ARMY MIL-E-45332 C-1975 ENGINE GASOLINE 4-CYLINDER IN-LINE LIQUID-COOLED 65 HP M151-2《M151-2型65 HP管线内4缸液压汽油发动机》.pdf

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ARMY MIL-E-45332 C-1975 ENGINE GASOLINE 4-CYLINDER IN-LINE LIQUID-COOLED 65 HP M151-2《M151-2型65 HP管线内4缸液压汽油发动机》.pdf_第1页
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ARMY MIL-E-45332 C-1975 ENGINE GASOLINE 4-CYLINDER IN-LINE LIQUID-COOLED 65 HP M151-2《M151-2型65 HP管线内4缸液压汽油发动机》.pdf_第2页
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ARMY MIL-E-45332 C-1975 ENGINE GASOLINE 4-CYLINDER IN-LINE LIQUID-COOLED 65 HP M151-2《M151-2型65 HP管线内4缸液压汽油发动机》.pdf_第3页
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ARMY MIL-E-45332 C-1975 ENGINE GASOLINE 4-CYLINDER IN-LINE LIQUID-COOLED 65 HP M151-2《M151-2型65 HP管线内4缸液压汽油发动机》.pdf_第4页
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ARMY MIL-E-45332 C-1975 ENGINE GASOLINE 4-CYLINDER IN-LINE LIQUID-COOLED 65 HP M151-2《M151-2型65 HP管线内4缸液压汽油发动机》.pdf_第5页
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1、- VIL-E-qS332C 28 W 7777706 OL967LI7 7 1. 1.1 MILITARY SPECIFICATICV Thir specification is approved for we by all Departmente. end Agcncies of the Department of Defense. . SCOEZ Thir rpecification cover6 the type of 4-cylinder, liquid-cooled, 4- stroke cycle, naturally tupiratcd Internal conburtion,

2、 gaoline engine for w in militsry vehicles. 2. APPLICABLE- 2.1 The following. ArcticJJ!. Eciakirig, Blank. (Heavy Duty). Sub-Zero, . THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS PAGES. m- / Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-E-45332C 28 7777706 OL76748 7

3、W MIL-EA5332C (AT MIL-A-13486 MIL-E-13856 MIL-L-o MIL-GA6015 MIL-C-52412 STANDAREG MlliterY MIL-STD-105 MIL-STD-130 MILSTD-193 MILSTD-461 DRAWINGS Arnqy U613729 i1660437 8712420 Air Cleaner mine: Heavy Duty, Oil-Eath Typ (for Internal Cmbusticn Engines ) . Electrical Camponents for Automotive Vehicl

4、es; Wattrproafiess Tests. Lubricating Oil, Internal Combustion Engine, Preservative end Break-In. Gasoline, Automotive, Ccanbat, Referee Grade . Cleaning Connpauid, High Pressure Cleaner, Steam. Sampling Procedure6 and Table6 for Inrrpcction by Attributes . Ientifiction bkrking of U.S. Military Psog

5、csty. Painting Procedures, Tactical Vehicles (Tracked and Wheeled). Electromegnetic Interference Characteristics Requlremnte for Equipment . Electromagnetc Interference Characterietics, Measurement of. Engine. Power Plant Assembly, M15lA2. Arm(y Winterization Kit. SuPpLEMWi“TY QUALITY ASSURANCE FROV

6、ISIOIJS SW-INDEX 11613729 - Supplemntal Quality heurance Rovisions. (Copies of specifications, stmdarda, drawings and pibllcations required by supplier8 in connection with specific procurement functions should be obtained from the procuring activity QF ae directed by the contracting officer.) 2.2 Ot

7、her publlcatione. The foilaring documents form a psrt of thiu upecib= fication to the extent specified herein. in effect on )wtmcntr. At the Bow- ClUeiiOn of this period, the engine shall demonstrate the perfaPmMce reguirenmte specified herein with the exdeption that the engine ehaf develop not less

8、 than 90 percent of the originally specified horsepower and toque. 3.2.1 5Wh0ur endurance test set-up. The Initial production engine, a received fYom the contractor at the location designated by the procuring activity. In the purchase contract shall be prepared far the endur-airce test M follows: 3.

9、2 500 hour endurance test (Initial production engine). The initial pro- At the concluclion of a 500-hour minimum en- . The flywheel homing and transmission tor- cover shall be removed, mountings adaptable to the test cell engine mounting pedC8tals# shall be attached to the rear face of the crankcase

10、 in plao of the flywheel housing. Special rubber shear mountings, adaptable to the test cell engine mounting pedestals, shall be installed on the front engine munt bolt peds located on either side of the crank- c- . Thermocouples, plumbing and other equipment neccrsery for mnitorlng data durInhour e

11、ndurance test shall be run at ambient fkst cell temperatures of ll5O f 5 F under simulated nrutimum solar radiation exposure conditions and relative humidity of five per- cent. During the pesloa the oil temperature, mea8ured in the engine oil sump, shall not exceed 300 F. cqlant temperature, measure

12、d at the engine outlet, shall be mintaincd at 200 f 5 F. The first 400 hours and all power check rumi shall be run at ambient test cell temperatures sufficient to contrgl the carbur- etor air inlet temperature to mt less than 60% nor mare than 100 F. The cool- ant outlet temperature ahall be maintai

13、ned at 1800 f 5% durlng them portions of the test. 3.2.3 %st support. The contractor shall expedltiously fumlsh apare 3.2.4 Servicing. parta to the hrernment aa required to support the 500-hour endurance test. Prior to each power check test epecified in the 500-hm endurance achedule, the lubricating

14、 Oil ad 011 filter shall be Changed, 8wk plugo and Ignition points checked and changed ea necessary and the ignition pointa au tiising adJueted to applicable specifications. 3.2.5 Adjutmcnta and/or checks. With reference to table I, engine adJwt= =ta and/or checks a noted bel owwill be accauplished

15、using hart OF run #2 as zero timc. (a) Tvcnty-five (25) hour checkir: (1) All engiae valver to be checked fur laah and reset to specification, if neceasary. (2) Check intake manifold vacuum. If vacuum gaugt indicates lem than 17.0 in Hg. at 650 engine RPM, check individual cyllndierr to locate probl

16、em area. spark plugs and head Wket for leakage, head bolts for lerlcr torque and also valves for proper cleurance. Replace faulty apark plugs mly. Ir problem area, replace defective valve (valver) aud regrind replaced valve eat (mats) to howcver, warm-up tisa and running timh of lere than 30 minuter

17、 duration em1 not be mted towsrd rulfllment of the kat run how requirementi. ulred atr. Durinlueted on 8 hot engine during run immcdlately following run #3. 3.5 Performance requiremcnta . 3.5.1 F”er check run. Each engine mbndtted under this rpecificaticm shsal meet the performance requlrement8 of t

18、hi8 8peciflcation when teated ln accordance with table III. Table III. Power check run Ecriod Engine Speed Throttle Pouitfon l. e 3 4 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-E-45332C 28 m 7797706 OL767bL L m MIL-E JC5332C (AT ) 3.5.2 Erai

19、ce horaepower. The enelne shall develop not less than 65 br 1) Oil sump 250% (meamred at the drain plug) I 2) Coolsnt 2109 (meaured at coolant outlet). requirement6 without external aide, ihall be cold-soaked until its fuel, cool- ant and oil temperature are within the aid of solar radiation, the en

20、g ne shall be started and be subjected to the power check nm a6 specified in 3.5.1 at -25% ambient temperature. 3.6.3 Cold temperature (-25%). The engine shall meet the performance 59 of the ambient temperatwe. Without 4 f 3.6.4 Cold temperature (-659). The engine shall start at -659 With the ald of

21、 Amy Winterization Kit, 20. 3.6.5 High temperature (ril59). The engine shall meet the performance requirements wth out external Side, shall be exposed to maximum solar radiation until Ita Fuel, coolant and oil temperatures are within 59 of the ambient tem- a6 6pecifled at if59 ambient temperature, a

22、nd aa required in Para. 3.5.1. 3.6.6 Altitude. The engine shU be placed in an dtitude chamber and the in*rnal pressure reuced to 22.2 Inches of mercury. Th engine shall be started and aibjectedto the pater check run ad spcified in Para. 3.5.1to de- termine that the engine shall deliver not leos than

23、 7Uj6 of the minimum horsepower at iea level. pemture. The engine shall be started and be eubjccted $ o the power check run 16 c) Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-E-q5332C 28 9999906 0396763 5 MIL-E -4533X (AT ) 3.6.7 Humidity cond

24、itio-. When tested, the engine ohall meet the per- iormbnce requirements specified under relative humidity conditionrr a8 law 84 5 percent at a temgersturc of U59 and a9 high ao 100 percent at all temperatwepi riCaai plus 2(io to plus 859. The englne ohdl be rtarted and be subjected to the pcriiier

25、check run M ipecified in bra. 3.5.1. 3.6.8 Grader and slopei. The englne shall demonotrate the prfarmance characteristics sgecified when operated throughout i%s pamr and speed range .- Th engirM ehall operate at rull and one pint law oil level condition0 in the anag, on longitudinal grab8 up to 60 p

26、ercent and on lateral slopes up to 40 pz?= cent and thsa be eubjected to a power check run ar specified in Pars. 3.5.1. mntr of MfLalri i ar clsri 8 uc I 3.6.9 Electr- tic interference. The engim ohall met the require- uipaicnt, MB Teat Prscedures CEO3, and RE? of MaaTD-462, 3,6,10 QUbmbrin. The eng

27、im, with intake and exhawst ducted to the atam- phere, no faa blade attached and With applicable crankcam fording valve lni%Ued, ohall be operated at 2ooo f 500 rp for a period of 30 minutes while submerged to a Uepth of 24 incher above the valve hawin8 in either fresh or oat mwr, 8nd while still ai

28、bmrgcd ahall reitart .Caihnce M opecificd on the pmi8iOnS of MIL-STD-193. applicable im 205 Painting Spute cmiacted harmpamr and torque and specific f?uel and oil coriaimgtlon shell be mursd in addition to the log ohetta. iram enburrnce hourir. All &ta iicceasery to detararina corrected horsepower a

29、nd torque and spei- Oll consumptian data irhall be obtained All de- rhall be tskcn after rtebilized operating condi tiom hara &sir Obt8illhd. 4.5.3 Enviroxmnta. Cold temperature teet (-259). The engine rhall be started and be nibjected to the mr check run aa spcified in 3.5.1 et -259 ambient

30、 tean- pereture to &termine coniaraance to Rwa. 3.6.3 requirenwnt k nibjected to the pawsr check run am rpec ature to &turmah conforuice to Etwa. 3.6.4 requimmentr. Cold tcmrStUra teat (-65 rthd d in 3.5.1 at -659 mient bwr- *- High temreture teat (plum ll50p). The eng- rhall be rt

31、arted Ud b mbjecte *led in 3.5.1 et U59 ambient temperetam to determine camforwnce to Fare. 3.6.5 requimnientr. Altitude teat. The engine ahall be rtarted and e rubjectcd to tho mr check run u rpecdfied in 3.5.1 to determine confonasnce to Rwa. 3.6,6 nquirementa . HUiidlty. Th engine

32、 ahall be rtarted and be nibjected to the pawbr check run am rpecified in 3.5.1 ta deternina confopmaiace to Rare. 3.6.7 requiremnk. Oradar and rloper. l%e ensine rhall be rtarted and dewrnrtrete th mrfomnce chsncte rirticr rpecified in PsiPa. 3.6.8 and then be ubjecfad to e PQllibr check NL

33、I u rpcifiod in Para. 3.5.1 requiremcntm. 3.6.9, the engine 8haU be tu ated in accorbanse with the applicable prcniiionm of MILSTD-461, Equipisnt Chr UC and Tent Procedumi CEO3 and RE2 of MIL- m-462. Electroegaa tic Interference. Is0 deternine confornnce to Pua. Provided by IHSNot for Resale

34、No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-E-45332C 28 m 7779706 0376772 b m MIL-EJr5332C( AT) Submersion. The engine shall meet the requirements specified ln Para. 3.6.10. 4.6 Log sheets. Log sheets shall be complete and nade available to the Government in acco

35、rdance with Para. 3.9 requiremnts 4.7 impection of prepasation for delivery. 4.7.1 Mattriale and proceses. All msteriale and prQces8es involved iW the preparation for delivery ehll be inspected to determine confoxmuace to pee quiremente of section 5. Any evidence of deviation fran epecified requirem

36、ent 8haU be cause for refuaal to conduct rurthcr Inspection until objective evidenet hari been pravided by the contractor that corrective action ha6 been taken. 5. PREPARATION PrOR IBLIVERY 5.1 Freservation, packaging, -king, and marking. Preservation, packagfng, packing and marking for the desired

37、level of protection shall be in sccardance with applicable packaging standard or packaging at8 oheet specified by the pro- curing activity (see 6.2). 6.1 for productxon we, ar ao a replacement in militsry tactical and administrative vehicle6 . Intended we. The engine covered by thio specification is

38、 Intendeb 6.2 ordering data. Procurement documents rhould specify the following: (a) Title, mraJ3cr, and date of thie specification. (b) Farts and accessories other than a8 apecified (me 3.3.1). (c) Number of log sheeta required (=e 3.9). (d) If contrsctar is to nnintain a quaiity control iyrtem (=e

39、 4.1.1). (e) Selection of applicable level and packaging standard or pckaging data sheet (see 5.1). 6.3 Initial poduction engine. The initiai. producticm engine requiremenfa my be waived for those nnnuf acturera who mpplied enginer conformiag to thie rpecification during the pwt two years. 26 Provid

40、ed by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-E-45332C 28 7999906 0176773 B 6.4 Correction of obmrved data. Valueo of torqw and horrapciirrr ob en- gnea ahoula be casrccted f QF atan&rb at-pheric condition8 &a follm: 6,6 &alce horsepcmer. Braice horoepcrwer ahall be Uefined am the hafee output of the engine at th flywheel. Project Ho. 2805-A514 *U.% GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1975-608-767 fi64 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-


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