2、erm in the language. The absence of a generally accepted term for the concept in the language is indicated by a symbol consisting of five points (.I; a row of dots may be used to indicate, in a term, a word to be chosen in each particular case; c) the preferred term in a particular country (identifi
3、ed according to the rules of IS0 639. d1 el fl cl) h1 the abbreviation for the term; permitted synonymous term(s); the text of the definition (see 3.4); one or more examples with the heading “Example(s)“; one or more notes specifying particular cases in the field of application of the concepts, with
4、 the heading “NOTEkY; i) a picture, a diagram, or a table which could be common to several entries. 3.3 Classification of entries A two-digit serial number is assigned to each part of this Inter- national Standard, beginning with 01 for “fundamental terms”. The entries are classified in groups to ea
5、ch of which is assigned a four-digit serial number. The first two digits being those of the part of this International Standard. Each entry is assigned a six-digit index number. The first four digits being those of the part of this International Standard and the group. In order that versions of this
6、 International Standard in various languages are related, the numbers assigned to parts, groups and entries are the same for all languages. 3.4 Selection of terms and wording of definitions The selection of terms and the wording of definitions have, as far as possible, followed established usage. Wh
7、en there were contradictions, solutions agreeable to the majority have been sought. Parfois, le m b) le terme, ou le terme prefer6 en general dans la langue. Labsence, dans une langue, de terme consacre ou B con- seiller pour exprimer une notion est indiquee par un symbole consistant en cinq points
8、de suspension (. . . . .), les points de suspension peuvent 6tre employ c) le terme prefer6 dans un certain pays (identifie selon les regles de IISO 639; d) Iabreviation pouvant 6tre employee B la place du terme; e) le terme ou les termes admis comme synonymes; f) le texte de la definition (voir 3.4
9、); g) un ou plusieurs exemples precedes du titre ( Exemplek) ); h) une ou plusieurs notes precisant le domaine dapplica- tion de la notion, precedeeM du titre (NOTE(S) ); i1 une figure, un schema ou un tableau, pouvant its particular field of application, or its grammatical form. 3.8 Use of brackets
10、 When several closely related terms can be defined by texts that differ only in a few words, the terms and their definitions are grouped in a single entry. The words to be substituted in order to obtain the different meanings are placed in brackets, i.e. 1, in the same order in the term and in the d
11、efinition. In order to avoid uncertainty regarding the words to be sub- stituted, the last word that according to the above rule could be placed in front of the opening bracket is, wherever possible, placed inside the bracket and repeated for each alternative. 3.9 Use of terms printed in italic type
12、face in definitions and use of asterisk A term printed in italic typeface in a definition, an example, or a note is defined in another entry in this International Standard, which may be in another part. However, the term is printed in italic typeface only the first time it occurs in each entry. Ital
13、ic typeface is also used for other grammatical forms of a term, for example, plurals of nouns and participles of verbs. The basic forms of all terms printed in italic typeface are listed in the index at the end of the part (see 3.11). An asterisk is used to separate terms printed in italic typeface
14、when two such terms are referred to in separate entries and directly follow each other (or are separated only by a punctua- tion sign). 3.6 Abreviations Comme indique en 3.2, des abreviations lit code alphabetique numeriquel alphanumerique binairel Code dont les cadets sont formgits and possibly spa
15、ce characters and special characters. Example: In the Universal Decimal Classification, the numeric word 61(03) = 20 is used to identify any medical encyclopedia in English. 04.06.04 computer word machine word A word usually treated as a unit, that is suitable for processing by a given computer. 04.
16、06.05 word size word length The number of characters in a word. 04.07 Sets of data 04.07.01 data element A unit of data that, in a certain context, is considered in- divisible. Example : The data element “age of a person” with values con- sisting of all combinations of 3-decimal digits, 04.07.02 fie
17、ld On a data medium or in storage, a specified area used for a particular class of data elements. Example: A group of character positions used to enter or display wage rates on a screen. 04.07.03 record A set of data elements treated as a unit. 04.07.04 logical record A set of related data elements
18、considered to be a record from a logical viewpoint. 04.07.05 physical record A record considered with respect to its physical position on a data medium or in storage. 04.07.06 record length record size The number of bytes (or any other appropriate unit) in a record. 04.06.02 mot alphabbtique Mot ne
19、comprenant que des lettres du mdme alphabet. 04.06.03 mot numerique Mot comprenant des chifhres et dventuellement des caractsres espace et des caractkres spkiaux. Exemple: Dans la Classification DBcimale Universelle, le mot numkrique 61(03) = 20 dksigne toute encyclopedic medicale en anglais. 04.06.
20、04 mot-machine Mot adapt6 au traitement exkcutb par un ordinateur d&ermine et constituant g&Gi-alement une unit& 04,06.o!i longueur de mot Nombre de caractdres constituant un mot. 04.07 Ensembles de donnkes 04.07.01 Bkment de donn6e Unite dinformation considkbe comme Btant indivisible dans un certai
21、n contexte. Exemple : LWment de donnke ( Bge dune personne 1) avec des valeurs comprenant toutes les combinaisons de trois chiffres dkimaux. 04.07.02 zone champ /CAN/ Sur un support ou en mdmoire, suite demplacements cons&u- tifs r&en& B une categoric particuli&re de donndes. Exemple: Suite de posit
22、ions sur un &ran destinees B lafl- chage ou B Iintroduction de salaires. 04.07.03 enregistrement Ensemble de donn&s consid& comme un tout. 04.07.04 article enregistrement logique Ensemble de donnbes associees consid& comme un enregistrement dun point de vue logique. 04.07.05 enregistrement physique
23、Enregistrement consid& par rapport B sa position physique sur un support de don&es ou en m&moire. 04.07.06 longueur denregistrement Nombre doctets (ou toute autre unite adhquatel dans un enregistrement, 11 Copyright American National Standards Institute Provided by IHS under license with ANSINot for
24、 ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-IS0 2382-4 : 1987 (E/F) 04.07.07 block A sequence of elements recorded or transmitted as a unit. NOTE - The elements couid be characters, “words or records. 04.07.08 block size block length The number of bytes (or any other
25、appropriate unit) in a block. w.07.09 blocking factor The number of records to be contained in a block. 04.07.10 file A named set of records *stored or processed as a unit. 04.07.11 file updating The activity of adding, deleting, or changing data in a file. 04.07.12 file maintenance The activity of
26、updating or reorganizing a file. 04.07.13 table An arrangement of data each item of which may be identified by means of arguments or keys. 04.07.14 data bank A set of date related to a given subject and organized in such a way that it can be consulted by users. 04.07.15 database A data structure for
27、 accepting, storing and providing on de- mand data for multiple independent users. 04.08 Lists 04*0&01 list An ordered set of data elements. 04.08.02 chained list linked list A list in which the data elements may be dispersed in storage but in which each data element contains information for locat-
28、ing the next one. 04.07.07 bloc Suite delements enregistree ou transmise comme un tout. NOTE - Les Gments peuvent Btre des caractbres, des mots ou des enregistrements. 04.07.08 longueur de bloc Nombre doctets (ou toute autre unite appropriee) dans un bloc. 04.07.09 facteur de groupage Nombre darticl
29、es devant Btre contenus dans un bloc. 04.07.10 fichier Ensemble identifie denregistrements *rang.4 en m.Gmoire ou trait6 comme un tout. 04.07.11 mise g jour de fichier Ensemble des operations dadjonction, de suppression ou de modification de donn&es dans un fichier. 04.07.12 maintenance de fichier E
30、nsemble des operations de mise B jour ou de reorganisation du n fichier. 04.07.13 table tableau Ensemble de donn&es organise dont chaque article est iden- tifiable au moyen darguments ou de cf.&. 04.07.14 banque de donnees Ensemble de donnees relatif B un domaine defini des con- naissances et organi
31、se pour 6tre offert aux consultations dutilisateurs. 04.07.15 base de donnees Structure de donnkes permettant de recevoir, de stocker et de fournir B la demande des don&es B de multiples utilisateurs in- d&pendants. 04.08 Listes 04.08.01 liste Ensemble d&?ments de don&e dont Iordre est defini. 04.08
32、.02 liste chainee Liste dont les &ments de donnde peuvent Ztre dispers6.s mais dont chacun contient des informations pour determiner Iem- placement du suivant. Copyright American National Standards Institute Provided by IHS under license with ANSINot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted
33、 without license from IHS-,-,-IS0 2382-4 : 1987 (E/F) 04.08.03 symmetrical list A chained list in which each date element contains also infor- mation for locating the preceding one. 0408.03 liste symbtrique Liste chaMe dans laquelle chaque .4/4ment de donn& contient des informations pour determiner
34、Iemplacement du pr&Gdent. 04.08.04 linear list A linearly ordered set of data elements whose order is pres- erved in storage by using sequential allocation. 04.08.04 liste IMaire Ensemble lin6aire d&ments de donm!e dont la s&pence est p&et&e en m.4moire par affectation s6quentielle. 04.08.05 pushdow
35、n list (pushdown) stack A list that is constructed and maintained so that the next data element to be retrieved is the most recently stored. NOTE - This method is characterized as “last in, first out” (LIFO). 04,08.05 pile liste refoulbe Liste construite et g&e de telle faGon que le premier t%ment d
36、e don&e 31 extraire soit celui qui a Bt4 enregistr6 en dernier. NOTE - Cette organisation est caract&isC par la formule ctdernier entr6, premier sorti 1) (LIFO). 0408.06 queue pushup list A list that is constructed and maintained so that the next data element to be retrieved is the one stored first.
37、 NOTE - This method is characterized as “first in, first out” (FIFO). 0403.06 file dattente liste directe Liste construite et g&e de telle faGon que le premier &?ment de donnke 31 extraire soit le premier qui a 6th enregistrb. NOTE - Cette organisation est caract&i&e par la formule apremier entr6, p
38、remier sorti D (FIFO). 04.08.07 list processing A method of processing date in the form of lists. NOTE - Chained lists are usually used so that the order of the data elements can be changed without altering their physical locations. 04.03.07 traitement de liste MBthode de traitement de don&es prkent
39、kes sous forme de listes. NOTE - En traitement de liste, on emploie g&v%alement das listes charnkes de fagon que Iordre des &?ments de donrke puke Stre change sans que leur emplacement physique soit modifk 04.09 Separators and identifiers 04.09.01 One or more characters used to indicate the beginnin
40、g or the delimiter end of a character string. 04.09.02 identifier One or more characters used to identify or name a data element and possibly to indicate certain properties of that data element. 04.09.03 label An identifier within or attached to a set of data elements. 04.09.04 key An identtiier wit
41、hin a set of data elements. 04.09.05 pointer A data element that indicates the location of another data element, 04.09 S6parateurs et identificdteurs 04.09.01 Un ou plusieurs caractbres utilisks pour marquer le debut ou la fin dune charne de caractkes. delimiteur 04.09.02 identificateur Un ou plusie
42、urs caractkes permettant didentifier ou de nom- mer un t%ment de donnde et den prkiser parfois certaines proprif%s. 04.09.03 label ldentificateur faisant partie dun ensemble dMments de don&e ou associe 3 cet ensemble. 04.o!m cl6 ldentifcateur faisant partie dun ensemble d&Sments de don&e. 04.09.05 p
43、ointeur &?ment de don&e indiquant la position dun autre Nment de donnhe. 13 Copyright American National Standards Institute Provided by IHS under license with ANSINot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-IS0 2382-4 : 1987 (E/F) English alphabetical index A a
44、lphabet alphabetic alphanumeric alphabet . . . . . . . . alphabetic character set . . alphabetic code . . . . . . . . . . alphabetic coded set . . . . . alphabetic string. . . . . . . . . . alphabetic word . . . . . alphanumeric character set. alphanumeric code . . . . alphanumeric coded set . . . B
45、 bank binary bit blank block blocking byte data bank binary character . binary character set . binary code. binary coded set. binary digit . binary digit string bit. n-bit byte. 8-bit byte. blank (character) block block length block size blocking factor byte . n-bit byte . 8-bit byte . . . . . . . .
46、 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * . . . . 04.03.03 . 04.01.03 . 04.02.06 . 04.02.07 . 04.05.02 . 04.06.02 . 04.01.05 . 04.02.06 . 04.02.07 coded 04.07.14 0403.08 04.01.06 04.0266 04.02.07 04.03.07 04.05.02 04.03.07 04.0566 04.05.07 04.03.09 04.07.
47、07 04.07.08 04.07.08 04.07.09 04.05.07 04.0566 04.05.07 C character code alphabetic character set . 04.01.03 alphanumeric character set. 04.01.05 binary character 04.03.08 binary character set . 04.01.06 blank (character) . 04.03.09 character 04.01.01 character set . 04.01.02 character string 04.05.
48、02 code extension character 04.04.05 coded character set . 04.02.03 control character . 04.04.01 device control character . 04.04.06 graphic character. 04.03.01 ideographic character . 04.0364 layout character (GE) . 0464.04 numeric character 04.03.05 numeric character set . 04.01.04 space character
49、 04.04.03 special character . 04.03.10 transmission control character 0464.02 alphabetic code 04.02.06 alphanumeric code . 04.02.06 binary code. . 04.02.06 code 04.02.01 coding computer control data database decimal delimiter device digit effector element extension factor field file format code (deprecated in this sense1 . code (deprecated in this sense) . code (deprecated in this sense1 . code element code element set . code extension character codeset . code value. data code (depre