ANSI ISEA 201-2012 American National Standard for Classification of Insulating Apparel Used in Cold Work Environments《冷加工环境用绝缘服装分类》.pdf

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1、A N S I / I S E A 201-2012 American National Standard for Classification of Insulating Apparel Used in Cold Work Environments ANSI/ISEA 201-2012 American National Standard for Classification of Insulating Apparel Used in Cold Work Environments Secretariat International Safety Equipment Association A

2、pproved February 17, 2012 American National Standards Institute, Inc. ii American National Standard An American National Standard implies a consensus of those substantially concerned with its scope and provisions. An American National Standard is intended as a guide to aid the manufacturer, the cons

3、umer, and the general public. The existence of an American National Standard does not in any respect preclude anyone, whether they have approved the standard or not, from manufacturing, marketing, purchasing, or using products, processes, or procedures not conforming to the standard. American Nation

4、al Standards are subject to periodic review and users are cautioned to obtain the latest editions. The American National Standards Institute does not develop standards and will in no circumstances give an interpretation of any American National Standard. Moreover, no persons shall have the right or

5、authority to issue an interpretation of an American National Standard in the name of the American National Standards Institute. CAUTION NOTICE: This American National Standard may be revised or withdrawn at any time. The procedures of the American National Standards Institute require that action be

6、taken to reaffirm, revise, or withdraw this standard no later than five years from the date of publication. Purchasers of American National Standards may receive current information on all standards by calling or writing the American National Standards Institute. Published by International Safety Eq

7、uipment Association 1901 North Moore Street, Suite 808, Arlington, Virginia 22209 Copyright 2012 by ISEA All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form, in an electronic retrieval system or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher. Printed in t

8、he United States of America iii Foreword (This Foreword is not part of American National Standard ANSI/ISEA 201-2012) The contribution of clothing to maintain consistent comfortable temperatures for the wearer is an important factor in productivity, endurance and safety in performing a given activit

9、y. In cold weather particularly, a clothing ensemble must meet a number of requirements. It must provide the required level of insulation for the comfort and protection of the wearer in the exposure environment. The clothing must maintain the level of “as new” performance reasonably throughout the e

10、xpected useful lifetime of the garment/ensemble. In addition, the garments other performance properties such as warmth to weight, thickness to weight, warmth to thickness, breathability, and bending modulus must be considered to optimize the ensemble for comfort and performance in the chosen activit

11、y. This standard provides a tool for rating insulative garments for intrinsic insulation value (clo units) in six performance categories and for temperature, with minimal restriction to design options. The ANSI/ISEA 201-2012 standard also requires that a certified garment will retain its insulative

12、properties over a known period of its useful lifetime as a function of the number of cycles of its recommended cleaning procedure, to provide reliable lasting protection to the wearer. Appendix material provides direction to a specifier or user on how to use this and other related standards to deter

13、mine an appropriate baseline for specifying intrinsic insulation value for a given activity level and exposure condition. Garments classified to ANSI/ISEA 201-2012 may comply with other standards addressing additional hazards such as low visibility, heat and flame exposures, or hazards related to ar

14、c flash. The existence of competing hazards may greatly affect the choices of materials for the ensemble. This standard was processed and approved using consensus procedures prescribed by the American National Standards Institute. The following organizations were contacted prior to the approval of t

15、his standard. Inclusion in this list does not necessarily imply that the organization concurred with the submittal of the proposed standard to ANSI. Alabama Power Atlas Industrial Contractors Carhartt Dakota Electric Great River Energy International Safety Equipment Association Kansas State Universi

16、ty Institute for Environmental Research 3M Company Nanosonic National Institute for Standards and Technology Nelson Labs New York State PoliceNorth Carolina State University Peapod Refrigiwear Safety Equipment Institute SDL Atlas LLC Standard Textile State of Arizona Department of Transportation Sta

17、te of Minnesota Department of Transportation University College of the North United States Army Waste Equipment Technology Association iv Contents SECTION PAGE 1. Scope 1 2 Purpose . 1 3. Compliance . 1 4. Definitions . 1 5. Normative References 2 6. Classification of Insulating Apparel . 2 7. Wash

18、Durability Performance 3 8. Performance Requirements for Insulating Apparel . 3 9. Care Labeling . 4 10. Marking Requirements 4 11. Instructions for Use . 4 APPENDICES Appendix A Guidance on Garment Selection and Use, and Determination of Performance Requirements A-1 Appendix B Test Reports A-4 B1.

19、Garment Laundering Protocol Report A-5 B2. Garment Insulation Value (clo) Measurement and Temperature Rating Determination Report A-6 B3: Apparel Compliance Certificate Form A-7 REFERENCES A-8ANSI/ISEA 201-2012 Page 1 American National Standard for Classification of Insulating Apparel Used in Cold W

20、ork Environments 1 Scope This standard establishes classification requirements for occupational apparel items worn in cold environments. The apparel items specified in this standard are passively insulated, i.e., designed to regulate body temperature of the wearer by inhibiting heat transfer away fr

21、om the body. Specific criteria are included for thermal insulation (in units of clo) and thermal transport properties. The resistance to the deterioration of these properties due to laundering are assessed and classified accordingly. The standard also includes garment care and labeling requirements

22、and provides guidance on the selection of the apparel items based on given environments and activity levels. Specific apparel covered by this standard includes insulated or shell jackets, parkas, vests, coveralls, pants and insulated flame resistant occupational wear, as well as combinations thereof

23、. This standard does not address gloves, headwear, and footwear, although these items should be included in the prescribed cold weather ensemble in order to achieve functional protection. Apparel items which are actively heated or use phase change materials (PCMs) to regulate body temperature of the

24、 wearer by actively generating, adding, or releasing heat are not included in this standard. 2 Purpose The purpose of this standard is to be a tool to assist garment selectors or specifiers in determining appropriate apparel items for cold ambient environments based on temperature and the activity o

25、f the wearer. It is also intended to assist garment manufacturers in selecting materials and performance of said apparel items (See Appendix A). 3 Compliance 3.1 Durability class as a function of laundry procedure and number of cycles shall be assigned in accordance with Section 7. The form in Appen

26、dix B1 shall be used. 3.2 Thermal classification (of finished intact insulating apparel shall be certified to verify performance to the requirements specified in Section 8. The form in Appendix B2 shall be used. 3.3 All certificates and test reports that verify the performance of finished intact ins

27、ulating apparel shall be retained by the manufacturer and be made available upon request. 3.4 A garment compliance certificate shall be developed for all models produced by each manufacturer, using the format in Appendix B3. Note: All forms are available for download in Adobe Acrobat format on www.s

28、 4 Definitions Accredited laboratory: A laboratory having a certificate of accreditation meeting the requirements of ISO/IEC Guide 17025:2005 (or other equivalent standard) for the collection and analysis of data within the parameters of this standard. Certify: To provide document

29、ation from either an independent, third-party laboratory or to self-certify, through the use of the Apparel Compliance Certificate (See Appendix B3) clo: Unit of thermal resistance defined as the insulation required to keep a resting man (producing heat at the rate of 58 W/m) comfortable in an envir

30、onment at 21C, air movement 0.1 m/s. (NOTE: Numerically, 1 clo = 0.155 Km/W or roughly the insulation value of a heavy business suit.) ANSI/ISEA 201-2012 Page 2 Clothing ensemble: A group of apparel items worn together on the body at the same time. Durability class: Garment designation related to th

31、e loss of insulating properties as a function of the number of repeated standardized laundry cycles. Home laundering: Washing/finishing of textiles according to size and volume needed by a single household, and typically at milder temperatures and with less aggressive wash chemistries than industria

32、l laundering. Industrial laundering: Professional laundering of workwear in greater quantities, and typically at higher temperatures and with more aggressive wash chemistries than home laundering. MET, or MET value: Unit of metabolic rate defined as the amount of heat produced by a man at rest. 1 ME

33、T = 58 W/m. Performance category: Garment designation related to the garments instrinsic insulating clo value. Self-certify: To verify apparel design requirements within this standard without the use of an independent accredited laboratory or other third-party. Temperature rating: The coldest enviro

34、nmental temperature at which a person can remain thermally neutral while wearing a particular clothing ensemble (neither gaining nor losing heat to the environment) at a specified activity level or metabolic rate. Thermal insulation: The resistance to dry heat transfer by way of conduction, convecti

35、on, and radiation. NOTE: For purposes of this standard, the following insulation values can be determined with a thermal manikin using clo units: lathermal resistance (insulation) of the air layer on the surface of the nude manikin. Ittotal thermal resistance (insulation) of the clothing and surface

36、 air layer around the manikin. Iclintrinsic thermal resistance (insulation) of the clothing. 5 Normative References The following documents contain provisions which, through reference, constitute mandatory requirements of this standard. Other reference documents, which do not contain mandatory provi

37、sions, are included in at the end of this standard. ASTM D5489-01a, Standard Guide for Care Symbols on Textile Product ASTM F2732-11 Standard Practice for Determining the Temperature Ratings for Cold Weather Protective Clothing. ISO 6330:2000, Textiles Domestic washing and drying procedures for text

38、ile testing ISO 15797:2002. Textiles - Industrial washing and finishing procedures for testing of workwear. Table 2 Washing Procedures for Colored Workwear ISO 3175-2:2010 Textiles - Professional care, drycleaning and wetcleaning of fabrics and garments - Part 2: Procedure for testing performance wh

39、en cleaning and finishing using tetrachloroethene 6 Classification of Insulating Apparel Insulating apparel shall be classified in terms of its durability and its performance. 6.1 Four durability classes are specified in terms of the number of laundering cycles experienced by the apparel items when

40、evaluated to at least one of the following laundering methods identified in Section 7: home laundering dry cleaning industrial washing 6.2 Six performance categories are specified in terms of the intrinsic thermal resistance (clo) of apparel items measured after subjecting the apparel items to a sel

41、ected laundering protocol as identified in Section 8. ANSI/ISEA 201-2012 Page 3 Table 1: Durability Classes (Number of Launderings) Laundering Method Durability Class Class 1 Class 2 Class 3 Class 4 Dry Clean ISO 3175-2:1998 5X 10X 25X 50X Home Laundering ISO 6330:2000 Level 1 Procedure 2A 5X 10X 25

42、X 50X Level 2 Procedure 4A 5X 10X 25X 50X Level 3 Procedure 5A 5X 10X 25X 50X Level 4 Procedure 7A 5X 10X 25X 50X Level 5 Procedure 8A 5X 10X 25X 50X Level 6 Procedure 4B 5X 10X 25X 50X Level 7 Procedure 6B 5X 10X 25X 50X Level 8 Procedure 9B 5X 10X 25X 50X Industrial Wash ISO 15797:2002 Use the pro

43、cedure for Colored Workwear Level 1 White Cotton (85C) 5X 10X 25X 50X Level 2 Polyester/Cotton (75) 5X 10X 25X 50X NOTE: The term “Level” used in Table 1 does not constitute a ranking in order of aggression or effectiveness 7 Wash Durability Performance The apparel item shall be laundered using at l

44、east one of the methods listed in Table 1. The laundry method and durability class shall be selected to duplicate as closely as possible or be more rigorous than the intended care instructions of the apparel. 8 Performance Requirements for Insulating Apparel 8.1 Thermal Performance Category (Thermal

45、 Resistance, Icl)When tested in accordance with ASTM F2732-11 Standard Practice for Determining the Temperature Ratings for Cold Weather Protective Clothing, the garments intrinsic thermal resistance (insulation) shall be classified according to the categories provided in Table 2. The thermal measur

46、ements shall be made after a specified laundering regimen as described in Section 7. The intrinsic thermal resistance shall be determined from the total resistance, the air layer resistance, and a clothing area factor. The category of thermal resistance shall be determined from the intrinsic clo val

47、ue of the garment. Table 2: Performance Categories Category Intrinsic Insulation Value (clo) 6 3.50 5 3.00 3.49 4 2.50 2.99 3 2.00 2.49 2 1.50 1.99 1 0.75 1.49 8.2 Temperature Rating The measured total insulation value (clo units) of the laundered apparel in Section 8.1 shall be used to assign a tem

48、perature rating according to the procedure in ASTM F2732-11. NOTE: This assumes an activity level commensurate with “light work” or 2 MET, or for ANSI/ISEA 201-2012 Page 4 other activity levels temperature ratings as may be noted by the manufacturer and in accordance with ASTM F2732-11. It also assu

49、mes the apparel item is part of a lightweight ensemble such as jeans, a thin knit mock turtleneck shirt, a knit hat, gloves, and everyday footwear. 9 Care Labeling 9.1 Washing or cleaning instructions shall be indicated in accordance with ASTM D5489-01a, Standard Guide for Care Symbols on Textile Products, as relevant. These shall be included as a separate label or combined with the specific marking included in Section 10.2. 9.2 The maximum number of recommended cleaning process cycles for the finished item shall be stated after maximum

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