ASME PTC 70-2009 Ramp Rates《斜率》.pdf

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1、AN AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDASME PTC 70-2009Ramp RatesPerformance Test CodesIntentionally left blank ASME PTC 70-2009Ramp RatesPerformance Test CodesAN AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDDate of Issuance: April 15, 2009This Code will be revised when the Society approves the issuance of a new edition. There

2、will be noaddenda issued to ASME PTC 70-2009.ASME issues written replies to inquiries concerning interpretations of technical aspects of this Code.Periodically certain actions of the ASME PTC Committee may be published as Code Cases.Code Cases and interpretations are published on the ASME Web site u

3、nder the Committee Pages athttp:/ as they are issued.ASME is the registered trademark of The American Society of Mechanical Engineers.This code or standard was developed under procedures accredited as meeting the criteria for American NationalStandards. The Standards Committee that a

4、pproved the code or standard was balanced to assure that individuals fromcompetent and concerned interests have had an opportunity to participate. The proposed code or standard was madeavailable for public review and comment that provides an opportunity for additional public input from industry, aca

5、demia,regulatory agencies, and the public-at-large.ASME does not “approve,” “rate,” or “endorse” any item, construction, proprietary device, or activity.ASME does not take any position with respect to the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with anyitems mentioned in this document,

6、and does not undertake to insure anyone utilizing a standard against liability forinfringement of any applicable letters patent, nor assumes any such liability. Users of a code or standard are expresslyadvised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk of infringement

7、 of such rights, isentirely their own responsibility.Participation by federal agency representative(s) or person(s) affiliated with industry is not to be interpreted asgovernment or industry endorsement of this code or standard.ASME accepts responsibility for only those interpretations of this docum

8、ent issued in accordance with the establishedASME procedures and policies, which precludes the issuance of interpretations by individuals.No part of this document may be reproduced in any form,in an electronic retrieval system or otherwise,without the prior written permission of the publisher.The Am

9、erican Society of Mechanical EngineersThree Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5990Copyright 2009 byTHE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERSAll rights reservedPrinted in U.S.A.CONTENTSNotice. ivForeword vCommittee Roster . viCorrespondence With the PTC Committee viiSection 1 Object and Scope . 11-1

10、 Object . 11-2 Scope 11-3 Expected Measurement Uncertainty 1Section 2 Terms and Definitions . 2Section 3 Guiding Principles. 43-1 Object of Test 43-2 Preparations for Testing 43-3 Tests . 53-4 Instrumentation 53-5 Operating Conditions 63-6 Records 6Section 4 Instrumentation and Methods of Measuremen

11、t 74-1 Instrumentation Requirements 74-2 Test Methodology 7Section 5 Computation of Results 95-1 Reported Ramp Rate . 95-2 Determination of Ramp Rate . 95-3 Data Reduction and Traceability 95-4 Graphical Presentation . 9Section 6 Test Uncertainty. 106-1 Pretest Uncertainty Analysis . 106-2 Post-Test

12、 Uncertainty Analysis . 106-3 Calculating Ramp Rate Uncertainty 10Section 7 Reporting of Results. 117-1 Test Report Contents . 11Nonmandatory AppendicesA Sample Uncertainty Calculation 13B Sample Ramp Rate Data and Calculation . 15iiiNOTICEAll Performance Test Codes must adhere to the requirements o

13、f ASME PTC 1, GeneralInstructions. The following information is based on that document and is included here foremphasis and for the convenience of the user of the Code. It is expected that the Code user isfully cognizant of Sections 1 and 3 of ASME PTC 1 and has read them prior to applying thisCode.

14、ASME Performance Test Codes provide test procedures that yield results of the highest levelof accuracy consistent with the best engineering knowledge and practice currently available.They were developed by balanced committees representing all concerned interests and specifyprocedures,instrumentation

15、,equipment-operatingrequirements,calculationmethods,anduncer-tainty analysis.When tests are run in accordance with a Code, the test results themselves, without adjustmentfor uncertainty, yield the best available indication of the actual performance of the tested equip-ment. ASME Performance Test Cod

16、es do not specify meansto compare those results to contractualguarantees.Therefore,itisrecommendedthatthepartiestoacommercialtestagreebeforestartingthe test and preferably before signing the contract on the method to be used for comparing thetest results to the contractual guarantees. It is beyond t

17、he scope of any Code to determine orinterpret how such comparisons shall be made.ivFOREWORDThe PTC Standards Committee approved the development of a test code on ramp rates. DuringtheirJune2007meeting,aproposedCharterwasapproved,andtheefforttoconstituteacommitteewas undertaken. An organizational mee

18、ting (via teleconferencing) was held in September 2007.After several teleconferences, a document was completed for industry review by the end ofMarch 2008.This Code was approved as a Standard practice of the Society by action of the Board onStandardization and Testing on December 8, 2008. It was als

19、o approved as an American NationalStandard by the ANSI Board of Standards Review on February 2, 2009.vASME PTC COMMITTEEPerformance Test Codes(The following is the roster of the Committee at the time of approval of this Code.)STANDARDS COMMITTEE OFFICERSM. P. McHale, ChairJ. R. Friedman, Vice ChairJ

20、. H. Karian, SecretarySTANDARDS COMMITTEE PERSONNELP. G. Albert, General Electric Co.R. P. Allen, ConsultantJ. M. Burns, Burns EngineeringW. C. Campbell, Southern Company ServicesM. J. Dooley, Alstom PowerJ. R. Friedman, Siemens Power Generation, Inc.G. J. Gerber, ConsultantP. M. Gerhart, University

21、 of EvansvilleT. C. Heil, The Babcock however, they shouldnot contain proprietary names or information.Requests that are not in this format will be rewritten in this format by the Committee prior tobeing answered, which may inadvertently change the intent of the original request.ASME procedures prov

22、ide for reconsideration of any interpretation when or if additionalinformation that might affect an interpretation is available. Further, persons aggrieved by aninterpretation may appeal to the cognizant ASME Committee or Subcommittee. ASME does not“approve,” “certify,” “rate,” or “endorse” any item

23、, construction, proprietary device, or activity.Attending Committee Meetings. The PTC Standards Committee regularly holds meetings,which are open to the public. Persons wishing to attend any meeting should contact the Secretaryof the PTC Standards Committee.viiIntentionally left blank ASME PTC 70-20

24、09RAMP RATESSection 1Object and Scope1-1 OBJECTThis Code provides the procedures, direction, andguidance for the accurate determination, via testing, ofthemaximumrepeatableloadchangeramprate,startupload change rate, or shutdown load change rate of apower plant. The load change rate is distinguished

25、bystarting from one operating point at steady state condi-tion and transitioning to another. Startup commencesat a shutdown condition, or intermediary startup condi-tion, and proceeds to a defined running condition. Shut-down begins at a running condition and proceeds to ashutdown condition or inter

26、mediary shutdowncondition.Measurements of actual net generation as a functionof time are the primarytest parameters. Additional dataand information will be collected as part of this analysisto determine the long- and short-term effects of variousramp rates on the equipment and systems in the powerpl

27、ant of interest. This information includes and is notlimited to design specifications and actual operatingconditions.11-2 SCOPEThis Code is applicable to all electrical generatingfacilities, independent of fuel source or prime movers.ThisCode isdirectedat providingguidelines formea-suringthemachiner

28、yimpactofcontrolledtransientsthatare initiated by the operator. It is not the intent of thisCode to address uncontrolled transients that may beinitiated by system activity such as load rejection orgovernor response to grid frequency disturbances.1-3 EXPECTED MEASUREMENT UNCERTAINTYUncertaintiesshall

29、bedeterminedutilizingtechniquesspecified in ASME PTC 19.1. The expected uncertaintiesof tests completed following this Code are dependentupon the type of power plant, its size, and the test objec-tive(s). For a simple ramp rate test from one operatingload to another, resulting in an average MW/min v

30、alue,uncertainties of better than 0.2% should be achievablewhen following this Code.ASME PTC 70-2009Section 2Terms and Definitionsacceptance test: the evaluating action(s) to determine if anew or modified pieceof equipment satisfactorily meetsits performance criteria, permitting the purchaser to“acc

31、ept” it from the supplier.accuracy:theclosenessofagreementbetweenameasuredvalue and the true value.auxiliary power: electrical power used in the operationof the gas turbine power plant or elsewhere as definedby the test boundary.bias error: see systematic error.calibration: the process of comparing

32、the response of aninstrumenttoastandardinstrumentoversomemeasure-ment range and adjusting the instrument to match thestandard, if appropriate.emissions: air, solids, and water discharges from powerplant systems or noise from power plant systems thatare regulated by authorities having jurisdiction, s

33、uch asair pollutants, waste streams, and noise.influence coefficient: see sensitivity; the ratio of the changein a result to a unit change in a parameter.instrument: a tool or device used to measure physicaldimensions of length, thickness, width, weight, or anyother value of a variable. These variab

34、les can include:size, weight, pressure, temperature, fluid flow, voltage,electric current, density, viscosity, and power. Sensorsareincluded,whichmaynot,bythemselves,incorporatea display but transmit signals to remote data acquisitionsystemorcomputertypedevicesfordisplay,processing,or process contro

35、l. Also included are items of ancillaryequipment directly affecting the display of the primaryinstrument, e.g., ammeter shunt. Also included are toolsor fixtures used as the basis for determining partacceptability.measurement error: thetrue,unknowndifferencebetweenthe measured value and the true val

36、ue.measurement uncertainty: estimated uncertainty associ-ated with the measurement of a process parameter power: the electrical power leaving the test boundaryminus any electrical power entering the test boundary.opacity:thedegreetowhichlightisblocked.Withrespecttoindustrialfacilities,itisthemeasur

37、eofimpenetrabilityof visible light to pass through the gases exhausted tothe atmosphere.2parameter: a physical quantity at a location that is sensedby direct measurement of a single instrument, or deter-mined by the averaged measurements of several similarinstruments.parties to the test: for accepta

38、nce tests, those individualsdesignated in writing by the purchaser, lenders engi-neer, architect engineer (or facility supplier), andmachine suppliersto makethe decisionsrequired inthisCode. Other agents, advisors, engineers, etc., hired bythe parties to the test to act on their behalf or otherwise,

39、mayormaynotbeconsidered,bythisCode,tobepartiesto the test.precision: the closeness of agreement between a groupof measured values.precision error: see random error.ramp rate: the average ramp rate is the load changedivided by the amount of time required to move fromthe initial load to the final load

40、. The instantaneous ramprate is the slope at a given load in the measured loadchange process.random error: sometimes called precision error; the truerandom error, which characterizes a member of a set ofmeasurements varies in a random, Gaussian (normal)manner, from measurement to measurement.rated p

41、ower: thepower output of thepower system whenoperating at specified control and ambient conditions.secondary variables: variables that are measured but donot enter into the calculation.sensitivity: see influence coefficient; the ratio of the changein a result to a unit change in a parameter.shutdown

42、:theactionsrequiredtosafelystoptheelectricalgeneration from an operating power producing facility.startup: the actions required to safely reach a predefinedminimum load for an electrical generation facility in ashutdown or off-line condition.systematicerror,H9252:sometimescalledbias;thetruesystem-at

43、ic or fixed error, which characterizes every memberofany setof measurementsfromthe population.It istheconstant component of the total measurement error, H9254.ASME PTC 70-2009systematic uncertainty: an estimate of the limits of sys-tematic error with a defined level of confidence(usually 95%).test:

44、a group of test runs adequate to establish the per-formance over the specified range of operatingconditions.test run: the readings and/or recordings sufficient tocalculate performance through one set of operatingconditions.3test uncertainty: uncertainty associated with a correctedtest result.uncerta

45、inty: theinterval aboutthe measurementor resultthat contains the true value for a given confidence level.variable: a quantity that cannot be measured directly, butis calculated from other measured parameters.ASME PTC 70-2009Section 3Guiding Principles3-1 OBJECT OF TESTThe object of the test shall be

46、 agreed upon by theparties to the test and shall be defined in writing beforethe test(s) commences.Test objectives may include the determination of thefollowing:(a) startup ramp rate or elapsed time(b) shutdown ramp rate or elapsed time(c) overall ramp rate from 0% to 100% load(d) ramp rates from mi

47、nimum load to maximum loador from maximum to minimum load(e) ramp rates from one nominal load to another(f) ramp rates for a given set of equipment inoperation(g) ramp rates for power augmentation equipment(such as chillers or duct burners)(h) ramp rates from one specified process or equip-ment cond

48、ition to anotherElapsed time between test start and stop conditionsmay be the objective rather than a ramp rate. In thecase where ramp rate varies over the course of the test,elapsed time rather than a rate may be preferable toavoid ambiguity.3-2 PREPARATIONS FOR TESTING3-2.1 General PrecautionsReas

49、onableprecautionsshouldbetakenwhenprepar-ing to conduct a Code test. Indisputable records shallbe made to identify and distinguish the equipment tobe tested and the exact method of testing selected.Descriptions, drawings, or photographs all may be usedto give a permanent, explicit record. Instrument locationshall be predetermined, agreed to by the parties to thetest, and described in detail in test records. Redundant,calibrated instruments should be provided for thoseinstruments susceptible to in-service failure or breakageand to improve the uncertainty of the results.3-2


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