ASHRAE JOURN 39-9 MP-1997 ASHRAE Journal (Volume 39 Number 9 September 1997)《ASHRAE日报第39卷第9号 1997年9月》.pdf

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1、COPYRIGHT American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and AC EngineersLicensed by Information Handling Services0528409 bllll Johnson Controls introduces the only dampers that %i* meet the latest LJL standards for both smoke and modulated air volume control. Which means if youre installing other smoke

2、 dampers with modulating actu- ators, youre using combinations that havent been certified for the application. Considering the consequences of a smoke damper that fails during a true emergency, do you really want to risk it? Our new smoke and control dampers, in combination with pneumatic modulating

3、 actuators, meet both UL Class I and Class II leakage standards. And theyre available in ratings of 250“ For 350“ F, with opposed or parallel blades and vertical or horizontal mounting. So contact your Johnson Controls represen- tative. Or call 1-800-372-8040, at. 213.Ourdamers have passed UL inspec

4、tion. Will yours? J “SON CONTR el LS COPYRIGHT American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and AC EngineersLicensed by Information Handling Services05284L 3bb You cantjust toy around with lubricant formulations to make them work in todays refrigeration systems. CFC-free coolants, biodegradability, li

5、fetime sealed systems, extreme temperature stability- these are the real challenges. Henkels new PROECO“ synthetic lubricants are the solution. In alternative refrigerant systems, PROECOTM lubricants provide the temperature stability and long life you want for industrial and residential applications

6、. And fROECOrd lubricants utilize Henkel fatty acids, which are derived from natural raw materials and are highly biodegradable. Thatl help your prod- ucts meet demanding environmental regulations - today and tomorrow. Preserving the environment for future generations is a goal we all share. Call to

7、day to find out why new PROECO“ synthetic lubricants are the best science for nature“ TM Henkel Corporation Chemicals Group Department SL 5051 Estecreek Drive Cincinnati, OH 45232-1446 5 13482-3000 E-mail: schwartzahenkel. com in Canada 905-542-7550 FAX: 513-482-551 1 (Circle No. 4 on Reader Service

8、 Card) COPYRIGHT American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and AC EngineersLicensed by Information Handling ServicesCOPYRIGHT American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and AC EngineersLicensed by Information Handling ServicesCOPYRIGHT American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and AC EngineersLice

9、nsed by Information Handling ServicesSTD-ASHRAE JOURN 39-7 MP-ENGL L997 ICI 0759b50 0528433 07.5 = U If you get a littie dizzy every time you opcn your ccllular bill, Ncxtel offcrs a breath of frcsli air. Our bills coinc without all thc hiddcn cliargcs common to other carriers. There are no charges

10、for roarniig. No cliargcs for landline conncctions. And no cbargcs for uizuscd scconds. Aftcr thc first minnte, your calls arc rounded to the second rather than tlie minute. At thc sanie time, our high quality Motorola“ phones conic They char ou for roamin They charged you for landline connections.

11、And if they cou1 heyd cha for srneiling salts. witli features that ai-c zoiion to other carriers. Tcxt nicssagiiig, numeric paging ;md voice mail. Evcn our uniquc Ncxtel Direct Coiinect“+“ feature, a single buttoii that ices you instantly contact one or ail of your co-workers and talk for a fraction

12、 of the cost of cellular. At Nextel. were working lo create a digital NWTL cellular service youll want to use niore; not less. Something yoii obbiously cant do if youre tmconscious. GET SMART. GET NEXTEL. (Circle No. 6 on Reader Service Card) COPYRIGHT American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and

13、AC EngineersLicensed by Information Handling ServicesPage I O: Chillers for Observatory Page 44: Cold Store Facility Stratospheric Ozone Depletion: Identifying the Problem and the Solution By F. Shewood Rowland, Ph.D. . 29 The Ozone Challenge: Industry and Government Learned to Work Together to Prot

14、ect Environment By Stephen O. Andersen, Ph.D. and E. Thomas Morehouse, Jr. . The Montreal Protocol: An Exercise in International Environmental Diplomacy By Paul H. Dugard, Ph.D. By C. A. lornmers . By Carol lomonaco and Dennis Miller 50 . 3a An Efficient Cold Store Facility 44 Comfort and Control in

15、 the Workplace Com men ta ry Industry News . Washington Report . 20 Technology Q and inultiple-building types. One cate- gory will be featured each day. Each cat- egory will be examined based on eight climatic zones. For cxample, workshops will bc held on regional solutions in hu- mid, Mediterranean

16、 and marine west coast climates, and in continental cool suinmer and dry climates. Other climatic zones to bc discussed are subtropical, continental warm summer, Savanna, rain forest and dry. James E.Woods, a retired professor at Virginia Tech who is chairman of the Tunnel Test Report Availuble NEW

17、YORK-The complete nine-vol. Ume report for the Memorial Tunnel firi ventilation test program is available or an interactive CD-ROM produced bl Rechtel/Parsons Brinckerhoff (B/PB) fo the Massachusetts Highway Departinen and the Federal Highway Administra tion. The ASHRAE-sponsored test pro gram was c

18、onducted in an abandonet 2,SOO-foot tunnel in West Virginia. The end product is a database that pro vides the resources to determine ventila tion rates and smoke control strategies ii a range of tunnel ventilation systems. The CD-ROM is $300. For informa tion, contact PBI4D Imaging at 303-832 9091 o

19、r . 1 conference executive committee, said that up to 30% of buildings are suspected to have air quality problems. The pur- pose of the event is to provide a bench- mark in the integration of the principles of health and building sciences with health and building practices. “A clinician is going to

20、approach the problem from the patients perspective,” said Woods. “A public health person is going to look at preventive measures. Engineers and architects look at specific buildings. Policy makers and planners look at sets of buildings. We want to try to pet that all together and be able to ad- dres

21、s these problems as a whole.” For further information about the con- ference, contact James Woods at 703- 538-8335, fax 703-538-8364 or e-mail The conference Web site is 1002 l/contEd/ healthy. html. Temperature transmitters incorpoidtc next generdtion innovations dt toda

22、ys cost.Waii- base; sensor Smith Associates, Szissex, England, a firin .specializing in market services for cornpunies abroad und U.S. $rms Oper- ating in Europe. Smith has more than 36 years of international experience in fhe HVAC integrating security access control systems with HVAC systems, and i

23、ncreasing communications between building control sys- tems and utilities Code. 86445 $1 19 O0 (Member: $79.00) BACnetCD BACnet is a reality and to be competitive you must specify and implement the BACnet protocol If you arent already using the BACnetCD, order it now and get the imme- diate benefits

24、 of the standard in its most usable and valuable form - an electronic document The 2.0 edition of the CD version of ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 135-1995 updates the print version of the standard with editorial errata that has been identified since the standard was published. It also includes additional BAC

25、net articles from ASHRAE Journal and more information about BACnet products in the Vendor Forum. The power of the CD product remains the same - the ability to search an interactive multimedia format and locate specific information quickly and easily A cut and paste function that lets you incorporate

26、 BACnet text, tables and diagrams into your own specifications and related documents. Benefit now with the power of a CD and the authority of BACnet Standard 135-1995. Order BACnet 2 O today. Or buy the CD-ROM and the print edition at a special package price Code. 94098 $143 O0 (ASHRAE Member. $95 0

27、0) CD and print version of the standard Code: 994861 BACnet Implementation in Automation and Control Systems, Videotape The BACnet protocol standard was adopted by ASHRAE in June of 1995 Since that time many companies in the building automation industry have developed BACnet products, or gateways th

28、at can be used to integrate proprietary products into a BAC- net control system These BACnet products are beginning to appear in buildings but there are still questions about the technology and how to make use of it. The videotape reviews the main features of the BACnet protocol, explores issues re-

29、 lated to network design and specification, integration with other protocols, and as- suring interoperability A large-scale BACnet demonstration project now underway is also discussed Code. 94270 (VHS) $49.00 $183.00 (ASHRAE Member: $122.00) 94271 (PAL) COPYRIGHT American Society of Heating, Refrige

30、rating and AC EngineersLicensed by Information Handling ServicesSTD-ASHRAE JOURN 39-9 MP-ENGL L997 I0759b50 0528427 bbT m TB Study Involves UV Lighting, Ventilation NEW YOM-A five-year, multi-city study is attempting to determine the ef- fects of ultraviolet germicidal irradia- tion (UVGI) on the sp

31、read of tuberculosis in homeless shelters. The study is being conducted by the National TB Coalition, ajoint effort of Saint Vin- cents Hospital in New York and the Har- vard School of Public Health and several Co-sponsors. When combined with proper ventila- tion, UVGI technology cleanses the air of

32、 TB bacteria, often spread unwittingly by people with active disease. Ultravio- let room disinfection can be accom- plished with special ceiling-mounted Products These are onlv a sample of whats new from Vaisala. In all, the new catalog introduces eight exciting new product lines. All featuring the

33、Vaisala trademark: Accuracv that lasts. All New User-Friendly Catalog - FREE. selection guide to make needs even easier. More new reasons Vaisala is Number 1. Call, fax or write today. Accuracy that lasts. 100 Commerce Way, Woburn, MA 01801 Tel: (617) 933-4500 Fax: (617) 933-8029 UV fixtures. The st

34、udy will determine if these fixtures can provide safe room dis- infection via UV (254 nm) wavelengths, without significant risk to occupants. The first UV system was installed May 22 at a shelter in New York City. New Yorks homeless have a TB rate that is 75 times the national average. In- stallatio

35、ns in five other states are planned. Tecumseh Division Changes CEDEX, France-LUnite Hermetique S.A. has changed its name to Tecumseh Europe S.A. to place more emphasis on its affiliation with the American company, Tecumseh Products. The brand name LUnite Hermetique will continue to be used in countr

36、ies where it is firmly estab- lished. LUnite Hermetique has sold com- pressors under license fi-om Tecumseh since 1954 and became a fully owned sub- sidiary of the Tecumseh Group in 1988. AEA to Develop CFD Products OXFORDSHIRE, U.K.-AEA Tech- nology and GE Corporate Research and Development have ag

37、reed to develop an unstructured grid generator for compu- tational fluid dynamics (CFD) applica- tions. The new product will make CFD a more user-friendly technology and sig- nificantly shorten the time it takes to generate a grid. Siemens Relocates HQ PRINCETON, 1nd.-Siemens Electro- mechanical Com

38、ponents (SEC) plans to relocate its corporate headquarters from Princeton to Peachtree City, Ga., a sub- urb of Atlanta. President Rolf Cousin said the change will allow better access to international markets for its products which include relays, circuit breakers, connectors and sensors. The change

39、 will affect about 270 employees who will be given an opportunity to relocate. Fluoro Tech Opens Facility FRANKLINVILLE, N.J.-Fluoro Tech, a manufacturer of refrigerant handling e uipment, has opened a 65,000 fi2 (6040 cility in Franklinville. The fsicility houses the companys administrative and sal

40、es functions, previously located in Sewell, N.J. It also houses the manufacturing op- erations that were previously located in Garrett, Ind. m 9 ) headquarters and manufacturing fa- (Circle NO. i8 on Reader Service Card) COPYRIGHT American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and AC EngineersLicensed b

41、y Information Handling ServicesCOPYRIGHT American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and AC EngineersLicensed by Information Handling ServicesUpdate Focuses on Environment By J.E. Cox, Ph.D., RE., and Charles R. Mir ASHME Direcfor of Government Affairs Government Affairs ASHKAE Associate Director of

42、OSTON-Nairobi, Geneva, Bonn, Montreal, Kyoto .the list goes on and provides an indication of the strong international focus of the critical environ- mental issues discussed at the Issues Update seminar during the ASHRAEs 1997 Annual Meeting. Stratospheric Ozone As the 10-year anniversary of the Mont

43、real Protocol nears, stratospheric ozone depletion-and chlorofluorocar- bons (CFCs)-are beginning to decline in importance. The chlorine loading in the upper atmosphere will soon begin its long-anticipated downward trend, according to James E. Wolf, Member ASHRAE, vice president of American Standard

44、. The cooling industry phased out CFCs in new systems in 1993-three years early. Production and import of CFCs for air-conditioning service and other appli- cations ceased in 1996 on schedule. With dwindling stockpiles of CFCs, there is a concern that there will be shortages unless there is an accel

45、eration of the con- version, retrofit or replacement of the installed base of chillers. Global Climate Change In December, international negotia- tions in Kyoto, Japan will address the climate change issue. In 1992 the devel- oped nations pledged to return their emission levels of greenhouse gases t

46、o 1990 values by the Year 2000. This goal will only be achieved by two or three nations. The US. will be about 12% above its targeted value. According to Wolf, an agreement in the form of a pro- tocol or other legal instrument can be expected in Kyoto later this year. Among other comments, Wolf said

47、 that when HCFC-22 is phased out in the next century, substitute refrigerants will be ready. Equipment for two alternatives is now being developed. In other comments, he said part of the solution to the climate change issue 20 ASHRAE Journal hinges on reducing energy consumption through improved ene

48、rgy efficiency. In the last 20 years, the HVAC brochures with environmental information; envi- ronmental report cards on classes of products; descriptions of corporate envi- ronmental programs; and government labeling initiatives. St. Clair indicated that a group of 14 trade associations has formed

49、a coalition to work with the US. government and the World Trade Orga- nization to achieve the desired results. Refrigerant Safefy Issues Don Grob of Underwriters Laborato- ries discussed the use in the US. of flam- mable refrigerants in appliances and air conditioners. Although flammable refrig- erants are used in refrigerators in some parts of Europe, the typical refrigerator in the U.S. is significantly different from those in other parts of the world. Generally, incorporation of safety provisions is largely based on prior inci- dent


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