ANSI INCITS 334-2000 Information Technology C Magnetic Tape Cartridge for Information Interchange 0.50 in (12.65 mm) Serial Serpentine 128-Track 62 500 bpi (2 460 bpmm) DLT 3-XT Fo.pdf

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ANSI INCITS 334-2000 Information Technology C Magnetic Tape Cartridge for Information Interchange 0.50 in (12.65 mm) Serial Serpentine 128-Track 62 500 bpi (2 460 bpmm) DLT 3-XT Fo.pdf_第1页
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ANSI INCITS 334-2000 Information Technology C Magnetic Tape Cartridge for Information Interchange 0.50 in (12.65 mm) Serial Serpentine 128-Track 62 500 bpi (2 460 bpmm) DLT 3-XT Fo.pdf_第5页
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1、ANSI INCITS 334-2000 (R2005)(formerly ANSI NCITS 334-2000)for Information Technology Magnetic Tape Cartridgefor Information Interchange0.50 in (12.65 mm), Serial Serpentine128-Track, 62 500 bpi (2 460 bpmm)DLT 3-XT FormatStabilized as INCITS 334-2000 S2015ANSINCITS 334-2000American National Standard

2、for Information Technology Magnetic Tape Cartridgefor Information Interchange0.50 in (12.65 mm), Serial Serpentine128-Track, 62 500 bpi (2 460 bpmm)DLT 3-XT FormatSecretariatInformation Technology Industry CouncilApproved May 19, 2000 American National Standards Institute, Inc.Approval of an America

3、n National Standard requires review by ANSI that therequirements for due process, consensus, and other criteria for approval havebeen met by the standards developer.Consensus is established when, in the judgement of the ANSI Board ofStandards Review, substantial agreement has been reached by directl

4、y andmaterially affected interests. Substantial agreement means much more thana simple majority, but not necessarily unanimity. Consensus requires that allviews and objections be considered, and that a concerted effort be madetowards their resolution.The use of American National Standards is complet

5、ely voluntary; theirexistence does not in any respect preclude anyone, whether he has approvedthe standards or not, from manufacturing, marketing, purchasing, or usingproducts, processes, or procedures not conforming to the standards.The American National Standards Institute does not develop standar

6、ds andwill in no circumstances give an interpretation of any American NationalStandard. Moreover, no person shall have the right or authority to issue aninterpretation of an American National Standard in the name of the AmericanNational Standards Institute. Requests for interpretations should beaddr

7、essed to the secretariat or sponsor whose name appears on the titlepage of this standard.CAUTION NOTICE: This American National Standard may be revised orwithdrawn at any time. The procedures of the American National StandardsInstitute require that action be taken periodically to reaffirm, revise, o

8、rwithdraw this standard. Purchasers of American National Standards mayreceive current information on all standards by calling or writing the AmericanNational Standards Institute.American National StandardPublished byAmerican National Standards Institute, Inc.11 West 42nd Street, New York, NY 10036Co

9、pyright 2000 by Information Technology Industry Council (ITI)All rights reserved.No part of this publication may be reproduced in anyform, in an electronic retrieval system or otherwise,without prior written permission of ITI, 1250 Eye Street NW, Washington, DC 20005. Printed in the United States of

10、 AmericaCAUTION: The developers of this standard have requested that holders of patents that may be re-quired for the implementation of the standard disclose such patents to the publisher. However, nei-ther the developers nor the publisher have undertaken a patent search in order to identify which,

11、ifany, patents may apply to this standard. As of the date of publication of this standard, followingcalls for the identification of patents that may be required for the implementation of the standard,notice of one or more such claims has been received. By publication of this standard, no positionis

12、taken with respect to the validity of this claim or of any rights in connection therewith. The knownpatent holder(s) has (have), however, filed a statement of willingness to grant a license underthese rights on reasonable and nondiscriminatory terms and conditions to applicants desiring to ob-tain s

13、uch a license. Details may be obtained from the publisher. No further patent search is con-ducted by the developer or publisher in respect to any standard it processes. No representation ismade or implied that this is the only license that may be required to avoid infringement in the use ofthis stan

14、dard.iContentsPage1 Introduction 11.1 Scope. 11.2 Purpose 11.3 Conformance . 11.3.1 Magnetic Tape Cartridges 11.3.2 Generating systems. 21.3.3 Receiving systems. 21.4 Dimensions 22 Normative references. 23 Definitions 33.1 Average Signal Amplitude 33.2 azimuth 33.3 back surface. 33.4 Beginning-Of-Ta

15、pe markers (BOT 1 and BOT 2) 33.5 byte 33.6 cartridge. 33.7 Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) character 33.8 Early Warning (EW) . 33.9 Error-Detecting Code (EDC) 33.10 End-Of-Tape marker (EOT) . 33.11 Entity 33.12 Error-Correcting Code (ECC). 33.13 flux transition position 33.14 flux transition spacing

16、33.15 Logical Block 33.16 logical track 33.17 magnetic tape 33.18 Master Standard Reference Tape 43.19 object . 43.20 page. 43.21 physical block. 43.22 physical recording density 43.23 physical track . 43.24 Record . 43.25 Reference Edge. 43.26 Reference Field 43.27 Secondary Standard Reference Tape

17、 . 43.28 Standard Reference Amplitude (SRA). 4329 Standard Reference Current 43.30 Test Recording Current 43.31 Typical Field. 44 Conventions and notations 54.1 Representation of numbers 54.2 Dimensions 54.3 Names 55 Acronyms. 5iiPage6 Environment and safety . 56.1 Cartridge and tape testing environ

18、ment. 56.2 Cartridge operating environment . 66.3 Cartridge storage environment 66.4 Safety. 66.4.1 Safeness 66.4.2 Flammability. 66.5 Transportation 67 Mechanical and electrical requirements 67.1 Material 67.2 Tape length 67.3 Width 67.4 Total thickness. 67.5 Discontinuity 67.6 Longitudinal curvatu

19、re . 77.6.1 Requirement 77.6.2 Procedure 77.7 Out-of-Plane distortions . 77.8 Cupping . 77.9 Roughness of the coating surfaces . 77.9.1 Roughness of the back coating surface. 77.9.2 Roughness of the magnetic coating surface 77.10 Coating adhesion. 77.11 Layer-to-layer adhesion . 87.11.1 Requirements

20、 87.11.2 Procedure 87.12 Modulus of elasticity 97.12.1 Requirement 97.12.2 Procedure 97.13 Flexural rigidity. 97.13.1 Requirement 97.13.2 Procedure 97.14 Tensile yield force 107.14.1 Procedure 107.15 Electrical resistance. 107.15.1 Requirement 107.15.2 Procedure 107.16 Inhibitor tape 107.17 Abrasivi

21、ty . 117.17.1 Requirement 117.17.2 Procedure 117.18 Light transmittance of the tape and the leader 117.19 Coefficient of dynamic friction 117.19.1 Requirements 117.19.2 Procedure for the measurement of the friction between the magnetic surface and the back surface . 127.19.3 Procedure for the measur

22、ement of the friction between the magnetic surface or the back surface and calcium titanate ceramic . 128 Magnetic recording characteristics of the unrecorded tape . 12iiiPage8.1 Typical Field. 138.2 Signal amplitude. 138.3 Resolution 138.4 Overwrite 138.4.1 Requirement. 138.5 Peak shift . 138.5.1 R

23、equirement. 138.5.2 Procedure. 139 Tape quality 149.1 Missing pulses 149.1.1 Requirement. 149.2 Missing pulse zone. 149.2.1 Requirement. 149.3 Tape durability 1410 Mechanical specifications of the tape cartridge . 1410.1 Bottom side and right side 1510.2 Back side and left side . 1610.3 Tape reel 16

24、10.4 Tape leader and markers. 1710.5 Front side . 1810.6 Operation of the cartridge 1910.7 Tape winding 2010.8 Moment of inertia . 2010.9 Material 2011 Method of recording . 2911.1 Physical recording density . 2911.2 Channel bit cell length 2911.2.1 Average Channel bit cell length . 2911.2.2 Long-te

25、rm average Channel bit cell length 2911.2.3 Short-term average Channel bit cell length 2911.3 Flux transition spacing . 2911.4 Read signal amplitude 2911.5 Azimuth 3011.6 Channel skew. 3012 Tape format 3012.1 Reference Edge . 3012.2 Direction of recording. 3012.3 Tape layout 3012.4 Calibration and D

26、irectory Area. 3012.4.1 Scratch Area 3112.4.2 Guard Area G1. 3112.4.3 Calibration Tracks Area 3112.4.4 Guard Area G2. 3212.4.5 Directory Area 3212.4.6 Guard Area G3. 3212.5 Data Area. 3312.5.1 Physical tracks . 3312.5.2 Width of the physical tracks . 33ivPage12.5.3 Logical tracks. 3312.5.4 Locations

27、 of the physical tracks. 3312.5.5 Layout of tracks in the Data Area 3413 Data format 3513.1 Data Bytes . 3613.2 Logical Blocks 3613.3 Data Blocks 3613.4 Types of Logical Blocks . 3613.5 Entities . 3613.6 Logical Block format 3613.6.1 Preamble . 3713.6.2 Sync. 3713.6.3 Data Field 3713.6.4 EDC . 3913.

28、6.5 Control Field 1 (CF1) . 3913.6.6 Control Field 2 (CF2) . 4113.6.7 CRC . 4113.6.8 Postamble 4114 Use of Logical Blocks 4214.1 Data Blocks 4214.2 Filler Blocks . 4214.3 End of Track Blocks (EOTR) . 4214.4 End of Data Blocks (EOD) . 4214.5 ECC Blocks 4215 Format of Entities. 4216 Error handling 43T

29、ables1 Code conversion 292 Allocation of physical tracks to logical tracks 333a Locations of the physical tracks (U.S. customary units). 343b Locations of the physical tracks (Metric units) 34Figures1 Measurement of coating adhesion . 82 Measurement of layer-to-layer adhesion 93 Measurement of elect

30、rical resistance. 104 Measurement of abrasivity . 115 Measurement of peak shift . 146 General view 217 Reference planes . 218 Bottom side 229 Right side . 23vPage10 Back side 2311 Left side 2412 Cross section, non-operating position 2413 Cross section, operating position 2514 Leader/tape connection

31、2515 Position of tape splice. 2516 Tape leader. 2617 Front side 2718 Back side, position of the back door. 2719 Position of the leader tip . 2820 Tape layout. 3021 Calibration and Directory Areas 3122 Calibration Tracks Area 3223 Layout of the tracks of the Data Area . 3524 Block format 3725 Content

32、 of MAP entries. 3826 Content of Control Field 1. 3927 Content of Control Field 2. 41AnnexesA Measurement of light transmittance 44B Generation of the Data Block CRCs . 47C ECC generation 48D Generation of page CRCs 51E Format of MAP entries 52F Format of Control Field 1 53G Format of Control Field

33、2 54H Recommendations for transportation 55J Inhibitor Tape 55K Recommendations on tape durability . 57L Handling guidelines 58viForeword (This foreword is not part of American National Standard NCITS 334-2000.)This standard presents the minimum requirements for the organization and locationof magne

34、tically encoded data on a 0.5 inch (12.65 mm) wide magnetic tape cartridgeto allow parties that comply with these requirements to interchange information reli-ably. The standard applies to 128-track, 62 500 bpi (2 460 bpmm), 2,7 RLL recordingmode tape drives that operate in the streaming mode. This

35、format is called DLT 3-XT.The advantage of using the format described in this standard is that it provides 1.5times the data capacity when compared to ANSI X3.282-1996.The impetus to develop this standard was the requirement for higher capacity tapedrives to provide backup for the increasingly great

36、er capacities of the fixed diskdrives used with information processing systems.This standard was developed by Technical Committee NCITS B5 on Digital MagneticTape. This group consists of specialists experienced and qualified in the recording ofdigital information on magnetic tape. In the development

37、 of this standard, careful con-sideration was given to current practices, existing equipment and supplies, achievingthe broadest possible acceptance, and providing a basis for future improvement inthe use of the medium.This standard contains eight annexes. Annexes A to G are part of this standard an

38、dare normative. Annexes H to L are informative and are not considered part of thisstandard.Suggestions for improvement of this standard will be welcome. They should be sentto National Committee for Information Technology Standards (NCITS), ITI, 1250 EyeStreet, NW, Suite 200, Washington DC 20005-3922

39、.This standard was processed and approved for submittal to ANSI by NCITS. Com-mittee approval of this standard does not necessarily imply that all committee mem-bers voted for its approval. At the time it approved this standard, NCITS had thefollowing members:Karen Higginbottom, ChairDavid Michael,

40、Vice-ChairMonica Vago, SecretaryOrganization Represented Name of RepresentativeAonix Alexander NawrockiApple Computer, Inc. David MichaelBull HN Information Systems, Inc. Randall KilmartinCompaq Computer Corporation . Scott JamesonHewlett-Packard Company. Karen HigginbottomIBM Corporation . Ronald F

41、. SillettiInstitute for Certification of Computer Professionals Kenneth M. ZemrowskiLucent Technologies, Inc . Herbert BertineMicrosoft Corporation . Mark RylandNational Institute of Standards & Technology Michael HoganOmron Corporation. Tak NatsumeOracle Corporation . Donald R. DeutschPanasonic Tec

42、hnologies, Inc . Judson HofmannPerennial Barry HedquistPlum Hall, Inc. Thomas PlumShare, Inc. Dave ThewlisSony Electronics, Inc Masataka OgawaSun Microsystems, Inc. Carl CargillUnisys Corporation. Arnold F. WinklerUS Department of Defense/DISA. Russ RichardsXerox Corporation Jean BaronasviiNCITS Tec

43、hnical Committee B5 on Digital Magnetic Tape, which developed thisstandard had the following members:Richard T. Steinbrenner, ChairmanDonald E. Morgan, Vice-ChairmanThomas BullW. Mike DeeseHideo DobashiRandy GlissmannJames A. Goins, Jr.David HallJack HirschKyracos JoannouMartin LilleyCurt MulderMits

44、uyuki NaganoGerrit NijssenJames OHoraCharles RaineyVincent RobackRoger RussKoichi SadashigePaul SegerPravin TrivediJames WolfWilliam Bullers (Alt.)Thomas Cannier (Alt.)Richard F. Davis (Alt.)Tim Hughes (Alt.)Toshiaki Izumi (Alt.)George McBride (Alt.)Alan Montgomery (Alt.)Steve Osborn (Alt.)Alain Que

45、au (Alt.)Randy Queen (Alt.)Nick Skoglar (Alt.)Guy Tadlock (Alt.)Jun Takayama (Alt.)E. J. Wendell (Alt.)Tracy Wood (Alt.)AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD ANSI NCITS 334-2000American National Standardfor Information Technology Magnetic Tape Cartridgefor Information Interchange0.50 in (12.65 mm), Serial Serp

46、entine128-Track, 62 500 bpi (2 460 bpmm)DLT 3-XT Format11. Introduction1.1 ScopeThis standard specifies the physical and magnetic characteristics of a 0.5 in (12.65 mm) wide 128-track magnetic tapecartridge, to enable physical interchange of such cartridges. It also specifies the quality of the reco

47、rded signals, aformat - called Digital Linear Tape 3 Extended (DLT 3-XT) - and a recording method, thereby allowing datainterchange between drives.The use of a labeling standard such as American National Standard for Information Technology - File structure andlabelling of magnetic tapes for informat

48、ion interchange, ANSI X3.27-1987(R1995), will support data interchangebetween data-processing systems.Note - The users attention is called to the possibility that compliance with this standard mayrequire use of an invention covered by patent rights.By publication of this standard, no position is tak

49、en with respect to the validity of this claim or of any patentrights in connection therewith. The patent holder has, however, filed a statement of willingness to grant alicense under these rights on reasonable and non-discriminatory terms and conditions to applicants desiring toobtain such a license. Details may be obtained from the publisher.1.2 PurposeThis standard defines the requirements and supporting test methods necessary to ensure information interchange atacceptable performance levels. It is distinct from a specification in that it delineates a minimum of restrictionsconsist

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