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1、MIL-HDBK-172A VOL I bb W 7777770 0010862 7 W !BRMTm QF TtJE ARMY TECHNICAL MANUAL #EHRMaT QF ME NAVY PUBLICATION A - cio- 50 TY 11-4871-/11 NAVSHOPS 93003A BLITARY STAADIZATION ELECTRONIC TEST EQUIP /- ,- THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS 857 PAGES. Copyright Communications - Electronics Command Provided by IH

2、S under license with CRAI Not for Resale No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,-MIL-HDBK-372A VOL I 66 W 9979970 0030863 O m DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE MIGHDBK-172A, Volume I Electronic Test Equipment 11 March 1964 1. This Military Standardization Handbook was developed by

3、the Department of Defense in coordinated cooperation with the Department of the Army, Navy, and Air Force in accordance with established procedure. 2. This publication was approved 11 March 1964 for printing and inclusion in the Military Standardization Handbook Series. 3. This handbook constitute8

4、a directory of electronic test equipment used in the Depart- ment of Defense in the standardization, design, development, procurement and maintenance of military electronic, electrical, and related equipment. 4. Every effort has been made to include the latest data and information pertaining to the

5、test equipment concerned. The present edition is the initial increment of Revision A of this handbook and is planned for maintenance by Change Notices issued quarterly to constitute a complete revision annually. Users of this handbook aye encouraged to comment and report inaccuracies, omissions, etc

6、., to Commanding General, U. S. Army Electronics Command, Fort Monmouth, New Jersey, 07703. .- /f- . f . ,A Copyright Communications - Electronics Command Provided by IHS under license with CRAI Not for Resale No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- - _- GIL-HDBK-1i72A

7、 VOL I CHG NOTICE 2 bb 9999970 0030858 7 -. t CHAXGE KO. 2 I MIL-HDBK-t72A, VOL I/TM il-487H-I /1 *c 2 HEADQLARTERS DEPARTAIEST OF THE ARMY WASHIKGTON, D.C., 11 Januar y 1965 C MILITARY STANDARDIZATION HANDBOOK ELECTRONIC TEST EQUIPMENT ?ilIGHDBK-172A, Vol I/TM 11-487H-lj1, 11 March 1964, is changed

8、 as follows: i. The. following pages are t.0 be added to the basic manual: Category I Page 2. File this page in front of manual for reference purposes. 457-632 633-714 715-728 755, 756 729-754 1 ! i 4 %is manual superrtdtt categories 11 through 14 of MIL-HDBK-172 (TM11-487H-l),PO Scptcmbcrl957. MIC-

9、HDBK-i 72 (TM 11-487H-l), PO September 1957, is superseded in its cntirrtv. . c -. f : ,- P Copyright Communications - Electronics Command Provided by IHS under license with CRAI Not for Resale No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,-c- - ,. . - T 7 flIL-HDBK-372A VOL I

10、 CHG NOTICE 2 bb m 7797770 0030857 7 m . By Order of .the Secretary of the Amy: Official : J. C. L4MBERT, Najor General, United States Army, The Adju.fanf General. Distribution: Acfive Army: CKGB (3) . CofEngrs (5) Dir of Trans (5) GSAMC (10) CSAECOM (50) IrSAShlC (20) CSAXIICOM (10) CSA.IICCOM (IO)

11、 LSAnECOM (10) USATECOM (10) USA!dOCOM (10) CSCOSARC (2) ARADCOhf (2) O8 Maj Comd (4) LOGCOhlD (2) GSASCC (2) CTSAAVCOM (4) WRAMC (i) USAADCEK (i). - BAMC (i)- K5.4.4RTBD (2) GSAAESWBD (2) USAIB (1) CSA Arctic Test Bd (i) USAhlB (2) USMA (2) USACGSC (4) NG: State AG (3). USAR: None. For explanation


13、BRA (i) CSACDCYRA (i) UACDCTA (i) USACDCQMA (i) USACDCOA (1) Army Dep (i) except LXAD, SAAD, LEAD, TOAD, FTWOAD, SHAD (2) APG (2) Yuma (2) Proving Ground: AR 320-50. HAROLD K. JOHKSON, n Genera?, United States Army, Chief of Staff. 7 DPG (i) JPG (i) EPGA (i) 1st (4) Armies (2) except NLABS (2) USA C

14、BR Lab (1) Harry Diamond Lab (2) Proc Dist (1) Sig Fld Maint Shops (2) Instl: MDW (i) WSMR, Ft Mason, Ft McClellan, Ft Ord, Ft Bragg, Ft Shafter (2) Units organized under following TOES (i each): 11-5 11-15 11-22 11-55 11-95 11-155 11-555 11-558 11-587 11-592 11-597 I i - Copyright Communications -

15、Electronics Command Provided by IHS under license with CRAI Not for Resale No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,-MIL-HDBK-I 72A, VOL I/TM I 1-487H-1/1 *Cl MILITARY STANDARDIZATION HANDBOOK ELECTRONIC TEST EQUIPMENT HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WASHINGTON, D.C.,

16、 i7 November g64 I CHANGE No. 1 MILHDBK-l72A, Vol I/TM 11487H-1/1, 11 March 1964, is changed as follows: . 1. The following pages are to be added to the basic manual. 169-202 203-288 289-308 309-356 357-360 361-380 381-454 455 and 456 2. Mark out page numbers 169 and 170 on the authentication page a

17、nd le this page in back of 3. File this page in front of manual for reference purposes. manual. Category 3 will begin on page 169. *This change supersedes categories 3 throylh 10 of MIGHDBK-172 (TM 11-487H-l), 20 September 1957. Copyright Communications - Electronics Command Provided by IHS under li

18、cense with CRAI Not for Resale No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,-k- -. - - - - MIL-HDBK-272A VOL I CHG NOTICE 2 66 m 7777770 0020862 7 m By Order of the Secretary of the Army: 05cial: J. C. LAMBERT, Major General, United States Amy, The Adjutant General. Distribut

19、ion : Aciive Army: CNGB (3) USACGSC (4) CofEngrs (10) USAAMS (6) OCG-E (10) USAADS (4) CofT (10) USAIS (6) USCONARC (2) USASCS (10) ARADCOM (2) USASESCS (6) OS Maj-Comd (4) USAARMS (6) LOGCOMD (2) USA Maint Bd (2) USA CD Agcy (i) USAARTYBD (2) USARADBD (2) WSMR (2) USAAESWBD (2) Ft Mason (2) USAIB (

20、1) Ft McCleUan (2) USAATBD (1) Ft Ord (2) USAMC (10) Ft Bragg (2) USAECOM (50) A Dep (1) except USASMCOM (20) Letterkenny (2) USAMICOM (10) Sacramento (2) USAMUCOM (10) Lexington (2) USAWECOM (10) Tobyhanna (2) USATECOM (10) Ft Worth (2) USASCC (2) USAAVNC (4) Edgewood (2) WRAMC (1) Frankford (2) US

21、AADC (1) Redstone (2) BAMC (i) Detroit (2) USMA (2) NG: State AG (3). USAR: None. For explanation of abbreviations used, see AR 320-50. USA Elct Mat Spt Agcy (100) USASA (2) USA Elct Mat Agcy (100) Armies (2) except First USA (4) USAMOCOM (10) Shave (3) Arsenais (Ord) (i) except HAROLD K. JOHNSON Ge

22、nqal, United States Army, Chkj oj Sta$. Army Tml (i) except Brooklyn (2) Boston (2) Nem Orleans (2) PG (2) except USAEPG (6) USAELRDL (24) USA Natick Lab (4) USAERDL (2) USA CBR Lab (i) Proc Dist (1) Sig Fld Maint Shops (2) MDW (1) Units organized under following TOES (1 copy each): 11-5 11-15 11-22

23、 11-55 11-95 11-155 11-555 11-558 11-587 11-592 11-597 I Copyright Communications - Electronics Command Provided by IHS under license with CRAI Not for Resale No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,-.- MIL-HDBK-172A VOL I 66 a 7779770 0030864 2 a _- *MIL-HDBK-l72A, VOL

24、I/TM 11-487H-1/1 /NAVSHIPS 93003A ELECTRONIC TEST EQUIPMENT INTRODUCTION EQUIPMENT CATEGORIES BY FUNCTIONAL CLASSIFICATION Category 1-Voltage and Current Measuring Equipment _-_-_-_ _- Category 2-Frequency Measuring Equipment -_-_-_- APPENDIXES A-Glossary of abbreviations _-_-_-_-_-_-_- B-Index of i

25、tems by type numbers _-_ Paragraph Page 1 iii 2 iii 3 iii 4 iii 5 iii 6 iv 7 iv 8 v 9 V _- 1 _ 89 _ 163 _ 165 This publication supersodes Category 1, Vohage and Cunont Mscnuring Equipment and Category 1, Frequency haruring Equip ment, of MIL-HDEK-172 (TM 11487H-1) 20 Septeaber 1957. AGO iooas i Copy

26、right Communications - Electronics Command Provided by IHS under license with CRAI Not for Resale No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,-I C MIL-HDBK-172A VOL I 66 7777770 001Ob5 Li H MIGHDBK-l72A, VOL I/TM 11487H-1 /i /NAVS#IPS 93003A INTRODUCTION 1. Purpose This publ

27、ication consists of two volumes, Volume I, Unclassified; Volume II, Classified. It presents data and information on the technical, physical, operational, and logistical character- istics of electronic test equipment used in the Department of Defense. It is intended primarily for use by standardizati

28、on, design, development, and procurement activities of the Department of Defense, and in the technical planning and ccordinating of logistical operations involving the use and maintenance of military and technical equipment in a theater of operations. 2. Scope This publication contains information o

29、n electronic test equipment of the Army, Navy, and Air Force used in the calibration, adjustment, maintenance, and repair of communication, radar, countermeasures, meteorological , photographic, power, and other technical equipment employed for military purposes. 3. Arrangement of Content a. Items o

30、f equipment are grouped into Functional Classification Categories. This system of identifying test equipment according to functional and application is explained in Functional Classification and Definitions for Electronics Test and Measuring Equipment, ETE 215/11 , 15 May 1956, published by the Offi

31、ce of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (R which appears to fuifill an approved qualitative materiel requirement or other DA approved requirements, and to be promising enough operationally to warrant initiating pro- curement andior produetion for troop issue prior to completion of development and/o

32、r test or adoption as a standard item. Limited Stanurd Type (LS). Items which are not acceptable for United States Army operational requirements and will not, therefore, be counted as assets against operational requirements. Items in this category will be limited to- (a) Those which are not acceptab

33、le to materiel operational requirement, but which are useful in training. (b) Those which are not acceptable to materiel operational requirements of the United States Army, but which are being retained to meet peculiar requirements other than those in the immediately preceding subparagraph. Items wi

34、ll be classified under the provisions of this paragraph only at the request of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics, Department of the Amy. Obsolete (OBS) . Items which are no longer acceptable for United States Army use. Navy Definitions. Standard. The most advanced and satisfactory articles ado

35、pted, and those which are preferred for procurement, - AGO 10038A Copyright Communications - Electronics Command Provided by IHS under license with CRAI Not for Resale No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,-MIL-HDBK-372A VOL I bb W 7777770 0030867 = MIL-HDBK-l72A, VOL

36、I/TM 11487H-1/1 /NAVSHIPS 93003A (2) Limited Standard. Articles which do not have satisfactory military characteristics as standard articles, but are usable substitutes, for standard articles. Complete major units will not be procured, but component parts and accessories and com- plimentary articles

37、, even though they may be limited standard articles, may be procured if necessary and economical, to maintain the complete major units in serviceable condition throughout a reasonable life expectancy. (3) Substituta Standard, Articles which do not have as satisfactory military charac- teristics as s

38、tandard articles and, when necessary, may be procured to supplement the supply of standard articles. (4) Planned Standard. Those articles under evaluation which have been indicated by the Ship Characteristics Board for installation through the Ship Improvement Guide or new construction and conversio

39、n projects. Approval for service use prior to instal- lation is required for articles in this category. (5) Obsolescent. Those articles which do not have satisfactory military characteristics. Complete units, component parts, accessories, and complementary articles will nor- mally not be procured fo

40、r the specific purpose of maintaining this equipment; however, spare parts common to other equipment in the supply establishment may be used for their maintenance. (6) Obsolete. Those articles that have been declared unsuitable for their original mili- tary purpose. Disposal of stocks of obsolete ar

41、ticles will, in all cases, be expedited. (1) Standard. An item that meets an established need and is considered suitable for Air Force use. (2) Alternate Standard. An item that may not be so satisfactory as a standard item, but which is a usable alternate for procurement in quantity in place of the

42、standard item when the standard item cannot be procured in quantities to satisfy Air Force needs. (3) Limited Standard. An item in stock that is not so satisfactory as either standard or alternate standard items but which is usable in place thereof. Limited standard items may be used until stocks ar

43、e exhausted. Limited standard end items will not be procured. Additional parts and components may be procured when necessary to maintain the item in serviceable condition. (4) Tentative Standard. An item that appears promising enough operationally to war- rant the risk of initiating production of li

44、mited quantities prior to the completion of development or prior to completion of testing. e. U. S. Air Force Definitions. (5) Obsolete. An item that no longer meets Air Force needs. f. Data pertaining to major units, dimensions, andweight of each equipment are listed for information purposes only.

45、Where a complete detailed listing of component parts is needed, refer to the appropriate supply documents for the specific items of equipment concerned. 8. Currency of Information of coverage for each item of equipment. 9. Miscellaneous Blank spaces have been left under appropriate headings, to perm

46、it the reader to enter any data that could not be determined during preparation of this publication as such informa- tion becomes available. Information and data in this handbook is current as of the date printed on the first page 5 AGO 10038A Y , Copyright Communications - Electronics Command Provided by IHS under license with CRAI Not for Resale No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,-


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