ANSI CSA AM Z21.69-2015 CSA 6.16-2015 Connectors For Moveable Gas Appliances (Fourth Edition).pdf

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1、ANSI Z21.69-2015 CSA 6.16-2015Connectors for moveable gas appliancesLegal Notice for StandardsCanadian Standards Association and CSA America, Inc. (operating as “CSA Group”) develop standards thro ugh a consensus standardsdevelopment pro cess approved by the Standards Council of Canada and the Ameri

2、can National Standards Institut e. This process bringstogether volunteer s representing varied viewpoints and interes ts to achieve consensus and develop a standard. Although CSA Groupadminist ers the process and est ablishes rules to pro mote fairness in achieving consensus, it does not independent

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18、y . Use of this documentconstitut es your acceptance of the terms and conditions of this Legal Notice.Standards Update ServiceANSI Z21.69-2015 CSA 6.16-2015October 2015Title: Connectors for moveable gas appliancesTo register for e-mail notification about any updates to this publication go to shop.cs

19、 click on CSA Update ServiceThe List ID that you will need to register for updates to this publication is 2423786.If you require assistance, please e-mail or call 416-747-2233.Visit CSA Groups policy on privacy at to find out how we protect yourpers

20、onal information.CSA GroupAmerican National StandardsInstituteThe Canadian Standards Association (operating as“CSA Group”), under whose auspices this NationalStandard has been produced, was chartered in 1919and accredited by the Standards Council of Canada tothe National Standards system in 1973. It

21、 is a not-for-profit, nonstatutory, voluntary membershipassociation engaged in standards development andcertification activities.CSA Group standards reflect a national consensus ofproducers and users including manufacturers,consumers, retailers, unions and professionalorganizations, and governmental

22、 agencies. Thestandards are used widely by industry and commerceand often adopted by municipal, provincial, andfederal governments in their regulations, particularlyin the fields of health, safety, building andconstruction, and the environment.Individuals, companies, and associations acrossCanada in

23、dicate their support for CSA Groupsstandards development by volunteering their time andskills to Committee work and supporting CSA Groupsobjectives through sustaining memberships. The morethan 7000 committee volunteers and the 2000sustaining memberships together form CSA Groupstotal membership from

24、which its Directors are chosen.Sustaining memberships represent a major source ofincome for CSA Groups standards developmentactivities.CSA Group offers certification and testing services insupport of and as an extension to its standardsdevelopment activities. To ensure the integrity of itscertificat

25、ion process, CSA Group regularly andcontinually audits and inspects products that bear theCSA Group Mark.In addition to its head office and laboratory complexin Toronto, CSA Group has regional branch offices inmajor centres across Canada and inspection andtesting agencies in eight countries. Since 1

26、919, CSAGroup has developed the necessary expertise to meetits corporate mission: CSA Group is an independentservice organization whose mission is to provide anopen and effective forum for activities facilitating theexchange of goods and services through the use ofstandards, certification and relate

27、d services to meetnational and international needs.The American National Standards Institute (ANSI), the nationally recognized coordinator of voluntarystandards development in the United States throughwhich voluntary organizations, representing virtuallyevery technical discipline and every fa

28、cet of trade andcommerce, organized labor and consumer interests,establish and improve the some 10,000 nationalconsensus standards currently approved as AmericanNational Standards.ANSI provides that the interests of the public mayhave appropriate participation and representation instandardization ac

29、tivity, and cooperates withdepartments and agencies of U.S. Federal, state andlocal governments in achieving compatibility betweengovernment codes and standards and the voluntarystandards of industry and commerce.ANSI represents the interests of the United States ininternational nontreaty organizati

30、ons such as theInternational Organization for Standardization (ISO)and the International Electrotechnical Commission(IEC). The Institute maintains close ties with regionalorganizations such as the Pacific Area StandardsCongress (PASC) and the Pan American StandardsCommission (COPANT). As such, ANSI

31、coordinates theactivities involved in the U.S. participation in thesegroups.ANSI approval of standards is intended to verify thatthe principles of openness and due process have beenfollowed in the approval procedure and that aconsensus of those directly and materially affected bythe standards has be

32、en achieved. ANSI coordination isintended to assist the voluntary system to ensure thatnational standards needs are identified and met with aset of standards that are without conflict orunnecessary duplication in their requirements.For further information on CSA Group services, writetoCSA Group178 R

33、exdale Boulevard,Toronto, Ontario,Canada M9W 1R3Responsibility of approving American standards restswith theAmerican National Standards Institute, Inc.25 West 43rd Street, Fourth floorNew York, NY 10036ISBN 978-1-77139-985-2 2015 CSA GroupAll rights reserved. No part of this publication may be repro

34、duced in any form whatsoeverwithout the prior permission of the publisher.Published in October 2015 by CSA GroupA not-for-profit private sector organization178 Rexdale Boulevard,Toronto, Ontario, Canada M9W 1R3To purchase standards and related publications, visit our Online Store at shop.csa.caor ca

35、ll toll-free 1-800-463-6727 or 416-747-4044.TMA trade-mark of the Canadian Standards Association and CSA America Inc., operating as “CSA Group”American National Standards Institute, Inc.Interprovincial Gas Advisory CouncilApproved on September 10, 2015 by ANSIApproved on August 10, 2015 by IGACEffec

36、tive in Canada January 2016Connectors for moveable gasappliancesANSI Z21.69-2015 CSA 6.16-2015ANSI Z21.69-2015 CSA 6.16-2015Connectors for moveable gas appliancesOctober 2015 2015 CSA Group 1ContentsInterprovincial Gas Advisory Council 2Canadian Technical Committee on Gas Appliances and Related Acce

37、ssories 4Z21/83 Technical Committee on Performance and Installation of Gas Burning Appliances and RelatedAccessories 6Z21/CSA Joint Technical Subcommittee on Standards for Connectors for Gas Appliances 9Preface 111 Scope 142 Reference publications 153 Definitions 164 Construction 184.1 Test samples

38、184.2 Quick disconnect devices 184.3 General construction 184.4 Materials 194.5 Fittings 204.6 Instructions 214.7 Marking 235 Performance 235.1 General 235.2 Leakage 245.3 Hydrostatic strength 245.4 Crush strength 255.5 Installation strength 255.6 Tension and flexure strength 265.7 Torsion strength

39、275.8 Reconnection of fittings 285.9 Durability at high temperature 295.10 Capacity 305.11 Resistance to ammonia atmosphere 316 Manufacturing and production tests 32Annex A (normative) Items unique to Canada 33Annex B (informative) Table of conversion factors 34ANSI Z21.69-2015 CSA 6.16-2015Connecto

40、rs for moveable gas appliancesOctober 2015 2015 CSA Group 2Interprovincial Gas Advisory CouncilJ. Renaud Rgie du btiment du Qubec,Montral, Qubec, CanadaCategory: Regulatory AuthorityChairJ.R. Marshall Technical Standards suggestions for its improvement will be referred tothe appropriate committee. T

41、o submit a proposal for change, please send the following information and include “Proposal for change” in the subject line:a) Standard designation (number)b) relevant clause, table, and/or figure number;c) wording of the proposed change; andd) rationale for the change.6) To

42、submit a request for interpretation of this Standard, please send the following information and include “Request for interpretation” in the subject line:a) define the problem, making reference to the specific clause, and, where appropriate, include anillustrative sketch;b) pr

43、ovide an explanation of circumstances surrounding the actual field condition; andc) where possible, phrase the request in such a way that a specific “yes” or “no” answer will address theissue.Committee interpretations are processed in accordance with the CSA Directives and guidelines governingstanda

44、rdization and are available on the Current Standards Activities page at Z21.69-2015 CSA 6.16-2015Connectors for moveable gas appliancesOctober 2015 2015 CSA Group 12History of the development of the standard for connectors for moveablegas appliancesNote: This History

45、is informative and is not part of the standard.With the onset of the Free Trade Agreement between the United States and Canada on January 2, 1988,significant attention was given to the harmonization of the United States and Canadian safety standardsaddressing gas-fired equipment for residential, com

46、mercial, and industrial applications. It was believedthat the elimination of the differences between the standards would remove potential trade barriersand provide an atmosphere in which North American manufacturers could market more freely in theUnited States and Canada. The harmonization of these

47、standards was also seen as a step towardharmonization with international standards.A draft harmonized standard for connectors for moveable gas appliances was prepared for review bythe Z21/CGA Joint Connector Subcommittee. The draft harmonized standard for connectors formoveable gas appliances is bas

48、ed on the American National Standard for Connectors for MoveableAppliances (Z21.69-1992 and Z21.69a-1993) and the National Standard of Canada for MoveableAppliance Connectors (CAN/CGA-6.16-M87).At its September 20, 1994 meeting, the Z21/CGA Joint Connector Subcommittee considered andmodified the pro

49、posed harmonized draft standard and agreed to distribute it for industry review duringApril 1995.With the formation of joint subcommittees, a Canadian Gas Association Standards Steering Committeeon Gas Burning Appliances and Related Accessories was established to parallel Accredited StandardsCommittees Z21 and Z83, and to support the formation of joint subcommittees. Operating procedures,in accordance with American National Standards Institute procedures, for joint subcommittees weredeveloped and subsequently approved by ANSI on April 1, 1993.

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