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1、A.1ASHRAE HANDBOOKAdditions and CorrectionsThis report includes additional information, and technical errorsfound between June 15, 2009, and April 3, 2012, in the inch-pound(I-P) editions of the 2009, 2010, and 2011 ASHRAE Handbookvolumes. Occasional typographical errors and nonstandard symbollabels

2、 will be corrected in future volumes. The most current list ofHandbook additions and corrections is on the ASHRAE Web site( authors and editor encourage you to notify them if youfind other technical errors. Please send corrections to: HandbookEditor, ASHRAE, 1791 Tullie Circle NE,

3、 Atlanta, GA 30329, ore-mail FundamentalsContributors List. For Ch. 15, add the following contributors:Hakim Elmahdy, National Research Council of Canada; BrianCrooks; John L. Wright, University of Waterloo; and William R.McCluney, SunPine Consulting.p. 1.6, Table 2. Correct val

4、ues for ssfor temperatures from 100 to200F are given at right.p. 1.8, Table 3. The horizontal line between the two rows for 32Fmarks the transition from saturated solid to saturated liquid for thefirst subcolumns under Specific Volume, Specific Enthalpy, andSpecific Entropy.pp. 1.9-1.11, Table 3. In

5、 the column headings, change “Sat. Solid”to “Sat. Liquid.”p. 1.13, top of 1st col. The units for p should be psia.p. 1.13, 1st col. The reference to Eq. (38) in Chapter 5 should be toChapter 6.p. 1.16, Example 3. The reference to Table 2 should be to Table 3.The value for hw2should be 18.07, which m

6、akes the result usingEq. (45) 10,154 Btu/min, or 50.77 tons of refrigeration.p. 3.2, 2nd col., last paragraph. Delete the second instance of thesentence: “The terms EMand HM(= EM/g) are defined as positive,and represent energy added to the fluid by pumps or blowers.”p. 4.19, Table 8, Eq. (T8.12). Ch

7、ange 0.37 to 0.037.p. 4.22, Table 10. Correct Eqs. (T10.1) and (T10.7) as follows:(T10.1)(T10.7)p. 4.24, Table 11. In the Muley and Manglik (1999) equation forNu, the last line should read “ Re0.7280.0543 sin(90)/45+3.7.”p. 9.19, Eq. (79). The equation should be toc= 54.1 + 0.31tout.p. 9.17, between

8、 Eqs. (64) and (65). The reference to Equation (58)should be to Equation (60).p. 13.14, 2nd col., 3rd full paragraph. The equation should read.p. 14.1, 1st paragraph. The StationFinder utility is included onlywith the HandbookCD+ version of this chapter, not with the CD-ROM included with the print e

9、dition.p. 14.7, Eq. (5). Add a closing parenthesis at the end of the equation.p. 14.8, bottom of page. The first column should end with “the fol-lowing equation provides sufficient accuracy.” The line beginning“Solution:” should be the next-to-last line in the second column.p. 14.9, Eq. (20). The fi

10、rst operator should be +, not .Ch. 14, Appendix: Design Conditions for Selected Locations.Richmond International Airport belongs in Virginia, not North Car-olina. The 99% and 99.6% heating design dry-bulb temperatures forthe following Alaska stations should be as follows:1expN 1 cr+1 cr+-1expcrcr- P

11、RairT=Table 2 Thermodynamic Properties of Moist Air at Standard Atmospheric Pressure, 14.696 psia(2009 Fundamentals, Chapter 1, p. 6; partial)Temp., F tssTemp., F tss100 0.1376 150 0.4855101 0.1408 151 0.4995102 0.1442 152 0.5140103 0.1476 153 0.5291104 0.1511 154 0.5447105 0.1547 155 0.5609106 0.15

12、84 156 0.5778107 0.1622 157 0.5953108 0.1661 158 0.6136109 0.1701 159 0.6325110 0.1742 160 0.6523111 0.1784 161 0.6728112 0.1828 162 0.6943113 0.1872 163 0.7167114 0.1918 164 0.7400115 0.1965 165 0.7644116 0.2013 166 0.7900117 0.2062 167 0.8167118 0.2113 168 0.8447119 0.2165 169 0.8741120 0.2219 170

13、 0.9049121 0.2274 171 0.9372122 0.2331 172 0.9713123 0.2389 173 1.0072124 0.2449 174 1.0450125 0.2510 175 1.0849126 0.2574 176 1.1271127 0.2639 177 1.1717128 0.2706 178 1.2190129 0.2776 179 1.2693130 0.2847 180 1.3228131 0.2920 181 1.3798132 0.2996 182 1.4406133 0.3074 183 1.5057134 0.3154 184 1.575

14、5135 0.3236 185 1.6506136 0.3322 186 1.7315137 0.3410 187 1.8189138 0.3500 188 1.9136139 0.3594 189 2.0167140 0.3691 190 2.1291141 0.3790 191 2.2524142 0.3894 192 2.3880143 0.4000 193 2.5379144 0.4110 194 2.7046145 0.4224 195 2.8908146 0.4341 196 3.1005147 0.4463 197 3.3381148 0.4589 198 3.6097149 0

15、.4720 199 3.9232200 4.2889A.2 20092011 ASHRAE Handbook Additions and CorrectionsCh. 14, Appendix: Design Conditions for Selected Locations, andClimatic Design Conditions Tables (on the CD-ROM). RichmondInternational Airport belongs in Virginia, not North Carolina. Themain entry for Taiwan should rea

16、d “Taiwan.” In the Russian Feder-ation, station UST-ISIM, WMO ID 283820, the longitude should be71.18 E. Hong Kong International (WMO ID 450070) and HongKong Observatory (WMO ID 450050) should appear under HongKong rather than China. Correct the following latitudes and longi-tudes:p. 15.4, 1st col.

17、In the definitions after Eq. (8), the unit for L shouldbe inches.p. 15.11, Example 2, Solution. The second reference to Table 4should be to Table 1.p. 15.16, 1st col., top. Add “when” before “greater accuracy isdesired.”p. 15.29, Table 12. Change the title to read, “Solar Heat Gain Coef-ficients and

18、 U-Factors for Standard hollow Glass Block Wall Panels.”p. 15.60, Symbols. Add the following definition: “FR= radiant frac-tion.”p. 15.62, References. Add the following source before LBL 2003:Laoudi, A., A.D. Galasiu, M.R. Atif, and A. Haqqani. 2003. SkyVision: Asoftware tool to calculate the optica

19、l characteristics and daylighting per-formance of skylights. Building Simulation, 8th IBPSA Conference,Eindhoven, Netherlands, pp. 705-712.p. 16.7, Eq. (26). On the third line, change “Cp(3) Cp(4)” to“Cp(3) + Cp(4).”p. 16.23, Eq. (48). The equation should use the absolute value of t.p. 17.7. For Eq.

20、 (11), the correct equation is as follows:(11)In the definitions after Eq. (18), change qvnt,lto qvi.l.p. 17.8, Eq. (21). The closing parenthesis should be at the end of theequation.p. 18.2, 2nd col., Cooling Load Calculations in Practice section.On the third line, change “filtration” to “infiltrati

21、on.”pp. 18.8-18.11, Tables 5A to 5E. Items with an asterisk appear onlyin Swierzycna (2009); all others appear in both Swierzycna (2008)and (2009).p. 18.31, Eq. (39). The denominator of the first fraction should be(z2 z1).p. 18.31, Eq. (40). The correct equation is as follows:(40)p. 18.33, 2nd col.

22、In the list of variables under item 2, Tr= room orreturn air temperature, F.p. 18.41, Table 29. Correct the diffuse solar heat gain values for thefollowing rows:p. 18.43, Table 31. For the convective and radiant columns, use thevalues shown below.p. 19.18, Eqs. (55), (57), and (59). Multiply the rig

23、ht-hand side ofthe equation by the conversion factor 24 h/day. For Eq. (57), alsochange hto c.p. 20.13, 2nd col., Air Diffusion Performance Index (ADPI), 1stparagraph. The reference should be to Eq. (15).p. 20.14, 2nd col., Convective Flows Associated with Space HeatSources, last paragraph. The refe

24、rence should be to Eq. (12). p. 21.6, Eq. (19). The correct equation is as follows:(19)p. 21.33, Table for ED5-1, Wye, 30, Converging. In the expres-sion centered over the table columns, change Qbto Qs.pp. 21.42-44, Tables for ED5-3, Dc 10 in., Converging. In theexpressions centered over the table c

25、olumns, change Qbto Qs(threeplaces).p. 21.44, Figures for ED5-6 and ED5-9. The correct figures areshown on page A.3.pp. 21.45 (bottom table) and 21.46 (top table). Change “Cb1Val-ues” to “Cb2Values.”99.6% DB 99% DBAnchorage/Elmendorf 14.8 9.3Lake Hood Seaplane 8.7 4.1Anchorage Intl AP 8.9 4.4Anchora

26、ge Merrill Field 11.0 6.9Station WMO ID Latitude LongitudeSomerset, KY 724354 37.054N 84.601WSouth St. Paul, MN 726603 44.857N 93.018WDyersburg, TN 723347 36.000 N 89.400WQv0.01Acf7.5 Nbr1+=Local Std. HourDiff. Solar Heat Gain, Btu/hLocal Std. HourDiff. Solar Heat Gain, Btu/h6 106 13 24367 569 14 26

27、148 1002 15 26489 1371 16 247910 1665 17 207211 1887 18 142912 2177 19 599Convective 54%, Btu/hRadiant 46%, Btu/hConvective 54%, Btu/hRadiant 46%, Btu/h29 25 1615 137648 41 2293 195365 56 2853 243180 68 3093 263590 76 2847 242535 29 2102 1791199 169 867 739469 399 162 138720 614 116 99930 793 70 601

28、100 937 31 271275 1086 0 0Uavg bf,2ksoilwb-= wb2-zf2-+ksoilRother-+lnzf2-ksoilRother-+ln1f- 2 l o g123.7Dh-2.51Re f-+=20092011 ASHRAE Handbook Additions and Corrections A.3p. 23.4, Eq. (2). The unit for k should be Btuin/hft2F.p. 23.14, Fig. 7. The correct figure is shown in the upper right.p. 23.15

29、, Eq. (7). Replace with /.p. 24.5, Fig. 7. The curves for L/W = 1/4 and L/W = 4 should beswapped. The correct figure is supplied above right.pp. 26.5-9, Table 4. Please replace the table with the one that beginson page A.5. Cells with updated values are highlighted.p. 26.19, References. Please add t

30、he following entry:Cardenes, T.J. and G.T. Bible. 1987. The thermal properties of woodDatabase. American Society of Testing and Materials, West Conshohocken, PA.pp. 27.3-4, Example 3. At the beginning of the Solution, change thefirst sentence to read, “If the R-values of building elements are notalr

31、eady specified,” and delete “of the various building elements.”For the table for the parallel-path method, for item #4, R for insu-lated cavity should be 13.0, and thus R1should equal 18.92. Imme-diately after that table, U1= 0.053 and U2= 0.097. Substitutingthese values into the equation for Uavgiv

32、es a result of 0.064, andthus RT(av)should be 15.63. In the table for the isothermal-planesmethod, row 4, change the values to 13.0 and 8.70, making RT=14.62. On p. 27.4, Ravs= 8.70, RT = 14.62, and Uav= 0.068.p. 27.9, Step 4, last line. The reference should be to Table 3 inChapter 1. To convert tab

33、le values from psia to in. Hg, multiply themby 2.036. Thus, 0.36334 psia 2.036 = 0.7398 in. Hg.p. 31.6, 8, 10, and 11. Units for viscosity in Figures 12 and 16 andTables 9 and 13 should be lb/fth.p. 36.2, 1st col., Hydraulic diameter Dh. The second sentenceshould read “For a rectangular duct with di

34、mensions W H, thehydraulic diameter Dh= 2WH/(W + H).”p. 39.2, Table 2, Viscosity (absolute). In the fourth data row,change 0.0671955 to 0.671955.2010 RefrigerationCh. 1. All existing references to Table 19 should be to Table 20. Allexisting references to Table 20 should be to Table 19.pp. 1, 1st col

35、., Hydraulic diameter Dh. The second sentenceshould read “For a rectangular duct with dimensions W H, thehydraulic diameter Dh= 2WH/(W + H).”p. 10.4, Table 3. Replace the table with the one on p. A.4.p. 11.23, Table 2. Amend the table values as shown on p. A.4.p. 19.2, Eq. (4). Change twoto xwo.Figu

36、re for ED5-6(2009 Fundamentals, Chapter 21, p. 44)Figure for ED5-9(2009 Fundamentals, Chapter 21, p. 44)Fig. 1 R-Value Required to Prevent Condensation on Surfacewith Emittance = 0.9Fig. 7 R-Value Required to Prevent Condensation on Surface with Emittance = 0.9(2009 Fundamentals, Chapter 23, p. 14)F

37、ig. 2 Surface Averaged Wall Pressure Coefficientsfor Tall BuildingsFig. 7 Surface-Averaged Wall Pressure Coefficients for Tall Buildings(Akins et al. 1979)(2009 Fundamentals, Chapter 24, p. 5)A.4 20092011 ASHRAE Handbook Additions and Correctionsp. 50.4, Horsepower entry. The value for horsepower sh

38、ould be550 ftlbf/s2, not 500.2011 HVAC Applications(CD only) Table of Contents, p. 2. Replace the second instance of“Building Operations and Management” with “General Applica-tions.”Contributors List. For Chapter 4, add Dennis Wessel, KarpinskiEngineering.p. 28.8, 1st col. Under U.S. Evolutionary Po

39、wer Reactor (USEPR),delete “(30 Pa).”p. 35.4, end of 2nd para. It should be = for all conditions.p. 35.5, Eq. (17). The equation should be Fsg= (1 cos )/2.p. 35.10, 2nd col., 3rd para. from bottom. The slope should be0.82/0.69 = 1.19.p. 35.22, Example 7, Solution. The load collector ratio should use

40、Eq. (41).p. 35.23, 2nd col., last para. The average wind load on a tiltedroof should be 25 lb/ft2.p. 35.27, Symbols. Delete the second definition for Aap.p. 36.9, Table 4. Replace the table with the one on p. A.10.p. 48.20, 2nd col. For frequency range #1, consult Table 13 for Af.In definitions for

41、Eq. (10), refer to Table 12 for a.p. 48.45, Table 47. Deflection values for cooling towers should beas follows.Table 3 Cellular Glass Insulation Thickness for Indoor Design Conditions(90F Ambient Temperature, 80% Relative Humidity, 0.9 Emittance, 0 mph Wind Velocity)(2010 Refrigeration, Chapter 10,

42、p. 4)NominalPipe Size, in.Pipe Operating Temperature, F40 20 0 20 40 60 80 1000.50 1.0 1.0 1.5 1.5 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.50.75 1.0 1.5 1.5 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.5 2.51.00 1.0 1.5 1.5 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.5 2.51.50 1.0 1.5 1.5 2.0 2.5 2.5 3.0 3.02.00 1.0 1.5 1.5 2.0 2.5 2.5 3.0 3.02.50 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 2.5 3.0 3.0 3.03.00 1

43、.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 2.5 3.0 3.0 3.04.00 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 2.5 3.0 3.0 3.55.00 1.5 1.5 2.0 2.5 2.5 3.0 3.0 3.56.00 1.5 2.0 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.0 3.5 3.58.00 1.5 2.0 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.0 3.5 3.510.00 1.5 2.0 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 3.5 4.012.00 1.5 2.0 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 3.5 4.014.00 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.016.00 1.5 2.0 2

44、.5 3.0 3.5 3.5 4.0 4.518.00 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 3.5 4.0 4.520.00 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 3.5 4.0 4.524.00 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.0 4.528.00 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.0 4.530.00 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.0 4.536.00 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 4.5Notes:1. Insulation thickness is chosen either to preven

45、t or minimize condensation on outside jacket surface or to limit heat gain to 8 Btu/hft2, whichever thickness is greater.2. All thicknesses are in inches.3. Values do not include safety or aging factor. Actual operating conditions may vary. Consult a design engineer for appropriate recommendation fo

46、r your specific system.4. Data calculated using NAIMA 3E Plus program.Table 2 Values(2010 Refrigeration, Chapter 11, p. 23)Refrigerant fOn the low side of a limited-charge cascade system:R-13, R-13B1, R-503 2.0 (0.163)R-14 2.5 (0.203)R-23, R-170, R-508A, R-508B, R-744, R-1150 1.0 (0.082)Other applic

47、ations:R-11, R-32, R-113, R-123, R-142b, R-152a, R-290, R-600, R-600a, R-7641.0 (0.082)R-12, R-22, R-114, R-124, R-134a, R-401A, R-401B, R-401C, R-405A, R-406A, R-407C, R-407D, R-407E, R-409A, R-409B, R-411A, R-411B, R-411C, R-412A, R-414A, R-414B, R-500, R-1270(0.131)R-115, R-402A, R-403B, R-404A,

48、R-407B, R-410A, R-410B, R-502, R-507A, R-509A2.5 (0.203)R-143a, R-402B, R-403A, R-407A, R-408A, R-413A 2.0 (0.163)R-717 0.5 (0.041)R-718 0.2 (0.016)Notes:1. Listed values of f do not apply if fuels are used within 20 ft of pressure vessel. In thiscase, use methods in API (2000, 2003) to size pressure-relief device.2. When one pressure-relief device or fusible plug is used to protect more than onepressure vessel, required capacity is the sum of capacities required for each pressurevessel.3. For refrigerants not listed, consult ASHRAE Standard 15.Equipment TypeSlab on GradeFloor Sp

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