ANSI ASTM F1484-2015 Standard Test Methods for Performance of Steam Cookers.pdf

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1、Designation: F1484 15 An American National StandardStandard Test Methods forPerformance of Steam Cookers1This standard is issued under the fixed designation F1484; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last re

2、vision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon () indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1. Scope1.1 These test methods evaluate the energy consumptionand cooking performance of steam cookers. The food serviceoperator can use

3、this evaluation to select a steam cooker andunderstand its energy consumption.1.2 These test methods are applicable to the following steamcookers: high-pressure, low-pressure, pressureless and vacuumsteam cookers (Specification F1217 Grades A, B, C and D);convection and non-convection steam cookers;

4、 steam cookerswith self-contained gas-fired, electric, or steam coil steamgenerators, and those connected directly to an external potablesteam source (Specification F1217 Styles i, ii, iii, and iv). Thesteam cookers will be tested for the following (where appli-cable):1.2.1 Maximum energy input rate

5、 (see 10.2).1.2.2 Preheat energy consumption and duration (see 10.3).1.2.3 Idle energy rate (see 10.5).1.2.4 Pilot energy rate (see 10.6).1.2.5 Frozen green pea cooking energy efficiency (see 10.8).1.2.6 Frozen green pea production capacity (see 10.8).1.2.7 Whole potato cooking energy efficiency (se

6、e 10.9).1.2.8 Whole potato production capacity (see 10.9).1.2.9 Water consumption (see 10.7, 10.9, and 10.10).1.2.10 Condensate temperature (see 10.8 and 10.9).1.2.11 Cooking uniformity (see 10.11).1.3 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regardedas standard. The SI units given in parenth

7、eses are for informa-tion only.1.4 This standard may involve hazardous materials,operations, and equipment. It does not address all of the safetyconcerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibilityof the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety andhealth practices and det

8、ermine the applicability of regulatorylimitations prior to use.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:2D3588 Practice for Calculating Heat Value, CompressibilityFactor, and Relative Density of Gaseous FuelsF1217 Specification for Cooker, Steam2.2 ASHRAE Documents:3ASHRAE Handbook of Fundamentals

9、Thermal and RelatedProperties of Food and Food Materials, Chapter 30, Table1, 1989ASHRAE Handbook of Fundamentals ThermodynamicProperties of Water at Saturation, Chapter 6, Table 2, 19892.3 Other Document:4Development and Application of a Uniform Testing Proce-dure for Steam Cookers3. Terminology3.1

10、 Definitions:3.1.1 boiler, nself-contained vessel, separate from thecooking cavity, wherein water is boiled to produce steam forthe steam cooker. Also called a steam generator.3.1.2 condensate, nmixture of condensed steam and cool-ing water, exiting the steam cooker and directed to the floordrain.3.

11、1.3 cooking energy effciency, nquantity of energy im-parted to the specified food product expressed as a percentageof energy consumed by the steam cooker during the cookingevent.3.1.4 cooking energy rate, naverage rate of energy con-sumption (kBtu/h or kW) during the cooking energy efficiencytest. R

12、efers to any loading scenario in the green pea or potatoload tests.3.1.5 electric energy rate, nrefers to rate of electric energyconsumption (kW) by steam cookers whose primary fuelsource is not electricity (for example, gas). Electric energy is1These test methods are under the jurisdiction ofASTM C

13、ommittee F26 on FoodService Equipment and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee F26.06 onProductivity and Energy Protocol.Current edition approved Nov. 1, 2015. Published February 2016. Originallyapproved in 1993. Last previous edition approved in 2012 as F1484 12. DOI:10.1520/F1484-15.2For r

14、eferenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, orcontact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume information, refer to the standards Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.3Available from American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air

15、Condition-ing Engineers, Inc., 1791 Tullie Circle, NE, Atlanta, GA 30329.4Available from the Food Service Technology Center, 12949 Alcosta Blvd.,#101, San Ramon, CA 94583.Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States1measured and re

16、ported separately from the primary fuel energyso that the respective fuel prices can be applied to estimateenergy costs.3.1.6 green pea load, n12 by 20 by 212 in. (300 by 500 by65 mm) perforated hotel pan filled with 8.0 6 0.01 lb (3.6 6.005 kg) of fresh-frozen, grade A, green peas.3.1.7 high-pressu

17、re steam cooker, nsteam cooker whereincooking compartment operates between 10 and 15 psig (Speci-fication F1217 Classification Grade C).3.1.8 idle energy rate, nrate of energy consumed by thesteam cooker while maintaining the boiler or reservoir at amanufacturer-defined operating pressure or tempera

18、ture withno cooking taking place.3.1.9 low-pressure steam cooker, nsteam cooker whereincooking compartment operates between 3 and 9.9 psig (Speci-fication F1217 Classification Grade B).3.1.10 maximum energy input rate, npeak rate at which anappliance consumes energy, typically reflected during prehe

19、at.3.1.11 pilot energy rate, nrate of energy consumption(kBtu/h) by a gas steam cookers standing pilot (if applicable).3.1.12 potato load, none 12 by 20 by 212 in. (300 by 500by 65 mm) perforated hotel pan filled with 50 6 2 fresh, whole,US No. 1, size B, red potatoes, weighing 8.0 6 0.2 lb (3.6 60.

20、1 kg).3.1.13 preheat, nprocess of bringing the steamer (boiler)water from city supply temperature to operating temperature(pressure).3.1.14 preheat duration, ntotal time required for preheat,from preheat initiation at controls to when the steam cooker isready to cook.3.1.15 preheat energy, namount o

21、f energy consumed bythe steam cooker during a preheat.3.1.16 pressureless steam cooker, nsteam cooker whereincooking compartment operates between 0 and 2.9 psig (Speci-fication F1217 Classification Grade A).3.1.17 production capacity, nmaximum rate (lb (kg)/h) atwhich steam cooker can bring the spec

22、ified food product to aspecified “cooked” condition.3.1.18 production rate, nrate (lb (kg)/h) at which steamcooker brings the specified food product to a specified“cooked” condition. Does not necessarily refer to maximumrate. The production rate varies with the loading scenario andthe amount of prod

23、uct being cooked.3.1.19 steam cooker, ncooking appliance wherein heat isimparted to food in a closed compartment by direct contactwith steam. The compartment can be at or above atmosphericpressure. The steam can be static or circulated.3.1.20 water consumption, nwater consumed by the steamcooker. In

24、cludes both water used in the production of steamand cooling water (if applicable) for condensing/cooling un-used steam.4. Summary of Test Method4.1 The maximum energy input rate is determined to checkwhether the steam cooker is operating properly. If the mea-sured input rate is not within 5 % of th

25、e rated input, all furthertesting ceases and the manufacturer is contacted. The manu-facturer may make appropriate changes or adjustments to thesteam cooker.4.2 The energy and time required to preheat the steamer toan operating condition are determined.4.3 Idle energy rate is determined for the stea

26、mer while it ismaintaining operating pressure or temperature when no cook-ing is taking place.4.4 Pilot energy rate is determined when applicable to a gasfired steam cooker under test.4.5 Green pea cooking energy efficiency is determined bycooking a capacity number of frozen green pea loads from 0 t

27、o180F (18 to 82C).4.6 Whole potato cooking energy efficiency is determinedby cooking a capacity number of fresh whole potatoes to aspecified doneness.4.7 Green pea load and whole potato load productioncapacities (lbpea/h or lbpotato/h (kgpea/h or kgpotato/h) aredetermined by the respective cooking e

28、nergy efficiency tests.4.8 Water consumption (gal/h (L/h) is monitored during allcooking energy efficiency tests to determine the rate of waterusage.4.9 Condensate temperature is monitored during all cookingenergy efficiency tests.4.10 The uniformity of heating within the steamers com-partment is de

29、termined and reported based on the averagetemperature on each pan during ice load cooking tests (pans ofice simulating pans of frozen food).5. Significance and Use5.1 The maximum energy input rate test is used to confirmthat the steam cooker is operating at the manufacturers ratedinput. This test wo

30、uld also indicate any problems with theelectric power supply, gas service pressure, or steam supplyflow or pressure.5.2 Preheat energy and duration can be useful to foodservice operators for managing power demands and knowinghow quickly the steam cooker can be ready for operation.5.3 Idle energy rat

31、e and pilot energy rate can be used toestimate energy consumption.5.4 Green pea cooking energy efficiency is an indicator ofsteam cooker energy performance when cooking frozen prod-ucts under various loading conditions. This allows the foodservice operator to consider energy costs when selecting ast

32、eam cooker.5.5 Potato cooking energy efficiency is an indicator of steamcooker energy performance when cooking foods that requirelong cook times (for example, potatoes, beans, rice, lasagna orcasserole rethermalization). The test demonstrates the differ-ence in energy efficiency between pressure and

33、 pressurelesssteam cookers for this type of cooking event. The informationmay help a food service operator to evaluate what type ofF1484 152steamer to select (pressure versus pressureless versus dualpressure mode) from an energy performance perspective.5.6 Green pea production capacity and potato pr

34、oductioncapacity can be used by food service operators to choose asteam cooker to match their particular food output require-ments.5.7 Water consumption characterization is useful for esti-mating water and sewerage costs associated with applianceoperation.5.8 Condensate temperature measurement is us

35、eful to verifythat the temperature does not exceed regional building codelimits.5.9 Cooking uniformity provides information regarding thesteamers ability to cook food at the same rate throughout thesteamers compartment.6. Apparatus6.1 Watt-Hour Meter, for measuring the electrical energyconsumption o

36、f a steam cooker, shall have a resolution of atleast 10 Wh and a maximum uncertainty no greater than 1.5 %of the measured value for any demand greater than 100 W. Forany demand less than 100 W, the meter shall have a resolutionof at least 1.5 Wh and a maximum uncertainty no greater than1.5 %.6.2 Gas

37、 Meter, for measuring the gas consumption of asteam cooker, shall be a positive displacement type with aresolution of at least 0.01 ft3(0.0003 m3) and a maximumuncertainty no greater than 1 % of the measured value for anydemand greater than 2.2 ft3/h (0.06 m3/h). If the meter is usedfor measuring th

38、e gas consumed by the pilot lights, it shallhave a resolution of at least 0.01 ft3(0.0003 m3) and have amaximum uncertainty no greater than 2 % of the measuredvalue.6.3 Steam Flow Meter, for measuring the flow of steam to asteam cooker that uses either a direct external potable steamsource or a stea

39、m coil steam generator. Shall have a resolutionof 0.01 ft3(0.0003 m3) and a maximum uncertainty of 1 % ofthe measured value.6.4 Pressure Gauge, for measuring pressure of steam to asteam cooker that uses either a direct external potable steamsource or a steam coil steam generator. Shall have a resolu

40、tionof 0.5 psig (3.4 kPa) and a maximum uncertainty of 1 % of themeasured value.6.5 Canopy Exhaust Hood, 4 ft (1.2 m) in depth, wall-mounted with the lower edge of the hood 6 ft, 6 in. (2.0 m)from the floor and with the capacity to operate at a nominalexhaust ventilation rate of 300 cfm per linear f

41、oot (230 L/s perlinear meter) of active hood length. This hood shall extend aminimum of 6 in. (150 mm) past both sides and the front of thecooking appliance and shall not incorporate side curtains orpartitions. Makeup air shall be delivered through face registersor from the space, or both.6.6 Pressu

42、re Gauge, for monitoring boiler pressure. Thegauge shall have a resolution of 0.5 psig (3.4 kPa) and amaximum uncertainty of 1 % of the measured value.6.7 Pressure Gauge, for monitoring natural gas pressure.The gauge shall have a range of 0 to 15 in. H2O (0 to 3.7 kPa),a resolution of 0.5 in. H2O (1

43、25 Pa), and a maximumuncertainty of 1 % of the measured value.6.8 Temperature Sensor, for measuring gas temperature inthe range of 50 to 100F (10 to 40 C), with a resolution of0.1F (0.05C) and an uncertainty of 61.0F (0.6C).6.9 Barometer, for measuring absolute atmosphericpressure, to be used for ad

44、justment of measured natural gasvolume to standard conditions, having a resolution of 0.2 in.Hg (670 Pa) and an uncertainty of 0.2 in. Hg (670 Pa).6.10 Flow Meter, for measuring total water consumption ofthe appliance. The meter shall have a resolution of 0.01 gal (40ml), and an uncertainty of 0.01

45、gal (40 ml), at flow rate as lowas 0.2 gpm (13 ml/s).6.11 Stopwatch, with a 1-s resolution.6.12 Analytical Balance Scale, for measuring weight offood for cooking test loads and for weighing hotel pans. It shallhave a resolution of 0.01 lb (5 g) and an uncertainty of 0.01 lb(5 g).6.13 Calibrated Expo

46、sed Junction Thermocouple Probes,with a range from 20 to 400F (30 to 200C), with aresolution of 0.2F (0.1C) and an uncertainty of 61.0F(0.6C), for measuring temperature of frozen green peas,potatoes, calorimeter water, water entering the boiler, andcondensate. Calibrated Type K thermocouples (24 GA

47、wire)are a good choice.6.14 Hotel Pans, perforated, for frozen green pea and potatotests, with 12 by 20 by 212 in. dimensions (300 by 500 by 65mm) stainless steel weighing 2.5 6 0.5 lb (1.1 6 0.2 kg).6.15 Water-Bath Calorimeter, for temperature determinationof the cooked green pea load. The calorime

48、ter is comprised offive components and are shown in Fig. 1: inner containercylindrical, 0.087-in. (2.2-mm) thick walled, plastic drum(PG drum insulationR-25 fiberglass insulation;drum lidplastic lid double reinforced with 2-in. (50 mm)thick polystyrene board; stirrer3-ft long,14-in. diameter,steel r

49、od with propeller welded to one end; thermocoupletree14-in. diameter pipe with five temperature sensors at-tached laterally equidistant from one another. The sensors mustbe adjusted so that they are fully submerged for each loadingFIG. 1 Water-Bath CalorimeterF1484 153scenario. A convenient way to construct the water-bath calo-rimeter is to place the inner container on a 2-in. (50 mm) thickpolystyrene board. Wrap the outside of the drum with 1 ft thickR-25 fiberglass insulation so no drum wall is exposed. Coverthe fiberglass i

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