1、MIL-H-53119 91 W 9999906 0472237 b W MUiH-53119 (ME) 1 IGXrch 1991 specification is approved for use within the USA Eklvoir Research, Development and Engineering center, Department of the mperatUre range -54 to +135 OC (see 6.1). This fluid is identified by the military symbol “H. 2.1 Government doc
2、umentC. 2.1.1 sisec ifications and standardc. Ihe following specifications and standardc form a part of this document to the extent cpecified herein. otherwise specified, the issues of these documente are thcse listed h the issue of the Department of Defense index of specifications and Staridardc (D
3、ODISS) and supplement thereto, cited in the solicitation (see 6.2). Unless SPECIFICATIONS GE-390 - Plastic, Molding and Extrusion Material, Polyethylene and copoiymerc (im, Medium, and High Density). Beneficial Camments (recOrmnenaations, additions, deletions) and -my pertinent data dch may be of us
4、e in improving this document should be addressed to: USA Belvoir Resear distribution is unlimited. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-H-53117 71 9997706 0472238 8 ML-H-53119 (ME) MIGB-26701 - Bottles, Screw Cap and Carboys, Polyethyl
5、ene Plastic. MIGD-43703 MIL-R-8 3 48 5 - Drums, Shipping and Storage, Molded Polyethylene. - Rubber, Fluorocarbon ElastonEr, Improved Performance at Lrsw Temperature, Type II. FEWSTD-3 13 FFPSW595 FEWST-791 -Material Safety Data Sheets, Preparation and Submission - colors used in Gov-t Prmmt. - Lubr
6、icants, Liquid Fuels and Related Prcducts; Methm of. of Testing. MIGSTD-105 MIGSTD-290 - Sarnpling procedur es and Tables for Incpection by - packaging, packing and Marking of petroleum and Attributes Related Proctuctc (Unless otherwise indicated, copies of federal and military specifications, stand
7、ardc, and handbooks are available fram the Standardi zation Doc=umentc Order Deck, milding 4D, 700 Robbins Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19111-5094.) 2.1.2 Other Government documents. The follawing other Gavenrment documen.ts form a part of this document to the extent cpecified herein. Unless otherwise s
8、pecified, the issues are those in effect on the date of the solicitation. DEPAKI“T OF LABOR (DOL) OSHA 29 CFR 1920.1200 Hazard Conununication Interpretation Regardhq Lubricating Oils. (Application for copies should be addressed to the !3printendent of Doc=umentc, Garenmient Printing Office, Washingt
9、on, DC 20402). 2.2 Non+bvemt mblications. Trie follmhg documents form a pa% of this Urdess otherwise specified, the issues document to the extent specified hereh. of the documents which are DoD adopted are those listed bn the issue of the BoXSS cited in the solicitation. cxmmnb not listed in the BOD
10、ES are the issues of the documents cited W the solicitation (see 6.2). Unless otherwise specifigd, the issues of AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR “G AND MATERIALS (ASTM) D 97 D 130 D 240 - Pour Point of Petroleum Oils. - Detection of Copper Corrosion from Petroleum productc by the Copper Strip Tarnish Test. - H
11、eat of Cambuction of Liquid iiydrocarbn Fuels by Ekmb Calorimeter. 2 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-H-53119 91 m 9999906 OY72239 T m D 445 D 664 D 892 D 1405 D 1744 D 2382 D 4057 D 4172 MIGH-53119 (ME) - Kinematic Viccocity of Tr
12、ansparent an opaque fiquir?r ASSURANCE PROVISIONS 4.1 RemonsibilitV for inspect ion. unless otherwise specified in the contract or purchace oder, the contractor is responsible for the perfomce of all hspction requirements (examhations and tests) as specified herein. Except as otherwise specified in
13、the contract or purchase order, the contractor may use his own or any other facilities suitable for the performance of the inspection rqirements specified herein, unless disapproved by the Gcrvernment. The Goverrment reserves the right to pe.rfonn any of the inspections set forth in this specificati
14、on where such incpeCtions are deemed necessary to ensure supplies and services conform to prescribed requirements. 4.1.1 esponsibility for comliance. All items must meet all requirements of The inspection set forth in this specification shall became a setions 3 and 5. part of the contractors overall
15、 inspection system or quality program. absence of any inspection requirements in the specification shall not relieve the contractor of the responsibility of ensuring that all products or supplies submitted to the Government for acceptance camply with all requirements of the contract. Sampling inspct
16、ion, as part of manufacturing operations, is an acceptable practice to ascertain confomce to requirements, however, this does not authorize submission of known defective material, either indicated or actual, nor doec it Cormnit the Government to accept defective material. The 6 Provided by IHSNot fo
17、r ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-H-53119 91 E 9999906 0472243 1 MIGH-53119 (ME) 4.2 Classification of hmect ions. Tkie inspection reqyirementc specified herein are classified as follows: a. b. c. First article inspection (see 4.4). Quality conforniance
18、 inspection (see 4.5). Inspection of packaging (see 4.7). 4.3 mxicitv. The contractor shall have the toxicoiogica product formulations and associated information available for review by the contracthg activity to evaluate the safety of the material for the prom use throucpl the submission of the Mat
19、erial Safety Data Sheet detailed in ?ED-STD-313 (see 3.3 and 6.6). 4.4 First article inmeet ion. First article inspection shall consist of tests for all the requiremats of this cpecification. be cause for rejection. Failure of any test shall 4.5 puaiitv conformance inme or manufactured in a single p
20、lant run (not exceeding 24 hours) through the same processing equiprent, with no change in ingredient material. 4.5.2 Packaged lot. A packaged lot is an indefinite number of unit containers of identical size and type, offered for acceptance, and filled with a hamgeneow mixture of material from one i
21、solated container; or filled with a hamgeneous mixture of material manufactured in a single plant run (not exding 24 hours) through the same processing equipment, with no charge in hgredient materials. 7 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-
22、,-MIL-H-53119 91 9999906 0472244 3 MIGH-53119 (ME) 4.5.3 Sample for tests. Samples for tests shall be taken in accoraanCe with ASP4 D 4057. This sample shall be subjected to all-the applicable quality conformance tests. tests, the inspection lot shall be rejected. base oil shall be selected for each
23、 lot of the finished fluid and shall be subjected to all the applicable quality conformance tests for base oil. unit containers and a sample of shipph containers fully prepared for delivery shall be selected fram each lot of fluid h accordame with MIGStW105. if the sample for tests fails any of the
24、quality confomce in addition, a randam sample of 4.5.4 Sample for examination of filled containers. A randam sample of filled 4.5.5 Sample for detennination of solid icle count. Samples of filled and sealed containers shall be taken at such periodic intervals as to be representative of each days ope
25、ration. The number of samples taken each day shall be in accordance with MIGSTD-105, inspction level S-3. ancl nmkr of determinations shall be as specified in table V. solid particle contanhation count failure, the referee mthd shall be the autamatic particle counter method calibrated with latex sph
26、eres. The sample size In the event of a TAFEE V. Sample for part icie contamination. Nimber of Determinations Per Sample Sample Size (fi) I/ container 1 pint 1 guart 1 gallon 5 gallon 30 gallon 100 100 200 300 600 Each determination shall be made on 100 mL portions of the sample. Should the particle
27、 count on any individual determination be considered excessive, two additional deternuna tions on another sample from the came container may be us that is, all recponce factors are the came. All componente are eluted ran the column. All CampOnents are detected and therefore are represented as peaks.
28、 The Hewlett Packard 3354 Lab Automation System carries out this integration. 30.2.5 Results. New CITE samples with less than 11 percent of the total concentration eluting before the trimer shkkfi as meacured (retention time KT 2.35 minutes for the above describal system) are regarded as acceptable
29、CTFE fluids. Figures 1 and 2 shaw representative Cairamatograrnc. 30.3 ?I capacity, caplete with cuver having a finely ground flange for a tight seal. taper 34/45 female joint in the center and thre standard taper 24/40 female joints spaced 120 degrees apart with their centers 5.1 centimeters (an) f
30、ram the center of the mer. Bushing type reducing adapter, star the distanCe fram the base of the stopper to the base of the glass loop is 0.9 an. perforated teflon splash supprecsor, fabricated from 0.32 cm teflon sheet stock. perforated with 0.64 diameter holes in seven equally wed mws, with the ce
31、nter rcw passing Wcjh the diameter. Metal test coupons conformng to AISI-1010 (SAE 5403). (Corrosion test coupons are fabricated rom open-hearth, kilned, law Wn, No. 4 soft terrrper strip steel. (2.0 x 0.5 x 0.06 hch), with one hole 0.24 un (0-09 inch) in diameter drilled 0.32 cm (0.12 inch) from on
32、e end of the test coupon and centered across the width. All surfaces and edges of the test coupons are polished to a 10 to 20 miminch finish so that faces are entirely free of pits, scratches or other imperfections. is in the direction parallel to the length of the coupon. coupons are then coated wi
33、th a nonvolatile, water insoluble rust preventative and packaged in a moisture-proof package or shipment or storage. Coupons available from Metaspec, Box 27707, San Antonio, TX 78227. Suspension wire, AMS 5680, stainless steel, 20 gage, cut and formed to the required geometrical configuration. Boili
34、ng beads, PYREX, 0.3 cm diameter. Hotplate, electric, Thermolyne model SP-13115 or equivalent. Air flowmeter, Matheson mass flawmeters or rotameters or equivalent. Meterkg valve for air flaw control, Whitey model 22rS4 or equivalent. CompresLIPoII unnpared to the two reference coupons. Remove all lo
35、ose material fran the coupons by wiphg with a paper tissue or laboratory wipe. immerse the coupons in boilingtouene for five minutes, and in boiling acetone for five minutes. Flash dry the coupons and place in a desiccator to L Aircraft mrous Media, PAL;L McDaniel controls, nc. =raw Edison ccmipany
36、General Controls Canp.ny We1 A & Model 2 3-1158-18 & 914-8028 2200 series ss-4mA5 SS-CHS8-1 FT-12Ax20-La AD-3258-12HM5, M8815/1-12 AC703lF1297Y3 (5 microns) code F, P SS 0-1000 psi Model 5061 7605MlXlXJ InstrUmentation. Temperature measurements. Provisions shall be made :or therm
37、ocouple installation as listed belaw. calibrated to 111 OC to meacure test fluid temperature. shielded and unless specified, shall be immerced to the midstream and lccated as close to the camponents as practical. Total system accuracy shall be Thermocouples shall. be 23 Provided by IHSNot for Resale
38、No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-H-53II9 91 9999906 0472260 I MIGH-53119 (ME) APPENDIX Variable Location purirp inlet tenperature Pump outlet temperature Throttling valve (TP) outlet temperature. Case drain temperature in pump inlet line in pump outlet line In
39、 T/V outlet line In case drain line Flow measurements. Provisions shall be mde for fluid volume flow measurementC with a resolution of f0.4 lpm (fO.l gpm). outlet and case drain line shall be measure& Fluid flow in the pump Pressure measurmts. Provisions shall be mde for fluid
40、pressure masurementS with a resolution of f6.9 kPa (f1 psi). shall be installed to monitor the follawing: Pressure sensors a. purirp inlet pressure. b. Pump outlet pressure. c. Cace drain pressure. d. Main filter pressure drop. e. Case drain filter pressure drop. Fwnp weed. Provision shal
41、l be made for pump shaft speed measurement with a resolution of f0 rpm. Tome measurementC. proVision,shall be made to measure torque on the pump shaft, with a resolution of f0-6 N-rn (f5 in-lb). 30.6.6 Materials. CAUTION. SOME MATERIALS ARE TOXIC AND HAZARDOUS. The chemical mater
42、ial listed in this section must be handled carefully. Material Hamlling Safety precautions, is a reference which lists all toxic and hazardous materials cited in FED-STE791. The synonyms, life hazard, flamrriability, handling and storage precautions, emergency treatmmt and measures, and spill practi
43、ces of each chemical are acplained. Method lOOOT, Cleanins solvent. Heptane my be uced for c1eani.r parts as described herein. Chlorinated solvents must not be used for cleaning. 30.6.7 procedure. Premration for test. Fump P reparation. A new pump shall be used for every
44、 test. Preservative fluid from the pump casing shall be drained. completely disassembled, cleaned thoroughly with heptane, blow dried with nitrogen and placed in an oven at 66 “C for 30 minutes. chal 1 be replaced with iIvrroN1l seals. casing filled with the test fluid. be taken to install the pisto
45、ns in their original cylinder bores. Pu&) shall be All elastmeric seals Pump shall be acsembled and the During disassembly and reassembly, care must 24 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-H-53319 93 9999906 0472263 3 = MIGH-53119 (ME)
46、 AJ?PENDIx Test stand preparation. Test stand shall he canpletely disassembled and thoroqhiy cleaned by spraying heptane on all the parts. All fittings, lines and other cmponents shall be cleaned to remve any residual metal and fluids from previous tests. (cheese cloth or similar) shall b
47、e run thrcxlgh the tubings for cleaning. may be blcw drid with nitrogen and placed in an oven at 66 “C for 30 minutes to remove any solvent left on the parts. with new iVI“ll Seals. Test pump, as prepared the drive mtor/torque sensor assembly. adequately lubricated with a fretting-corroCion resistan
48、t grease. Test stand shall be filled with 9-11iiterc (2.5-3 gallons) of the test fluid. Any air in the system shall be remaved to avoid cavitation damage to the canpomts. Air bleeding procedure may vary from one test stand to another. A typical bleeding procedure used by the U.S. Air Force in its pu
49、mp tests is listed in if necessary, a piece of clean cloth Ml elactameric seals shall be replaced Spiines on the pump shaft shall be Parts shall be mounted on Bleedincr proceure. a. b. C. d. e. f. g- h. i. j. k. 1. Ushg the hand pump, the hydraulic test fluid is slmly pumped into the recewoir. reservoir to the test loop is left closed (see figure 7). After the correct amount of test fluid is pun into th