ASME PTC 6S REPORT-1988 Procedures for Routine Performance Tests of Steam Turbines《汽轮机常规运行试验程序》.pdf

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1、Procedures for Routine Performance Tests of Steam Turbines (Not Intended for Acceptance Testing) ASME PTC 6s Report-1988 REVISION OF ASME PTC 65 REPORT-1970 (R1985)I PERFORMANCE TEST CODES THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS United Engineering Center 345 East 47th Street NewYork, N.Y. 10017

2、 Date of issuance: December 15, 1989 This document will be revised when the Society approves the issuance of the next edition, scheduled for 1992. There will be nlo Addenda issued to PTC 6s Report-1988. Please Note: ASME issues written replies to inquiries concerning interpretation of technicai aspe

3、cts of this document. PTC 6s Report-1988 is being issued with an automatic subscription service to the interpretations that will be issued tu it up to the publication of the 1992 Edition. ASME is the registered trademark of The American Society of Mechanical Engineers. This code or standard was deve

4、loped under procedures accredited as meeting the criteria for American National Standards. The Consensus Committee that approved the code or standard was balanced to assure that individuals from competent and concerned interests have had an opportunity to participate. The proposed code or standard w

5、as made available for public review and comment which provides an opportunity for additional pu:blic input from industry, academia, regulatory agencies, and the public-at-large. ASME does not “approve,“ “rate,“ or “endorse“ any item, c:onstruction, proprietary device, or activity. ASME does not take

6、 any position with respect to the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any items mentioned in this document, and does not undertake to insure anyone utilizing a standard against liability for infringement of any applicable Letters Patent, nor assume any such liability. Users of

7、a code or standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk of infringement of such rights, is entirely their own responsibility. Participation by federal agency representative(s) or person(s) affiliated with industry is not to be interpreted a

8、s government or industry endorsement of this code or standard. ASME accepts responsibility for only those interpretations issued in accordance with governing ASME procedures and policies which preclude the issuance of interpretations by individual vol- unteers. No part of this document may be reprod

9、uced in any form, in an electronic retrieval system or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher. Copyright 0 1989 by THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS All Rights Reserved Printed in the U.S.A. FOREWORD (This Foreword is not part of ASME PTC 6s Report-1988.) Users o

10、f both large and small turbines haveexperienced an increasing need for procedures for routine turbine tests which trend performance with time. The use of full-scale ASME Per- formance Test Code procedures and instrumentation for this purpose is expensive and pro- duces information and accuracy beyon

11、d that necessary for periodic monitoring. When ASME Performance Test Code Committee No. 6 was reorganized to revise PTC 6-1 949, it was charged also with developing simplified procedures for periodic tests. Because of the routine nature of the tests, these procedures were to emphasize repeatability

12、of results rather than absolute accuracy and thus provide a more economic means of monitoring perfor- mance trends. This Report reflects the consensus of knowledgeable engineers and contains recom- mended procedures for collecting sufficiently accurate data to permit analyses of perfor- mance trends

13、. Recommendations are given which include advance planning, cycle isola- tion, and suggested presentation of results. Emphasis is placed upon the use of accurate in- strumentation, approaching measurement uncertainties required by the Code, for the measurement of critical variables that are part of

14、the heat-rate equation. Other instrumenta- tion is specified to produce results of good accuracy and of a high degree of repeatability. With the application of automatic data-loggingand on-line computer systems to the plant cy- cle, the procedures presented in this Report, when applied to this end,

15、should satisfy the needs of users of both large and small turbines. Procedures recommended in this Report are not intended to produce abolute levels of performance. If absolute performance level is required, the ASME Test Code for Steam Tur- bines, PTC 6, 1976, reaffirmed 1985, or the Interim Test C

16、ode for an Alternative Procedure for Testing Steam Turbines, PTC 6.1, 1984, should be followed. For other levels of accuracy, where the test instrumentation varies from the Test Code specified procedure, the Report by PTC Committee No. 6 on ”Guidance for Evaluation of Measurement Uncertainty in Perf

17、or- mance Tests of Steam Turbines,” 1985 should be consulted. Users of this Report are requested to comment and provide to the Committee supporting data obtained with these procedures. Such comment and repeatability data covering long- term and/or extensive experience will provide guidance for subse

18、quent revisions of this Re- port. User suggestions and data should be submitted to the Secretary, ASME Performance Test Codes Committee, 345 East 47th Street, New York, New York 1001 7. This Report was approved by the ASME Board on Performance Test Codes and adopted as a standard practice of the Soc

19、iety on May 8, 1988. It was approved as an American National Standard by the ANSI Board of Standards Review on September 8, 1988. iii All ASME codes are copyrighted, with all rights reserved to the Society. Reproduction of this or any other ASME code is a violation of Federal Law. Legalities aside,

20、the user should ap preciate that the publishing of the high quality codes that have typified ASME documents re- quires a substantial commitment by the Society. Thousands of volunteers work diligently to develop these codes. They participate on their own or with a sponsors assistance and pro- duce do

21、cuments that meet the requirements of an ASME concensus standard. The codes are very valuable pieces of literature to industry and commerce, and the effort to improve these “living documents“ and develop additional needed codes must be continued. The monies spent for research and further code develo

22、pment, administrative staff support and publica- tion are essential and constitute a substantial drain on ASME. The purchase price of these documents helps offset these costs. User reproduction undermines this system and repre- sents an added financial drain on ASME. When extra copies are needed, yo

23、u are requested to call or write the ASME Order Department, 22 Law Drive, Box 2300, Fairfield, New Jersey 07007-2300, and ASME will expedite delivery of such copies to you by return mail. Please instruct your people to buy required test codes rather than copy them. Your cooperation in this matter is

24、 greatly appreciated. iv PERSONNEL OF PERFORMANCE TEST CODE COMMITTEE NO. 6 ON STEAM TURBINES (The following is the roster of the Committee at the time of approval of this Code.) OFFICERS W. A. Campbell, Chairman E. J. Brailey, Jr., Vice Chairman J. H. Karian, Secretary COMMITTEE PERSONNEL 1. M. Bal

25、trus, Sargent (b) provide guidance in establishing the loading se- quence of steam turbine-generator units according to their current relative performance; turbine cycle, and changes in operating procedure; the turbine or the turbine cycle; comparison with test instruments; (d) detect performance ch

26、anges in specific areas of (e) check the accuracy of station instruments by (0 train personnel in testing techniques. 0.4 REFERENCES The ASME Test Code for Steam Turbines, PTC 6- 1976, and Interim Test Code for an Alternative Proce- dure for Testing Steam Turbines, PTC 6.1-1 984, are the basic refer

27、ences for this Report. The term “Code” used in this Report refers to these documents. The ASME Code on Definitions and Values, PTC 2-1980 and the applicable supplements of PTC 19 Series, on Instru- ments and Apparatus, provide supplementary informa- tion. A separate report by Performance Test Code C

28、ommittee No. 6, Guidance for Evaluation of Mea- surement Uncertainty in Performance Tests of Steam Turbines, should be used to evaluate the level of ac- curacy afforded by the instrumentation recommended for this Reports test procedures. Whenever PTC 19.1, Measurement Uncertainty, is referenced in t

29、his docu- ment, 95 percent confidence levels have been used in accordance with accepted practices. Appendix A to Test Code for Steam Turbines, PTC 6A-1982, and Sec- tions 7 through 13 of this Report provide numerical ex- amples of various turbine calculations which should prove useful in applying th

30、is Reports procedures. 1 PROCEDURES FOR ROUTINE PERFORMANCE TESTS OF STEAM TURBINES ASME PTC 6s REPORT-I 988 SECTION 1 - OBJECT, SCOPE, AND INTENT 1.1 OBJECT The test procedures of this Report are intended for periodic turbine tests and do not supplant the Code as the basic procedure for turbine acc

31、eptance tests. The Code is used for the accurate testing of steam turbines to obtain performance level with minimum uncertainty. 1.2 SCOPE Sections 3 through 5 of this Report present general recommendations for instrumentation and test plan- ning. These recommendations are based on current in- dustr

32、y practice for the periodic determination of turbine-cycle performance. Section 6 discusses inter- pretation of test results and shows typical plots of test data for analysis of turbine performance. Sections 7 through 12 present test procedures for selected types of turbine cycles. Each of these pro

33、cedures contains specific recommendations for instrumentation and method for testing a selected turbine type. Although all possible turbine types are not covered, some typical examples are presented. Combinations of the types presented may be used to cover other arrangements. For each recommended te

34、st procedure, the expected value of repeatability is estimated on the basis of cur- rent industry experience. This value of repeatability must be used to judge the significance of the indicated level of performance as compared to the chronological trend of past performance. (See para. 3.8.3 for disc

35、us- sion of repeatability.) 1.3 INTENT This Report provides procedures to periodically monitor changes in overall turbine cycle performance. Supplementary instrumentation and data may be in- cluded in the test procedure to diagnose the causes of changed performance. This supplementary informa- tion

36、may assist in evaluating the effect of component changes on the overall performance. Some users may prefer the simplicity of the recommended procedure and then run a second test only when a detailed analy- sis is required. These procedures define both primary and secondary data for a turbine-perform

37、ance analysis. For reference purposes only, Section 13 presents other test procedures for determining turbine- performance trends; however, these procedures may not provide complete data for analysis of all compo- nents in the turbine cycle. In special cases, they may provide adequate information an

38、d be advantageous due to their low cost and simplicity. For on-line computer monitoring of steam-turbine performance, the simplified test procedures given in this Report can serve as a basis for choice of instrumen- tation and development of calculation procedures. The instrumentation is selected to

39、 achieve repeatable results consistent with the objective of monitoring the trend of turbine performance. Diagnostic monitoring systems for vibration, oil cleanliness, rotor crack detection, and solid particle erosion and supervisory systems for differential expan- sion, bearing metal temperature, b

40、earing wear, turbine load, and speed are not indicators of turbine perform- ance. Analytical techniques using data from these sys- tems can result in early identification of potential problems. 3 PROCEDURES FOR ROUTINE PERFORMANCE TESTS OF STEAM TURBINES ASME PTC 6s REPORT-I 988 SECTION 2 - DEFINITI

41、ONS AND DESCRIPTION OF TERMS 2.1 SYMBOLS The following symbols are to be used unless other- wise defined in the text. Units Symbol Description US. Customary SI Area Force I hf N Local value of acceleration due to gravity ft/sec2 m/s2 Standard value ot acceleration due to gravity=32.17406 ft ft/sec2

42、mls 2 in. m2 per sec per sec (9.80665 meters per sec per sec). This is an internationally agreed upon value which is close to the mean of 45 deg. N latitude at sea level. Specific enthalpy Mechanical equivalent heat, 1 Btu = 778.1693 ft-lbf = 113412,142 kwh Moisture, 100 - x Mass Rotational speed Po

43、wer Pressure Specific entropy Temperature Temperature Velocity Specific volume Rate of flow Quality of steam, percent of dryness 5 Btullbm Btu I bm rPm kW or hp psia Btu1lbm“R “F OR ft/sec ft/lbm Ibmlh 010 kllkg I % kg rPs kW Pa-a kJ1kgK “C K mls m/kg kg/h % ASME PTC 6s REPORT- 1988 PROCEDURES FOR R

44、OUTINE PERFORMANCE TESTS OF STEAM TURBINES 2.1 SYMBOLS (contd.) Units Symbol Description US. Customary SI I Efficiency e Density Y Specific weight 010 % Ibm/ft3 kg/m3 I bf/ft3 N/m3 2.2 ABBREVIATIONS Units Abbreviation Term U.S. Customary SI HR SR Heat rate Steam rate Btu/kWhr Btu/hphr kJ/kWh Ibm/kWh

45、r Ibm/hphr kg/kWh 2.3 SUBSCRIPTS Subscript Descriptiion g Generator r Rated condition C Corrected 5 Specified operating condition, if other than rated r Test operating condition 1 Condition at a point directly preceding the turbine-stop valves and steam strainers. 2 For turbines using superheated st

46、eam: condition at turbine-outlet connection leading to the first reheater. For turbines using predominantly wet steam: condition at turbine- outlet connection leading to extwnal moisture separator. 3 For turbines using superheated steam: condition downstream of the first reheater, at a point directl

47、y preceding the reheat-stop valves, intercept valves or steamdump valves, whichever are first, if furnished under turbine contract. For turbines using predominantly wet steam: condition at external moisture separator outlet. It may be necessary to correct for pressure drop in piping between reheat o

48、r low-pressure stop valves, intercept valves, steamdump valves and turbine shell if such piping is not furnished under the turbine contract. 6 PROCEDURES FOR ROUTINE PERFORMANCE TESTS OF STEAM TURBINES 2.3 SUBSCRIPTS (contd.) ASME PTC 6s REPORT-1 988 Subscript Description 4 For turbines using superh

49、eated steam: condition at turbine-outlet connection leading to the second reheater. For reheat turbines using predominantly wet steam: condition downstream of the reheater, at a point directly preceding the reheat-stop valves, intercept valves or steam-dump valves, whichever are first, if furnished under contract. 5 For turbines using superheated steam and two stages of reheat: condition downstream of the second reheater, at a point directly preceding the reheat-stop valves, intercept valves or steam-dump valves, whichever are first, if furnished under the turbine contract. 6 Con


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