2、use by the U.S. ArmyArmament Research, Development and Engineering Center, andis available for use by all Departments and Agencies of theDepartment of Defense.PAGE 2DRAWINGS, Delete: “6.5”, and substitute: “6.4”.* 2.1.2 Delete: “QUALITY ASSURANCE PROVISIONS QAP C12961001 DudPlug“PAGE 33.3 Delete: “p
3、ropelling charge”, and substitute: “ignitioncartridge”.Line 2: Delete the first two words: “flush to”.3.6.1 Delete in its entirety and substitute:“3.6.1 Misfires . The cartridges shall not fail to firefrom the weapon when they are initially dropped into it.”1 of 8AMSC N/A FSC 1315DISTRIBUTION STATEM
4、ENT A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-K-71151 (AR)AMENDMENT 62PAGE 3 (contd)3.6.4: Delete in its entirety and substitute:“3.6.4 Range and deflection precision . The cartridge
5、 shallhave a horizontal range probable error (PEr) less than 15meters, for all zones when calculated to the nearest one tenth(0.1) meter. The deflection probable error (PEd) shall be lessthan 15 meters for all zones when calculated to the nearest onetenth (0.1) meter.“PAGE 43.6.6: Add: “unobstructed
6、“, before the word “flight“. Dele te in its entirety and substitute:“ Functioned round . All dud plug heads (regardlessof stems) shall blow out of the projectile body upon fuzefunction.“ Delete in its entirety and substitute:“ Inert round . No dud plug head (regardless o
7、fstems) shall exit the projectile body during ballistic flightor upon impact.“PAGE 53.9.2: Delete in its entirety.PAGE 64.3.3: Delete requirement “b.“ in its entirety and substitute:“b. Three or more duds occur.“Del ete “g.“ and “h.“ in their entirety and substitute:“g. If the weapon is damaged by a
8、bnormal wear of the interioror of the firing pin, or caused by excessive pressure.h. Two or more improper impact signatures occur.“Add the following:“i. All three dud plug heads (regardless of stems) aremissing from the projectile body in the inert fuzeballistic test.j. More than one dud plug head (
9、regardless of stems) remainsin a single projectile body upon fuze function except inProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-K-71151 (AR)AMENDMENT 63the case of a particular round that was an actual dud.In this case, paragraph “i.“ Above a
10、pplies.“PAGE 7Table I: Delete under Dud Plug and add the following:“Dud Plug .(dwg. 12988971)Examination for defects .10(a) . 3.1 . note:“( a) Ten (10) samples are required from each mold cavity.“* Table I: Delete “Plug, Increment“ and substitute: “IncrementPlug“Delete: “(Dwg. 12944200)“
11、 and substitute: “(Dwg. 12991840)“PAGE, Major 105: Delete:“Length of large o utside diameter section“,and substitute:“Length between large outside diameter aft face to firingpin point“.PAGE, Major 102: Delete the word “excessive“ and substitutethe word “inadequate“.PAGE 14* 4.4.2
12、.4: Delete title: “P lug, Increment“ and substitute:“Increment Plug“Delete Dwg. Number: “12944200“ and substitute: “12991840“Add Major Defect 108Under Examination or Test: “Longitudinal length of slit“Under Conformance Criteria: “a“PAGE 14 (contd)Und er Requirement Paragraph: “3.1“Provided by IHSNot
13、 for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-K-71151 (AR)AMENDMENT 64Under Inspection Method Reference: “Gage“Add Minor Defect 204Under Examination or Test: “Width of slit“Under Conformance Criteria: “a“Under Requirement Paragraph: “3.1“Under Inspection Method
14、Refe rence: “Gage“PAGE Delete Special A in its entirety.Critical: Add the following:“1 Fuze striker in armed position . 100% . 3.1 .Visual“.PAGE Delete Major 103 in its entirety.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MI
15、L-K-71151 (AR)AMENDMENT 65PAGE Del ete Specials A, B, C, D, E, F and G in theirentirety and add the following:CLASSIFICATION EXAMINATION OR TESTCONFORMANCECRITERIAREQUIREMENTPARAGRAPHINSPECTION METHODREFERENCECritical“1 Fuze striker in armed position (a) 3.1 Gage2 Breech plug assembly fi
16、ringpin not below flush afterassembly to round (a) 3.3 Gage3 Powder from energeticcartridges found on outside ofround (a) 3.1 VisualMajor105 Red marking visible on fuzestriker (a) 3.4 Visual106 Fuze packing clip missing orimproperly assembled (a) 3.1 Visual107 Obturator ring missing (a) 3.1 Visual10
17、8 Any dud plugs missing (a) 3.9.1 Visual”PAGE, Major 103: Delete in its entirety.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-K-71151 (AR)AMENDMENT 66PAGE, Delete in its ent irety and substitute:PARAGRAPH TITLE DRAWING NUM
18、BER12988971“ Dud Plug SHEET 1 of 1 NEXT HIGHER ASSEMBLYCLASSIFICATION EXAMINATION OR TESTCONFORMANCECRITERIAREQUIREMENTPARAGRAPHINSPECTION METHODREFERENCECRITICAL None definedMAJOR101 Outside diameter of plughead (a) 3.1 Gage102 Thickness of plug head (a) 3.1 Gage103 Outside diameter of plug
19、stem (a) 3.1 Gage104 Inside diameter of plugstem (a) 3.1 Gage105 Length from head flat toend of stem (a) 3.1 GageMINOR201 Poor workmanship 30 3.6 Visual202 Stem slit missing (a) 3.1 VisualNOTES: (a) 20 samples from each mold cavity shall be examined for this featureor dimension. The sample of 20 sha
20、ll incude the first two parts from thebeginning of each production run and the last two parts from the end of the run.The remaining samples of (at least sixteen) shall be randomly selected during theproduction run. Any defects found in any of the 20 samples from each die cavityshall be cause for rej
21、ection of all dud plugs produced from that particular diecavity.“PAGE Delete “c.“ and “e.“ in their entirety andsubstitute:“c. Short rounds, major defect (see 3.6.2).e. Metal parts separation, major defect (see 3.6.3).Delete “h.“ and “i.“ in their entirety and substitute:“h. Improper im
22、pact signature, major defect (see 3.6.8).i. All dud plug heads out of any one projectile in the inertfuze ballistic test, critical defect (see”Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-K-71151 (AR)AMENDMENT 67PAGE 21 (contd)Add th
23、e following:“j. More than one dud plug head (regardless of stems) remainsin a single projectile body after fuze function in thelive fuze ballistic test, Major defect (see“ Delete requirement “b.“ in its en tirety andsubstitute: “b. Three or more duds occur.“Delete “i.“ and “j.“ i
24、n their entirety and substitute:“i. All three dud plug heads (regardless of stems) aremissing from the projectile body in the inert fuzeballistic test.j. More than one dud plug head (regardless of stems) remainsin a single projectile body upon fuze function except inthe case of a particular round th
25、at was an actual dud.In this case, paragraph “i.“ above applies.PAGE, First paragraph, after third sentence: Add thefollowing: “All rounds shall be fired onto a flat, nongrassyearthen surface that is not marshy or frozen.”, d.: Delete “”, and substitute: “”.PAGE 23
26、Add the following:“ Accuracy . The individual deflections and rangesshall be recorded to an accuracy of both to 0.01 meter. Rangeprobable error shall be calculated to the nearest 0.1 meter.”4.5.4, Delete in its entirety.PAGE 256.9 Add the following:“6.9 Inspection lot definition . A homogene
27、ous collectionof units of product or one shipment of component parts orassemblies from a subcontractor, bearing identification andtreated as a unique entity from which a sample is to be drawnand inspected (and tested) to determine conformance with theacceptability criteria.”Provided by IHSNot for Re
28、saleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-K-71151 (AR)AMENDMENT 68PAGE 25 (contd)6.10 Delete in its entirety.* 6.11 Delete in its entirety.6.12 Add the following:“6.12 Marshy ground . Marshy ground is defined as anearthen surface that contains standing water or fre
29、e flowing(fluid) mud or a combination of both.”6.13 Add the following:“6.13 Frozen ground . Frozen ground is defined as earthenground within which water has frozen creating a hard surface.”The margins of this amendment are marked with an asterisk, orvertical line to indicate where changes (additions
30、,modifications, corrections, deletions) from the previousamendment were made. This was done as a convenience only and theGovernment assumes no liability whatsoever for any inaccuraciesin these notations. Bidders and contractors are cautioned toevaluate the requirements of this document based on the entirecontent irrespective of the marginal notations and relationshipto the last previous amendment.Custodian: Preparing acti vity:Army-AR Army-AR(Project 1315-0243)Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-