ASHRAE LV-11-C035-2011 European Efforts Towards NZEBs and Energy Conservation in Hellenic Buildings.pdf

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1、C.A. Balaras is a mechanical engineer, researc h director and E. Dascalaki is a phy sicist, senior research scientist, in the Institute for Environmental Research and Sustainable Development (IERSD), National Observatory of Athens (NOA), Athens, Greece. European Efforts Towards NZEBs and Energy Cons

2、ervation in Hellenic Buildings Constantinos A. Balaras, PhD PE Elena G. Dascalaki, PhD Member ASHRAE ABSTRACT The European Union has set an ambitious target for improving energy efficiency in the building sector so that all new buildings as of 2021 should be near zero energy. A major effort is under

3、 way for the implementation of the European Directive on the energy performance of buildings (EPBD). This paper presents an overview of the relevant European legislative efforts and focuses on an example for Greece, its national efforts to meet these objectives and an assessment of potential energy

4、conservation in the Hellenic building stock. The untapped energy savings from the Hellenic building sector could play a major role in the efforts to reach the national indicative energy savings target of 3.8 Mtoe by 2016. INTRODUCTION Energy use in European buildings represents about 40% of the Euro

5、pean Unions (EU) total final energy consumption and CO2emissions. Activities related to buildings constitute a considerable part of the EU economy, about 9% of EU gross domestic product (GDP) and 7-8% of EU employment. There is a significant potential for cost-effective energy savings that would lea

6、d to significant economic, social and environmental benefits. The gross inland consumption in the EU-27 Member States in 2007 reached 1806.4 million ton of oil equivalent (Mtoe), of which 141.0 Mtoe or 7.8% from renewable energy sources (RES) largely made of biomass (69.8%), hydro (18.9%), wind (6.4

7、%), geothermal (4.1%) and only 0.9% for solar (EC 2010). The final energy consumption reached 1157.7 Mtoe, of which 63.1 Mtoe or 5.5% from RES excluding consumption for electricity and delivered heat. Gross electricity generation reached 3362 TWh in 2007, of which RES contributed by 15.6%. The Europ

8、ean building sector accounts for 37.1% of the total final energy consumption (1157.7 Mtoe in 2007) in EU-27 of which 284.6 Mtoe in residential buildings and 145.2 Mtoe in non-residential buildings (EC 2010). Residential energy demand is expected to rise by 12% between 2005 and 2030, mainly as a resu

9、lt of the increasing number of residencies (+14% up to 2030), the growing degree of indoor comfort conditions and the important proliferation of electrical appliances and services (Capros et al. 2008). Energy demand in non-residential buildings is projected to grow at an annual rate of 0.9% over 200

10、5-2030. The EU-27 energy import dependency reached 53.1% in 2007 (EC 2010), with 82.6% for oil, 60.3% for gas and 41.2% for solid fuels. The EU energy import dependency may reach two-thirds by 2030 (Capros et al. 2008) unless some urgent additional measures and policies are adopted and comply with t

11、he Kyoto Protocol that came into effect on February 16, 2004 to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by an overall 8% in the EU compared with 1990 values, by 2012. Consequently, efforts to reduce energy consumption in the building sector can play an important role in meeting these goals. This paper prese

12、nts an overview of key EU legislative efforts on energy conservation in the building sector and transposition in Greece, along with relevant data on the energy performance of buildings and the struggle towards high LV-11-C035290 ASHRAE Transactions2011. American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and

13、 Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc. ( Published in ASHRAE Transactions, Volume 117, Part 1. For personal use only. Additional reproduction, distribution, or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAES prior written permission.performance buildings. In

14、addition, the concept of a common approach for different building typologies is introduced and current work on the development of a classification system is outlined, which includes characteristics of thermal envelope and supply system data and a coherent energy balance method suitable for extended

15、parameter analyses. EUROPEAN LEGISLATION EFFORTS The European Commission has adopted an action plan aimed at achieving a 20% reduction in energy consumption by 2020 (EC 2006). It includes measures to improve the energy performance of products, buildings and services, to improve the yield of energy p

16、roduction and distribution, to reduce the impact of transport on energy consumption, to facilitate financing and investments in the sector, to encourage and consolidate rational energy consumption behavior and to step up international action on energy efficiency. The biggest energy savings are expec

17、ted in: residential and non-residential buildings (27% and 30%, respectively), the manufacturing industry (25%), and transport (26%). The main legislative instrument for improving the energy efficiency of the European building stock is the European Directive 2002/91/EC on the energy performance of b

18、uildings (EPBD). This Directive forms part of the Community initiatives on climate change (commitments under the Kyoto Protocol) and security of supply. EPBD mandated that by 2006 all EU Member States bring into force national laws, regulations and administrative provisions for setting minimum requi

19、rements on the energy performance of new and existing buildings above 1000 m2that are subject to major renovations, and for energy performance certification (EPC) of buildings. Additional requirements include regular inspection of building systems and installations, an assessment of the existing fac

20、ilities and to provide advice on possible improvements and on alternative solutions. However, many EU Member States faced several difficulties with EPBD implementation over the years and some are still struggling. Attribution of EPC to European buildings is a major first step to gain an insight on t

21、he energy performance of existing buildings and improve the energy performance of new buildings. The EPCs are issued when buildings are constructed, sold, or rented out and they are valid for up to ten years. The certificate documents the buildings energy performance, expressed as an index in terms

22、of energy consumption, carbon dioxide emissions or energy cost per unit of conditioned area to facilitate comparison between buildings and allow for benchmarking based on distinct energy classes. EPCs in some countries (e.g. Austria, Greece, Ireland, Netherlands, Portugal, Slovenia) provide for an e

23、nergy performance division into sub-classes, e.g. A+ and A- or B+ and B, thus illustrating even small scale improvements that would otherwise not be evident, to further encourage and differentiate buildings towards the high end energy performance. Some examples of European EPCs are illustrated in Fi

24、gure 1, along with the ASHRAE Building Energy Quotient label. The ASHRAE building eQTMprogram (http:/) provides a method to rate a buildings energy performance both As Designed (Asset Rating) and as As Operated (Operational Rating). It was initiated in 2009 and is currently in a pilot phase, while t

25、he full launch of the program is expected in early 2011. Austria England over 60% of exterior walls and 80% of windows of the existing building stock do not meet current minimum code requirements. Implementing various ECMs in the residential building stock thermal energy demand can be reduced by 0.0

26、2-1.16 Mtoe and electrical energy demand by 0.08-1.32 TWh. In non-residential buildings they can potentially reduce thermal energy demand by 2.8-51.9 ktoe in office/commercial buildings, 0.9-33.5 ktoe in hotels, 0.5-17.6 ktoe in schools and 1.6-16.2 ktoe in hospitals (Gaglia et al 2007). Electricity

27、 savings could average 18-682 GWh in office/commercial buildings, 15-407 GWh in hotels, 5-143 GWh in schools and 16-174 GWh in hospitals. The key of success for this kind of measures is the implementation of the new regulation and then support implementation of win-win and financially attractive ECM

28、s in existing buildings, and availability of different financial support instruments. The national targets for meeting the goals of the 20-20-20 national climate and energy package (Lalas 2010) mandate the need for ECMs and the use of RES. According to the first national EEAP, the goal for energy co

29、nservation in buildings is 0.97 Mtoe by 2016. This is a realistic target given the potential energy savings in Hellenic buildings. CONCLUSION EPBD is the main EU core instrument that provides a holistic approach towards efficient energy use in buildings. Currently, its main contribution has been in

30、bringing the subject of the energy efficiency of buildings onto political agendas, building codes and to public awareness. Proper implementation of the EPBD recast could exploit the large cost-efficient energy savings potential, support the EU efforts in meeting the climate and energy targets by 202

31、0 and the challenge of new net-zero European buildings from 2019. Building typologies can be used for in-depth understanding of the energy performance of a building stock or building portfolios at different levels, for example, strategic planning of building owners to the evaluation of national poli

32、cies and ECMs in the building sector using national or regional statistical data. They can also facilitate energy experts for performing a first assessment of a buildings energy performance and possible energy advice. Along these lines, a common approach is currently under development for deriving b

33、uilding typologies for various EU Member States that include typical building construction data, performance of supply systems, frequencies of building and system types in the national building stock, and resulting energy savings from typical and advanced ECMs. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Part of this work was

34、performed in the frame of the European project TABULA - Typology Approach for Building Stock Energy Assessment ( that is partly financed by the European Commission (Executive 296 ASHRAE TransactionsAgency for Competitiveness and Innovation EACI, Intelligent Energy Europe - I

35、EE Programme) and for Greece the General Secretariat of Research and Technology, Hellenic Ministry of Education. The TABULA project is a collaborative effort of 13 European organizations and is coordinated by Mr Tobias Loga, Institut Wohnen und Umwelt GmbH, Germany. REFERENCES Andaloro, A.P.F., R. S

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