ASCE MOP 104-2003 Recommended Practice for Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Products for Overhead Utility Line Structures《架空公用管线结构用纤维增强聚合物产品的建议规范 购买热线 1-800-854-7179(美国和加拿大)或303-397-7956(全.pdf

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ASCE MOP 104-2003 Recommended Practice for Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Products for Overhead Utility Line Structures《架空公用管线结构用纤维增强聚合物产品的建议规范 购买热线 1-800-854-7179(美国和加拿大)或303-397-7956(全.pdf_第1页
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ASCE MOP 104-2003 Recommended Practice for Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Products for Overhead Utility Line Structures《架空公用管线结构用纤维增强聚合物产品的建议规范 购买热线 1-800-854-7179(美国和加拿大)或303-397-7956(全.pdf_第2页
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ASCE MOP 104-2003 Recommended Practice for Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Products for Overhead Utility Line Structures《架空公用管线结构用纤维增强聚合物产品的建议规范 购买热线 1-800-854-7179(美国和加拿大)或303-397-7956(全.pdf_第3页
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ASCE MOP 104-2003 Recommended Practice for Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Products for Overhead Utility Line Structures《架空公用管线结构用纤维增强聚合物产品的建议规范 购买热线 1-800-854-7179(美国和加拿大)或303-397-7956(全.pdf_第4页
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ASCE MOP 104-2003 Recommended Practice for Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Products for Overhead Utility Line Structures《架空公用管线结构用纤维增强聚合物产品的建议规范 购买热线 1-800-854-7179(美国和加拿大)或303-397-7956(全.pdf_第5页
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1、 ASCE Manuals and Reports on Engineering Practice No. 104RecommendedPractice forFiber-ReinforcedPolymer Productsfor Overhead UtilityLine StructuresPrepared byThe Task Committee on Fiber-ReinforcedComposite Structures for Overhead Linesof the Structural Engineering Institute of theAmerican Society of

2、 Civil EngineersAbstract: This manual provides guidelines for the design, manufacture, testing, installation,and erection of fiber-reinforced polymer products for overhead utility line structures. Thismanual was developed by the Task Committee on Fiber-Reinforced Composite Structuresfor Overhead Lin

3、es of the Structural Engineering Institute of the American Society ofCivil Engineers.Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication DataAmerican Society of Civil Engineers. Subcommittee on Fiber-Reinforced CompositeStructures for Overhead Lines.Recommended practice for fiber-reinforced polymer produc

4、ts for overhead utility linestructures / prepared by the Subcommittee on Fiber-Reinforced Composite Structures forOverhead Lines of the Structural Division of the American Society of Civil Engineers.p. cm(ASCE manuals and reports on engineering practice ; no. 104)Includes bibliographical references

5、and index.ISBN 0-7844-0648-01. Electric linesPoles and towersDesign and construction. 2. Electric linesPolesand towersMaterials. 3. Fiber reinforced plastics. I. Title. II. Serires.TK3242 .A525 2002621.31922dc212002043614Any statements expressed in these materials are those of the individual authors

6、 and donot necessarily represent the views of ASCE, which takes no responsibility for any statementmade herein. No reference made in this publication to any specific method, product, process,or service constitutes or implies an endorsement, recommendation, or warranty thereof byASCE. The materials a

7、re for general information only and do not represent a standard ofASCE, nor are they intended as a reference in purchase specifications, contracts, regulations,statutes, or any other legal document. ASCE makes no representation or warranty of anykind, whether express or implied, concerning the accur

8、acy, completeness, suitability, orutility of any information, apparatus, product, or process discussed in this publication, andassumes no liability therefore. This information should not be used without first securingcompetent advice with respect to its suitability for any general or specific applic

9、ation.Anyone utilizing this information assumes all liability arising from such use, including butnot limited to infringement of any patent or patents.ASCE and American Society of Civil EngineersRegistered in U.S. Patent and Trade-mark Office.Photocopies: Authorization to photocopy material for inte

10、rnal or personal use under circum-stances not falling within the fair use provisions of the Copyright Act is granted by ASCEto libraries and other users registered with the Copyright Clearance Center (CCC) Trans-actional Reporting Service, provided that the base fee of $18.00 per chapter is paid dir

11、ectlyto CCC, 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923. The identification for ASCE Books is0-7844-0648-0/03/$18.00 per chapter. Requests for special permission or bulk copying shouldbe addressed to Permissions nor is it so elementary or so conclusive as to provide a “rule of thumb“for nonengineers.Furt

12、hermore, material in this series, in distinction from a paper (whichexpresses only one persons observations or opinions), is the work ofa committee or group selected to assemble and express information ona specific topic. As often as practicable, the committee is under thedirection of one or more of

13、 the Technical Divisions and Councils, andthe product evolved has been subjected to review by the ExecutiveCommittees of these Divisions or Councils. As a step in the process of thisreview, proposed manuscripts are often brought before the members ofthe Technical Divisions and Councils for comment,

14、which may serve asthe basis for improvement. When published, each work lists the names ofthe committees by which it was compiled and clearly indicates the severalprocesses through which it has passed in review, in order that its meritmay be definitely understood.In February 1962 (and revised in Apri

15、l 1982) the Board of Directionvoted to establish:A series entitled Manuals and Reports on Engineering Practice, toinclude the Manuals published and authorized to date, future Man-uals of Professional Practice, and Reports on Engineering Practice.All such Manual or Report material of the Society woul

16、d have beenrefereed in a manner approved by the Board Committee on Publi-cations and would be bound, with applicable discussion, in bookssimilar to past Manuals. Numbering would be consecutive andwould be a continuation of present Manual numbers. In some casesof reports of joint committees, bypassin

17、g of Journal publications maybe authorized.MANUALS AND REPORTSON ENGINEERING PRACTICENo. Title No. Title13 Filtering Materials for Sewage TreatmentPlants14 Accommodation of Utility Plant Within theRights-of-Way of Urban Streets andHighways35 A List of Translations of Foreign Literatureon Hydraulics4

18、0 Ground Water Management41 Plastic Design in Steel: A Guide andCommentary45 Consulting Engineering: A Guide for theEngagement of Engineering Services46 Pipeline Route Selection for Rural andCross-Country Pipelines47 Selected Abstracts on StructuralApplications of Plastics49 Urban Planning Guide50 P

19、lanning and Design Guidelines for SmallCraft Harbors51 Survey of Current Structural Research52 Guide for the Design of SteelTransmission Towers53 Criteria for Maintenance of MultilaneHighways55 Guide to Employment Conditions forCivil Engineers57 Management, Operation andMaintenance of Irrigation and

20、Drainage Systems59 Computer Pricing Practices60 Gravity Sanitary Sewer Design andConstruction62 Existing Sewer Evaluation andRehabilitation63 Structural Plastics Design Manual64 Manual on Engineering Surveying65 Construction Cost Control66 Structural Plastics Selection Manual67 Wind Tunnel Studies o

21、f Buildingsand Structures68 Aeration: A Wastewater TreatmentProcess69 Sulfide in Wastewater Collection andTreatment Systems70 Evapotranspiration and Irrigation WaterRequirements71 Agricultural Salinity Assessment andManagement72 Design of Steel Transmission PoleStructures73 Quality in the Constructe

22、d Project: A Guidefor Owners, Designers, and Constructors74 Guidelines for Electrical Transmission LineStructural Loading76 Design of Municipal WastewaterTreatment Plants77 Design and Construction of UrbanStormwater Management Systems78 Structural Fire Protection79 Steel Penstocks80 Ship Channel Des

23、ign81 Guidelines for Cloud Seeding to AugmentPrecipitation82 Odor Control in WastewaterTreatment Plants83 Environmental Site Investigation84 Mechanical Connections in WoodStructures85 Quality of Ground Water86 Operation and Maintenance of GroundWater Facilities87 Urban Runoff Quality Manual88 Manage

24、ment of Water TreatmentPlant Residuals89 Pipeline Crossings90 Guide to Structural Optimization91 Design of Guyed ElectricalTransmission Structures92 Manhole Inspection and Rehabilitation93 Crane Safety on Construction Sites94 Inland Navigation: Locks, Dams, andChannels95 Urban Subsurface Drainage96

25、Guide to Improved EarthquakePerformance of Electric Power Systems97 Hydraulic Modeling: Concepts and Practice98 Conveyance of Residuals from Water andWastewater Treatment99 Environmental Site Characterization andRemediation Design Guidance100 Groundwater Contamination by OrganicPollutants: Analysis

26、and Remediation101 Underwater Investigations102 Design Guide for FRP CompositeConnections103 Guide to Hiring and Retaining GreatCivil Engineers104 Recommended Practice for Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Products for OverheadUtility Line StructuresPREFACEAdvancements and innovations in fiber-reinforced pol

27、ymers (FRP)and process technologies have resulted in lightweight high-strength FRPmaterials that are more cost-competitive with traditional constructionmaterials such as wood, steel, and prestressed concrete. While there are avariety of possible structural applications for FRP materials, this docume

28、ntfocuses primarily on conductor support applications and FRP poles.Every effort has been made through various reviews to strive foraccuracy and clarity. The user is reminded to consider the structuresdescribed herein as an integral part of a larger system. The user is,therefore, cautioned that the

29、application of these structures should comeonly after sound engineering judgment has been applied with regard toa particular desired result. Furthermore, as an overall treatise covering awide variety of applications, this document cannot conceivably satisfy allconditions. The user should bear in min

30、d that often there will be specificlocal conditions and requirements that may dictate design and usageconditions that differ from those described herein.The committee is grateful for the input of its advisory members and thecomments from those who participated in the development of this reportthroug

31、h correspondence and numerous working sessions.vThis page intentionally left blank ACKNOWLEDGMENTSThe Task Committee on Fiber-Reinforced Composite Structures forOverhead Lines of the Structural Engineering Institute of the AmericanSociety of Civil EngineersRobert F. Nelson, ChairmanJames Davidson, C

32、o-ChairmanRonald Randle, SecretaryDerek BerryNelson BingelSteven J. BullFouad H. FouadErich GnandtMike GuglielmoDave JohnsonLeon Kempner, Jr.John KrupaEd MullinaxSteve A. PatinoArt PeraltaMichael PetersDoug ShermanNorm TregenzaWalt WarnerCommittee of Electrical Transmission StructuresChung J. Wong,

33、ChairClayton L. ClemDan JackmanLeon Kempner, Jr.Robert F. NelsonRonald RandleVIIThis page intentionally left blank CONTENTS1 STRUCTURES AND APPLICATIONS 11.1 Introduction 11.2 Structure Configurations 21.2.1 Cantilevered Structures 21.2.2 Guyed Structures 31.2.3 Framed Structures 41.2.4 Combined Str

34、uctures1.2.5 Latticed Tower Structures 51.3 Applications 71.3.1 Transmission and Distribution Structures 71.3.2 Substation Structures 71.3.3 Lighting Supports, Highway Signs, and TrafficSignal Structures 81.3.4 Communications Structures 92 INITIAL CONSIDERATIONS 112.1 Introduction 112.2 Physical Con

35、siderations 112.3 Guying 12.4 Grounding 12.5 Deflection 122.6 Transportation and Erection 122.7 Climbing 32.8 Attached Items 132.9 Aesthetic Considerations 132.10 Load Testing 32.11 Durability 42.12 Foundations 14ixx CONTENTS3 MATERIALS AND MANUFACTURING PROCESSES 153.1 Introduction 153.1.1 Definiti

36、on of FRP 153.1.2 Benefits 63.1.3 Composition 63.2 Materials 173.2.1 Polymer Resin Matrix 183.2.2 Fiber Reinforcements 93.2.3 Protective Material Systems 193.3 Manufacturing Processes 193.3.1 Pultrusion 203.3.2 Filament Winding 213.3.3 Centrifugal Casting 23.3.4 Resin Infusion 34 DESIGN LOADS 254.1

37、Introduction 54.2 Load Considerations for Transmission and DistributionOverhead Construction 254.3 Wood Pole Equivalent Design Loads 275 PERFORMANCE-BASED CRITERIA FOR FRP PRODUCTSAND MATERIALS 295.1 Introduction 95.2 Designing FRP Products 295.3 Poles 305.3.1 Mechanical Properties 305.3.2 Durabilit

38、y 325.4 Connections 35.4.1 Step Attachments 335.4.2 Guying Attachments 35.4.3 Ground Wire Attachments 345.4.4 Slip Joints 345.4.5 Flange and Other Mechanical Joints 345.4.6 Foundations 46 SUGGESTED GUIDELINES FOR PERFORMANCE-BASEDTESTS 376.1 Introduction 37CONTENTS xi6.2 Recommended Mechanical Tests

39、 376.2.1 Static Bending (Horizontal Loading) Test 376.2.2 Bolt Torque Test 386.2.3 Bolt Pull-Through Test 386.2.4 Direct Load Shear Test 86.2.5 Field Drillability Test 386.2.6 Step Bolt Compatibility Test 396.3 Optional Mechanical Tests 96.3.1 Torsional Load Test 396.4 Surface Durability Tests 96.4.

40、1 Ultraviolet (UV) Radiation Tests 396.4.2 Coating Tests 396.5 Electrical Tests 407 QUALITY ASSURANCE 417.1 Introduction 17.2 Design and Drawings 417.3 Manufacturing Process 27.4 Material Standards Conformance 427.5 Tolerances 427.6 Surface Coatings 27.7 Inspection During Manufacture 427.8 Shipping

41、and Receiving 437.9 Rejection 437.10 Full-Scale Structure Testing 37.11 Installation and Maintenance 438 ASSEMBLY AND ERECTION 458.1 Introduction 458.2 Pole Structures 58.2.1 Handling 58.2.2 Hauling 468.2.3 Framing 78.2.4 Field Drilling 78.2.5 Erection 488.2.6 Climbing 88.3 Foundations 98.3.1 Direct

42、 Embedment 498.3.2 Anchor Base 508.4 Storage 50xii CONTENTS9 IN-SERVICE CONSIDERATIONS 519.1 Introduction 519.2 Factors Influencing Performance of FRP Materials 519.2.1 Environment 519.2.2 Mechanical Fatigue 539.2.3 Electrical Stress and Leakage Current 539.3 Field Inspection 549.3.1 Visual Inspecti


44、S1.1 INTRODUCTIONFiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) utility structures and the use of FRPmaterials are not new to the electric power industry. Many productsused by the industry that are made of, or incorporate, FRP materialsinclude ladders, grating, construction tools, lift truck booms, transformerpads,

45、 hot sticks, bus bar supports, insulators, pole line hardware, andcrossarms. Lighting poles made entirely of FRP material have been usedfor decades. By the late 1990s, installations of FRP lighting poles numberedin the millions. Also by that time, electric utilities had installed a growingnumber of

46、FRP poles designed to support power and telecommunicationlines. The earliest FRP distribution poles were installed in the HawaiianIslands in the mid 1960s. These early Hawaiian poles have withstooda highly corrosive island environment and strong winds without anysignificant signs of deterioration.FR

47、P materials are used widely in many applications because they canbe engineered to offer important advantages over traditional materials.Such advantages include a high strength-to-weight ratio (light weight),low maintenance, dimensional stability, high dielectric strength, recycle-ability (nontoxicit

48、y), and resistance to rot, corrosion, chemicals, and pestdamage. FRP materials also offer product engineers extraordinary designlatitude. Engineers can choose from a wide range of material systemsand processing techniques. This degree of flexibility distinguishes FRPmaterials from “traditional77 mat

49、erials. The benefits and limitations of afinished FRP product largely depend on the selected materials, the selectedprocess, and the relationship between the two. In fact, the relationshipbetween materials and process is a more significant consideration withFRP products than with products made of “traditional“ materials likewood, steel, aluminum, and so forth. Unlike poles made from traditional12 PRACTICE FOR FIBER-REINFORCED POLYMER PRODUCTSmaterials, FRP poles are available in a wide range of geometric sh


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