ARMY MIL-V-62008 B VALID NOTICE 2-2000 VEHICLE COMBAT ENGINEER FULL TRACKED 165MM GUN M728《M728全履带式战斗工兵车 配备一门能发射黏着榴弹的火炮》.pdf

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ARMY MIL-V-62008 B VALID NOTICE 2-2000 VEHICLE COMBAT ENGINEER FULL TRACKED 165MM GUN M728《M728全履带式战斗工兵车 配备一门能发射黏着榴弹的火炮》.pdf_第1页
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VALIDATION I NOT MEASUREMENT SENSITIVE1 MIL-V-62008B (AT) NOTICE 2 13 October 2000 SUPERSEDING NOTICE 1 27 September 1995 MILITARY SPECIFICATION VEHICLE, COMBAT ENGINEER FULL TRACKED: 165MM, GUN, M728 MIL-V-62008B(AT) remains inactive for new design, however, the document is valid for acquisition when needed. Custodian: Amiy - AT Preparing Activity: Amiy - AT AMSC NIA FSC 2350 DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-

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