ASHRAE FUNDAMENTALS SI CH 8-2017 Sound and Vibration.pdf

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1、8.1CHAPTER 8SOUND AND VIBRATIONAcoustical Design Objective 8.1Characteristics of Sound 8.1Measuring Sound . 8.4Determining Sound Power. 8.7Converting from Sound Power to Sound Pressure 8.8Sound Transmission Paths. 8.9Typical Sources of Sound. 8.10Controlling Sound 8.11System Effects. 8.13Human Respo

2、nse to Sound. 8.14Sound Rating Systems and Acoustical Design Goals. 8.15Fundamentals of Vibration 8.17Vibration Measurement Basics 8.19Symbols 8.19F FUNDAMENTAL principles of sound and vibration controlI are applied in the design, installation, and use of HVAC thethreshold of hearing to the threshol

3、d of pain covers a range ofapproximately 1014:1. Table 1 gives approximate values of soundpressure by various sources at specified distances from the source.The range of sound pressure in Table 1 is so large that it is moreconvenient to use a scale proportional to the logarithm of this quan-tity. Th

4、erefore, the decibel (dB) scale is the preferred method ofpresenting quantities in acoustics, not only because it collapses alarge range of pressures to a more manageable range, but alsobecause its levels correlate better with human responses to the mag-nitude of sound than do sound pressures. Equat

5、ion (1) describes lev-els of power, intensity, and energy, which are proportional to thesquare of other physical properties, such as sound pressure andvibration acceleration. Thus, the sound pressure level Lpcorre-sponding to a sound pressure is given byLp= 10 log = 20 log (2)where p is the root mea

6、n square (RMS) value of acoustic pressurein pascals. The root mean square is the square root of the time aver-age of the square of the acoustic pressure ratio. The ratio p/prefissquared to give quantities proportional to intensity or energy. AThe preparation of this chapter is assigned to TC 2.6, So

7、und and Vibration.AAref-Table 1 Typical Sound Pressures and Sound Pressure LevelsSourceSound Pressure, PaSound Pressure Level, dB re 20 PaSubjective ReactionMilitary jet takeoff at 30 m 200 140 Extreme dangerArtillery fire at 3 m 63.2 130Passenger jet takeoff at 15 m 20 120 Threshold of painLoud roc

8、k band 6.3 110 Threshold of discomfortAutomobile horn at 3 m 2 100Unmuffled large diesel engine at 40 m0.6 90 Very loudAccelerating diesel truck at 15 m 0.2 80Freight train at 30 m 0.06 70 LoudConversational speech at 1 m 0.02 60Window air conditioner at 3 m 0.006 50 ModerateQuiet residential area 0

9、.002 40 QuietWhispered conversation at 2 m 0.0006 30Buzzing insect at 1 m 0.0002 20 PerceptibleThreshold of good hearing 0.00006 10 FaintThreshold of excellent youthful hearing0.00002 0 Threshold of hearingppref-2ppref -8.2 2017 ASHRAE HandbookFundamentals (SI)reference quantity is needed so the ter

10、m in parentheses is nondi-mensional. For sound pressure levels in air, the reference pressureprefis 20 Pa, which corresponds to the approximate threshold ofhearing for a young person with good hearing exposed to a puretone with a frequency of 1000 Hz.The decibel scale is used for many different desc

11、riptors relatingto sound: source strength, sound level at a specified location, andattenuation along propagation paths; each has a different referencequantity. For this reason, it is important to be aware of the context inwhich the term decibel or level is used. For most acoustical quanti-ties, ther

12、e is an internationally accepted reference value. A refer-ence quantity is always implied even if it does not appear.Sound pressure level is relatively easy to measure and thus isused by most noise codes and criteria. (The human ear and micro-phones are pressure sensitive.) Sound pressure levels for

13、 the corre-sponding sound pressures are also given in Table 1.FrequencyFrequency is the number of oscillations (or cycles) completedper second by a vibrating object. The international unit for fre-quency is hertz (Hz) with dimension s1. When the motion of vibrat-ing air particles is simple harmonic,

14、 the sound is said to be a puretone and the sound pressure p as a function of time and frequencycan be described byp(t, f ) = p0sin(2ft)(3)where f is frequency in hertz, p0is the maximum amplitude of oscil-lating (or acoustic) pressure, and t is time in seconds.The audible frequency range for humans

15、 with unimpaired hear-ing extends from about 20 Hz to 20 kHz. In some cases, infrasound(20 kHz) are important, but methods andinstrumentation for these frequency regions are specialized and arenot considered here.SpeedThe speed of a longitudinal wave in a fluid is a function of thefluids density and

16、 bulk modulus of elasticity. In air, at roomtemperature, the speed of sound is about 340 m/s; in water, about1500 m/s. In solids, there are several different types of waves, eachwith a different speed. The speeds of compressional, torsional,and shear waves do not vary with frequency, and are often g

17、reaterthan the speed of sound in air. However, these types of waves arenot the primary source of radiated noise because resultant dis-placements at the surface are small compared to the internal dis-placements. Bending waves, however, are significant sources ofradiation, and their speed changes with

18、 frequency. At lower fre-quencies, bending waves are slower than sound in air, but canexceed this value at higher frequencies (e.g., above approximately1000 Hz).WavelengthThe wavelength of sound in a medium is the distance betweensuccessive maxima or minima of a simple harmonic disturbancepropagatin

19、g in that medium at a single instant in time. Wavelength,speed, and frequency are related by = c/f (4)where = wavelength, mc = speed of sound, m/sf = frequency, HzSound Power and Sound Power LevelThe sound power of a source is its rate of emission of acousticalenergy and is expressed in watts. Sound

20、 power depends on operat-ing conditions but not distance of observation location from thesource or surrounding environment. Approximate sound poweroutputs for common sources are shown in Table 2 with correspond-ing sound power levels. For sound power level Lw, the power ref-erence is 1012W or 1 pico

21、watt. The definition of sound powerlevel is thereforeLw= 10 log(w/1012)(5)where w is the sound power emitted by the source in watts. (Soundpower emitted by a source is not the same as the power consumed bythe source. Only a small fraction of the consumed power is con-verted into sound. For example,

22、a loudspeaker rated at 100 W maybe only 1 to 5% efficient, generating only 1 to 5 W of sound power.)Note that the sound power level is 10 times the logarithm of the ratioof the power to the reference power, and the sound pressure is 20times the logarithm of the ratio of the pressure to the reference

23、 pres-sure.Most mechanical equipment is rated in terms of sound power lev-els so that comparisons can be made using a common referenceindependent of distance and acoustical conditions in the room.AHRI Standard 370-2011 is a common source for rating large air-cooled outdoor equipment. AMCA Publicatio

24、n 303-79 providesguidelines for using sound power level ratings. Also, AMCA Stan-dards 301-90 and 311-05 provide methods for developing fan soundratings from laboratory test data. Note, however, some HVACequipment has sound data available only in terms of sound pressurelevels; for example, AHRI Stan

25、dard 575-2008 is used for water-cooled chiller sound rating for indoor applications. In such cases,special care must be taken in predicting the sound pressure level ina specific room (e.g., manufacturers sound pressure data may beobtained in large spaces nearly free of sound reflection, whereas anHV

26、AC equipment room can often be small and very reverberant).Sound Intensity and Sound Intensity LevelThe sound intensity I at a point in a specified direction is the rateof flow of sound energy (i.e., power) through unit area at that point.The unit area is perpendicular to the specified direction, an

27、d theunits of intensity are watts per square metre. Sound intensity levelLIis expressed in dB with a reference quantity of 1012W/m2; thus,LI= 10 log(I/1012)(6)The instantaneous intensity I is the product of the pressure andvelocity of air motion (e.g., particle velocity), as shown here:I = pv (7)Tab

28、le 2 Examples of Sound Power Outputs and Sound Power LevelsSourceSound Power, WSound Power Level,dB re 1012WLarge rocket launch (e.g., space shuttle)108200Jet aircraft at takeoff 104160Large pipe organ 10 130Small aircraft engine 1 120Large HVAC fan 0.1 110Heavy truck at highway speed 0.01 100Voice,

29、 shouting 0.001 90Garbage disposal unit 10480Voice, conversation level 10570Electronic equipment ventilation fan 10660Office air diffuser 10750Small electric clock 10840Voice, soft whisper 10930Rustling leaves 101020Human breath 101110Sound and Vibration 8.3Both pressure and particle velocity are os

30、cillating, with a magni-tude and time variation. Usually, the time-averaged intensity Iave(i.e., the net power flow through a surface area, often simply called“the intensity”) is of interest.Taking the time average of Equation (7) over one period yieldsIave= Realpv(8)where Real is the real part of t

31、he complex (with amplitude andphase) quantity. At locations far from the source and reflecting sur-faces,Iave p2/0c (9)where p is the RMS sound pressure, 0is the density of air(1.2 kg/m3), and c is the acoustic phase speed in air (335 m/s). Equa-tion (9) implies that the relationship between sound i

32、ntensity andsound pressure varies with air temperature and density. Conve-niently, the sound intensity level differs from the sound pressurelevel by less than 0.5 dB for temperature and densities normallyexperienced in HVAC environments. Therefore, sound pressurelevel is a good measure of the intens

33、ity level at locations far fromsources and reflecting surfaces.Note that all equations in this chapter that relate sound powerlevel to sound pressure level are based on the assumption that soundpressure level is equal to sound intensity level.Combining Sound LevelsTo estimate the levels from multipl

34、e sources from the levels fromeach source, the intensities (not the levels) must be added. Thus, thelevels must first be converted to find intensities, the intensitiessummed, and then converted to a level again, so the combination ofmultiple levels L1, L2, etc., produces a level Lsumgiven byLsum= 10

35、 log (10)where, for sound pressure level Lp, 10Li/10is p2i/p2ref, and Liis thesound pressure level for the ith source.A simpler and slightly less accurate method is outlined in Table3. This method, although not exact, results in errors of 1 dB or less.The process with a series of levels may be short

36、ened by combiningthe largest with the next largest, then combining this sum with thethird largest, then the fourth largest, and so on until the combinationof the remaining levels is 10 dB lower than the combined level. Theprocess may then be stopped.The procedures in Table 3 and Equation (10) are va

37、lid if the indi-vidual sound levels are not highly correlated, which is true for mostsounds encountered in HVAC systems. One notable exception is thepure tone. If two or more sound signals contain pure tones at thesame frequency, the pressures (amplitude and phase) should beadded and the level (20 l

38、og) taken of the sum to find the sound pres-sure level of the two combined tones. The combined sound level isa function of not only the level of each tone (i.e., amplitude of thepressure), but also the phase difference between the tones. Com-bined sound levels from two tones of equal amplitude and f

39、requencycan range from zero (if the tones are 180 out of phase) up to 6 dBgreater than the level of either tone (if the tones are exactly inphase). When two tones of similar amplitude are very close infrequency but not exactly the same, the combined sound leveloscillates as the tones move in and out

40、 of phase. This effect createsan audible “beating” with a period equal to the inverse of the differ-ence in frequency between the two tones.Measurements of sound levels generated by individual sourcesare made in the presence of background noise (i.e., noise fromsources other than the ones of interes

41、t). Thus, the measurementincludes noise from the source and background noise. To removebackground noise, the levels are unlogged and the square of thebackground sound pressure subtracted from the square of thesound pressure for the combination of the source and backgroundnoise see Equation (2):Lp(so

42、urce) = 10 log (10L(comb)/10 10L(bkgd)/10) (11)where L(bkgd) is the sound pressure level of the background noise,measured with the source of interest turned off. If the differencebetween the levels with the source on and off is greater than 10 dB,then background noise levels are low enough that the

43、effect of back-ground noise on the levels measured with the source on can beignored.ResonancesAcoustic resonances occur in enclosures, such as a room or HVACplenum, and mechanical resonances occur in structures, such as thenatural frequency of vibration of a duct wall. Resonances occur at dis-crete

44、frequencies where system response to excitation is high. To pre-vent this, the frequencies at which resonances occur must be knownand avoided, particularly by sources of discrete-frequency tones.Avoid aligning the frequency of tonal noise with any frequencies ofresonance of the space into which the

45、noise is radiated.At resonance, multiple reflections inside the space form a stand-ing wave pattern (called a mode shape) with nodes at minimumpressure and antinodes at maximum pressure. Spacing betweennodes (minimum acoustic pressure) and antinodes (maximumacoustic pressure) is one-quarter of an ac

46、oustic wavelength for thefrequency of resonance.Absorption and Reflection of SoundSound incident on a surface, such as a ceiling, is either absorbed,reflected, or transmitted. Absorbed sound is the part of incidentsound that is transmitted through the surface and either dissipated(as in acoustic til

47、es) or transmitted into the adjoining space (asthrough an intervening partition). The fraction of acoustic intensityincident on the surface that is absorbed is called the absorptioncoefficient , as defined by the following equation: = Iabs/Iinc(12)where Iabsis the intensity of absorbed sound and Iin

48、cis the intensityof sound incident on the surface.The absorption coefficient depends on the frequency andangle of incident sound. In frequency bands, the absorption coef-ficient of nearly randomly incident sound is measured in largereverberant rooms. The difference in the rates at which sounddecays

49、after the source is turned off is measured before and afterthe sample is placed in the reverberant room. The rate at whichsound decays is related to the total absorption in the room via theSabine equation:T60= 0.161(V/A) (13)whereT60= reverberation time (time required for average sound pressure level in room to decay by 60 dB), sV = volume of room, m3A = total absorption in room, given byA = iSi= surface area for ith surface, m2i= absorption coefficient for ith surfaceTable 3 Combining Two Sound LevelsDifference


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