1、16.1CHAPTER 16LABORATORIESGENERAL DESIGN GUIDANCE 16.1Laboratory Types . 16.2Hazard Assessment 16.2Design Parameters. 16.2LABORATORY EXHAUST AND CONTAINMENT DEVICES . 16.3Fume Hoods 16.3Biological Safety Cabinets. 16.5Miscellaneous Exhaust Devices. 16.7Laminar Flow Clean Benches 16.7Compressed Gas S
2、torage and Ventilation 16.8LABORATORY VENTILATION . 16.8Supply Air System . 16.9Exhaust Systems. 16.9Fire Safety for Ventilation Systems 16.11Control 16.11Stack Heights and Air Intakes 16.13APPLICATIONS. 16.14Laboratory Animal Facilities . 16.14Ancillary Spaces for Animal Laboratories. 16.16Containm
3、ent Laboratories . 16.16Scale-Up Laboratories . 16.17Teaching Laboratories 16.18Clinical Laboratories . 16.18Radiochemistry Laboratories. 16.18Operation and Maintenance. 16.18Energy 16.18Commissioning. 16.20Economics 16.21ODERN laboratories require regulated temperature, humid-Mity, relative static
4、pressure, air motion, air cleanliness, sound,and exhaust. This chapter addresses biological, chemical, animal,and physical laboratories. Within these generic categories, somelaboratories have unique requirements. This chapter provides anoverview of the HVAC characteristics and design criteria for la
5、bora-tories, including a brief overview of architectural and utility con-cerns. This chapter does not cover pilot plants, which are essentiallysmall manufacturing units. Greater detail on the design of laboratoryventilation systems can be found in ASHRAE (2002).The function of a laboratory is import
6、ant in determining theappropriate HVAC system selection and design. Air-handling,hydronic, control, life safety, and heating and cooling systems mustfunction as a unit and not as independent systems. HVAC systemsmust conform to applicable safety and environmental regulations.Providing a safe environ
7、ment for all personnel is a primary objec-tive in the design of HVAC systems for laboratories. A vast amountof information is available, and HVAC engineers must study the sub-ject thoroughly to understand all the factors that relate to proper andoptimum design. This chapter serves only as an introdu
8、ction to thetopic of laboratory HVAC design. HVAC systems must integratewith architectural planning and design, electrical systems, structuralsystems, other utility systems, and the functional requirements of thelaboratory. The HVAC engineer, then, is a member of a team thatincludes other facility d
9、esigners, users, industrial hygienists, safetyofficers, security, operators, and maintenance staff. Decisions or rec-ommendations by the HVAC engineer may significantly affect con-struction, operation, and maintenance costs.Laboratories frequently use 100% outdoor air, which broadensthe range of con
10、ditions to which the systems must respond. They sel-dom operate at maximum design conditions, so the HVAC engineermust pay particular attention to partial load operations that are con-tinually changing due to variations in internal space loads, exhaustrequirements, external conditions, and day/night
11、 variances. Mostlaboratories will be modified at some time. Consequently, the HVACengineer must consider to what extent laboratory systems should beadaptable for other needs. Both economics and integration of thesystems with the rest of the facility must be considered.1. GENERAL DESIGN GUIDANCE1.1 L
12、ABORATORY TYPESLaboratories can be divided into the following general types: Biological laboratories are those that contain biologically activematerials or involve the chemical manipulation of these materials.This includes laboratories that support such disciplines as bio-chemistry, microbiology, ce
13、ll biology, biotechnology, genomics,immunology, botany, pharmacology, and toxicology. Both chem-ical fume hoods and biological safety cabinets are commonlyinstalled in biological laboratories.Chemical laboratories support both organic and inorganic syn-thesis and analytical functions. They may also
14、include laboratoriesin the material and electronic sciences. Chemical laboratoriescommonly contain a number of fume hoods.Animal laboratories are areas for manipulation, surgical modifi-cation, and pharmacological observation of laboratory animals.They also include animal holding rooms, which are si
15、milar to lab-oratories in many of the performance requirements but have anadditional subset of requirements.Physical laboratories are spaces associated with physics; theycommonly incorporate lasers, optics, radioactive material, high-and low-temperature material, electronics, and analytical instru-m
16、ents.Laboratory Resource MaterialsThe following are general or specific resource materials applica-ble to various types of laboratories.ACGIH. Industrial Ventilation: A Manual of Recommended Prac-tice. American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygien-ists, Cincinnati, OH.FGI. Guidelines for Des
17、ign and Construction of Health CareFacilities. The Facilities Guideline Institute, American Society ofHealthcare Engineering, Chicago, IL.ASSE. Laboratory Ventilation. ANSI/AIHA/ASSE Standard Z9.5.American Society of Safety Engineers, Des Plaines, ILASHRAE Laboratory Design Guide.CAP. Medical Labora
18、tory Planning and Design. College ofAmerican Pathologists, Northfield, IL.DHHS. Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laborato-ries. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (CDC).The preparation of this chapter is assigned to TC 9.10, Laboratory Systems.16.2 2015 ASHRAE HandbookHVAC Appli
19、cationsEEOC. Americans with Disabilities Act Handbook. Equal Em-ployment Opportunity Commission.I2SL. I2SLs Electronic Library. http:/i2sl.org/elibrary/index.html.International Institute for Sustainable Laboratories.NFPA. Fire Protection Guide for Hazardous Materials. NationalFire Protection Associa
20、tion, Quincy, MA.NFPA. Fire Protection for Laboratories Using Chemicals. ANSI/NFPA Standard 45. National Fire Protection Association,Quincy, MA.NRC. Biosafety in the Laboratory: Prudent Practices for Han-dling and Disposal of Infectious Materials. National ResearchCouncil, National Academy Press, Wa
21、shington, D.C.NRC. Prudent Practices in the Laboratory: Handling and Dis-posal of Chemicals. National Research Council, National Acad-emy Press, Washington, D.C.NSF. Class II Biosafety Cabinetry. NSF/ANSI Standard 49.OSHA. Occupational Exposure to Chemicals in Laboratories.Appendix VII, 29 CFR 1910.
22、1450. Available from U.S. Govern-ment Printing Office, Washington, D.C.SEFA. Laboratory Fume Hoods Recommended Practices. Scien-tific Equipment and Furniture Association, Garden City, NY.Other regulations and guidelines may apply to laboratory design.All applicable institutional, local, state, and f
23、ederal requirementsshould be identified before design begins.1.2 HAZARD ASSESSMENTLaboratory operations potentially involve some hazard; nearlyall laboratories contain some type of hazardous materials. Beforethe laboratory is designed, the owners designated safety officersshould perform a comprehens
24、ive hazard assessment. These safetyofficers include, but are not limited to, the chemical hygiene officer,radiation safety officer, biological safety officer, and fire and lossprevention officials. The hazard assessment should be incorporatedinto the chemical hygiene plan, radiation safety plan, and
25、 biologicalsafety protocols.Hazard study methods such as hazard and operability analysis(HAZOP) can be used to evaluate design concepts and certify thatthe HVAC design conforms to the applicable safety plans. Thenature and quantity of the contaminant, types of operations, anddegree of hazard dictate
26、 the types of containment and local exhaustdevices. For functional convenience, operations posing less hazardpotential are conducted in devices that use directional airflow forpersonnel protection (e.g., laboratory fume hoods and biologicalsafety cabinets). However, these devices do not provide abso
27、lutecontainment. Operations having a significant hazard potential areconducted in devices that provide greater protection but are morerestrictive (e.g., sealed glove boxes).The design team should visit similar laboratories to assess suc-cessful design approaches and safe operating practices. Each la
28、bo-ratory is somewhat different. Its design must be evaluated usingappropriate, current standards and practices rather than duplicatingexisting and possibly outmoded facilities.1.3 DESIGN PARAMETERSThe following ventilation system design parameters must beestablished for a laboratory space:Temperatu
29、re and humidity, both indoor and outdoorAir quality from both process and safety perspectives, includingthe need for air filtration and special treatment (e.g., charcoal,HEPA, or other filtration of supply or exhaust air)Equipment and process heat gains, both sensible and latentMinimum allowable air
30、 change ratesEquipment and process exhaust quantitiesExhaust and air intake locationsStyle of the exhaust device, capture velocities, and usage factorsNeed for standby equipment and emergency powerAlarm requirements.Potential changes in the size and number of laboratory hoodsAnticipated increases in
31、 internal heat loadsIsolation and room pressurization requirementsBiological containment provisionsDecontamination provisionsIt is important to (1) review design parameters with the safetyofficers and scientific staff, (2) determine limits that should not beexceeded, and (3) establish the desirable
32、operating conditions. Forareas requiring variable temperature or humidity, these parametersmust be carefully reviewed with the users to establish a clearunderstanding of expected operating conditions and system per-formance.Because laboratory HVAC systems often incorporate 100% out-door air systems,
33、 the selection of design parameters has a substan-tial effect on capacity, first cost, and operating costs. The selectionof proper and prudent design conditions is very important.Internal Thermal ConsiderationsIn addition to the heat gain from people and lighting, laborato-ries frequently have signi
34、ficant sensible and latent loads fromequipment and processes. Often, data for equipment used in labo-ratories are unavailable or the equipment has been custom built.Information for some common laboratory equipment is listed in theappendix of the ASHRAE Laboratory Design Guide (ASHRAE2002). Data on h
35、eat release from animals that may be housed in thespace can be found in Table 2 of this chapter and in Alereza andBreen (1984).Careful review of the equipment to be used, a detailed under-standing of how the laboratory will be used, and prudent judgmentare required to obtain good estimates of the he
36、at gains in a labora-tory. The convective portion of heat released from equipmentlocated within exhaust devices can be discounted. Heat from equip-ment that is directly vented or heat from water-cooled equipmentshould not be considered part of the heat released to the room. Anyunconditioned makeup a
37、ir that is not directly captured by an exhaustdevice must be included in the load calculation for the room. Inmany cases, additional equipment will be obtained by the time a lab-oratory facility has been designed and constructed. The designshould allow for this additional equipment.Internal load as
38、measured in watts per square foot is the averagecontinuous internal thermal load discharged into the space. It is nota tabulation of the connected electrical load because it is rare for allequipment to operate simultaneously, and most devices operate witha duty cycle that keeps the average electrica
39、l draw below the name-plate information. When tabulating the internal sensible heat load ina laboratory, the duty cycle of the equipment should be obtainedfrom the manufacturer. This information, combined with the name-plate data for the item, may provide a more accurate assessment ofthe average the
40、rmal load.The HVAC system engineer should evaluate equipment name-plate ratings, applicable use and usage factors, and overall diversity.Review use, usage factors, and diversity with lab occupants. Muchlaboratory equipment includes computers, automation, samplechanging, or robotics; this can result
41、in high levels of use even dur-ing unoccupied periods. The HVAC engineer must evaluate internalheat loads under all anticipated laboratory-operating modes. Be-cause of highly variable equipment heat gain, individual laborato-ries should have dedicated temperature controls. See Chapter 18 inthe 2013
42、ASHRAE HandbookFundamentals for more informationon load calculation.Two cases encountered frequently are (1) building programsbased on generic laboratory modules and (2) laboratory spaces thatLaboratories 16.3are to be highly flexible and adaptive. Both situations require thedesign team to establish
43、 heat gain on an area basis. The values forarea-based heat gain vary substantially for different types of labora-tories. Heat gains of 5 to 25 W/ft2or more are common for labora-tories with high concentrations of equipment.Architectural ConsiderationsIntegrating utility systems into the architectura
44、l planning, design,and detailing is essential to providing successful research facilities.The architect and the HVAC system engineer must seek an earlyunderstanding of each others requirements and develop integratedsolutions. HVAC systems may fail to perform properly if the archi-tectural requiremen
45、ts are not addressed correctly. Quality assuranceof the installation is just as important as proper specifications. Thefollowing play key roles in the design of research facilities:Modular Planning. Most laboratory programming and planningis based on developing a module that becomes the base buildin
46、gblock for the building layout. Laboratory planning modules are fre-quently 10 to 12 ft wide and 20 to 30 ft deep. The laboratory mod-ules may be developed as single work areas or combined to formmultiple-station work areas. Utility systems should be arranged toreflect the architectural planning mod
47、ule, with services provided foreach module or pair of modules, as appropriate.Development of Laboratory Units or Control Areas. NationalFire Protection Association (NFPA) Standard 45 requires thatlaboratory units be designated. Similarly, the International BuildingCode(ICC 2015) requires the develop
48、ment of control areas.Laboratory units or control areas should be developed, and theappropriate hazard levels should be determined early in the designprocess. The HVAC designer should review the requirements formaintaining separations between laboratories and note require-ments for exhaust ductwork
49、to serve only a single laboratory unit orcontrol area.Additionally, NFPA Standard 45 requires that no fire dampers beinstalled in laboratory exhaust ductwork. Building codes offer norelief from maintaining required floor-to-floor fire separations.Review these criteria and the proposed solutions early in the designprocess with the appropriate building code officials. The combina-tion of the two requirements commonly necessitates the construc-tion of dedicated fire-rated shafts from each occupied floor to thepenthouse or building roof.Provisions for Adaptability and Flexibility. Res