1、MIL-T-q7247 58 = 7997706 0162555 4 J /F= 34- 15 MI L-T-49247 (CR) 24 April- MI L I TARY SPEC I FI CAT I ON TRANSCEIVER MULTIPLEXERS TD-1288( )/GRC AND TD-1289() (V)/GRC This specification is approved for use by the Cornunications Research and Development Command, Department of the Army, and is avail
2、able for use by all Departments and Agencies of the Department of Defense. 1. SCOPE 1.1 This specifications covers the following configurations of the 2 Channel Multiplexer TD-l288()/GRC and the 5 Channel Multiplexer TD-l289()(V)/GRC, When not otherwise specified, the tem “mu1 tiplexer“ refers to al
3、 1 mu1 tiplexer configurations : Coupl er Coupl er Bandpass Fi 1 ter Termination Unit blul tiplexer CU-2266( )/GRC CU-2267 ( )/GRC F-1682 ( )/GRC MX-10080( )/GRC TD-l288()/GRC 1 0, N/A 2 0, N/A TD-1289( ) (V)l /GRC 0, N/A 1 5 0, N/A TD-1289( ) (V)2/GRC 0, N/A 1 4 1 TD-l289()(V)3/GRC 0, N/A 1 3 2 In
4、addition, this specification covers the transit cases used in transporting the above equipments; i .e. , Case, CY-7775()/GRC and Case, CY-7776()/GRC. Beneficial comnents (recommendations , addi tions , deletions) and any pertinent data which may be of use in approving this document should be address
5、ed to Commander, US Army Communications Research and Development Comand, ATTN: DRDCO-PE-EC-1 , Fort Monmouth, New Jersey 07703 by using the self-addressed Standardization Document Improvement. Copyright Communications - Electronics Command Provided by IHS under license with CRAINot for ResaleNo repr
6、oduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-* MIL-T-q92q7 58 9 7799906 036255b h 9 MIL-T-49247 (CR) 2.0 /PLI CABLE DOCUMENTS 2.1 Issue of documents. Request for Proposal, tern 3 pakt of this specification to the extent specified herein, In the event of conflict between requirements
7、 expressed in applicable documents and The following documents of the issue in effect on date of ;.portions of this specification, this specification shall take precedance. SPEC1 FICATIONS Mi 1 i tary MIL-P-116 MIL-P-11268 MIL-F-14072 MI L-M- 1 3231 MIL- E- 5 5585 *Appendix A to EL-CP-0192- O001 A S
8、TANDARDS Federal Federal Std No. 595 Mi 1 i tary MIL-STD-105 MIL-STD-252 MIL-STD-454 MIL-STD-726 MIL-STD-781 C MIL-STD-810 DRAW1 NGS Preservation - Packaging, ikthods of Parts , Material s and Processes Used in El ectroni c Equipment Finish for Ground Ei6ckronic kkiUiFKGfit, Marking at Electronic It
9、ems Electronic Equipment general. this specification, the requirements of MIL-P-11268 including the selection requirements therein, shall apply except as noted on Drawing and Data Lists referenced in 3.2. (See 4.4) In addition to the requirements of 3.4 Finish. MIL-F-14072 and the equipment drawings
10、. The equipment shall be finished in accordance with specification (See 4.4) 3.5 Narking. 3.5.1 General. Marking shall conform to specification MIL-14-13231 (See 4 panel marking shall be group 1 as described in that specification. 3.5.2 Visibility. Wherever practicable, parts and components shall be
11、 so that their identification markings will be readily visible with minimum d of the equipment. 3.5.3 Serial numbers. All items listed in 1.1 shall be separately serial consecutively includtng transit cases. 4) Front mounted sassembly . numbered 3.6 Air-seal test, provision for. The transit case sha
12、ll provide means for enabling performance of the air-seal test. (See 4.7) 3.7 Interchangeability. (See 4.8) 3.7.1 General. conform to requirement 7 of MIL-STD-454. Like units, assemblies, subassemblies and replaceable parts shall 3.7.2 Filter interchangeability. Any Filter F-l482()/GRC shall be inte
13、rchangeable with any other F-l482()/GRC in any input port in Coupler, CU-2266()/GRC (to form Mu1 ti plexer TD-1288( )/GRC) or any i nput port in Coupler , CU-2267 ( )/GRC (to form Multiplexer TD-1289( )(V)/GRC). . 3.7.3 Termination uli t interchangeability. Any Termination Unit MX-l0080()/GRC shall
14、be interchangeable with any btX-l0080()/GRC or Filter, F-l482()/GRC in any input port in Coupler, CU-2267()/GRC (to form Multiplexer TD-l289()(V)2/GRC or Mu1 ti plexer TD-l289( ) (V)3/GRC) . 4 Copyright Communications - Electronics Command Provided by IHS under license with CRAINot for ResaleNo repr
15、oduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-I MIL-T-LI72LI7 58 9977706 OLb2559 I MIL-T-49247 (CR) 3.8 Safety engineering. 3.8.1 Personnel hazards. of MIL-STD-454, Requirement 1, shall be made applicable for tasks and efforts such as the selecti on of parts , the complete manufactur
16、ing and assembly processes, and any product baseline configuration changes that may be implemented during the course of the contract. achieved shall be through a visual examination and inspection. grounding stud for protection from lighting shall be a part of the unit design. Personnel hazards shall
17、 be kept to a minimum. The criteria Verification that compliance with this requirement has been (See 4.4) A 3.8.2 Radioactive materials. No radioactive material shall be utilized. 3.8.3 Edqe roundinq. exDosed. sufficiently to minimize laceration/puncture hazards , the design goal being a minimum rad
18、ius of 0.04 inch (1 mm) for edges and 0.5 inch (12.7 mn) for corners. 3.9 (.U) System nuclear survivability. All contractor-furnished mechanical Configurations , electronic assemblages , electronic equipments , electronic circuits , and electronic pieceparts shall withstand the nuclear environments
19、as specified in Appendix A (classified statement of criteria). If nuclear hardening fixes are deemed necessary to ensure the nuclear survivability of the equipments, the contractor shall implement the hardening fixes and shall demonstrate through the use of appropriate validation techniques that the
20、 equipments satisfy the specified nuclear cri teria herein. of Section 3 herein, immediately after being subjected to the specified nuclear envfronments, This recovery in operational effectiveness may include automatic or manual correction of nuclear environment-induced changes in the system but not
21、 the replacement of pieceparts or components. is required to verify the nuclear survivability of the production equipments, the equipments shall be energized and the CFE and the GFE configured for the worst- case system response during exposure. The contractor shall ensure that the GFE is not degrad
22、ed by nuclear environment-induced signals coupled from the CFE; and, vice versa, that the CFE is not degraded by nuclear environment-induced signals coupled from the GFE. Exposed edges and corners shall be rounded The equipments shall meet the operational requirements If nuclear environmental testin
23、g 3.10 Electrical characteristics. 3.10.1 Multiplexer, specified performance - 50 ohms. The nominal load impedance for the multiplexer shall be 50 ohms real. 50 ohms. The nominal output impedance shall be Insertion loss. TD-l288(.)/GRC and 2.00 dB for the TD-l289(.)(V)/GRC. (See )
24、 Maximum multiplexer Insertion Loss shall be 1.75 dB for the Isolation. F-l482(.)/GRC transceiver input ports when the F-1482( )/GRCs are tuned to frequencies separated by 5% or more. The multiplexers shall provide at least 40 dB isolation between (See I 5 Copyright Communication
25、s - Electronics Command Provided by IHS under license with CRAINot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-T-49247( CR) 3J0.1.3 Passband. shall extend at least 100 kHz on each side (200 kHz minimum passband) of the tune frequency. Specified performance shal
26、l be maintained within this passband, (See During operation, the passband of each multiplexer channel Power handling capability. The mu1 tiplexer shall be capable of accepting a continuous input of 60 watts simultaneously into each input terminal and shall continue to operate wit
27、hin the limits in this specification. The associated transmitter output impedance shall be a nominal 50 ohms. (See Harmonics. down more than 120 dB from a 60 watt fundamental signal. Harmonics generated within the multiplexer shall be (See Intermodulation. wit
28、hin the multiplexer in the range from 30 :ilk to 50 MHz shall be attenuated no less than 115 dB below the desired signal levels while third order intermodulation products above 50 MHz up to 88 t4iz shall be attenuated no less than 120 dB below the desired signal levels. (See Band
29、pass Fil ter, F-l482()/GRC, General Requirements - 50 Ob. Tuning range. Each bandpass filter when installed in a multiplexer configuration shall be capable of being manually tuned to any frequency within the 30 MHz to 85 MHz range. Third order intermodulation products generated (See 4.5.1
30、.1.7) Coarse tuning. indicator which will permit the bandpass filter to be coarse tuned to the desired operating frequency without the application of RF power. Each bandpass filter shall have a visual tuning (See Fine tuning. function switch which will permit the ban
31、dpass filter to be fine tuned to the desired operating frequency directly from the coarse tuned preset position while applying RF power to the bandpass filter transceiver input port. Tuning power capacity. Each bandpass filter must be tunable usinq transmitters with nominal output powers
32、ranging from 2 watts to 60 watts. (See Wattmeter- calibration. The wattmeter on each bandpass ilter shall be calibrated at full scale tor both the 6 watt and 60 watt.ranges. f See Tuning accuracy. When tuned to an operating frequency, the visual . tuning i
33、ndicator shall be within 25 NHz of the desired frequency. Each bandpass filter shall bave a meter and a meter (See (See 6 Copyright Communications - Electronics Command Provided by IHS under license with CRAINot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license
34、from IHS-,-,-MIL-T-q92q7 58 7777906 0362563 T MIL-T-49247 (CR) 3.10.2 Multiplexer, $pecified performance - 3:l VSUR. The nominal load impedance for any multiplexer shall be 50 ohms real. The specified performance shall be maintained when operating at a loadVM of up to 3:l. Power handling ca
35、pability. The mu1 tiplexers shall be capable of accepting a continus input of 60 watts simultaneously into each input terminal and shall continue to operate within the limits in this specification. The associated transmitter output impedance shall be a nominal 50 ohms. Bandpass Fil ter, F-l
36、482()/GRC, tjeneral equirements - 3:l VSWR. Tunin ran e. Each bandpass filter when installed in a multiplexer configuration + s all be capable of being manually tuned to any frequency within 30 MHz to 88 Mtiz range. (See I (See Coarse tuning. Each bandpass
37、 filter shall have a visual tuning indicator which will permit the bandpass filter to be coarse tuned to the desired operating frequency without the application of RF power. (%e Fine tuning. Each bandpass filter shall have a meter and a meter function swRch which will permit th
38、e bandpass filter to be fine tuned to the desired operating frequency directly from the coarse tuned preset position while applying RF power to the bandpass filter transceiver input port. (See Tuning power capacity. Each bandpass filter must be tunable using transmitters with n
39、ominal output powers ranging from 2 watts to 60 watts. (See Copyright Communications - Electronics Command Provided by IHS under license with CRAINot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,- MIL-T-97297 5 7777906 0362562 3 W MIL-T-49247 (CR) 3.11 Ser
40、vice c,onditions. The multiplexer shall meet the following service conditionsma test is referenced, meeting the test shall be considered as compliance with the requirement. Where electrical operation of a mu1 tiplexer is _. required in conjunction with the conduct of a service condition test, electr
41、ical measurements shall be made on the multiplexer in accordance with Table I. factory compliance with the electrical measurements of Table I shall constitute conformance to the requirement in each applicable service conditior? test specified below for the multiplexer to “be operable without degrada
42、tion in specified perfor- mance“. used in conjunction with any multiplexer service condition test. Satis- In addition, the transit cases shall suffer no mechanical damage when TABLE I El ec Measurements El ec Measurements Elec Measurements before exposure during exposure after exposure Service Condi
43、 tion (See4.25.1) (See 4.25.2) -(See 4.25.3) 1 I I I 1 * Power handling capability test with a 50 ohm load to be performed, see * The electrical measurements of 4.25.2 are not to be performed on the niultiplexer However, the test of shall be performed on the during the lRain“ te
44、st. multiplexer during the “Rain“ test. 8 -. Copyright Communications - Electronics Command Provided by IHS under license with CRAINot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-T-Y7247 58 9997706 03625b3 3 W MIL-T-49247 (CR) 3.1 1.1 Temperature. (See 4.9) 3.1
45、1.1.1 Operating. The multiplexer shall be operable without degradgtion . in specified performance at ambient temperatures in the range of +160 F (+125F plus the effects of solar radiation at the rate of 360 BTU/ftZ/hr) and -5OOF. f4on-operating. air temperature in the range of +16OoF to -7O
46、OF. 3.11.2 Humidity. The multiplexer shall be operable without degradation in specified performance and shall exhibit no physical damage, such as corrosion, rust, blistering, swelling or deterioration of parts and materials during the operating times specified in 4.10. Discoloration of the metal sha
47、ll not be considered a fail Ure. The multiplexer shall withstand exposure to ambient . 3.11.3 Altitude (elevation). The multiplexer shall be operable without degradation in specified performance after it is tested as specified in 4.11. 3.11.4 Leakage (immersion). The transit case containing the mult
48、iplexer shall show no evidence of leakage after it is tested as specified 4.12. 3.11.5 - Rain, The multiplexer shall be operable without degradation in specified performance after it is tested as specified in 4.13. 3.11.6 Dust. The multiplexer shall be operable without degradation in specified perfo
49、rmance after it is tested as specified in 4.14. 3.11.7 Salt fbg. After the salt-fog test of 4.15, the multiplexer when examined visually with the aid of a 10 power magnifier, shall show no evidence of degradation, such as flaking, pitting, blistering, or loosening of finish or metal surface; or exfoliation of metal (See 6.4), Electrical operation is not required. Discoloration of the metal shall not be considered a failure. 9 ,- Copyright Comm