ASD-STAN PREN 2070-1-1984 Aluminium and Aluminium Alloy Wrought Products - Technical Specification - Part 1 - General Requirements Aerospace Series (Edition 1)《航空航天系列 铝和铝合金锻件 技术规范 .pdf

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ASD-STAN PREN 2070-1-1984 Aluminium and Aluminium Alloy Wrought Products - Technical Specification - Part 1 - General Requirements Aerospace Series (Edition 1)《航空航天系列 铝和铝合金锻件 技术规范 .pdf_第1页
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ASD-STAN PREN 2070-1-1984 Aluminium and Aluminium Alloy Wrought Products - Technical Specification - Part 1 - General Requirements Aerospace Series (Edition 1)《航空航天系列 铝和铝合金锻件 技术规范 .pdf_第2页
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ASD-STAN PREN 2070-1-1984 Aluminium and Aluminium Alloy Wrought Products - Technical Specification - Part 1 - General Requirements Aerospace Series (Edition 1)《航空航天系列 铝和铝合金锻件 技术规范 .pdf_第3页
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ASD-STAN PREN 2070-1-1984 Aluminium and Aluminium Alloy Wrought Products - Technical Specification - Part 1 - General Requirements Aerospace Series (Edition 1)《航空航天系列 铝和铝合金锻件 技术规范 .pdf_第4页
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ASD-STAN PREN 2070-1-1984 Aluminium and Aluminium Alloy Wrought Products - Technical Specification - Part 1 - General Requirements Aerospace Series (Edition 1)《航空航天系列 铝和铝合金锻件 技术规范 .pdf_第5页
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1、AECMA PREN2070-01 84 a LO12311 0007573 5 m ,- Approvod by COMITG DE NORMALISATION of A.ENMA. 1984-01 -25 A.E.C.M.A. STANDARD NORME A.E.C.M.A. A.E.C.M.A. NORM - -_ The equivalent versions in French and German Ianguagm can be supplied by B.N.A.E., 8, rue Moreau-Vauthier 92100 BOULOGNE-BILLANCOURT - FR

2、ANCE, prE N2070-I Edition 1 July 1984 ENGLISH VERSION Aluminium and aluminium alloy wrought products - Technical specification - Part 1 - General requirements Aerospace series Demi-produits corroys en aluminium et alliages daluminium - Spcification technique - Partie 1 - Exigences gnrales Srie arosp

3、atiale Luft- und Raumfahrt Halbzeug aus Aluminium und Aiuminium- Knetlegierungen - Technische Lieferbedingungen - Teil 1 - Allgemeine Anforderungen This industrial standard for the aerospace sector has been drawn up under the responsibility of AECMA (Association Europdenne des Constructeurs de Matri

4、el Arospatial). It is published on yellow paper in three equivalent versions (English, Fiench, German). It will be submitted to CEN European Committee for Standardizztion) as a draft European Standard. P , AECMA PREN2070-OL 4 = L01231L 0007574 7 I Contents 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Scope Fiel

5、d of application Ref erences Definitions Manufacture Traceability Freedom from defects External defects Testing of products Marking Acceptance Inspection and test report Packing Wording of orders J AECMA PREN2070-O1 4 W 1012311 0007575 9 W prEN2070-1 Page 3 1 Scope This standard defines the general

6、requirements for inspection and testing of wrought aluminium and aluminium alloys, Particular requirements applicable to each type of wrought products are defined in EN2070-2 to EN2070-7. The corresponding requirements for forgings are given in EN2082-1 to EN2082-3. 2 Field of application For aerosp

7、ace purposes this standard shall be applied in conjunction with EN material standards unless otherwise specified on the drawing, order or i nspecti on schedule. By agreement between the purchaser and the manufacturer, it may also be applied to other material, semi-finished products or delivery condi

8、tions not covered by EN standards. The agreement shall be formalized by reference to this standard on the drawing, order or inspection schedule. 3 References EN2070-2, Aluminium and aluminium alloy wrought products - Technical specification - Part 2 - Sheet, strip, formed profiles and pl ate EN2070-

9、3, Aluminium and aluminium alloy wrought products - Technical EN2070-4, Aluminium and aluminium alloy wrought proqycts - Technical specification - Part 3 - Bar and section specification - Part 4 - Structural tube m EN2070-5, Aluminium and aluminium alloy wrought products - Tfyhnical specification -

10、Part 5 - Tube used under pressure EN2070-6, Aluminium and aluminium alloy wroughl products - Technical specification - Part 6 - Rivet wire 1 i) in preparation O AECMA PREN2070-O1 4 1012311 O007576 O H prEN2070-1 Page 4 EN2070-7, Aluminium and aluminium alloy wrought products l)Technical specificatio

11、n - Part 7 - Wrought forging stock EN2078, Manufacturing schedule, inspection schedule and inspection report. General definitions EN2082-1, Aluminium alloy forging stock and forgings - Tfyhnical specification - Part 1 - General requirements EN2082-2, Aluminium alloy forging stock and forgirys - Tech

12、nical specification - Part 2 - Forging stock EN2082-3, Aluminium alloy forging stock and forgings - Technical specifica$jon - Part 3 - Pre-.production and production forgings l. 4 Definitions 4.1 Cast 4.1.1 Metal taken from the same melt in a furnace or crucible or from several melts mixed in the sa

13、me furnace or crucible before pouring. 4.1.2 as metal taken from the furnace before the next following charge. Where a continuous melting process is used, a cast may be defined 4.2 Batch A batch consists of material : - of the same form (sheet, plate, tube, bar, etc . . .) and of the same nominal di

14、mensions, - from the same cast; for extrusions and rivet wire, 2 casts which are within 60% of the specified composition range and in which the maximum impurity content remains unchanged, may be aggregated to form a batch, - manufactured in the same production period, - in the same heat treatment co

15、ndition, - and from the same heat treatment charge, - for solution heat treatment in a continuous furnace, material from . a maximum run of 8 h is regarded as a batch. 4.3 Sheet Flat rolled product of rectangular section of uniform thickness between 0,2 to 6 mm, supplied in straight lengths with sli

16、t, sawn or sheared edges. i) In preparation AECMA PREN2070-OL 4 LOL2311 0007577 2 W .I . prEN2070-1 Page 5 4.4 Strip A flat rolled product of rectangular section of uniform thickness between 0,2 to 6 mm, supplied in coils with slit edges. 4.5 Plate A rolled product of rectangular section and uniform

17、 thickness over 6 mm supplied in a flat form with sheared or sawn edges. 4.6 Machined plate Semi-finished product produced from a plate completely machined over one side or two sides. 4.7 Parent plate P1 ate undergoing the same operations over its who1 e 1 ength (i ncl uding control led stretching)

18、before being cut. 4.8 Bar Wrought material of uniformly round, half round, rectangular, hexagonal, octagonal, or regular polygonal solid section, supplied in straight lengths. 4.9 Tube A hol low product , rol led, extruded and/or drawn of uniform wall thickness generally supplied in straight lengths

19、. 4.10 Wire A rolled and extruded and/or drawn product of solid section generally supplied in coil. 4.11 Section A product extruded, rolled or formed of uniform, solid or hollow cross section other than bar, wire, tube, sheet, strip or plate, generally supplied in straight .lengths. 4.12 Controlled

20、stretching Stretching performed after solution heat treatment and quenching for the purpose of reducing internal stresses. The stretching is defined by a minimum permanent elongation and if necessary by a maximum permanent elongation indicated in the material standard. r AECMA PREN2070-O1 84 W 10123

21、11 0007578 4 prEN2070-1 Page 6 4.13 “Capabi 1 i ty cl ause“ d Some test requirements may be met on a capability basis. Capability infers that the characteristics under consideration will conform to the requirements of the relevant standard but that verification may be at a reduced frequency. In such

22、 cases the manufacturer shall guarantee that the material will meet these requirements. The guarantee shall be based on statistical evidence. If subsequent inspection and testing demonstrate that a product does not meet the requirement the batch shall be rejected. 5 Manufacture 5.1 Unless otherwise

23、specified, the method of manufacture to be employed O shall be at the discretion of the manufacturer. 5.2 Before any modification to the manufacturing process which may affect the quality of the semi-finished product, the manufacturer shall inform the purchaser, more cond If a shal that 5.3 The prod

24、uct shall be supplied in the heat treatment condition specified in the material standard, If otherwise agreed, or if they are than one heat treatment condition in the material standard, the tion of supply shall be specified in the order or on the drawing. specific temperature (value and tolerance) ,

25、 is stated that temperature range reduced by the tolerances shall be selected to give the required be mandatory. If a temperature range is stated, a temperature within properties. Unless otherwise specified the charge shall be maintained at the temperature subject to the tolerances of - -t 5“C, for

26、the period stated. o 6 Traceabi 1 i ty Each product shall, at all stages, be identifiable as to its cast and/or production batch and/or heat treatment batch. If agreed between the purchaser and the manufacturer, the relevant ingot number and the position of the product in that ingot shall be recorde

27、d. For extrusions and rivet wires, traceability to the individual cast is not required unless otherwise specified by the order, manufacturing or inspection schedule. 7 Freedom from defects O The products shall be free from harmful defects and not withstanding previous acceptance of products complyin

28、g with this standard; any product that is found, at a laterFst-e, to contain such defects may be rejected. . - h - AECMA PREN2070-OL 84 LOL231L 0007579 b W prEN2070-1 Page 7 8 External defects The products shall have a surface condition adequate for effective visual examination. Acceptance condition

29、s are provided in the individual standards covering each type of product (EN2070-2 to EN2070-7). 9 Testing The tests required by the material standard, the order, or inspection schedule, shall be made in accordance w-ith the requirements of the appropriate test standard. If a test standard does not

30、exist the method to be used shall be agreed between manufacturer and purchaser. The test results shall conform with the specified requirements. The frequency of sampling as well as the location of tests samples are given in the relevant standards covering each product (EN2070-2 to EN2070-7) or order

31、 or in the inspection schedule. The “Capability clause“ applies to certain tests as indicated in the relevant inspection and test standards covering each product (EN2070-1 to EN2070-7) 9.1 Chemical analysis 9.1.1 The chemical composition of the delivered product shall comply with the requirements of

32、 the relevant material standard. 9.1.2 The chemical composition of each cast shall be determined. The samples taken for analysis shall be representative of the cast. The method of analysis shall be selected by the manufacturer but in case of dispute, the method set out in the relevant IS0 standard s

33、hall be used. If no IS0 standard exists a fundamental method of chemical analysis shall be used. 9.2 Preparation of test samples 9.2.1 in such a manner that their identity and orientation with respect to the product and the batch is maintained. The test samples and associated test pieces shall be ma

34、rked 9.2.2 of use) shall not be further treated. Test samples taken from finally heat treated products (condition 9.2.3 condition of use shall be heat treated in accordance with the material standard before testing. Test samples representing products in a condition other than the 9.2.4 they represen

35、t, except in cases where the product is intended for further working (forging stock). Test sample shall not be worked after removal from the product i AECMA PREN2070-01 84 M LO12311 00075130 2 M P - -.- - prEN2070-1 Page 8 c 9.3 Batch uniformity testing Batch uniformity testing shall be carried out

36、in accordance with the relevant technical specification applicable to each type of product (EN2070-2 to EN2070-7) 9.4 Re-tests If any test piece fails to meet the requirements the following re-test procedures shall be applied : 9.4.1 Tens i 1 e tests If the test procedure or test piece preparation i

37、s faulty, testing shall be re-applied at the original frequency after identification of the original cause of failure. When failure cannot be attributed to faulty testing, or test piece preparation, further test samples shall be selected at twice the original frequency, at least one of which shall b

38、e from the product or products on which the incorrect results were obtained (unless already withdrawn by the manufacturer after suitable identification of the cause of failure). If all re-test results are Satisfactory, the batch shall be accepted. If one or more re-test results are unsatisfactory, t

39、he batch shall be : a) rejected, or b) 100% re-tested and the conforming products accepted, or c) re-heat treated and tested as a new batch. 9.4.2 Other tests For these tests specific to a product, the re-test procedure shall be in accordance with the requirements of the inspection and test standard

40、 applicable to each type of product (EN2070-1 to EN2070-7), the order or the inspection schedule. 9.5 Re-heat treatment Where the test results are not satisfactory and might be attributable to the previous heat treatment, the manufacturer is allowed to subject the batch to re-heat treatment either b

41、y a partial ageing or by full heat treatment. In such cases the tests shall be repeated as for a new batch. No product or test sample shall be re-heat treated more than once. T*i I / AECMA PREN2070-OL 4 m LOL23LL 000758L 4 m. Unless otherwise specified the nature or colour of marking ink and type of

42、 marking characters shall be left to the discreion of the manufacturer. Ink shall be removable with cleaning products without leaving a residue which could effect further processing. The cleaning products shall not give rise to corrosion. O 11 Acceptance If so required the manufacturer shall inform

43、the purchaser or his chosen agent of the planned dates for the-extraction of samples and acceptance testing, in order that these operations may be witnessed. 12 Inspection and test report prEN2070-1 Page 9 10 Marking 10.1 Content Unless otherwise specified in EN2070-2 to EN2070-7, the order or inspe

44、ction schedule, all products shall bear the following identification marking : - The material standard, - The dimensional standard (if existing), - The delivery condition, - The manufacturers and plants identificaion, - The inspection stamp, - The batch number. 10.2 Methods of marking Marking shall

45、be carried out by ink or similar product marking, hard stamping or tagging as required by the technical specification applicable to each type of product (EN2070-2 to EN2070-7). The direction of marking shall be parallel to the direction of final rolling, extrusion or drawing. The marking products (i

46、nk or any other) shall not give rise to corrosion and shall remain permanently visible after handling and contact with protective products. The supplier shall furnish with each delivery a form of certificate conforming to requirements of EN2078 stating the following : AECMA PREN2070-OL 4 LOL23LL 000

47、7582 b m . - - - - =. prEN2070-1 Page 10 - The suppliers name and address, - Contract and/or order number, - Material standard number, - Semi-finished product standard number or in the case of specific products, the drawing or part number and, where applicable, the number of the inspection or manufa

48、cturing schedule defining the product - Quantity, - Cast(s) and batch number(s) (see clause 6) and if required, identity of and position in the ingot, - Condition of the material as delivered, - Batch heat treatment, if appropriate, - Inspectors stamp, - Results of the mandatory tests, re-tests and

49、chemical analysis - A certification clause signed for and on behalf of the manufacturer. carried out, 13 Packing In the case of products where the delivered surface finish shall be maintained, all necessary precautions shall be taken to prevent damage or corrosion of the product during transport. The exterior of the packing shall bear the following information : - Name of customer, - Weight, - Order number and sufficient information to enable package contents to be related to documentation. 14 Wording of orders To order products according to this standard, the ord

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