ARMY MIL-P-223 B (3)-1973 POWDER BLACK《黑火药》.pdf

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1、iMIL-P-223BAMENDMENT 315HAI- 1973i!i!:EEiDkNtt 2 w).-._30 August 1968ANDAMENDMENT 131 July 1963MILITARY SPECIFICATIONPOWDER, BLACKThis Amendment forms a part of Military SpecificationMIL-P-223B, dated 26 February 1962, and IS approvedfor use by all Departments end Agencies of the Departmentof Defens

2、e.2. APPLICABLE”DOCUMENTS: Delete in its entirety andsubstitutute:2.1 The following docunents, of the issue in effecton date of invitation for bids or request for proposals,form a part of this specification to the extent specifiedherein:SPECIFICATIONSFEDERALRR-s-366 -pp-B_26 -MILITARYMIL-G-155MIL-P-

3、156JAN-C-178MIL-S-14929STANDARDSMILITARYMIL-STD-105Sieves; Standard for Testing PurposesBag, Plastic, PolyethylenePotassl4Dr4E;l;34.1.1 Submission of product.-At the time each completedlot of items deliverable Mder tecontract is submitted tothe Government ror acceptance, the contractor shall supply

4、thefollowing information accOmpanled by a certificate which attestthat the information pro”iltiedis correct and applicable to theproduct beins submlted:a. A statement that the lot complies with all of thequality assurance provisions specified in this specification.b. Drawing, SPeClficatiOflnumber an

5、d date, togetherwith identification and date Of changes thereto.Certificates of aflalYSISon all materials useddir.ectlycythe contractor when such material is controlledby Government specifications shall be made available uponrequest by the Contracting Officer.d. Quantity of product in the lot.e. Dat

6、e submitted.The certiicate shall be signed by a responsible agent of thecertifying organization. The initial certificate submittedshall be substantiated by evidence of the agent!s authorityto bind his principal. Substantiation of the agents authoritywill not be required with subsequent certificates

7、unless,during the course of the contract, this aUthOFity is vestedin another agent of the certifyin organization.”?aragraphs 4.2: Delete in its entirety and substitute thefollowing:“4.2 First article inspection4.2.1 Submission.-Prior to the start of regular productionthe contractor shall submit a fi

8、rst article sample (see 6.2d)to a Government approved facility as designated by theconcraccing officer for evaluation in accordance with theprovisions of 4.2.2. he rst article shall consist of 25 lbs.of Class 1 glazed black powder with instructions issued bythe Contracting Officer. If the contract i

9、s for classes ofglazed black powder other t.ha.nClass 1 glazed black powder(Class 2 through 6), Class 1 glazed black powder still shailbe subnltted and made from the sat!?eprocess as the other$asses are made. ?rfar to submission of the glazed blackSowder, the contractor snail inspect the sample in a

10、ccordancewith pararaphs 4.4.1 through 4.4.9 to assure that itconforms to the requirements of the contract and submita record with the sample. ?aragraph 4.4.10, FunctioningTests, will be performed by the Government. All samplessubmitted shall have been produced by the contractor using4Provided by IHS

11、Not for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-NIL-P-223RAMfilDMENT3the sa!.leproduction processes, procedures, and equipmentas will be used in fulftllifit!lecontract. All materials,includinfipackainc ancP.l:in!;,shall be obtained fromthe same sources of SUPPIY S

12、will be used in rWJularproduction. The sample Shall he accompanied by ct?rtifiCatesof analysis. A first M%iclt! quantity, or portion thereof,as directed by the ContractinrrJficcr,shall also besubmitted !l:iL,nuVrI-$.l:l.,”is :,ifi,:cin prn(luc.?onfora el.ioin :cessOr qO days, or wherlevrra change oc

13、cursin manufacturin process, material used, specificationor source of supply as to Si;niricantlyaffect productuniformity as determined by the :overnment. Prior tosubmission, the contractor shall inspect the sample tothe de;reenecesa:yto assur th:ltit concirm to therequirefmnts of the contract and su

14、bmit a record of thisinspection with the sample. A sanple containing knowndefects will not be submitted unless specifically authorizedby the Contracting Officer.4.2.2 InspctiOn to be performed.-The sample will besubjected by the Government to any or all of the examinationsor tests specified in 4.4.1

15、 through 4.4.10 of thisspecification.4.2.3 Rejection.-If ar!:sar.plI?fails to COmPIY withany of the appllcahle requirements, the first articlequantity shall be rcjecteti. The Government reserves theright to terninace its inspection upon any failure ofa sample to comply with any of the stated require

16、ments.”Paragraph 4.3.2, Examination: Delete in its entirety andsubstitute:“4.3.2 Examinatiorl.-SaMplingplans and proceduresfor the followin classifications of defects shall accordance with M1L-STD-105 (ABC-STD-105), except thatinspection for critical defects shall be 100 percent.Contractors sa

17、mpllnf;plans, if USCV5,shall be apprOvPdby the GoverlLnentand shall provide, as a mininum, theprotection afforded the Government by the sampling Plansm YIL-STD-105. Continuous sanplinq plans In accordancewith MIL-STD-1235 may be used ir approved by the procuringactivity.Also, at the option of the pr

18、ocuring actiVity,AQLs and sa.nnplingplans nay be applied to the individual.-characteristics listeci,using an AQL of 0.1:0percent foreach Major defect antian Af!Lof G.65 percmt fOr eachMinor deect, except WhPrF 100 percent irspction is specified.jProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networ

19、king permitted without license from IHS-,-,-rlIL-1-223llA!ll;!ll)!;i?. to seallncCateCOries ,I)efects“-“ “ “liethod of Code Ho.InspectionCritical: !ionedefinedMajor: none definedMinor: AQL201. Liner Improper0.65 percentVisual 010014.3.2.2 Containersealed (see dra/inc7548321,75

20、48322,7508077or 7548078)Categories Defects Method of Code No.InspectionCritical: :IonedefineiIiajor: AQL 0.40 percent101. Weight maxlnum102. ImproperlysealedMinOr: AQL 0:65 percent201. llarkinmlssln, lncorrcctor illelbleParagraph4.3.3.1:After the last sentence,Scale 02001visual 02002Visual 02003”add

21、:“POtassiunnitrate determination(see 3.2) !lajorDefect Code iio.03001Sulfurdetermination(see 3.2) Iajo.,i)ofect Code lo.04001Charcoaldetermination(see 3.2) ilaj or De?cct Code No. 05001Moisturecontent (see 3.3) IIajorDefect Code Ho. 06001Ash content (see 3.4) ;Ia.ior l)efcct Code !Io.07001Specificra

22、vity (see 3.5!Apparentdcntiy (see 3.6)Granulation(CCC 3.7)Grittyor fibrousparticlesstitut.eoulr,titllte“Ca”.“Glaze”GProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-P-223BAMENLXMENT3Add new paragraph: Alternate method fOr moisture.-Exactly

23、10gms of bulk black powder and/or pressed,pellets shallbe weighed In an aluminum disposable pan liner, properlyposltloned, on the Ohaus Moisture Determination Balance.The infrared heat lamp that is built intO the machineshall be moved directly over the powder sample; heat adjustedto the desired temp

24、erature; and time and wattage controlsregulated to a setting based on a predetermined drvinzcurve. The moisture etermination-shall then be r;ad-directlyin either .grams or percent moiste loss withthe accuracy of the final percent moisture or percent moistureloss with the accuracy of the initial 10 g

25、m sample. Thepan and dried powder shall be weighed until constantweight is obtained, or until the weight between weighingsdoes not exceed one milligram.”Add a new paragraph:04.4,3.2 Alternate method for moisture.-The moistureshall be determined in accordance with Method 101.4 ofStandard MIL-sTD-286”

26、.Paragraph 4.4.7: Delete (not applicable to classes 7, 8 or9)”Paragraph “Preferred method”, add “7. 8 or 9)”Fir9t sentence: Delete “lo mg”not applicable to classes,and substitute I1OgnDelete” “B-density of mercury at test temperature”and substitute “B=specific gravity of mercury at tes

27、ttemperature”Paragraph 4.47.2: AftepIiAlternateMethod”, add “(notapplicable to classes 7, 8 or 9)”Add new paragraph:“Paragraph Specific gravity (applicable toClaas 7 - Class 9).Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-. . -. . ., % . .

28、 . .-.”.-.-*:., . ,.,“HIL-P-2:?3H AMl?ilUM!Il 3. .Use an apparatus consstlfigOf a Fleming drying jar (see fig. 1)having a CaPaCitY of approximately 50 Ml. A frftted glassdisk of medium porosity IS cemented to the bottom of theupper stopcock. The disk should be of the same diameteras the base of the

29、stopcock, beveled so as to have agreater taper than the stopcock, and cemented to the stopcockby means of Canada balsam. TO fill the jar, attach a pieceof rubber tubing to the lower arm of the Fleming jar and immersethe other end In a beaker containing mercury at room temperature.By means of a piece

30、 of heavy rubber tubing connect the upperarm of the .larto a vacuum line and evacuate. Close theupper stopcock, remove the suction tubln, and then closethe lower stopcock. Disconnect the tubing from the lower arm,and remove the mercury from this by tlltlng and tapping theapparatus. Open thelower sto

31、pcock so that the mercury canI1owinto the sidearm if there is any expansion of the mercury.Weigh tilejar and mercury. Attach to the lower arm a shortpiece of rubber tubing closed by means of a plnchcock, and allowapproximately half of the mercurY to drain fmm the jar.,Using asmall funnel, transfer a

32、 we:hed portion of approximately 10 gm.of the sample to the jar. Replace the upper stopcock, attachsuction tubing to the upper arm, open the upper stopcock,and remove the pinchcock frcn the rubber tubing while holdingthe end of the tubing under mercur! in a beaker. Apply suctionso that the pressure

33、in the jar is reduced to between 100anti120 mm. of mercury and all ai replaced by mercury.Gentle tapping of the jar while the vacuum is being appliedfacilitates the removal of any air bubbles. When the air isreplaced, which or.iinarilyrequires approximately 10 seconds,close the upper stopcock, remov

34、e the guction tubing and thenclose the lower stopcock. Remove the rubber tubing and anymercury remainin in the lcwer arm. Open the lower stopcockand weiEh the jar and conter,tc. Calculate the specific gravityas follows:Specific gravity = A13A + c-awhere A = weiEhtof sample taken for testB = density

35、of mercury at room temperature- c = weight of jar filled with mercurYD = weight of jar, powcier,and mercurYTemperature Density150”C.13.559200C.: .13.54625C13.53430”C13.522”8Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-I)Add a Ilewparagraph:“4.4.1O

36、 FunctloninK.-One hundred percussion primers(M92E1) shall be loaded in accordance wit,drawin 8863394.The loaded primer shall be placed in a statiC test fixtureand struck by means of a spring loaded firing pin withsufficient energy to activate tleelement. The primer(see 6.6) shall then be observed io

37、rcomplete burningof the black powder. All primers must function. If anyprimer does not function, the first article sample shall berejected (see 4.2.3)”Paragraph 5.1.1, Line 1: Delete “(see 6.1.1)”ParaRraph5.2: Delete in Its entirety and substitute:,15.2packing (see 6.2)5.2.1 Level A5.2.1.1 Bulk Powd

38、er. Bulk Black Powder shall be packedin steel drums complying with DrawinKs 7548321 and 7548322.The drums shall be lined with a bac made and closed as Specifiedin When specified, drums shall be lined with muslinliners complying with Drawing LD299212. Cans. Black powder packaged as sp

39、ecified in5.1.1 shall be packed in boxes complyinE with Specifications14, 15A or 16A of Department of Transportation (DOT)Regulations CFR 49 Part 0- Liners. Liners shall be made of conductivepolyethylene or polyolefin sheet with a nominal thicknessOr .003 in. (tolerance = plus or minus 20

40、2); surfaceresistivity shall not exceed 103 ohms per centimeter,when tested in accordance with Methods 4041 and 4052 ofStadard FEl,the topof the bag shall be twisted and the twisted portion foldedback on itself; it shall be fastened with a suitable tapeor tie. The bag size shall be large enough to p

41、reventstrain on the bag if the concainer is dropped or rolled.5.2.2 Level C5.2.2.1 Metal Container. Bulk Dlack Powder shall bepacked in metal containers complyin with Drawincs 7548077or 7548074. The containers shall be lined with a bag madeand closed as specified in$1Provided by IHSNot for

42、ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-P-223n .,AMEtJDMElr35.2.2.2mav be uackedAlternative Metal Container. Bulk black powderIn metal kegs of 200r 25 pounds capacity complyingwih DOk Sueclfcation 13. Kegs shall be lined with a bagmade ani citisedas specified i

43、n Immediate Use Containers. Black Powder intendedfor immediate use (not more than 180 days storage) may bepackaged, packed and marked by any other method approved byDOT Regulations when Specifically authorized by the contractingofficer. The date of pack shall be clearly marked on th

44、eshipping container. The completed pack shall provide sufficientmoisture protection to insure that the moisture limit statedin 3.3 will not be exceeded if the black powder 1s stored upto 18o days under normal storage conditions.”Paragraph 5.3.2: Delete “ICC” and insert “DOT!in two places.Paragraph 6

45、.2: Add the following:“d. Provisions for submission of first article samples”e. Acceptance and description sheets foraccordance with MIL-S7D-1171Add new paragraphs:each lot in116.5Suhnfsion of first article samples - Instructionsas to the location for evaluation of the first articleshall be obtained

46、 from the contractin officer. Upon receiptof such request, the contractinflofficer shall adviseP!catinny Arsenal and instructions will be lasued accordingly.All inquiries should be forwarded to: Cwmnander,PlcatinnyArsenal, ATT!l:.SJ!UPA-QA-A-P,Dover, :IeuJersey.*,6 Functioning test - Complete proced

47、ure fOr thistest may be obtained from Cormnander,Picatlnny Arsenal, ATTN:SMUPA-QA-A-P, Dover, New Jersey.”“6.7 In accordance with the desifinatlonof.classifications,paragraph 5-222 01Defense Standardization Manual 4120.3-1,1,10Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted with

48、out license from IHS-,-,-MIL-p-223BANENDMENT 3the following designation changes are implemented to thisamendment:“Grade 1,11,111 and IV” as specified in MIL-G-155 ischanged to “Grade A, B, C and D“ and Class a, b, c and d“as speclfled in JAN-C-178 1s changed to “Class 1, 2, 3 and4“.In the next revis

49、ion of the affected specifications,these “changeswill be implemented.”Add: Figure 1CUSTODIAN:ARMY-MUNAVY-OSAIR FORCE - 70PREPARING ACTIVITY:ARMY-MUREVIEWING ACTIVITY:ARMY-MUNAVY-OSAIR FORCEPROJECT NUMBER:- 701376-0-00711)Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-


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