1、-I MIL-0-14850 (MU) AMENDMENT 1 20 March 1973 MILITARY SPEC IFKATION . OSCILLATOR, HIGH-VOLTAGE: 10549785 This amendment: forms EI part of Military Specification MIL-0-14850(M) dated 6 January 1969. Paragraph 1,l: Delete “5.90 volt dc (nominal)“ and substitute 16.00 Vdc,It Paragraph 3.3.l(c): Delete
2、 “5.90 f 0.1“ and substitute “6.00 f .O1ll Paragraph 3.3.2(a): Delete t5.90 f .01“ and substitute 116.00 f .0lt1 Paragraph 3.3.3: Deiete “5.90 f .0lt1 and substitute 116.00 f .0lg1 Paragraph 3.4.1: Delete and substitute: “3.4.1 Operation,- With input voltage of 6.00 f ,O1 volts dc and under all load
3、 and source conditions described in Table I, the os- cillator shall operate as follows:11 Paragraph 3.4.2(a): Delete “5.80 f 0.01“ and substitute “6,OO f .0l1 Paragraph 3.5(a): Delete “7 volts dc“ and substitute “6 +- .O1 volts dc“ Paragraph 3.5(b): Delete “7 volts dc“ and substitute “6 f .O1 volts
4、dc“ Paragraph 3,5(c): Delete “5.90 f 0.01“ and substitute 116.00 f .Olt Paragraph 3.6: Delete “7,O volts dc“ and substitute “6.00 t. .O1 volts dc“ TABLE II, Characteristic No, 1: Delete “5.9 Vdc“ and substitute “6 Vdc“ Paragraph 4.6.8a: Delete “5,80 f .Oll and Substitute “6.00 1. .Olt Paragraph 4,6,
5、8k: Delete and substitute: “k. Measure and record the input current, output voltage and output frequency. put frequencies in c., e., g., i. andk, above shall conform to the re: quirernents of The measured input currents, output voltages and out- FSC 1240 .- Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo r
6、eproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-0-14850 (MU) . A3BNDMENT 1 Paragraph 4.6.9: Dele-e “5.80 - .01“ and subs itute “6.00 f .01“ Paragraph 4.6.13a: Delete “7.00 - .Oll1 and substitute “6.00 i .O1ll Paragraph 4.6.13f: Delete “7.00 - .01“ and substitute “6.00 .01“ Parag
7、raph 4.6.133: Paragraph 4.6.14: Delete and substitute: Delete “5.90 f .01“ and substitute “6.00 R1 set at zero ohms resistance; the variable light source adjusted to no load; and C1 adjusted for a total capacitance output load of 50 pf on the oscillator. Operate the oscillator(s) continuously, 24 ho
8、urs per day, for the total cumulative test hours as specified in sure the input current, output voltage, output frequency and output cur- rent, These measurements shall conform to the requirements of 3.4.1 and 3.4 3. Mea- Cuc todian : Army -MU Preparing Activity Amy - MU Project No. 1240-A494 n *US. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1973-714-544/4814 Page 2 of 2 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-