ANSI ASME PVHO-1 INTERPRETATIONS-2011 Interpretations to PVHO-1997 Safety Standard for Pressure Vessels for Human Occupancy (Includes Interpretations Volumes 1 3 4 and 6).pdf

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1、ASME PVHO-1 INTERPRETATIONSASME PVHO-1INTERPRETATIONS VOLUME 6Replies to Technical InquiriesOctober 10, 2008 Through January 13, 2011FOREWORDIt has been agreed to publish interpretations issued by the PVHO Committee concerningPVHO-1 as part of the update service. This publication includes interpreta

2、tions concerningPVHO-1issued betweenOctober10,2008 andJanuary13, 2011.Theyhavebeen assignedinterpre-tation numbers in chronological order. Each interpretation applies to the latest edition at the timeofissuanceoftheinterpretation ortheEditionstatedinthereply.Subsequent revisionstoPVHO-1may have supe

3、rseded the reply. These interpretations are not part of the Edition.The replies are taken verbatim from the original letters, except for a few typographical andeditorial corrections made for the purpose of improved clarity.ASME procedures provide for reconsideration of these interpretations when or

4、if additionalinformation is available that the inquirer believes might affect the interpretation. Further, personsaggrieved by an interpretation may appeal to the cognizant ASME committee or subcommittee.ASME does not “approve,” “certify,” “rate,” or “endorse” any item, construction, proprietarydevi

5、ce, or activity.I-1ASME PVHO-1 INTERPRETATIONSInterpretation: 6-1Subject: Window CertificationDate Issued: October 10, 2008File: 08-833Question: Can a window fabricator mark a window “PVHO” that he has fabricated if he doesnot have a correctly completed, signed, and dated acrylic window design certi

6、fication formintended for said window in his possession at the time of fabrication?Reply: No.Interpretation: 6-2Subject: Joint Design, Para. 1-7.1(a)Date Issued: November 20, 2008File: 08-1446Question: May welded Category C corner joints, connecting the shell to the flat head ofhyperbaricmedical pre

7、ssurevessels forhumanoccupancy, beconstructed, utilizingafull penetra-tion groove weld with additional fillet weld e.g., as shown in BPVC Section VIII, Div. 1,Fig. UW-13.2(a)?Reply: No.Interpretation: 6-3Subject: Strain GagingDate Issued: February 10, 2010File: 09-863Question: Do PVHOs designed for

8、external pressure loading in accordance with the BPVCSection VIII, Div. 1 rules require strain gaging during the hydrostatic test per PVHO-12007,para. 1-7.13.6(c), Strain Gaging?Reply: No.Interpretation: 6-4Subject: External Pressure TestDate Issued: April 6, 2010File: 10-441Question: For the case o

9、f externally pressurized PVHOs, is it the intent of PVHO-1 that therequired external test pressure differential (1.25 times the maximum operating pressure) acrossthe pressure boundary can be developed by use of external pressure, internal vacuum, or acombination of the two methods?Reply: Yes.I-2ASME

10、 PVHO-1 INTERPRETATIONSInterpretation: 6-5Subject: External Pressure TestDate Issued: October 18, 2010File: 10-1109Question (1): Does PVHO-1 allow for the use of the internal hydrostatic or pneumatic test at1.3P in BPVC Section VIII, Div. 1, para. UG-99(f) (called out in Mandatory Appendix 13, Vesse

11、lsof Noncircular Cross Section) to meet the external hydrostatic pressure test requirements ofpara. 1-7.13.1 for a flat-sided PVHO subject to external pressure or internal vacuum?Reply (1): No.Question (2): Does PVHO-1 require both the internal hydrostatic or pneumatic test at 1.3P inBPVC Section VI

12、II, Div. 1, para. UG-99(f) (called out in Mandatory Appendix 13, Vessels ofNoncircular Cross Section) and the external hydrostatic pressure test of para. 1-7.13.1 for a flat-sided PVHO subject to external pressure or internal vacuum?Reply (2): No.Question (3): Does PVHO-1 allow, for a flat-sided PVH

13、O shell subject to an external pressureor an internal vacuum (that is not stay bolted), the hydrostatic test of 3H11547P per BPVC Section VIII,Div.1,para.UG-28(i)tomeettheexternalhydrostaticpressuretestrequirementsofpara. 1-7.13.1?Reply (3): No.Interpretation: 6-6Subject: Joint Design Intermediate H

14、eadsDate Issued: October 18, 2010File: 10-1110Question: Under para. 1-7.1(c), should the reference to Fig. UW-13.1(f) be to Fig. UW-13.1(e)instead?Reply: Yes.Interpretation: 6-7Subject: Joint Design Intermediate HeadsDate Issued: October 18, 2010File: 10-1111Question: May the design of attachment bu

15、tt welds of intermediate heads to shellFig. UW-13.1(e) be based on an allowable shear stress value that is 20% less than the allowablestress in tension of the material?Reply: No.I-3ASME PVHO-1 INTERPRETATIONSInterpretation: 6-8Subject: Window MarkingsDate Issued: January 13, 2011File: 11-73Question

16、(1): May the standard and additional window identification markings addressed inparas. 2-6.1 and 2-6.4 of PVHO-1 be applied in an alternate location to that specified in para. 2-6.1so as to facilitate verifying the windows markings without requiring the removal of the windowfrom the viewport assembl

17、y?Reply (1): No.Question (2): May the standard and additional window identification markings addressed inparas. 2-6.1 and 2-6.4 of PVHO-1 be duplicated in a location other than that specified in para.2-6.1 so as to facilitate verifying the windows markings without requiring the removal of thewindow

18、from the viewport assembly?Reply (2): No.I-4ASME PHVO-1 INTERPRETATIONS NO. 4 Replies to Technical Inquiries June 1,1996, through September 8,1999 It has been agreed to publish interpretations issued by the PVHO Committee concerning PVHO-I as part of the update service. This publication includes int

19、erpretations concerning PVHO-I issued between June 1, 1996 and September 8, 1999. They have been assigned interpretation numbers in chronological order. Each interpretation applies to the latest Edition or Addenda at the time of issuance of the interpretation or the Edition or Addenda stated in the

20、reply. Subsequent revisions to PVHO-1 may have superseded the reply. These interpretations are not a part of the Edition or its Addenda. These replies are taken verbatim from the original letters, except for a few typographical and editorial corrections made for the pupse of improved clarity. ASME p

21、rocedures provide for reconsideration of these interpretations when or if additional information is available which the inquirer believes might affect the interpretation. Further, persons aggrieved by an interpretation may appeal to the cognizant ASME committee or subcommittee. ASME does not “approv

22、e,” “certify,” “rate,” or “endorse” any item, construction, proprietary device, or activity. 13 ASME PVHO-1 Interpretations 4-1, 4-2. 4-3. 4-4 Interpretation: 4-1 Subject: Viewport Life Date Issued: July 10, 1996 Question: When does the life of an acrylic window begin? Reply: As per Section 2, Artic

23、le 6 of ASME PVHO-1, in all cases, the life begins when the window fabricator completes the fabrication process and places the PVHO markings on the window. Interpretation: 4-2 Subject: O-rings/Seals Date Issued: July 10, 1996 Question (1): Is neoprene the only elastomer permitted for O-rings/seals f

24、or PVHO windows? Reply (1): No. Question (2): Does ASME PVHO-I exclude the use of nitrile for O-rings/seals? Reply (2): No, it is not excluded. Question (3): Is hardness of 75 (i.e., 75 Shore Durometer A scale) acceptable for these applications? Reply (3): It is dependent upon the design. As a matte

25、r of published policy, ASME does not approve, certify, rate, or endorse any item, construction, proprietary device, or activity. ASME has no jurisdictional powers and does not require equipment to be built to its standards. Interpretation: 4-3 Subject: Table 2-3.2 Date Issued: January 16, 1997 Quest

26、ion: Is it required that each individual Type 1 custom casting have physical property testing done in accordance with Table 2-3.2? Reply: Yes. Manufacturers and Fabricators of acrylic components for use in PVHO applications, as specified in Section 2 of the PVHO standard, shall respond to Section 2,

27、 Article 3 of the PVHO standard. Interpretation: 4-4 Subject: Comer Joints Date Issued: April 1, 1999 Question: Does ASME PVHO-1-1997 require comer joints to be 100% radiographed? Reply: No. See paras. 1 S.2 and 1 S.3 for inspection requirements. 44L4-6 ASME PVHO-1 Interpretations Interpretation: 4-

28、5 Subject: Viewport Life Date Issued: April 2 1, 1999 Question: In ASME PVHO-1-1997, is the term design life to be considered the service life for acrylic windows? Reply: No. The PVHO standard does not have requirements for the service life of acrylic windows. Interpretation: 4-6 Subject: Definition

29、 of Viewport Date Issued: September 8, 1999 Question: In ASME PVHO-1-1997, does the term viewport include acrylic tubes? Reply: Yes. 16 ASME Services ASME is committed to developing and delivering technical information. At ASMEs Information Central, we make every effort to answer your questions and

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31、atus Publications Public Information Self-Study Courses Shipping Information SubscriptiondJournaIshlagazines Symposia Volumes Technical Papers How can you reach us? Its easier than ever! There are four options for making inquiries* or placing orders. Simply mail, phone, fax, or E-mail us and an Info

32、rmation Central representative will handle your request. Mail Call Toll Free Fax-24 hours E-Mail- ASME US & Canada: 800-THE-ASME 973-882-1717 24 hours 22 Law Drive, Box 2900 (800-843-2763) 973-882-5 155 Fairfield, New Jersey Mexico: 95-800-THE-ASME 07007-2900 (95-800-843-2763) Un

33、iversal: 973-882- 1 167 * Information Central staff are not permitted to answer inquiries about the technical content of this code or standard. Information as to whether or not technical inquiries are issued to this code or standard is shown on the copyright page. Ail technical inquiries must be sub

34、mitted in writing to the staff secretary. Additional procedures for inquiries may be listed within. A9297B STD-ASME PVHO-L INT N0.3-ENGL m 0757b70 0580587 ALL W ASME PHVO-1 INTERPRETATIONS NO. 3 Replies to Technical Inquiries June 1, 1995, through May 31,1996 It has been agreed to publish interpreta

35、tions issued by the PVHO Committee concerning PVHO-I as part of the update service. This publication includes interpretations concerning PVHO-1 issued between June 1, 1995 and May 3 1, 1996. They have been assigned interpretation numbers in chronological order. Each interpretation applies to the lat

36、est Edition or Addenda at the time of issuance of the interpretation or the Edition or Addenda stated in the reply. Subsequent revisions to PVHO-1 may have superseded the reply. These interpretations are not a part of the Edition or its Addenda. These replies are taken verbatim from the original let

37、ters, except for a few typographical and editorial corrections made for the purpose of improved clarity. ASME procedures provide for reconsideration of these interpretations when or if additional information is available which the inquirer believes might affect the interpretation. Further, persons a

38、ggrieved by an interpretation may appeal to the cognizant ASME committee or subcommittee. ASME does not “approve,” “certify,” “rate,” or “endorse” any item, construction, proprietary device, or activity. 9 STD-ASME PVHO-L INT N0.3-ENGL m 0757b70 0580570 533 ASME PVHO-1 Interpretations Interpretation

39、: 3-1 Subject: Window Repair Date Issued: June 24, 1994 Question (I): May the allowable diameter of inclusions per para. C8 of Appendix C of PVHO-I be increased? Reply (i): No. Question (2): May repairs be made to window geometries other than those in para. C8 of Appendix C of PVHO- I ? Reply (2): No. Repairs may only be performed on windows with spherical surfaces and the repaired spot only, subject to compressive stresses per para. C8 of Appendix C of PVHO-I. 3-1 II

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