ANSI AWS C5.4-1993 Recommended Practices for Stud Welding (2nd Printing Errata Incorporated)《螺柱焊接推荐惯例》.pdf

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1、RecommendedPractices forStud WeldingANSI/AWS C5.4-93An American National Standardsecond printing, January 2010550 N.W. LeJeune Road, Miami, FL 33126ANSI/AWS C5.4-93An American National StandardApproved by theAmerican National Standards InstituteJune 28, 1993Recommended Practicesfor Stud Welding3rd E

2、ditionSupersedes ANSI/AWS C5.4-84Prepared by theAmerican Welding Society (AWS) C5 Committee on Arc Welding and CuttingUnder the Direction of theAWS Technical Activities CommitteeApproved by theAWS Board of DirectorsAbstractThese recommended practices for stud welding, prepared by the Subcommittee on

3、 Stud Welding of the AWS Committeeon Arc Welding and Cutting, are intended to serve as a basic guide for those interested in attaching fasteners by arc andcapacitor discharge stud welding.The variations of the process, stud design, equipment, welding procedures, quality control, and safety precautio

4、ns arediscussed. The information presented will guide the designer and the shop in the utilization of studs in many fieldsincluding automotive manufacture, boiler and building construction, farm and industrial equipment, railroads andshipbuilding, aircraft and aerospace, metal furniture, and other m

5、etal working industries.iiANSI/AWS C5.4-93International Standard Book Number: 0-87171-418-3American Welding Society550 N.W. LeJeune Road, Miami, FL 33126 1993 by American Welding SocietyAll rights reservedPrinted in the United States of AmericaErrata: 2nd Printing, January 2010Photocopy Rights. No p

6、ortion of this standard may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in anyform, including mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the copyrightowner.Authorization to photocopy items for internal, personal, or educational classroo

7、m use only or the internal, personal, oreducational classroom use only of specific clients is granted by the American Welding Society provided that the appropriatefee is paid to the Copyright Clearance Center, 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, tel: (978) 750-8400; Internet:.iiiANSI/AWS C5.4-93S

8、tatement on the Use of American Welding Society StandardsAll standards (codes, specifications, recommended practices, methods, classifications, and guides) of the AmericanWelding Society (AWS) are voluntary consensus standards that have been developed in accordance with the rules of theAmerican Nati

9、onal Standards Institute (ANSI). When AWS American National Standards are either incorporated in, ormade part of, documents that are included in federal or state laws and regulations, or the regulations of other govern-mental bodies, their provisions carry the full legal authority of the statute. In

10、 such cases, any changes in those AWSstandards must be approved by the governmental body having statutory jurisdiction before they can become a part ofthose laws and regulations. In all cases, these standards carry the full legal authority of the contract or other documentthat invokes the AWS standa

11、rds. Where this contractual relationship exists, changes in or deviations from requirementsof an AWS standard must be by agreement between the contracting parties.AWS American National Standards are developed through a consensus standards development process that bringstogether volunteers representi

12、ng varied viewpoints and interests to achieve consensus. While the AWS administers theprocess and establishes rules to promote fairness in the development of consensus, it does not independently test, evalu-ate, or verify the accuracy of any information or the soundness of any judgments contained in

13、 its standards.AWS disclaims liability for any injury to persons or to property, or other damages of any nature whatsoever, whetherspecial, indirect, consequential, or compensatory, directly or indirectly resulting from the publication, use of, or relianceon this standard. AWS also makes no guarante

14、e or warranty as to the accuracy or completeness of any informationpublished herein.In issuing and making this standard available, AWS is neither undertaking to render professional or other services for oron behalf of any person or entity, nor is AWS undertaking to perform any duty owed by any perso

15、n or entity to someoneelse. Anyone using these documents should rely on his or her own independent judgment or, as appropriate, seek theadvice of a competent professional in determining the exercise of reasonable care in any given circumstances. It isassumed that the use of this standard and its pro

16、visions are entrusted to appropriately qualified and competent personnel.This standard may be superseded by the issuance of new editions. Users should ensure that they have the latest edition.Publication of this standard does not authorize infringement of any patent or trade name. Users of this stan

17、dard acceptany and all liabilities for infringement of any patent or trade name items. AWS disclaims liability for the infringement ofany patent or product trade name resulting from the use of this standard.Finally, the AWS does not monitor, police, or enforce compliance with this standard, nor does

18、 it have the power to do so.On occasion, text, tables, or figures are printed incorrectly, constituting errata. Such errata, when discovered, are postedon the AWS web page ( interpretations of any of the technical requirements of this standard may only be obtained by sending a r

19、equest, inwriting, to the appropriate technical committee. Such requests should be addressed to the American Welding Society,Attention: Managing Director, Technical Services Division, 550 N.W. LeJeune Road, Miami, FL 33126. With regard totechnical inquiries made concerning AWS standards, oral opinio

20、ns on AWS standards may be rendered. These opinionsare offered solely as a convenience to users of this standard, and they do not constitute professional advice. Such opinionsrepresent only the personal opinions of the particular individuals giving them. These individuals do not speak on behalfof AW

21、S, nor do these oral opinions constitute official or unofficial opinions or interpretations of AWS. In addition, oralopinions are informal and should not be used as a substitute for an official interpretation.This standard is subject to revision at any time by the AWS C5 Committee on Arc Welding and

22、 Cutting. It must bereviewed every five years, and if not revised, it must be either reaffirmed or withdrawn. Comments (recommendations,additions, or deletions) and any pertinent data that may be of use in improving this standard are required and should beaddressed to AWS Headquarters. Such comments

23、 will receive careful consideration by the AWS C5 Committee on ArcWelding and Cutting and the author of the comments will be informed of the Committees response to the comments.Guests are invited to attend all meetings of the AWS C5 Committee on Arc Welding and Cutting to express theircomments verba

24、lly. Procedures for appeal of an adverse decision concerning all such comments are provided in theRules of Operation of the Technical Activities Committee. A copy of these Rules can be obtained from the AmericanWelding Society, 550 N.W. LeJeune Road, Miami, FL 33126.This page is intentionally blank.

25、ivANSI/AWS C5.4-93vANSI/AWS C5.4-93Personnel*AdvisorAWS Committee on Arc Welding and CuttingB. L. Shultz, Chairman The Taylor-Winfield CorporationL. R. Soisson, 1st Vice Chairman Welding ConsultantsN. E. Larson, 2nd Vice Chairman Praxair, IncorporatedW. A. Dierschow, Secretary American Welding Socie

26、tyD. R. Amos Westinghouse Turbine PlantJ. W. Barton Hypertherm, Incorporated*E. R. Bohnart Miller Electric Manufacturing CompanyH. A. Chambers TRW Nelson Stud Welding DivisionC. Connelly Applied Fusion Technology, IncorporatedD. A. Fink The Lincoln Electric CompanyJ. R. Hannahs PMI Food Equipment Gr

27、oup*R. T. Hemzacek ConsultantG. K. Hicken Sandia National LaboratoryJ. E. Hinkel The Lincoln Electric CompanyD. B. Holliday Westinghouse Electric CorporationD. W. Meyer The ESAB GroupE. R. Pierre Liquid Air CorporationAWS Subcommittee on Stud WeldingH. A. Chambers, Chairman TRW Nelson Stud Welding D

28、ivisionW. A. Dierschow, Secretary American Welding SocietyR. L. Alley American Welding SocietyJ. Colella L-Tec Welding and Cutting SystemsB. W. Folkening FMC CorporationJ. C. Jenkins ConsultantD. E. Kuehn TRW Nelson Stud Welding DivisionR. W. McClellan Ingalls ShipbuildingC. C. Pease C. P. Metallurg

29、ical*B. L. Shultz The Taylor-Winfield CorporationThis page is intentionally blank.viANSI/AWS C5.4-93viiANSI/AWS C5.4-93ForewordThis foreword is not part of ANSI/AWS C5.4-93, Recommended Practicesfor Stud Welding, but is included for informational purposes only.These recommended practices for stud we

30、lding are intended to serve as a basic guide for those interested in attachingfasteners by arc stud welding, including capacitor discharge methods.Arc stud welding is an alternative method to other welding processes, as well as drilling and tapping through bolting,etc., and provides a one-sided meth

31、od of attachment. The present document further expands the document published in1984.Comments and suggestions for the improvement of this standard are welcome. They should be sent to the Secretary,AWS C5 Committee on Arc Welding and Cutting, American Welding Society, 550 N.W. LeJeune Road, Miami, FL

32、 33126.ErrataANSI/AWS C5.4-93, Recommended Practices for Stud WeldingThe following Errata have been identified and incorporated into the current reprint of this document.Page 3, Paragraph 1.2.1, change from “currency” to “current” in third sentence.Page 19, Table 8, last entry under Stud Base Diamet

33、er in inches, change “01.000” to “1.000”.Page 23, Table 10, under Shielding Gas Flow heading, “litre/min.” should read “liter/min.”.Page 23, Table 10, under Shielding Gas Flow, CFH heading, change “1” to “15”.Page 23, Table 10, under Shielding Gas Flow, liter/min. heading, change “57.1” to “7.1”.Thi

34、s page is intentionally blank.viiiANSI/AWS C5.4-93ixANSI/AWS C5.4-93Table of ContentsPage No.Personnel vForeword.viiList of TablesxiList of Figuresxi1. Process Description .11.1 Arc Stud Welding11.2 Capacitor Discharge Stud Welding.32. Selection of Method.42.1 Fastener Size .52.2 Base Metal Thicknes

35、s .52.3 Base Metal Composition.52.4 Capacitor Discharge (CD) Method .53. Designing for Stud Welding63.1 Base Metal 63.2 Stud Design Ratio .74. Considerations for Stud Selection74.1 Arc Stud Welding74.2 Capacitor Discharge Studs114.3 Stud Tensile and Torque Strengths125. Equipment for Stud Welding125

36、.1 Arc Stud Welding Equipment .125.2 Capacitor Discharge Stud Welding Equipment 175.3 Automatic Feed Systems 176. Stud Welding Low Carbon and Austenitic Stainless Steels.176.1 Base Metal Preparation.176.2 Welding Requirements186.3 Welding Technique for Steels .187. Stud Welding Aluminum Alloys.207.1

37、 Base Metal Preparation.207.2 Shielding Gas207.3 Welding Requirements207.4 Welding Technique for Aluminum .208. Stud Locating Techniques.238.1 Locating with Templates.238.2 Locating with Spacers.238.3 Fixed Guns248.4 Methods of Ensuring Perpendicularity .248.5 Special Accessories.289. Quality Contro

38、l and Inspection289.1 Steel Studs.289.2 Aluminum Studs .30xPage No.ANSI/AWS C5.4-9310. Method of Manufacture3110.1 Cold Welds 3110.2 Hot Welds3110.3 Stud Hang-Up3111. Safety Precautions .3211.1 General 3211.2 Electrical3211.3 Fire Protection.3211.4 Vision Protection .3211.5 Hearing Protection.3211.6

39、 Protective Clothing3211.7 Ventilation .3311.8 Other3311.9 Maintenance 3311.10 References .33Annex A (Informative)Commonly Used Metric Conversions35List of AWS Documents on Arc Welding and Cutting.37xiANSI/AWS C5.4-93List of TablesTable Page No.1 Stud Welding Method Selection Chart .52 Typical Combi

40、nations of Base and Stud Metals for Stud Welding.63 Recommended Minimum Base Metal Thickness of Steel and Aluminum for Arc Stud Welding .84 Typical Length Reductions of Studs in Arc Stud Welding .95 Weld Flash Clearance for Arc Welded Full Base Studs126 Standard Arc Welding Studs Tensile/Torque Stre

41、ngths.147 Approximate Tensile and Torque Strengths of Capacitor Discharge Welded Studs.158 Typical Stud Welding Conditions for Joining Low Carbon and Stainless Steel Studs toSimilar Base Metals 199 Comparable Rectangular and Round Studs 2110 Typical Welding Conditions for Arc Stud Welding of Aluminu

42、m Alloys2311 Minimum Required Torque Valves and Tension Loads for Arc Stud Welding 31List of FiguresFigure Page No.1A Equipment Setup for Arc Stud Welding of Steel 21B Power-Control Type Power Source Setup for Arc Stud Welding of Steel22 Steps in Arc Stud Welding33 Steps in Contact Capacitor Dischar

43、ge Stud Welding44 Steps in Gap Capacitor Discharge Stud Welding45 Steps in Drawn-Arc Capacitor Discharge Stud Welding 46 Commonly Used Studs and Fastening Devices for Arc Stud Welding.87 Typical Stud Welds with Shrink Fissures in the Upper Portion of the Weld Flash 108 Stud Flash May be Accommodated

44、 by Use of Oversized Clearance Holes, Use of GasketMaterial, and Use of a Dog or Hold-Down Clip.129 Commonly Used Studs for Capacitor Discharge Stud Welding .1310 Oscillograph Traces of Current and Voltages in Arc Stud Welding .1511 Arc Stud Welding Capacity for DC Power Sources .1612 Effect of Cabl

45、e Size and Length on Available Welding Current from a 2000A Power Source1713 Portable Arc Stud Welding Equipment.1814 Recommended Orientation for Welding Rectangular Studs to a Vertical Surface .1915 Satisfactory and Unsatisfactory Arc Stud Welds 2016 Arc Stud Weld with Proper Flash Indicative of a

46、Good Weld 2117 Examples of Satisfactory and Unsatisfactory Capacitor Discharge Stud Welds 2218 Equipment Setup for Arc Stud Welding of Aluminum.2219 Simple Template Used to Locate Studs Within 1/32 in. (0.8 mm).2420 Simple Template for Capacitor Discharge Welds .2421 Template with Hardened and Groun

47、d Bushing and Welding Gun Adaptor .2422 Locating with Spacer 2523 Locating from Adjacent Studs 2524 Locating from Nearby Surface and Previous Stud25xiiFigure Page No.ANSI/AWS C5.4-9325 Mounting Gun in a Fixed Position2526 Bipod Foot Plate Assembly for 1/2 in. (12.7 mm) Diameter and Smaller Studs2527

48、 Bipod Foot for 1/2 in. (12.7 mm) Diameter and Larger Shear Connector Studs2528 Bipods for Unusual Surface Contours 2629 Typical Ferrule Tube Extension Application 2730 Typical Offset Assembly.2731 Ferrule Foot Plate2732 Typical Extension Assembly.2833 Stud Hang-Up .2834 Cold Weld .2935 Hot Weld .29

49、36 Bend Test of Welded Studs to Determine Acceptable Welding Procedures.3037 Method of Applying a Tensile Load to a Welded Stud Using Torque a Bolt Can Be Usedfor an Internal Thread .30ANSI/AWS C5.4-931Recommended Practicesfor Stud WeldingANSI/AWS C5.4-932ANSI/AWS C5.4-933ANSI/AWS C5.4-934ANSI/AWS C5.4-935ANSI/AWS C5.4-936ANSI/AWS C5.4-937ANSI/AWS C5.4-938Figure 6 Commonly Used Studs and Fastening Devices for Arc Stud WeldingANSI/AWS C5.4-939ANSI/AWS C5.4-9310(A)(B)Figure 7 Typical Stud Welds with Shrink Fissuresin Upper Portion of the Weld FlashANSI/AWS C5.4-9311(C)Figure 7 (conti

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