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1、SLPEHEDING Into Ftd. Spt(“. TT-F-00325 Man-h 20, 1964 (Sf( 6A) FEDERAL SPECIFICA nON FILLR, NGRAVING, SlA1IPED I1ARKING Thu apuifuatio-n Will o,PProvta bV the Co-mmi“ionel, Federal Suppi:l StT1 ice, Genera.l Service, Adminutratio71, jor the UBe of all Federal agcncica. 1. SCOPE AY.;n CLASSIFICATION

2、1.1 Scope. The filler covered by this s iiication is a semisolidified copound of drying oil or resin and pigment which, when applied to engraved or stamped markings ,. “ftI“.:-“ “ _ ,.3 _ 3 L _ - -Vol. .1. auuc:u.IUU;:, H4l UCH i.JlU Ut:,:;UIIlt:s a pt:r-manent filler. 1.2 Classification. Filler sha

3、ll be one of the following types as specified (see 6.2): Type I-Crayon. T-ype ll-Paste. 2. APPLICABLE SPECIFICATIONS AND STANDARDS 2.1 The following specifications and stand ards, oi the issues in eifect on date of in vi tation for bids or request ior proposai, form a part of the specification to th

4、e extent specified herein. Federal Specifications: PD680-DrJ Cleaning Solvent. TT-E-489-Ennmel, Alkyd; Gloss, Syn thetic (For Exterior and Interi(r Sur faces ). UU-T-IOI-Tape, Gummed; Mending and Reinforcing (Paper and Cloth). DDT) n Cr-Tl _ T“_1_“ _ T-. L J. r -J.)-JUU-DUXt!, r ulUlng, raper-board.

5、 PPPP-636-Box, Fiberboard. PPP-B-676-Boxes, Sct-up, Paper-board. -PPP-C-96-Cans, Metal, 28 Gage and Lighter. Ferir-ral Standards: Fed. Std. No. l02-Preservation, Pac.k agin, and Packing Levels. Fed. Std. No. 123-Marking for Domes-. .: _ L : _ L ; ,. Loll,.; L)Il1pmem; .JIVluan AgencIes). l1 “roCt Mo

6、+-h“A CO+-“ “r A1 -:-. - . “ . “T“UVU .,;JI,u. v. lj;-ralIlL, Varnish, Lacquer, and Related Mate-. rials; Methods of InBDection. Sam-pling, and Testing. . . Fed. Std. No. 59S-Colors. (Activities outside the Federal Govprnmpnt m . obtain copies of Federal Speci!iatin; -Sda-;d:. and Handbooks as outli

7、ned under General Informa tion in the Index of Federal Spcifications snd Standards and at the prices indicated in the Index. The Index, which includes cumulative mopthly SU plements as issliP(l. l f,-, p on Q C:11t-C:“;ftrY“l basis by the Supeintendent of D)cm-p-111 . Government Printing Office. -Wa

8、shingt D. c: 20402. (Single cop ips of this specification and other product specifIcations required by activities Dutsidf the Federal Government for bidding purposes trf, “,?ft.1,.,“,1 or : t-. _L _ . ,. 1 “ . . nHUUI. cnl:irg IU uener:u crV:!C5 Administration Reg-ional Offices in B

9、oston. Np.w York, Washinton. -n. C Atlanta. Chicago, Kan!i-a City, Mo., jJuiias, Vrnv(f, San Francisco. Los Angeles, an.1 -ttle, Wash. (Fnleral Goernnwnt activities may obtain copies of Federal Specifications. Standrds, and H3nd-hr.r.lrr- n“,1 .h, l_rl . _, T“J_ J. _ , n .,. I vvvn: ,“ ue: .I.IJU.I.

10、 1.)1 r Caenll .:peClIlcatlO:1S ana Standards from enablishd uistributlon points Hl their agencies.) MIL-H-5606-Bydraulic Fluid, Petrole um Base, Aircraft, Missile and Ord nance. 1 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-TIF325a Afilitary Sta

11、nda.rds: MIL-STD-I05-Sampling Procedures and Tables for Inspection by Attri butes. MIL-STD-129-Marking for Shipment and Storage. (Copies of Military Specification! and Standards required by contractors in connection with specific ,. 1 _ _- _ l.l L _ L_.;_ .l .“Yt1 +“6 procurement IUnCt.lons snOUHl D

12、t! uU.Ull,:U .uv . u“ procuring activity or as directed by the contracting officer. ) 3. REQUIREMENTS 3.1 Materials. Materials used shall be of the quality normally used for the purpose in io!ood commercial practice and shan be free from ingredients which may be injuri ous to the skin (see 6.3). 3.2

13、 Form. Type I fmer shall be in the form of a cylindrical stick or crayon and shall be wrapped in paper. Type II shall be in the form of paste. 3.3 Wrapping. Each type I filler crayon shall be wrnpped in durable paper; securely fastened around the filler. 3.3.1 The wrapper shall cover the side of the

14、 filler to a point approximately i/2 inch f rom the rou nded end. 3.3.2 Afarkinl. The wrapper shall be marked with the name of the manuiacturer and with instructions for application. 3.4 Size. Type I filler shall have a diam eter of L2 -f- 1,16 inch, with no minus tol erance allowed, and shall bf 4-

15、3! 4 1/6 inches long with one end rounded. 3.5 Color. The color of types I and II fill er shall be white, black. red. or tra.nslucent white a specified in the invitation for bids, and unless otherwise specified shall conform to the colors listed in Fed. Std. No. 595 as follows: for black, color No.

16、37038; for white. color No. 37778; and for red. color No. 31136. 3.6 Aging. 2 3.6.1 Type I. A crayon stick, when I-!X posed to high and low temperature in ac cordance with 4.5.3, shall not discolor, sof ten or deform, and shall still be usa.ble. It shall be pennissible to pee off a thin skin from th

17、e surface before use, if necessary. 3.6.2 Type II. When tcstro as specified in 4.5.3, the paste shall still be usablf. It shall be permissible to peel off a thin skin from the surface or to be dispersed before use, if necessary. 3.7 Pigment content, type II only. Vhen tested as specified in 4.5.1, t

18、he minimum pigment content of the filler shall be 60 percent of the nonvolatile portion. 3.8 Total nonvolatile, type II only. Then tested as specified in 4.5.2., the total non volatile content of the filler shall be 80 per cent minimum. 3.9 Perf ormanee req uirements. 3.9.1 Adhesion of filler. After

19、 panels are prepared as specified in and tested as specified in the filler shall be ex amined for adhesive filling properties. A layer shall remain in the graduation and the marking remain clearly legible while the ex cess on 8urroundLng areas shall be remov able. 3.9.2 Humidity, ga

20、.soline vapor, ail, and solvent resistance. “hen panels, as de scribed in are subjected to humidity. gasoline vapors, oil and solvent exposure (see and tested for adhesion as de scribed in, the filler shall remain in the graduations and the graduation. shall be clearly legib

21、le. 3.9.3 Accelerated expot!Urc resistancc Wnen panels, as described in, have been exposed to the accelerated conditions described in, the filler Rhaii remain in the graduations and the graduations shall be clearly legible. 3.10 Workmanship. The component in gredients shall be intima

22、tely mixed and Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-processed a.s f(:quired to produce a 4 uaiity cngra ing- filler. 1. SAMPLIG, 11SPECT!Ol“, AND TET PHOlEl)UHES 4.1 Hesponihihty for inspection. Unless utherwise specified in tht= c()ntract

23、 ur pur chase ortier, the supplier is responsible for the performanc;.l of all inspection require ments lS specified herein. Except as other i:.;e scified, the supplier may t1tilize his (lW 11 facilities ()r “II)“ commercial laooratory acceptable to the GoYernment. The Govcrn mcnt reserves the right

24、 to perform any r)f the inspections set forth in the specification where sut:h inspections are deemed neces ,ary to aSllre that supplies and scr,ices confonn to prescribed requirements. i1. Lot. For the purpose of :ampling, a lut shall consist of all crayons or cans of fillPT of one color offerd for

25、 delivery at t ht same time. 4.3 Sampling, 4.3.1 Sampling for accept.ancc t.;sting. From ach lot, 15 crayons or 3 cans of fill er shall be selected at random for purposes 11 acceptance testing (see 4.4.1). 4.3.2 Sa m l)C),q for c;ra mina,tion For pm l)t“ (:f examination a specified in 4.1.2. :.rnple

26、 shall be selected from each lot ill accordance with inspection level II of MIL STD-I05 and at an acceptable qU:1lity level ( . QL) of 2.S p n:ent defedive. -1,:L:l Sa 111 pli liP fur (.)“0 mina tinll of the 7)?cpom.tion for delilcry. Samp1e packs for pxamination of the preparation for deli very . ;

27、ha1l be selected from each lot in a(Cnrd anee with inspfCtion Jevel II of l!IL-STD-10) alld .It an AQL of :;.5 pen:lnt ticflct;n. .L-i insp=.ction. 4.4.1 ACNdance testing. Testing fOl ac cq-,taJl e of indi“idual jots shaii consi“t oi ,Jl t.ests of 1.5. If any sampJe (lJ0cted a ;11 4.3.1 faiLs to com

28、ply with all the require ment“ of :;cction 3 when trgted as specified, t hl_ lot h:dJ hf rejPCteil. 4.42 r i,ded samples xceeds the acceptanle I!Um)er for the applicable s:lmpling phn. thp lot repre sented by the sampli;: :-;,h,l: J tJot rejected. 4.5 Tesb . 4.5.1 Pign1rnt crmtrnt. The pigment con t

29、ent (If type II filLr h(ill be l1plermind in pt th3.t the Lm-perltlrC of t(,:t .-;)lall L., 1 ;,; F Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-ITF325a 4.5.3 Aging. Two or more crayons or one can of paste shall Le placed in an o-en at a temperatu

30、re of 1600 : 5;) F. for a pcriod of 1U days. lipon removal from the oven, the crayon Or past e shaH Le aJlowed to re turn to room temperature and then plnccd in a cold chamber at -65 F. for a period of two hour:;, following which the crayons or JastI: shall be allowed to return to room temperature.

31、The filler shall then be tested fur compliance with 3.6. 4.5.4 Performance test. Preparation of panel-f). Five panelst 1- ur 4- by 1/16-inch made of cold rolled steel or Lrass, und five of plastic acrylic sna;J lJe stamped or engraved at least 0.01 inch deep with 1:8 inch high numbers nd 1 :

32、2 inch hih letters. The brass panels shall for;) minutes or 10 percent nitric acid for 10 minutes at 180- to 2000 F. A metal panel shall be coatcd with enamel, TT-E-489, class A, with th!“ color c()ntrasting to tnat of the filler. The p1astic panels shall not be coa.ted with enamel. Enameled p:;n ci

33、s shaii not be used until after 7 hours drying time. he11 enamele-:-iG6 or P pr!-676. respectheJy. Tllpr n. Unless otherwise sped fHd in the contract or order, the paste fill er shall be furnished in 1 2 pint containers l(.nform ing t( P 11-C Uti, type V. ,).2.2 Lcrd r. rnl packed in a. snug

34、-fitting fiberboard shipping contain er (ol1fprmir.g to class weather-resisLlnt -:k or 3s, styl RSC of PPP-B-636. The (jllt of the contents of each shipping con +;1 :r:rr :,han nnt (,xee:d fl;) rounds. Each llipping container shall Lc closed, water pr()o:fd. md strnpped or banded in tccord-. He wi:h

35、 the appendix to the container “prifiiati()n. Typ , II filler material, pack :lged as specified in 5.2, shall be packed in :IC(,0nbnc( with the appendix to i()r over:;eag shipment. T“lnn r, nn r r r-“-JO 5.3.2 Level B. Tpe I filler material, packagecJ as specified ill 5) shall be packed in a snug-fi

36、ttin! fiberboard shipping con t.1!ner conforming to type CF or SF class d )mfstie. styi RSr of PPP-Bfl1n. fx(,fpt that the minimum bursting strength shall be :!;5 p.s.i. The weight of the content:. of each shjppinf,: container shaii not exceed ()5 potlnds. Box c10sure sh:tll be in aror(lance with th

37、e appendix to the container specifi cation, Tpe II filler mnteriaL packaged as specified in 5.2, hall hp packed in accord ance v:ith the appendix to PPP-C-96 for domestic sh i pment. 5.3.3 lifi.,ff C. Fiiler material ghall be commlln Iarrier r,;l!la t jnll, a1pJ i:dJl( to that ;ltlde of tranp(Jrt:ti

38、 of thi:l spec-ification. (b) Tpe rpCjuircd (SP i i . (r) C(hil ,;, j (N 3.). I d) qllanjt nqllirfd. () Lenl uf pa,.;ag-;ii,t! and packing re quind (:;.Cl lc.tion ;). effect of ma j (riaL. 1111 th2 11,:1 !tb .,f per:-dn Ile shaH iJe rei t.rred To the ppropn!e de partment nledir:d (r:icL ;h, ,;ill ar

39、t a:; an advisor to the pro:ilrin;-: i! h.t Supersession data. Th; spCcification inclllfk; th(: requirerne; of Lr;tli:f()r(l Ar-Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Tf-F-325a sl.:nal Purchase Description FED-16:3 dated March O, 1954,

40、 Defcnst“ Indlltrial Supply Cellkr Purhase Description DISC-PD-gOIO 1 dated April lJ, lUGl, and General Serv iCC.“ . dmilll.:itratiul1 purchase Description i)I)-S()10-)H() (GSA-FSS) dateu August 2:, 1 IG:;. fi.5 Transportatiun description. Transpor Union description and miJlimum weiJ!hts up plic.a.l

41、Jle to this conunodity are: Type I Rail: Crayons, markillg. Curloau minimum weight, 3G.OOO poundg. Motor: Crayons. marking. Trulkl(lld minimum veight, 36.000 pounds, subject to Rule 115, Na tional Motor Freight Clasification. Tupe 11 Rail: Paints, paste. Carload nlllllmum weight. 36,000 pounds. Moto

42、r: Paints, pste. Truckload mlJllmUm weight, 36,000 paunch subject to Rule 115. Na tional 110(01“ Frcigoht Classification. Preparing Acti“ity: Arm)-MR :llLITARY CCSTOUIANS: Army-MR Iavy-.,.o;A Air Force-69 UcciCll Actilitics: Army-MIt, MU Navy-SA Air FHrce-fj Lser Actiritics: Navy-Me CIVIL (,l;STODIA

43、: GSA Rcdeu. Activities: GSA ser .-cti cities: GSA Trea. . ur “A Heiew User infOlmatioll is current a . .; nf the date of this dvcument; draft circulatiu:l should lie Lased on the information in the Cunent DOD Standardization Documents. Copies of thi!- specifionioll may bl pur(haspo for ;, clnUI eac

44、h. 6 i I Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-INSTRUCTIONS: In a coDLinwn, effort to make OUf .tandardiuLion documentl betr. the DoD prod“ uu. form for to “,bmiuin, com.menta and lua,eaLiona for improvementa. All u.el“l of military It&llda

45、rdizalion documenLi are inYit.ed to pro.ld Juuealiona. Tbia form may be detached, folded a1ol1l the lines indicated, taped alone Lbe loote edlJe (DO NOT STAPLE), and mailed. In block 5, be U lpecific u pouible about particular problem AftU such u wordllI whicb requiftd iDt.erptal.n. wu loo ri,ld, re

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