ANSI NSF 42-2017 Drinking Water Treatment Units - Aesthetic Effects.pdf

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1、NSF International Standard / American National StandardNSF/ANSI 42 - 2017Drinking Water Treatment Units - Aesthetic Effects NSF International, an independent, not-for-profit, non-governmental organization, is dedicated to being the leading global provider of public health and safety-based risk manag

2、ement solutions while serving the interests of all stakeholders. This Standard is subject to revision. Contact NSF to confirm this revision is current. Users of this Standard may request clarifications and interpretations, or propose revisions by contacting: Chair, Joint Committee on Drinking Water

3、Treatment Units c/o NSF International 789 North Dixboro Road, P. O. Box 130140 Ann Arbor, Michigan 48113-0140 USA Phone: (734) 769-8010 Telex: 753215 NSF INTL FAX: (734) 769-0109 E-mail: Web: http:/www.nsf.orgi NSF/ANSI 422017 NSF International Standard/ American National Standard for Dr

4、inking Water Treatment Units Drinking water treatment units Aesthetic effects Standard Developer NSF International Designated as an ANSI Standard April 11, 2017 American National Standards Instituteii Prepared by The NSF Joint Committee on Drinking Water Treatment Units Recommended for adoption by T

5、he NSF Council of Public Health Consultants Adopted by The NSF Board of Directors March 1973 Revised June 1982 Addendum 1.0 June 2002 Revised February 2011 Revised June 1988 Addendum 2.0 October 2002 Revised February 2012 Revised September 1996 Editorial revision, November 2003 Revised December 2012

6、 Revised September 1997 Addendum 1.0 August 2004 Revised December 2013 Revised November 1998 Revised April 2005 Revised January 2015 Revised September 1999 Editorial revision, June 2005 Revised October 2015 Revised July 2000 Revised July 2007 Revised February 2017 Revised November 2000 Revised Octob

7、er 2007 Revised November 2017 Revised January 2001 Addendum March 2008 Revised January 2002 Revised August 2009 Published by NSF International PO Box 130140, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48113-0140, USA For ordering copies or for making inquiries with regard to this Standard, please reference the designation

8、 “NSF/ANSI 42 2017.” Copyright 2017 NSF International Previous editions 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2005, 2004, 2002, 2001, 2000, 1999, 1998, 1997, 1996, 1988, 1982, 1973 Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by

9、 any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from NSF International. Printed in the United States of America.iii Disclaimers1NSF, in performing its functions in accordance with its objectives, does not assume or undertake to discharge any

10、responsibility of the manufacturer or any other party. The opinions and findings of NSF represent its professional judgment. NSF shall not be responsible to anyone for the use of or reliance upon this Standard by anyone. NSF shall not incur any obligation or liability for damages, including conseque

11、ntial damages, arising out of or in connection with the use, interpretation of, or reliance upon this Standard. NSF Standards provide basic criteria to promote sanitation and protection of the public health. Provisions for mechanical and electrical safety have not been included in this Standard beca

12、use governmental agencies or other national standards-setting organizations provide safety requirements. Participation in NSF Standards development activities by regulatory agency representatives (federal, local, state) shall not constitute their agencys endorsement of NSF or any of its Standards. P

13、reference is given to the use of performance criteria measurable by examination or testing in NSF Standards development when such performance criteria may reasonably be used in lieu of design, materials, or construction criteria. The illustrations, if provided, are intended to assist in understandin

14、g their adjacent standard requirements. However, the illustrations may not include all requirements for a specific product or unit, nor do they show the only method of fabricating such arrangements. Such partial drawings shall not be used to justify improper or incomplete design and construction. Un

15、less otherwise referenced, the Annexes are not considered an integral part of NSF Standards. The Annexes are provided as general guidelines to the manufacturer, regulatory agency, user, or certifying organization. 1The information contained in this Disclaimer is not part of this American National St

16、andard (ANS) and has not been processed in accordance with ANSIs requirements for an ANS. Therefore, this Disclaimer may contain material that has not been subjected to public review or a consensus process. In addition, it does not contain requirements necessary for conformance to the Standard. This

17、 page is intentionally left blank.v Contents 1 General . 1 1.1 Purpose 1 1.2 Scope . 1 1.3 Alternate materials, designs, and construction 1 1.4 Chemical and mechanical reduction performance claims . 1 1.5 Minimum requirements. 1 1.6 Treatment train . 2 2 Normative references . 2 3 Definitions . 3 4

18、Materials . 3 4.1 Materials in contact with drinking water . 3 4.2 Materials evaluation . 4 4.3 Gas chromatography/mass spectroscopy (GC/MS) analysis 6 4.4 Materials in contact with the users mouth . 8 5 Structural performance . 12 5.1 Structural integrity 12 5.2 Acceptance 12 5.3 Working pressure .

19、 13 5.4 Structural integrity test methods 13 6 Minimum performance requirements 19 6.1 Elements 19 6.2 Waste connections . 19 6.3 Product water dispensing outlets . 19 6.4 Hazards 19 6.5 Operation temperature . 19 6.6 Rated service flow 19 6.7 POE rated pressure drop . 20 6.8 Minimum service flow .

20、20 6.9 Active agents and additives . 20 7 Elective performance claims test methods 21 7.1 General requirements 21 7.2 Bacteriological performance 23 7.3 Chemical reduction testing . 25 7.4 Mechanical reduction testing . 48 7.5 Scale control testing . 51 8 Instruction and information . 52 8.1 Install

21、ation, operation, and maintenance instruction 52 8.2 Data plate . 54 8.3 Replacement components . 55 8.4 Performance data sheet . 56 Annex A Key elements of a certification program for drinking water treatment systems and components 59 Annex B Procedure for the analysis of monochloramine by high per

22、formance liquid chromatography (HPLC)63 Annex C. 69 Annex D Test method for evaluating mouth drawn water treatment units 71 Annex E Test method for evaluating squeeze bottle drinking water treatment units 75 Annex F Methods and procedures to minimize premature filter plugging 79 Annex G Evaluation m

23、ethods for systems with multiple technologies - treatment train . 81This page is intentionally left blank.vii Foreword2The purpose of this Standard is to establish minimum requirements for materials, design, construction, and performance of drinking water treatment units that are designed to reduce

24、specific aesthetic-related contaminants in public or private water supplies. This Standard specifies the minimum product literature and labeling information that a manufacturer must supply to authorized representatives and system owners. Lastly, the Standard provides minimum service-related obligati

25、ons that the manufacturer must extend to system owners. This edition of the Standard contains the following revisions: Issue 87 This revision addresses sample collection for systems containing multiple potable water outlets under section 4.2.3. Issue 90 An alternative use pattern was added to the me

26、thods for point of entry devices. Issue 91 An optional iron influent challenge of 10 mg/L was added. Issue 93 A method for exposure of fine media was incorporated. Issue 94 Normative references were updated. Issue 95 The EPA Method 521 reference for analyzing nitrosamines in the materials extraction

27、 testing was included in section 4. Issue 96 Evaluation criteria columns from tables 4.1, 4.2, and 4.3 were removed and now reference the evaluation criteria in Annex D, Table D.1 in NSF/ANSI 61. This Standard was developed by the NSF Joint Committee on Drinking Water Treatment Units using the conse

28、nsus process described by the American National Standards Institute. Suggestions for improvement of this Standard are welcome. This Standard is maintained on a Continuous Maintenance schedule and can be opened for comment at any time. Comments should be sent to Chair, Joint Committee on Drinking Wat

29、er Treatment Units at, or c/o NSF International, Standards Department, P.O. Box 130140, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48113-0140, USA. 2The information contained in this Foreword is not part of this American National Standard (ANS) and has not been processed in accordance with ANSIs requireme

30、nts for an ANS. Therefore, this Foreword may contain material that has not been subjected to public review or a consensus process. In addition, it does not contain requirements necessary for conformance to the Standard. This page is intentionally left blank.1 2017 NSF NSF/ANSI 42 2017 NSF/ANSI Stand

31、ard for Drinking Water Treatment Units Drinking water treatment units Aesthetic effects 1 General 1.1 Purpose It is the purpose of this Standard to establish minimum requirements for materials, design and construction, and performance of drinking water treatment systems that are designed to reduce s

32、pecific aesthetic-related (non-health effects) contaminants in public or private water supplies. This Standard also specifies the minimum product literature and labeling information that a manufacturer shall supply to authorized representatives and system owners as well as the minimum service-relate

33、d obligations that the manufacturer shall extend to system owners. 1.2 Scope The point-of-use and point-of-entry systems addressed by this Standard are designed to be used for the reduction of specific substances that may be present in drinking water (public or private) considered to be microbiologi

34、cally safe and of known quality. Systems covered under this Standard are intended to reduce substances affecting the aesthetic quality of the water or to add chemicals for scale control, or both. Substances may be soluble or particulate in nature at concentrations influencing public acceptance of th

35、e drinking water. It is recognized that a system may be effective in controlling one or more of these substances but is not required to control all. Systems with components or functions covered under other NSF or NSF/ANSI standards or criteria shall conform to the applicable requirements therein. 1.

36、3 Alternate materials, designs, and construction While specific materials, designs, and construction may be stipulated in this Standard, systems that incorporate alternate materials, designs, and construction may be acceptable when it is verified that such systems meet the applicable requirements st

37、ated herein. 1.4 Chemical and mechanical reduction performance claims 1.4.1 All NSF/ANSI 42 performance claims shall be verified and substantiated by test data generated under the requirements of NSF/ANSI 42. 1.4.2 When performance claims are made for substances not specifically addressed in the sco

38、pe of this Standard or for substances not specifically addressed but falling under the scope of NSF/ANSI 42, such claims shall be identified as not specifically addressed in the Standard. 1.5 Minimum requirements This Standard establishes minimum requirements. A system as defined in this Standard sh

39、all meet the applicable requirements of 4, 5, 6, and 8, and at least one performance claim as described in 7. 2017 NSF NSF/ANSI 42 2017 2 A component as defined in this Standard shall meet the requirements of 4 and 8. If the component is pressure-bearing, it shall also meet the applicable requiremen

40、ts of 5. A commercial modular system as defined in this Standard shall meet the applicable requirements of 4, 5, 6, and 8, and at least one performance claim as described in 7. Manifolds of commercial modular systems shall meet the requirements of 4, 5 (if pressure bearing), and 8, and shall be eval

41、uated as stand-alone components. Manifolds shall have a minimum internal diameter such that the water velocity in the manifold will not exceed 3 m (10 ft) per second (which can be calculated based upon the system flow rate and the manifold internal diameter). Individual modular elements evaluated as

42、 a manifold and modular element combination shall meet the applicable requirements of 4, 5, 6, and 8, and at least one performance claim as described in 7. 1.6 Treatment train A system that contains multiple, sequential treatment technologies for a performance claim under this Standard shall meet th

43、e applicable requirements as described in Annex G. 2 Normative references The following documents contain requirements that, by reference in this text, constitute requirements of this Standard. At the time of publication, the indicated editions were valid. All of the documents are subject to revisio

44、n and parties are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the recent editions of the documents indicated below. The most recent published edition of the document shall be used for undated references. 21 CFR . Parts 170-199. Food and Drugs3 APHA, Standard Methods for the Examination of

45、Water and Wastewater, twentieth edition4NSF/ANSI 51. Food Equipment Materials NSF/ANSI 53. Drinking water treatment units Health effects NSF/ANSI 60. Drinking water treatment chemicals Health effects NSF/ANSI 61. Drinking water system components Health effects ISO 12103-1:1997. Road Vehicles Test du

46、st for filter evaluation Part 1: Arizona test dust5USEPA-600/4-79-020. Methods for the Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes, March 19836USEPA-600/4-84/053. Methods for Organic Chemical Analysis of Municipal and Industrial Wastewater, June 19846 3USFDA CFR Code of Federal Regulations Title 21 4Ameri

47、can Public Health Association (APHA), 800 I Street, NW, Washington, DC 20001 . 5International Organization for Standardization (ISO), Case postale 56, CH-1211 Geneve 20, Switzerland . 6USEPA, Environmental Monitoring and Support Laboratory, Cincinnati, OH 45268 . 2017 NSF NSF/ANSI 42 2017 3 USEPA-60

48、0/R-05/054. Determination of Nitrosamines in Drinking Water by Solid Phase Extraction and Capillary Column Gas Chromatography with Large Volume Injection and Chemical Ionization Tandem Mass Spectrometry (MS/MS), September 20046USEPA-600/R-94/111. Methods for the Determination of Metals in Environmen

49、tal Samples, Supplement 1, May 19946USEPA-90/020. Methods for the Determination of Organic Compounds in Drinking Water, Supplement 1, July 19906USEPA Guidelines Establishing Test Procedures for the Analysis of Pollutants, 40 CFR Part 1367 USEPA National Primary Drinking Water Regulations, 40 CFR Part 1417 USEPA National Secondary Drinking Water Regulations, 40 CFR Part 14373 Definitions Terms used in this Standard that have a specific technical meaning are defined in NSF/ANSI 330. 4 Materials 4.1 Materials in contact with drinking wat

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