ANSI ASTM F1637-2013 Standard Practice for Safe Walking Surfaces.pdf

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1、Designation: F1637 13 An American National StandardStandard Practice forSafe Walking Surfaces1This standard is issued under the fixed designation F1637; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A n

2、umber in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon () indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1. Scope1.1 This practice covers design and construction guidelinesand minimum maintenance criteria for new and existingbuildings and structures. Th

3、is practice is intended to providereasonably safe walking surfaces for pedestrians wearingordinary footwear. These guidelines may not be adequate forthose with certain mobility impairments.1.2 Conformance with this practice will not alleviate allhazards; however, conformance will reduce certain pede

4、strianrisks.1.3 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regardedas standard. The values given in parentheses are mathematicalconversions to SI units that are provided for information onlyand are not considered standard.1.4 This standard does not purport to address all of thesafety concerns,

5、if any, associated with its use. It is theresponsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:2F1646 Terminology Relating to Safety and Trac

6、tion forFootwear3. Terminology3.1 See Terminology F1646 for the following terms used inthis practice:3.1.1 Bollard,3.1.2 Carpet,3.1.3 Cross slope,3.1.4 Element,3.1.5 Fair,3.1.6 Footwear,3.1.7 Foreseeable pedestrian path,3.1.8 Planar,3.1.9 Ramp,3.1.10 Sidewalk,3.1.11 Slip resistance,3.1.12 Slip resis

7、tant,3.1.13 Walkway.3.1.14 Walkway surface hardware, and4. Significance and Use4.1 This practice addresses elements along and in walkwaysincluding floors and walkway surfaces, sidewalks, short flightstairs, gratings, wheel stops, and speed bumps. Swimmingpools, bath tubs, showers, natural walks, and

8、 unimproved pathsare beyond the scope of this practice.5. Walkway Surfaces5.1 General:5.1.1 Walkways shall be stable, planar, flush, and even tothe extent possible. Where walkways cannot be made flush andeven, they shall conform to the requirements of 5.2 and Walkway surfaces for pedestria

9、ns shall be capable ofsafely sustaining intended loads.5.1.3 Walkway surfaces shall be slip resistant under ex-pected environmental conditions and use. Painted walkwaysshall contain an abrasive additive, cross cut grooving, texturingor other appropriate means to render the surface slip resistantwher

10、e wet conditions may be reasonably foreseeable.5.1.4 Interior walkways that are not slip resistant when wetshall be maintained dry during periods of pedestrian use.5.2 Walkway Changes in Level:5.2.1 Adjoining walkway surfaces shall be made flush andfair, whenever possible and for new construction an

11、d existingfacilities to the extent practicable.5.2.2 Changes in levels up to14 in. (6 mm) may be verticaland without edge treatment. (See Fig. 1.)5.2.3 Changes in levels between14 and12 in. (6 and 12 mm)shall be beveled with a slope no greater than 1:2 (rise:run).5.2.4 Changes in levels greater than

12、12 in. (12 mm) shall betransitioned by means of a ramp or stairway that complies withapplicable building codes, regulations, standards, orordinances, or all of these.1This practice is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee F13 on Pedestrian/Walkway Safety and Footwear and is the direct responsibil

13、ity of SubcommitteeF13.50 on Walkway Surfaces.Current edition approved Aug. 1, 2013. Published August 2013. Originallyapproved in 1995. Last previous edition approved in 2010 as F1637 10. DOI:10.1520/F1637-13.2For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, orcontact ASTM Custom

14、er Service at For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume information, refer to the standards Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States15.3 Carpet:5.3.1 Carpet shall be maint

15、ained so as not to create pedes-trian hazard. Carpet shall be firmly secured and seams tightlymaintained. Carpet shall not have loose or frayed edges,unsecured seams, worn areas, holes, wrinkles or other hazardsthat may cause trip occurrence.5.3.2 Carpet on floor surfaces shall be routinely inspecte

16、d.Periodic restretching may become necessary. Periodic inspec-tion is particularly important at step nosing edges.5.3.3 Carpet and carpet trim (as measured when com-pressed) shall meet the transition requirements of Shag-type carpet shall not be used on stair treads.Carpeting should be fir

17、mly secured onto the tread and aroundthe nosing.5.4 Mats and Runners:5.4.1 Mats, runners, or other means of ensuring that build-ing entrances and interior walkways are kept dry shall beprovided, as needed, during inclement weather. Replacementof mats or runners may be necessary when they becomesatur

18、ated.5.4.2 Building entrances shall be provided with mats orrunners, or other means to help remove foreign particles andother contaminants from the bottom of pedestrian footwear.Mats should be provided to minimize foreign particles, thatmay become dangerous to pedestrians particularly on hardsmooth

19、floors, from being tracked on floors.5.4.3 Mats or runners should be provided at other wet orcontaminated locations, particularly at known transitions fromdry locations. Mats at building entrances also may be used tocontrol the spread of precipitation onto floor surfaces, reducingthe likelihood of t

20、he floors becoming slippery.5.4.4 Mats shall be of sufficient design, area, and placementto control tracking of contaminants into buildings. Safe prac-tice requires that mats be installed and maintained to avoidtracking water off the last mat onto floor surfaces.5.4.5 Mats, runners, and area rugs sh

21、all be provided withsafe transition from adjacent surfaces and shall be fixed inplace or provided with slip resistant backing.5.4.6 Mats, runners, and area rugs shall be maintained so asnot to create pedestrian hazards. Mats, runners, and area rugsshall not have loose or frayed edges, worn areas, ho

22、les,wrinkles, or other hazards that may cause trip occurrences.5.5 Illumination:5.5.1 Minimum walkway illumination shall be governed bythe requirements of local codes and ordinances or, in theirabsence, by the recommendations set forth by the IlluminatingEngineering Society of North America (IES) (A

23、pplication andReference Volumes).5.5.2 Illumination shall be designed to be glare free.5.5.3 Illumination shall be designed to avoid casting ofobscuring shadows on walkways, including shadows on stairsthat may be cast by users.5.5.4 Interior and exterior pedestrian use areas, includingparking lots,

24、shall be properly illuminated during periods whenpedestrians may be present.5.6 HeadroomA minimum headroom clearance of 6 ft 8in. (2.03 m), measured from the walkway surface, shall beprovided above all parts of the walkway. Where such clearanceis not provided in existing structures, the low clearanc

25、eportions of the walkway shall be safely padded, marked withsafety contrast color coding and posted with appropriatewarning signs.5.7 Exterior Walkways:5.7.1 Exterior walkways shall be maintained so as to pro-vide safe walking conditions. Exterior walkways shall be slip resistant. Exte

26、rior walkway conditions that may be consideredsubstandard and in need of repair include conditions in whichthe pavement is broken, depressed, raised, undermined,slippery, uneven, or cracked to the extent that pieces may bereadily removed.5.7.2 Exterior walkways shall be repaired or replaced wherethe

27、re is an abrupt variation in elevation between surfaces.Vertical displacements in exterior walkways shall be transi-tioned in accordance with Edges of sidewalk joints shall be rounded.6. Walking Surface Hardware6.1 Walking surface hardware within foreseeable pedestrianpaths shall be mainta

28、ined flush with the surrounding surfaces;variances between levels shall be transitioned in accordancewith Walking surface hardware within foreseeable pedestrianpaths shall be maintained slip resistant.6.3 Walking surface hardware shall be installed and main-tained so as to be stable under re

29、asonable foreseeable loading.7. Stairs7.1 General:7.1.1 Stairways with “distracting” forward or side viewsshall be avoided. A “distracting” view is one which can attractthe stair users attention, (for example, advertisements, storedisplays), thus distracting the stair user.7.1.2 Step nosings shall b

30、e readily discernible, slip resistant,and adequately demarcated. Random, pictorial, floral, or geo-metric designs are examples of design elements that cancamouflage a step nosing.7.1.3 Doors shall not open over stairs.7.1.4 Structure (reserved).7.2 Short Flight Stairs (Three or Fewer Risers):7.2.1 S

31、hort flight stairs shall be avoided where possible.7.2.2 In situations where a short flight stair or single steptransition exists or cannot be avoided, obvious visual cues shallbe provided to facilitate improved step identification.Handrails, delineated nosing edges, tactile cues, warning signs,cont

32、rast in surface colors, and accent lighting are examples ofsome appropriate warning cues.FIG. 1 Changes in Levels up to a Maximum of14 in.(6mm)F1637 1328. Speed Bumps8.1 Design to avoid the use of speed bumps.8.2 All speed bumps which are in foreseeable pedestrianpaths shall comply with 5.2 (walkway

33、 changes in level).8.3 Existing speed bumps, that do not conform to 5.2, shallbe clearly marked with safety color coding to contrast withsurroundings. Painted speed bumps shall be slip resistant.Pedestrian CAUTION signs are recommended.9. Wheel Stops9.1 Parking lots should be designed to avoid the u

34、se ofwheel stops.9.2 Wheel stops shall not be placed in pedestrian walkwaysor foreseeable pedestrian paths.9.3 Wheel stops shall be in contrast with their surroundings.9.4 Wheel stops shall be no longer than 6 ft (1.83 m) andshall be placed in the center of parking stalls. The minimumwidth of pedest

35、rian passage between wheel stops shall be 3 ft(0.91 m).9.5 The top of wheel stops shall not exceed 6.5 in. (165 mm)in height above the parking lot surface.9.6 Adequate illumination shall be maintained at wheelstops as governed by the requirements of local codes andordinances or, in their absence, by

36、 the recommendations setforth by the Illuminating Engineering Society of NorthAmerica (IES-Application and Reference Volumes).9.7 Bollards, not less than 3 ft 6 in. (1.07 m) height, may beplaced in the center of parking stalls as an alternative to wheelstops. Bollards should be appropriately marked

37、to enhancevisibility.10. Gratings10.1 Gratings used in public areas should be located outsideof pedestrian walkways.10.2 Gratings located in foreseeable pedestrian walkwaysshall not have openings wider than12 in. (13 mm) in thedirection of predominant travel.10.2.1 ExemptionThe requirements of 10.2

38、do not applyin areas where footwear worn is controlled (for example,industrial areas).10.3 Gratings with elongated openings shall be placed withthe long dimension perpendicular to the direction of predomi-nant travel.10.4 Gratings shall be maintained slip resistant.11. Warnings11.1 The use of visual

39、 cues such as warnings, accentlighting, handrails, contrast painting, and other cues to improvethe safety of walkway transitions are recognized as effectivecontrols in some applications. However, such cues or warningsdo not necessarily negate the need for safe design andconstruction.11.2 When relyin

40、g on applications of color as a warning,provide colors and patterns that provide conspicuous markingsfor the conditions being delineated, their surroundings, and theenvironment in which they will be viewed by users. Brightyellow is a commonly used color for alerting users of thepresence of certain w

41、alkway conditions. When properly ap-plied and maintained, other colors can also provide effectivewarnings.12. Keywords12.1 carpet; floors; gratings; mats; runners; sidewalks; shortflight stairs; slip resistance; speed bump; stairs; walkway;wheel stopASTM International takes no position respecting th

42、e validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentionedin this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the riskof infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.This standard i

43、s subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years andif not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standardsand should be addressed to ASTM International He

44、adquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of theresponsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you shouldmake your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.This s

45、tandard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the aboveaddress or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or (e-mail); or through the ASTM website( Permission rights to photocopy the standard may also be secured from the Copyright Clearance Center, 222Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, Tel: (978) 646-2600; http:/ 133

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