1、Page 1 of 1 2013 ASHRAE. All rights reserved. ERRATA SHEET FOR ANSI/ASHRAE STANDARD 206-2013 Method of Testing for Rating of Multipurpose Heat Pump for Residential Space Conditioning and Water Heating December 16, 2013 The corrections listed in this errata sheet apply to ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 206-201
2、3. The first printing is identified on the outside back cover as “Product code: 86635 8/13”. Page Erratum 37 Table 10.7a Variable Capacity Air-Source Systems. Replace the footnotes for Table 10.7a with the footnotes below. (A) Heating and/or cooling tests not required if heating and/or cooling porti
3、on respectively of the mode does not exist. (B) Tests not required if the mode does not exist. (C) Values shown are original suggested values, refer to applicable AHRI standards or federal rules and regulations for updated values (D) For units that reject condensate to the outdoor condenser coil. (E
4、) Wet bulb at least 13.9C (57.0F) and sufficiently low so that no condensate forms on the evaporator coil. (F) Mode A Cd values used for all other modes. (G) Mode A defrost degradation percentage used for all other heating modes. (H) Compressor speed = k1+ (k2 k1)/3. (I) Default value of 0.25 used f
5、or Cd if tests are not performed. (J) See Section for explanation. (K) Compressor speed = k1+ (k2 k1)/3. (L) See Section for explanation. (M) Test required if maximum compressor speed in heating exceeds the maximum compressor speed in cooling, see Section for explanation. (N) Compressor speeds k = 2 for Mode B do not have to be the same as for k = 2 Mode A.