ASTM A1094 A1094M-2015 Standard Specification for Continuous Hot-Dip Galvanized Steel Bars for Concrete Reinforcement《混凝土结构加固用连续热浸镀锌钢棒材的标准规格》.pdf

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ASTM A1094 A1094M-2015 Standard Specification for Continuous Hot-Dip Galvanized Steel Bars for Concrete Reinforcement《混凝土结构加固用连续热浸镀锌钢棒材的标准规格》.pdf_第1页
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ASTM A1094 A1094M-2015 Standard Specification for Continuous Hot-Dip Galvanized Steel Bars for Concrete Reinforcement《混凝土结构加固用连续热浸镀锌钢棒材的标准规格》.pdf_第2页
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ASTM A1094 A1094M-2015 Standard Specification for Continuous Hot-Dip Galvanized Steel Bars for Concrete Reinforcement《混凝土结构加固用连续热浸镀锌钢棒材的标准规格》.pdf_第3页
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ASTM A1094 A1094M-2015 Standard Specification for Continuous Hot-Dip Galvanized Steel Bars for Concrete Reinforcement《混凝土结构加固用连续热浸镀锌钢棒材的标准规格》.pdf_第4页
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1、Designation: A1094/A1094M 15Standard Specification forContinuous Hot-Dip Galvanized Steel Bars for ConcreteReinforcement1This standard is issued under the fixed designation A1094/A1094M; the number immediately following the designation indicates theyear of original adoption or, in the case of revisi

2、on, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of lastreapproval. A superscript epsilon () indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1. Scope1.1 This specification covers steel reinforcing bars, withprotective zinc or zinc-alloy coatings applied b

3、y the continuoushot-dip process.NOTE 1The galvanizer is identified throughout this specification asthe manufacturer.1.2 Guidelines for construction practices at the job-site arepresented in Appendix X1.1.3 Guidelines for use of continuous hot-dip galvanizedreinforcing bars with non-galvanized steel

4、forms are presentedin Appendix X2.1.4 The text of this specification references notes andfootnotes which provide explanatory material. These notes andfootnotes shall not be considered requirements of the specifi-cation.1.5 This specification is applicable for orders in eitherinch-pound units (as Spe

5、cification A1094) or SI units (asSpecification A1094M).1.6 The values stated in either inch-pound or SI units are tobe regarded separately as standard. Within the text, the SI unitsare shown in brackets. The values stated in each system maynot be exact equivalents. Therefore, each system shall be us

6、edindependently of the other. Combining values from the twosystems may result in non-conformance with this specification.1.7 This specification does not purport to address all of thesafety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is theresponsibility of the user of this specification to establi

7、shappropriate safety and health practices and determine theapplicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:2A90/A90M Test Method for Weight Mass of Coating onIron and Steel Articles with Zinc or Zinc-Alloy CoatingsA615/A615M Specification for Deformed a

8、nd Plain Carbon-Steel Bars for Concrete ReinforcementA706/A706M Specification for Deformed and Plain Low-Alloy Steel Bars for Concrete ReinforcementA780/A780M Practice for Repair of Damaged and UncoatedAreas of Hot-Dip Galvanized CoatingsA996/A996M Specification for Rail-Steel and Axle-SteelDeformed

9、 Bars for Concrete ReinforcementB6 Specification for ZincB487 Test Method for Measurement of Metal and OxideCoating Thickness by Microscopical Examination ofCross SectionB852 Specification for Continuous Galvanizing Grade(CGG) Zinc Alloys for Hot-Dip Galvanizing of SheetSteelE376 Practice for Measur

10、ing Coating Thickness byMagnetic-Field or Eddy-Current (Electromagnetic) Test-ing Methods3. Terminology3.1 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Specification:3.1.1 black, adjdenotes the condition of not galvanized.For purposes of this specification the word “black” does notrefer to the color or con

11、dition of the surface, or to a surfacedeposit or contamination.3.1.2 continuous hot-dip galvanizing, nthe process ofuninterrupted passage of long lengths of steel products througha molten bath of zinc or zinc-alloy.1This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee A01 on Steel,Stainles

12、s Steel and Related Alloys and is the direct responsibility of SubcommitteeA01.05 on Steel Reinforcement.Current edition approved May 1, 2015. Published May 2015. DOI: 10.1520/A1094_A1094M-15.2For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, orcontact ASTM Customer Service at ser

13、 For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume information, refer to the standards Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States13.1.2.1 DiscussionTo control alloy formation and promot

14、eadhesion of the zinc or zinc-alloy coating with the steel basemetal, the molten coating metal composition normally containsa percentage of aluminum usually in the range from 0.05 to0.25. This aluminum is purposely supplied to the moltencoating bath, either as a specified ingredient in the zinc spel

15、teror by the addition of a master alloy containing aluminum.3.1.3 lot, nall bars of one size furnished to the same steelreinforcing bar specification that have been coated within asingle production shift.4. Ordering Information4.1 Orders for continuous hot-dip galvanized steel bars forconcrete reinf

16、orcement under this specification shall includethe following information:4.1.1 Specification for reinforcing bars, deformed or plain,to be coated (ASTM designation and year of issue),4.1.2 Quantity of bars,4.1.3 Size and grade of bars, and4.1.4 ASTM designation A1094 A1094M and year-date ofissue.4.2

17、 The purchaser shall have the option to specify additionalrequirements, including but not limited to, the following:4.2.1 If chromate treatment is waived (6.5),4.2.2 Manufacturer certification and report of test results(10.1), and4.2.3 Other special requirements, if any.5. Materials5.1 The steel rei

18、nforcing bars shall conform to one of thefollowing specifications: A615, A706, or A996 A615M,A706M, or A996M.5.2 Coating Bath MetalThe bath metal used to producecontinuous hot-dip galvanized steel bars for concrete reinforce-ment shall meet the requirements of Specifications B6 or B852.6. Zinc Coati

19、ng Process6.1 The reinforcing bars shall be coated by passing indi-vidual bars through a zinc or zinc-alloy flooded trough or tubelocated above a zinc or zinc-alloy bath, then immediatelythrough an air or steam wiping device to remove excess coatingfrom the bars.NOTE 2During the wiping process, care

20、 should be taken to maintaina uniformly thick coating around the perimeter of the bar.6.2 It shall be the responsibility of the manufacturer tomaintain identity of the reinforcing bars throughout the coatingprocess and to the point of shipment.6.3 Thickness of Coating:6.3.1 The average thickness of

21、zinc or zinc-alloy coating forall specimens tested shall not be less than specified in Table 1.6.4 Coating Thickness Tests:6.4.1 Coating thickness tests shall be performed in accor-dance with one of the following test methods: Magnetic Thickness Gauge MeasurementsThethickness of the coating s

22、hall be determined by magneticthickness gauge measurements in accordance with PracticeE376,or6.4.1.2 MicroscopyThe thickness of the coating shall bedetermined by cross-sectional and optical measurement inaccordance with Test Method B487. A cross-section sample ofthe coated steel shall be polished an

23、d examined with an opticalmicroscope to determine the coating thickness. Measurementsof thickness shall not be taken on points located on ribs ordeformations, or6.4.1.3 Stripping MethodThe thickness of the coatingshall be determined by stripping the coating from a reinforcingbar in accordance with T

24、est Method A90/A90M. This testmethod shall not be used for deformed steel reinforcing bars.NOTE 3Due to variations in the surface areas of deformed bars as afunction of deformation pattern and bar size, this method to measurecoating thickness is not appropriate for deformed bars. This is a destruc-t

25、ive test for small samples of plain bars with a minimum of 3 in.2200mm2 of surface area,6.4.2 The referee method to be used shall be Test MethodB487.6.4.3 Number of TestsFor determination of the coatingthickness using the magnetic method, three random samplesshall be tested from each lot. For each m

26、agnetic thicknessgauge measurement sample, five or more measurements shallbe made at various points throughout the sample so as torepresent the entire surface of the sample. A total of at leastfifteen measurements shall be averaged to obtain the coatingthickness. For the microscopy method, five samp

27、les shall betested per lot. Each sample shall be measured on four sides andthe total of twenty measurements shall be averaged to obtainthe coating thickness. For the stripping method, three samplesper lot shall be tested.6.4.4 RetestsIf the average zinc coating thickness fails tomeet the requirement

28、s of Table 1, six additional randomsamples from the lot shall be tested. If the average zinc coatingthickness of the six samples conforms to the requirements ofTable 1, the lot shall be accepted.6.5 ChromatingThe zinc coating shall be chromate treatedunless waived by the purchaser.6.5.1 If the chrom

29、ate treatment is performed immediatelyafter zinc or zinc-alloy coating, it shall be accomplished byquenching the steel reinforcing bars in a solution containing atleast 0.2 weight mass % of pure sodium dichromate in water(such as 3 oz/10 gal 2 kg/m3 of quench water) or by quenchchromating in a minim

30、um of 0.2 % chromic acid solution. Thesolution shall be at least 90F 32C. The zinc or zinc-alloycoated reinforcing bars shall be immersed in the solution for atleast 20 s.NOTE 4Proprietary chromating solutions of equivalent strength arepermitted in place of the generic chemical treatment specified.6

31、.5.2 If the zinc or zinc-alloy coated reinforcing bars are atambient temperature, the chromate treatment shall be the sameTABLE 1 Minimum Average Coating Thickness GradeACoatingGradem mils oz/ft2g/m250 50 2.0 1.2 360AThe values in micrometres (m) are based on the Coating Grade. The othervalues are b

32、ased on conventions using the following formulae: mils = m 0.03937, oz/ft2= m 0.0232, g/m2=m7.14A1094/A1094M 152as specified in 6.5.1 except that 0.5 to 1.0 % concentration ofsulfuric acid shall be added as an activator of the chromatesolution. In this case, there is no temperature requirement forth

33、e activated chromate solution.7. Finish and Adherence of Coating7.1 The zinc-coated bars shall have no uncoated areas. Thecoating shall be free of blisters, flux spots or inclusions, dross,and acid or black spots. In addition, the presence of tears orsharp spikes, which make the bar hazardous to han

34、dle, shall because for rejection.7.2 The zinc coating shall not peel or flake off in any bendtest meeting the requirements of Specifications A615, A706, orA996 A615M, A706M, or A996M and be adherent so itcannot be removed by any reasonable process of handling.8. Inspection8.1 The inspector represent

35、ing the purchaser shall haveaccess at all times, while work on the contract of the purchaseris being performed, to those areas of the manufacturers plantwhich concern the manufacture of the material ordered. Themanufacturer shall afford the inspector all reasonable facilitiesto satisfy him that the

36、coating is being furnished in accordancewith this specification.8.2 The material shall be inspected at the manufacturersplant prior to shipment. However, if specified, the purchasershall make the tests which govern the acceptance or rejectionof the materials in his own laboratory or elsewhere.8.3 Vi

37、sual inspection of materials ready for shipment shallbe made to determine conformity with the requirements of 7.1.For materials that fail inspection, it shall be permissible for thematerials to be stripped and regalvanized and resubmitted forinspection. They shall conform to the requirements of this

38、specification.9. Permissible Amount of Damaged Coating and Repairof Damaged Coating9.1 The maximum amount of repaired damaged coatingshall not exceed 1 % of the total surface area in each 0.3-m1-ft length of the bar. This limit on repaired damaged coatingshall not include sheared or cut ends that ar

39、e repaired with azinc-rich formulation in accordance with Practice A780/A780M.10. Certification10.1 When specified in the purchase order or contract, themanufacturer shall furnish, at the time of shipment, a certifi-cation that the material was manufactured and tested inaccordance with this specific

40、ation. A report of the test results,shall be included with the certification.10.2 A Material Test Report, Certificate of Inspection, orsimilar document printed from or used in electronic form froman electronic data interchange (EDI) transmission shall beregarded as having the same validity as a coun

41、terpart printed inthe certifiers facility. The content of the EDI transmitteddocument shall meet the requirements of the invoked ASTMstandard(s) and conform to any existing EDI agreement be-tween the purchaser and the manufacturer. Notwithstanding theabsence of a signature, the organization submitti

42、ng the EDItransmission is responsible for the content of the report.NOTE 5The industry definition as invoked here is: EDI is thecomputer-to-computer exchange of business information in a standardformat such as ANSI ASC X12.11. Keywords11.1 galvanizing; continuous hot-dip galvanized; steel rein-forci

43、ng barsAPPENDIXES(Nonmandatory Information)X1. GUIDELINES FOR CONSTRUCTION PRACTICES AT THE JOB-SITEX1.1 Specification A1094/A1094M is a product specifica-tion. Requirements for continuous hot-dip galvanized steelreinforcing bars from the point of shipment to the job-site andsubsequent construction

44、practices at the job-site are not delin-eated in this product specification.X1.2 The project specifications should prescribe require-ments for the continuous hot-dip galvanized steel reinforcingbars from the point of shipment to the job-site and subsequentconstruction practices at the job-site. The

45、following guidelinesare intended to serve as a resource for preparing requirementsin project specifications:X1.2.1 Coating damage incurred during shipment, storage,handling, and placing of continuous hot-dip galvanized rein-forcing bars should be repaired with a zinc-rich formulation inaccordance wi

46、th Practice A780/A780M. Prior to repairingdamaged coating, rust should be removed from the damagedareas by suitable means.X1.2.2 When handling continuous hot-dip galvanized rein-forcing bars, care should be exercised to avoid damaging thecoating.X1.2.3 Continuous hot-dip galvanized reinforcing barss

47、hould be off-loaded as close as possible to their points ofplacement or under the crane so that the bars can be hoisted tothe area of placement to minimize rehandling.X1.2.4 Continuous hot-dip galvanized reinforcing barsshould be stored off the ground on protective cribbing, andA1094/A1094M 153timbe

48、rs should be placed between bundles when stacking of thebundles is necessary. Space the cribbing sufficiently close toprevent sags in the bundles.X1.2.5 Continuous hot-dip galvanized reinforcing bars anduncoated reinforcing bars should be stored separately.X1.2.6 If the extent of damaged coating exc

49、eeds2%ofthesurface area of the continuous hot-dip galvanized reinforcingbar in any 1-ft 0.3-m length, the coated bar should berejected.X1.2.7 If the extent of damaged coating does not exceed 2% of the surface area in any 1-ft 0.3-m length, all damagedcoating discernible to a person with normal or corrected visionshould be repaired with a zinc-rich formulation in accordancewith Practice A780/A780M. The 2 % limit on maximumallowed damaged coating should include previously repairedareas damaged before shipment as required by Specifica


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