ASTM A1097-2016 Standard Specification for Steel Casing Pipe Electric-Fusion (Arc)-Welded (Outside Diameter of 10 in and Larger)《电熔 (弧) 焊钢套管的标准规格 (10英寸及更大外径)》.pdf

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ASTM A1097-2016 Standard Specification for Steel Casing Pipe Electric-Fusion (Arc)-Welded (Outside Diameter of 10 in and Larger)《电熔 (弧) 焊钢套管的标准规格 (10英寸及更大外径)》.pdf_第1页
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ASTM A1097-2016 Standard Specification for Steel Casing Pipe Electric-Fusion (Arc)-Welded (Outside Diameter of 10 in and Larger)《电熔 (弧) 焊钢套管的标准规格 (10英寸及更大外径)》.pdf_第2页
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ASTM A1097-2016 Standard Specification for Steel Casing Pipe Electric-Fusion (Arc)-Welded (Outside Diameter of 10 in and Larger)《电熔 (弧) 焊钢套管的标准规格 (10英寸及更大外径)》.pdf_第3页
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ASTM A1097-2016 Standard Specification for Steel Casing Pipe Electric-Fusion (Arc)-Welded (Outside Diameter of 10 in and Larger)《电熔 (弧) 焊钢套管的标准规格 (10英寸及更大外径)》.pdf_第4页
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1、Designation: A1097 16Standard Specification forSteel Casing Pipe, Electric-Fusion (Arc)-Welded (OutsideDiameter of 10 in. and Larger)1This standard is issued under the fixed designation A1097; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of

2、revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon () indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1. Scope1.1 This specification covers electric-fusion (arc)-weldedstraight seam or spiral seam steel casing

3、pipe 10 in. (254 mm)and larger in diameter (outside diameter as specified bypurchaser) with wall thickness 0.200 in. (5.1 mm) or greater. Itshall be permissible to specify and furnish pipe having otherdimensions provided such pipe complies with all other require-ments of this specification. The pipe

4、 is intended for use ascasing or encasement in horizontal underground boring,tunneling, or open trench applications.1.2 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regardedas standard. The values given in parentheses are mathematicalconversions to SI units that are provided for information onlya

5、nd are not considered standard.1.3 The text of this specification contains notes and foot-notes that provide explanatory material. Such notes andfootnotes, excluding those in tables and figures, do not containany mandatory requirements.1.4 The following precautionary caveat pertains only to thetest

6、method portion, Sections 11, 12, and 13 of this specifica-tion. This standard does not purport to address all of the safetyconcerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibilityof the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety andhealth practices and determine the applicabili

7、ty of regulatorylimitations prior to use.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:2A36/A36M Specification for Carbon Structural SteelA515/A515M Specification for Pressure Vessel Plates, Car-bon Steel, for Intermediate- and Higher-Temperature Ser-viceA516/A516M Specification for Pressure Vessel Plat

8、es, Car-bon Steel, for Moderate- and Lower-Temperature ServiceA572/A572M Specification for High-Strength Low-AlloyColumbium-Vanadium Structural SteelA370 Test Methods and Definitions for Mechanical Testingof Steel ProductsA941 Terminology Relating to Steel, Stainless Steel, RelatedAlloys, and Ferroa

9、lloysA1011/A1011M Specification for Steel, Sheet and Strip,Hot-Rolled, Carbon, Structural, High-Strength Low-Alloy, High-Strength Low-Alloy with ImprovedFormability, and Ultra-High StrengthA1018/A1018M Specification for Steel, Sheet and Strip,Heavy-Thickness Coils, Hot-Rolled, Carbon,Commercial, Dra

10、wing, Structural, High-Strength Low-Alloy, High-Strength Low-Alloy with ImprovedFormability, and Ultra-High StrengthE29 Practice for Using Significant Digits in Test Data toDetermine Conformance with Specifications2.2 AWS Standard:3D1.1/D1.1M Structural Welding Code Steel3. Terminology3.1 Definition

11、s of terms used in this specification shall be inaccordance with Terminology A941.3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:3.2.1 defectan imperfection of sufficient size or magnitudeto be cause for rejection.3.2.2 imperfectionany discontinuity or irregularity foundin the pipe.4. Ordering I

12、nformation4.1 Orders for material under this specification shall containinformation concerning as many of the following items as arerequired to describe the desired material adequately:4.1.1 Quantity (feet or number of lengths),4.1.2 Name of material (steel casing pipe),4.1.3 Size (outside diameter

13、and nominal wall thickness),4.1.4 Pipe Section Lengths (see Section 9),1This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee A01 on Steel,Stainless Steel and Related Alloys and is the direct responsibility of SubcommitteeA01.09 on Carbon Steel Tubular Products.Current edition approved Sept

14、. 15, 2016. Published October 2016. DOI:10.1520/A1097-16.2For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, orcontact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume information, refer to the standards Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.3Ava

15、ilable from American Welding Society (AWS), 8669 NW 36 St., #130,Miami, FL 33166-6672, http:/ ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States14.1.5 End finish (Section 10),4.1.6 Steel ASTM specification designation and grad

16、e (Sec-tion 5),4.1.7 ASTM specification designation and year of issue, and4.1.8 Special Requirements (if any).5. Materials and Manufacture5.1 The pipe shall be made by the electric-fusion (arc)welded process. All seams of welded pipe shall be butt jointsand girth, longitudinal, or helical orientatio

17、n made usingcomplete joint penetration welds.5.2 The longitudinal edges of the steel shall be shaped togive the most satisfactory results by the particular weldingprocess employed. The weld shall be of reasonably uniformwidth and height for the entire length of the pipe.5.3 The steel from which the

18、pipe is made shall conform toSpecifications A515/A515M, A516/A516M, A572/A572M,A36/A36M, A1011/A1011M,orA1018/A1018M Classifica-tion SS, HSLA, or HSLA-F, or to other ASTM specificationsfor equally suitable weldable material. For purposes of testing,marking, and certification when required, the requi

19、rements forthe pipe grade of material shall be established by the Specifi-cation A1097 steel specification designation and grade, whenapplicable.6. Qualification of Welding and Welding Procedures6.1 Welding operators and procedures shall be qualified inaccordance with the AWS D1.1/D1.1M or other wel

20、ding codeacceptable by the purchaser.7. Weights Per Unit Length7.1 For pipe the weight per unit length shall be calculated asfollows:W 5 10.69D 2 t!t (1)where:W = weight per unit length, lb/ft,D = specified outside diameter, in., andt = specified nominal wall thickness, in.8. Permissible Variations

21、in Weights and Dimensions8.1 WeightEach length of pipe weight when measuredshall not vary more than 5 % under its theoretical weight,calculated using its length and its weight per unit length (seeSection 7).8.2 Outside DiameterThe outside diameter of casing pipemeasured circumferentially shall not v

22、ary more than the lesserof 61 % from the specified outside diameter, or 634 in. (19mm) in circumference.8.3 RoundnessThe pipe diameter as measured along anysingle plane shall not vary more than 1 % from the specifieddiameter.8.4 StraightnessThe maximum deviation from a straightline, over the entire

23、pipe length, shall be 0.1 % of the pipelength.8.5 ThicknessThe pipe wall thickness when inspectedshall not be less than 87.5 % of the nominal thickness at anylocation. Pipe wall thickness shall not be in excess of 112.5 %of the nominal thickness unless approved by the purchaser.Thickness requirement

24、s are independent of the weight require-ments of 8.1.NOTE 1The minimum permissible wall thickness on inspection isshown in Table X1.1 (see Appendix X1) for various nominal wallthicknesses.9. Lengths9.1 The lengths shall be as specified on the order with atolerance of 612 in. (13 mm), except that the

25、 shorter lengthsfrom which test coupons have been cut may also be shipped.10. Ends10.1 Casing pipe shall be furnished with interlocking jointends, beveled ends, or plain ends. The pipe end shall not varyby more than 618 in. (3 mm) from a plane perpendicular to thepipe axis.10.2 Casing pipe specified

26、 with plain ends shall have eitherflame-cut or machine-cut ends, with the burrs at the endsremoved.10.3 For ends specified to be beveled, the bevel angle shallbe 30 +5, -0, measured from a line drawn perpendicular tothe axis of the pipe.10.4 For ends specified with interlocking joints, the jointshal

27、l be machined either directly on the pipe end or on a ringthat is butt welded to the end of the pipe section.Attached ringsmay be thicker than the pipe wall and may be made from anysteel compliant with 5.3.11. Number of Tests11.1 One reduced-section weld tension test shall be made,representing each

28、lot of 1000 ft (300 m) of pipe or fractionthereof of each diameter and thickness.11.2 It shall be permissible to discard any test specimen thatshows defective machining or develops imperfections andsubstitute another test specimen from the same lot.12. Retests12.1 If the results of the tension test

29、representing any lot failto conform to the applicable requirements, the lot shall berejected or retested using two additional lengths from the lot,with each such test being required to conform to such specifiedrequirements.13. Test Specimens and Test Methods13.1 The weld-test specimens for the reduc

30、ed-section ten-sion test shall be taken perpendicularly across the weld andfrom the end of the pipe or, alternatively, from flat test piecesof material conforming to the requirements in the specificationsused in the manufacture of the pipe. The alternative weld-testspecimens shall be welded with the

31、 same procedure and by thesame operator and equipment, and in sequence with thewelding of the longitudinal joints in the pipe. The test piecesshall have the weld approximately in the middle of thespecimen.A1097 16213.2 Reduced-section tension test specimens shall be pre-pared in accordance with Fig.

32、 21 of Test Methods andDefinitions A370.13.3 Reduced-section tension test specimens, taken perpen-dicularly across the weld with the weld shall show a tensilestrength not less than 95 % of the specified minimum strengthof the grade of steel.At the manufacturers option, the test maybe made without re

33、moving the weld reinforcement, or withalternative weld test specimens as defined in 13.1, in whichcase the tensile strength shall be not less than the specifiedminimum tensile strength for the grade of steel used.13.4 Specimens shall be tested at room temperature.14. Workmanship, Finish, and Appeara

34、nce14.1 The finished pipe shall not contain imperfections insuch number or of such character as to render the pipeunsuitable for casing pipe.14.2 Surface imperfections having a depth not in excess of25 % of the specified nominal wall thickness shall be accept-able. It shall be permissible to establi

35、sh the depth of suchimperfections by grinding or filing.14.3 Surface imperfections having a depth in excess of 25 %of the specified nominal wall thickness shall be considered tobe defects. It shall be permissible for defects not deeper than3313 % of the specified nominal wall thickness to be repaire

36、dby welding, provided that the defect is completely removedprior to welding.15. Inspection15.1 The inspector representing the purchaser shall haveentry, at all times while work on the contract of the purchaseris being performed, to all parts of the manufacturers worksthat concern the manufacture of

37、the material ordered. Themanufacturer shall afford the inspector all reasonable facilitiesto satisfy the inspector that the material is being furnished inaccordance with the requirements of this specification and anyother requirements specified in the purchase order.All tests andinspections shall be

38、 made at the place of manufacture prior toshipment, unless otherwise specified in the purchase order, andshall be so conducted as not to interfere unnecessarily with theoperation of the works.16. Rejection16.1 The purchaser may inspect each length of casing pipeand reject any casing pipe that does n

39、ot meet the requirementsof this specification, based upon the applicable inspection andtest methods of the standard. The purchaser shall notify themanufacturer of any pipe that has been rejected, and thedisposition of such pipe shall be subject to agreement betweenthe manufacturer and the purchaser.

40、16.2 Pipe found in fabrication or installation to be unsuit-able for the intended end use within the scope of thisspecification, based on the requirements of this specificationshall be set aside. The purchaser shall notify the manufacturerof any pipe that has been set aside. Such pipe shall be subje

41、ctto mutual investigation as to the nature and severity of thedeficiency and conditions involved. The disposition of suchpipe shall be subject to agreement between the manufacturerand the purchaser.17. Certification17.1 Where specified in the purchase order, the manufac-turer shall furnish a certifi

42、cate of compliance stating that thecasing pipe was manufactured, tested, and inspected in accor-dance with the requirements of this specification (includingyear date) and any requirements specified in the purchaseorder, and was found to meet such requirements.17.2 Where specified in the purchase ord

43、er, the manufac-turer shall furnish a test report containing the results of theapplicable heat analyses, product analyses, and tension tests asdefined in theASTM standard for steel used in the manufactureof the pipe.18. Product Marking18.1 Each length of casing pipe shall be legibly marked bystencil

44、ing, stamping, or rolling to show: the name or brand ofthe manufacturer, the outside diameter, nominal wall thickness,length, the specification designation (year date not required),and the specified minimum yield strength.18.2 Bar CodingIn addition to the requirements in 18.1,itshall be permissible

45、for bar coding to be used as a supplemen-tary identification method.19. Keywords19.1 casing pipe; electric fusion (arc)-welded casing; elec-tric fusion (arc)-welded pipe; steel casing; steel pipe; weldedsteel casing; welded steel pipeA1097 163APPENDIX(Nonmandatory Information)X1. MINIMUM PERMISSIBLE

46、 PIPE WALL THICKNESSES ON INSPECTIONX1.1 See Table X1.1 for minimum wall thicknesses.ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentionedin this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of th

47、e validity of any such patent rights, and the riskof infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years andif not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. You

48、r comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standardsand should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of theresponsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments

49、 have not received a fair hearing you shouldmake your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the aboveaddress or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or (e-mail); or through the ASTM website( Permission rights to photocopy the standard may also be secur


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