1、ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 169-2013Climatic Data forBuilding DesignStandardsSee Appendix D for approval dates by the ASHRAE Standards Committee, the ASHRAE Board of Directors, and the AmericanNational Standards Institute.This standard is under continuous maintenance by a Standing Standard Project Committe
2、e (SSPC) for which the Standards Com-mittee has established a documented program for regular publication of addenda or revisions, including procedures for timely,documented, consensus action on requests for change to any part of the standard. The change submittal form, instructions, anddeadlines may
3、 be obtained in electronic form from the ASHRAE Web site (www.ashrae.org) or in paper form from the Managerof Standards. The latest edition of an ASHRAE Standard may be purchased from the ASHRAE Web site (www.ashrae.org) or fromASHRAE Customer Service, 1791 Tullie Circle, NE, Atlanta, GA 30329-2305.
4、 E-mail: ordersashrae.org. Fax: 678-539-2129.Telephone: 404-636-8400 (worldwide), or toll free 1-800-527-4723 (for orders in US and Canada). For reprint permission, go towww.ashrae.org/permissions. 2013 ASHRAE ISSN 1041-2336Includes Web-based access to climatic data, design conditions, figures, and
5、tables.(Requires Adobe Acrobatand Microsoft Excel)SPECIAL NOTEThis American National Standard (ANS) is a national voluntary consensus standard developed under the auspices of ASHRAE.Consensus is defined by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), of which ASHRAE is a member and which has ap
6、proved thisstandard as an ANS, as “substantial agreement reached by directly and materially affected interest categories. This signifies the concurrenceof more than a simple majority, but not necessarily unanimity. Consensus requires that all views and objections be considered, and that aneffort be
7、made toward their resolution.” Compliance with this standard is voluntary until and unless a legal jurisdiction makes compliancemandatory through legislation.ASHRAE obtains consensus through participation of its national and international members, associated societies, and public review.ASHRAE Stand
8、ards are prepared by a Project Committee appointed specifically for the purpose of writing the Standard. The ProjectCommittee Chair and Vice-Chair must be members of ASHRAE; while other committee members may or may not be ASHRAE members, allmust be technically qualified in the subject area of the St
9、andard. Every effort is made to balance the concerned interests on all ProjectCommittees.The Manager of Standards of ASHRAE should be contacted for:a. interpretation of the contents of this Standard,b. participation in the next review of the Standard,c. offering constructive criticism for improving
10、the Standard, ord. permission to reprint portions of the Standard.DISCLAIMERASHRAE uses its best efforts to promulgate Standards and Guidelines for the benefit of the public in light of available information andaccepted industry practices. However, ASHRAE does not guarantee, certify, or assure the s
11、afety or performance of any products, components,or systems tested, installed, or operated in accordance with ASHRAEs Standards or Guidelines or that any tests conducted under itsStandards or Guidelines will be nonhazardous or free from risk.ASHRAE INDUSTRIAL ADVERTISING POLICY ON STANDARDSASHRAE St
12、andards and Guidelines are established to assist industry and the public by offering a uniform method of testing for ratingpurposes,bysuggestingsafepracticesindesigningandinstallingequipment,byprovidingproperdefinitionsofthisequipment,andbyprovidingother information that may serve to guide the indus
13、try.The creation of ASHRAE Standards and Guidelines is determined by the need for them,and conformance to them is completely voluntary.In referring to this Standard or Guideline and in marking of equipment and in advertising, no claim shall be made, either stated or implied,that the product has been
14、 approved by ASHRAE.ASHRAE Standing Standard Project Committee 169CognizantTC:TC 4.2, Climate InformationSPLS Liaison: Rita M. HarroldDrury B. Crawley, Chair* Evyatar Erell Robert J. MorrisDon B. Shirey, III, Vice-Chair Phillip L. Jarrett* Didier J. Thevenard*Steve M. Cornick* Jack N. Lott* Iain S.
15、Walker*Denotes members of voting status when the document was approved for publicationASHRAE STANDARDS COMMITTEE 20132014William F. Walter, Chair David R. Conover Malcolm D. KnightRichard L. Hall, Vice-Chair John F. Dunlap Rick A. LarsonKarim Amrane James W. Earley, Jr. Mark P. ModeraJoseph R. Ander
16、son Steven J. Emmerich Cyrus H. NasseriJames Dale Aswegan Julie M. Ferguson Janice C. PetersonCharles S. Barnaby Krishnan Gowri Heather L. PlattSteven F. Bruning Cecily M. Grzywacz Douglas T. ReindlJohn A. Clark Rita M. Harrold Julia A. Keen, BOD ExOWaller S. Clements Adam W. Hinge Thomas E. Werkema
17、, Jr., CODebra H. KennoyStephanie C. Reiniche, Manager of Standards ASHRAE (www.ashrae.org). For personal use only. Additional reproduction, distribution, or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAEs prior written permission.CONTENTSANSI/ASHRAE Standard 169-2013,C
18、limatic Data for Building Design StandardsSECTION PAGEForeword .21 Purpose.22 Scope23 Definitions, Abbreviations, and Acronyms.24 Climatic Design Data and Climate Zones .35 U.S. Climate Zones by County36 International Climate Zone Maps 3Normative Appendix A: Climatic Design Data and Climate Zones4No
19、rmative Appendix B: Climate Zones For U.S. States and Counties69Informative Appendix C: Climate Zone Maps84Informative Appendix D: Addenda Description Information.98NOTEApproved addenda, errata, or interpretations for this standard can be downloaded free of charge from the ASHRAEWeb site at www.ashr
20、ae.org/technology. 2013 ASHRAE1791 Tullie Circle NE Atlanta, GA 30329 www.ashrae.org All rights reserved.ASHRAE is a registered trademark of the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc.ANSI is a registered trademark of the American National Standards Institute.
21、 ASHRAE (www.ashrae.org). For personal use only. Additional reproduction, distribution, or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAEs prior written permission.2 ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 169-2013(This foreword is not part of this standard. It is merelyinformative and do
22、es not contain requirements necessaryfor conformance to the standard. It has not been pro-cessed according to the ANSI requirements for a standardand may contain material that has not been subject topublic review or a consensus process. Unresolved objec-tors on informative material are not offered t
23、he right toappeal at ASHRAE or ANSI.)FOREWORDThis standard was created to provide a comprehensivesource of climate data for those involved in building design.The standard includes a variety of climatic information usedprimarily in the design, planning, and sizing of building energysystems and equipm
24、ent. ASHRAE anticipates that the informa-tion within will represent a valuable resource for referencing inbuilding design standards.The contents of this standard have been compiled from the2009 ASHRAE HandbookFundamentals, Chapter 14, “Cli-matic Design Information” and from other data developed spe-
25、cifically for this standard in ASHRAE RP-1453, “Updating theASHRAE Climatic Data for Design and Standards.” The newdata include extensive monthly design conditions.The data and tables have been completely revised andupdated from Standard 169-2006. An additional ClimateZone 0 with humid (0A) and dry
26、(0B) zones has been added,and the standard now includes data for 5564 locationsthroughout the world.This standard is accompanied by supporting files that canbe located online at www.ashrae.org/169_2013data. These filesinclude design condition tables for the 5564 locations as wellas electronic tables
27、 and climate zone maps.1. PURPOSEThis standard provides recognized climatic data for usein building design and related equipment standards.2. SCOPE2.1 This standard covers climatic data used in ASHRAEstandards, including dry-bulb, dew-point, and wet-bulb tem-peratures, enthalpy, humidity ratio, wind
28、 conditions, solarirradiation, latitude, longitude, and elevation for locationsworldwide.2.2 This standard also includes statistical data, such as meantemperatures, average temperatures, mean/median annualextremes, daily ranges, heating and cooling degree-days anddegree hours, hours and seasonal per
29、centages within rangesof temperatures, as well as bins.3. DEFINITIONS, ABBREVIATIONS,AND ACRONYMS3.1 Definitionsdegree-day: the difference in temperature between the out-door mean temperature over a 24-hour period and a givenbase temperature. For the purposes of determining buildingenvelope requirem
30、ents, the classifications are defined as fol-lows:cooling degree-day base 50F, CDD50 (10C, CDD10):for any one day, when the mean temperature is more than50F (10C), there are as many degree-days as degreesFahrenheit or Celsius temperature difference between themean temperature for the day and 50F (10
31、C) (meantemperature minus 50F 10C). Annual cooling degree-days (CDDs) are the sum of the degree-days over a calen-dar year.heating degree-day base 65F, HDD65 (18C, HDD18):for any one day, when the mean temperature is less than65F (18C), there are as many degree-days as degreesFahrenheit or Celsius t
32、emperature difference betweenand 65F (18C) and the mean temperature for the day(65F 18C minus the mean temperature). Annual heat-ing degree-days (HDDs) are the sum of the degree-daysover a calendar year.3.2 Abbreviations and AcronymsCDDn= cooling degree-days base nF, Fday(nC, Cday)CDHn= cooling degr
33、ee-hours base nF, Fh(nC, Ch)CZ = climate zoneDB = dry-bulb temperature, F (C)DP = dew-point temperature, F (C)Ebn,noon= clear-sky beam normal irradiance at solarnoon, Btu/h/ft2(W/m2)Edh,noon= clear-skydiffusehorizontalirradianceatsolarnoon, Btu/h/ft2(W/m2)Elev = elevation above sea level, ft (m)Enth
34、 = enthalpy, Btu/lb (kJ/kg)HDD = heating degree-days base nF, Fday(nC, Cday)Hours 8/4 = number of hours between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m.12.8/20.6 withDBbetween55Fand 69F(12.8Cand20.6C)HR = Humidity ratio, grains of moisture per poundof dry air (grams of moisture per kg of dry air)Lat = latitude, N/SLong =
35、longitude, E/WMCDB = mean coincident dry-bulb temperature,F (C)MCDBR = mean coincident dry-bulb temperature range,F (C)MCWB = mean coincident wet-bulb temperature,F (C)MCWBR = mean coincident wet-bulb temperature range,F (C)MCWS = mean coincident wind speed, mph (m/s)MDBR = mean dry-bulb temperature
36、 range, F (C)NA = not available ASHRAE (www.ashrae.org). For personal use only. Additional reproduction, distribution, or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAEs prior written permission.ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 169-2013 3PCWD = prevailingcoincidentwinddirection,deg
37、rees,0 = north, 90 = eastPeriod = years used to calculate the design conditionsPrecip = liquid precipitation, in. (mm)Sd = standard deviation of daily averagetemperature, F (C)StdP = standard pressure at station elevation,psi (kPa)taub = clear sky optical depth for beam irradiancetaud = clear sky op
38、tical depth for diffuse irradianceTavg = average temperature, F (C)Time Zone = hours ahead or behind UTC, and time-zonecodeUTC = Universal Time Coordinate, 0, equal to timezone 0 (same as Greenwich Mean Time(GMT)WB = wet-bulb temperature, F (C)WBAN = Weather Bureau Army Navy numberWMO# = World Meteo
39、rological Organization stationidentifierWS = wind speed, mph (m/s)4. CLIMATIC DESIGN DATA AND CLIMATE ZONESNormative Appendix A comprises data for 5564 U.S.,Canadian, and international locations. This information gener-ally represents annual and monthly percentiles of occurrenceof temperature, vario
40、us measures of humidity, and wind speedfor use in the design of building energy and ventilation sys-tems. These data also include HDD and CDD annual averagevalues and the number of hours between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m.when the dry-bulb temperature is between 55F and 69F(13C and 21C). A sample of this clim
41、atic data is provided inTable A-1 for Atlanta, Georgia, USA. Design conditions forall 5564 locations are located online at the following location:www.ashrae.org/169_2013dataTable A-4 in Normative Appendix A lists climate zonesand other key climatic data for U.S., Canadian, and interna-tional locatio
42、ns and includes links to the design conditions.5. U.S. CLIMATE ZONES BY COUNTYNormative Appendix B contains the climate zones forall U.S. counties. The information is presented in the formof a map (Figure B-1) and Table B-1 for the U.S. Table A-3provides criteria for determining the climate zones of
43、 inter-national locations for which general climate summary infor-mation is available.6. INTERNATIONAL CLIMATE ZONE MAPSInformative Appendix C provides climate zone maps formajor countries and continents. The maps are one degree lati-tude by one degree longitude resolution. For this reason, thedata
44、and climate zones for specific locations outside the U. S.presented in Normative Appendix A shall be used. Thesemaps are provided to show general locations of the climatezones. ASHRAE (www.ashrae.org). For personal use only. Additional reproduction, distribution, or transmission in either print or d
45、igital form is not permitted without ASHRAEs prior written permission.4 ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 169-2013(This is a normative appendix and is part of this stan-dard.)NORMATIVE APPENDIX ACLIMATIC DESIGN DATA AND CLIMATE ZONESThis section describes the data contained in NormativeAppendix A, which are incl
46、uded online at www.ashrae.org/169_2013data.A1. CLIMATIC DESIGN CONDITIONSThe annual and monthly climatic design conditions forAtlanta, Georgia, USA, are shown in Table A-1. The data inthis table are presented in the same format that is used for thenormative tables located online. The top part of the
47、 table con-tains station information as follows:Name of the observing station, state (USA), province(Canada), countryWorld Meteorological Organization (WMO) station iden-tifierWeather Bureau Army Navy (WBAN) number (“99999”denotes missing)Latitude of the station, N/SLongitude of the station, E/WElev
48、ation of the station, ft (m)Standard pressure at elevation, psia (kPa)Time zone, in hours UTCTime zone code (e.g., NAE = Eastern Time, USA andCanada). Table A-2 lists all the time zone codes used inthe tables of climatic design conditions. The time zonecodes embody the offset from UTC as well as any
49、 appli-cable daylight savings time scheme.Period analyzed (e.g., 8206 = data from 1982 to 2006were used)A1.1 Annual Design ConditionsAnnual climatic design conditions are contained in thefirst three sections following the top part of the table. Theycontain information as shown in the following subsections.A1.1.1 Annual Heating andHumidification Design ConditionsColdest month (i.e., month with the lowest average dry-bulb temperature; 1 = January, 12 = December)Dry-bulb temperature correspond