of duct Psmeasurement of upstream louver being tested (used to show correct values against refere

22、nces values)3ANSI/AMCA 500-L-07Qw/a Rainfall rate through the calibration plate L/h/m2gpm/ft2R Gas Constant J/kg-K ft-lb/lbm-RRe Reynolds Number dimensionlessT Torque N-m lb- in.tdDry-Bulb Temperature C FtsStatic Temperature C FttTotal Temperature C FtwWet-Bulb Temperature C F V Velocity m/s fpmvwWi

23、nd Velocity m/s fpmvcCore Velocity m/s fpmw Weight of water g oz.W Rainfall Rate mm/hr. in./hr.y Thickness of Straightener Element m ftY Nozzle Expansion Factor dimensionlessz Function Used to Determine Kpdimensionless Static Pressure Ratio for Nozzles dimensionless Diameter Ratio for Nozzles dimens

24、ionless Ratio of Specific Heats dimensionlessP Pressure Differential Pa in. wgPnPressure Differential Across Nozzle Pa in. wgpx,xPressure Differential Between Planes x and x Pa in. wg Air Viscosity Pa- s lbm/ft-s Air Density kg/m3lbm/ft3xAir Density at Plane x kg/m3lbm/ft34.2 Additional subscripts (

25、planes of measurement)45. Definitions5.1 LouverA louver is a device comprised of multiple bladeswhich, when mounted in an opening, permits the flowof air but inhibits the entrance of other elements.5.1.1 Fixed blade louver. A louver in which theblades do not move. 5.1.2 Adjustable blade louver. A lo

26、uver in whichthe blades may be operated either manually or bymechanical means.5.2 Air control louverA mechanical device which does not fit the definitionof a louver and which, when placed in a duct oropening, is used to regulate airflow.5.3 Free areaThe minimum area through which air can pass. It is

27、determined by multiplying the sum of the minimumdistances between intermediate blades, top bladeand head and bottom blade and sill, by the minimumdistance between jambs. The percent of free area isthe free area thus calculated, divided by the grossarea of the air control louver 100. See louvercross-

28、sections (Figure 1).5.3.1 Free area velocity. Airflow through a louverdivided by its free area. 5.4 Face area and core area5.4.1 Face area. The total cross sectional area of alouver, duct or wall opening. Face area velocity. Airflow through a louverdivided by its face area.5.4.2 Core area. Th

29、e product of the minimum heightH and minimum width W of the front opening in thelouver assembly with the louver blades removed (seeFig. 12). Louver calibration plate. The louvercalibration plate is a plate having an opening of thesame geometric shape and dimensions as the corearea of the test

30、 specimen. Core area velocity. The airflow rate throughthe louver divided by the core area. Core ventilation rate. The airflow ratethrough the core area of the louver.5.5 Psychrometrics5.5.1 Dry-bulb. The air temperature measured by adry temperature sensor.5.5.2 Wet-bulb. The temperatu

31、re measured by atemperature sensor covered by a water-moistenedwick and exposed to air in motion. When properlymeasured, it is a close approximation of thetemperature of adiabatic saturation.5.5.3 Wet-bulb depression. The difference betweendry-bulb and wet-bulb temperatures at the samelocation.5.5.4

32、 Stagnation (total) temperature. Thetemperature that exists by virtue of the internal andkinetic energy of the air. If the air is at rest, thestagnation (total) temperature will equal the statictemperature. 5.5.5 Static temperature. The temperature whichexists by virtue of the internal energy of the

33、 air only.If a portion of the internal energy is converted intokinetic energy, the static temperature will bedecreased accordingly. 5.5.6 Air density. The mass per unit volume of air. 5.5.7 Standard air. Standard air is air with a densityof 1.2 kg/m3(0.075 lbm/ft3), a ratio of specific heats of1.4,

34、a viscosity of 1.8185 10-5Pa-s (1.222 10-5lbm/ft-s). Air at 20C (68F) temperature, 50% relativehumidity, and 101.3207 kPa (29.92 in. Hg) barometricpressure has these properties, approximately.5.6 Pressure5.6.1 Pressure. Force per unit area. Thiscorresponds to energy per unit volume of fluid.5.6.2 Ab

35、solute pressure. The value of a pressurewhen the datum pressure is absolute zero. It isalways positive.5.6.3 Barometric pressure. The absolute pressureexerted by the atmosphere at the location ofmeasurement.5.6.4 Gauge pressure. The value of a pressurewhen the reference pressure is the barometricpre

36、ssure at the point of measurement. It may benegative or positive.5.6.5 Velocity pressure. That portion of the airpressure which exists by virtue of the rate of motiononly. It is always positive. ANSI/AMCA 500-L-0755.6.6 Static pressure. That portion of the airpressure which exists by virtue of the d

37、egree ofcompression only. If expressed as gauge pressure, itmay be negative or positive.5.6.7 Total pressure. The air pressure which existsby virtue of the degree of compression and the rateof motion. It is the algebraic sum of the velocitypressure and the static pressure at a point. Thus, ifthe air

38、 is at rest, the total pressure will equal the staticpressure. 5.6.8 Pressure differential. The change in staticpressure across a louver.5.7 Performance variables5.7.1 Pressure drop. The difference in pressurebetween two points in a flow system, usually causedby frictional resistance to fluid flow t

39、hrough anopening, in a duct or other flow system.Pressure drop is a measure of the resistance toairflow across a louver. It is expressed as thedifference in static pressure across the louver for aspecific rate of airflow. 5.7.2 Air leakage. The amount of air passingthrough a louver when it is in the

40、 closed position andat a specific pressure differential. It is expressed asthe volumetric rate of air passing through the louverdivided by the face area.5.7.3 Water penetration. The amount of waterpassing through a louver while air is flowing throughit at a specific free area velocity. It is express

41、ed asthe weight of water passing through the louverdivided by the free area, at a specified free areavelocity. Insertion loss. The difference in simulatedrain penetration between the test specimen and thecalibration plate at the same test conditions. Louver effectiveness. The effective

42、ness ofa louver at any core area velocity through the louveris the insertion loss of the louver assembly divided bythe water penetration of the calibration plate at thatvelocity.5.8 Miscellaneous5.8.1 Shall and should. The word shall is to beunderstood as mandatory; the word should asadvisory. 5.8.2

43、 Determination. A determination is a completeset of measurements for a particular point ofoperation of the test louver. The measurements mustbe sufficient to determine all appropriateperformance variables as defined in Section 5.7. 5.8.3 Test. A series of determinations for variouspoints of operatio

44、n of a louver. 5.8.4 Energy factor. Energy factor is the ratio of thetotal kinetic energy of the airflow to the kinetic energycorresponding to the average velocity of air.6. Instruments and Methods of Measurement6.1 Accuracy 4The specifications for instruments and methods ofmeasurement which follow

45、include both accuracyrequirements and specific examples of equipmentthat are capable of meeting those requirements.Equipment other than the examples cited may beused provided the accuracy requirements are met orexceeded.6.2 PressureThe total pressure at a point shall be measured on anindicator, such

46、 as a manometer, with one leg open toatmosphere and the other leg connected to a totalpressure sensor, such as a total pressure tube or theimpact tap of a Pitot-static tube. The static pressureat a point shall be measured on an indicator, such asa manometer, with one leg open to the atmosphereand th

47、e other leg connected to a static pressuresensor, such as a static pressure tap or the static tapof a Pitot-static tube. The velocity pressure at a pointshall be measured on an indicator, such as amanometer, with one leg connected to a totalpressure sensor, such as the impact tap of a Pitot-static t

48、ube, and the other leg connected to a staticpressure sensor, such as the static tap of the samePitot-static tube. The differential pressure betweentwo points shall be measured on an indicator, such asa manometer, with one leg connected to theupstream sensor, such as a static pressure tap, andthe other leg connected to the downstream sensor,such as a static pressure tap. 6.2.1 Manometers and other pressure indicatinginstruments. Pressure shall be measured onmanometers of the liquid column type using inclinedor vertical legs or other instrument

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