ASTM A683-2016 Standard Specification for Nonoriented Electrical Steel Semiprocessed Types《无取向电气钢半处理类型的标准规格》.pdf

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ASTM A683-2016 Standard Specification for Nonoriented Electrical Steel Semiprocessed Types《无取向电气钢半处理类型的标准规格》.pdf_第1页
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1、Designation: A683 05 (Reapproved 2010)A683 16Standard Specification forNonoriented Electrical Steel, Semiprocessed Types1This standard is issued under the fixed designation A683; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision, the

2、year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon () indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1. Scope1.1 This specification covers the detailed requirements to which flat-rolled, nonoriented semiprocessed electrical

3、 steel shallconform.1.2 This steel is produced to specified maximum core-loss values and is intended primarily for commercial power frequency(50-(50 and 60-Hz) 60 Hz) applications in magnetic devices. Desirable core-loss and permeability characteristics are developedthrough heat treatment by the use

4、r.1.3 These nonoriented, semiprocessed electrical steels are low carbon, silicon-iron or silicon-aluminum-iron alloys containingup to about 2.5 % silicon and less than 1 % aluminum.1.4 The values stated in customary (cgs-emu and inch-pound) SI units are to be regarded as standard. The values given i

5、nparentheses are mathematical conversions to SI customary (cgs-emu and inch-pound) units which are provided for informationonly and are not considered standard.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:2A34/A34M Practice for Sampling and Procurement Testing of Magnetic MaterialsA340 Terminology of S

6、ymbols and Definitions Relating to Magnetic TestingA343/A343M Test Method for Alternating-Current Magnetic Properties of Materials at Power Frequencies Using Wattmeter-Ammeter-Voltmeter Method and 25-cm Epstein Test FrameA664 Practice for Identification of Standard Electrical Steel Grades in ASTM Sp

7、ecificationsA700 Guide for Packaging, Marking, and Loading Methods for Steel Products for ShipmentA719/A719M Test Method for Lamination Factor of Magnetic MaterialsA720/A720M Test Method for Ductility of Nonoriented Electrical SteelA971 Test Method for Measuring Edge Taper and Crown of Flat-Rolled E

8、lectrical Steel CoilsA976 Classification of Insulating Coatings for Electrical Steels by Composition, Relative Insulating Ability and Application3. Terminology3.1 The terms and symbols used in this specification are defined in Terminology A340.4. Classification4.1 The nonoriented electrical steel ty

9、pes described by this specification are shown in Table 1.5. Ordering Information5.1 Orders for material under this specification shall include as much of the following information as necessary to describe thedesired material adequately:5.1.1 ASTM specification number.5.1.2 Core-loss type number.5.1.

10、3 Surface coating type.1 This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee A06 on Magnetic Properties and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee A06.02 on MaterialSpecifications.Current edition approved Nov. 1, 2010April 1, 2016. Published December 2010April 2016. Originally appro

11、ved in 1974. Last previous edition approved in 20052010 asA683/A683M 05.A683/A683M 05 (2010). DOI: 10.1520/A0683-05R10.10.1520/A0683-16.2 For referencedASTM standards, visit theASTM website,, or contactASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTM Standardsvolume inf

12、ormation, refer to the standards Document Summary page on the ASTM website.This document is not an ASTM standard and is intended only to provide the user of an ASTM standard an indication of what changes have been made to the previous version. Becauseit may not be technically possible to adequately

13、depict all changes accurately, ASTM recommends that users consult prior editions as appropriate. In all cases only the current versionof the standard as published by ASTM is to be considered the official document.Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA

14、 19428-2959. United States15.1.4 Thickness, width, and length (if in cut lengths instead of coils).5.1.5 Total weight of ordered item.5.1.6 Limitations in coil size or lift weights.5.1.7 End UseThe user shall disclose as much pertinent information as possible about the intended application to enable

15、 theproducer to provide material characteristics most suitable for specific fabricating practices.5.1.8 Special requirements or exceptions to the provisions of this specification.6. Materials and Manufacture6.1 Typical Melting and Casting:6.1.1 These semiprocessed electrical steels may be made by ba

16、sic-oxygen, electric furnace, or other steelmaking practice(s).6.1.2 These electrical steels are characterized by low carbon, usually less than 0.030 %. The principal alloying element iscommonly silicon, but aluminum up to about 0.8 % is sometimes used instead of, or in addition to, silicon, dependi

17、ng on millprocessing practice for the desired magnetic grade. Individual producers will often have different silicon or aluminum contents fora particular grade as a result of intrinsic mill processing procedures.6.1.3 Sulfur content is typically less than 0.025 % and is usually lowest in the numbere

18、d types representing lowest core loss.Manganese is typically present in amounts between 0.10 and 0.70 %. Phosphorus, copper, nickel, chromium, molybdenum,antimony, and tin are usually present only in residual amounts except in the higher numbered core-loss types where phosphorus,tin, or antimony up

19、to 0.15 % may be present.6.1.4 The producer is not required to report chemical composition of each lot except where a clear need for such informationhas been shown. In such cases, the analyses to be reported shall be negotiated between the producer and user.6.2 Typical ProcessingThe processing seque

20、nce for semiprocessed nonoriented electrical steel comprises hot rolling, pickling,cold rolling, and annealing. An additional annealing operation may precede or follow the pickling operation.6.3 When changes in the manufacture of the material are believed to exert possible significant effects upon t

21、he users fabricatingpractices and upon the magnetic performance to be obtained in the specified end use, the producer shall notify the user beforeshipment is made so the user has an opportunity to evaluate the effects.7. Magnetic Property Requirements Properties7.1 Specific Core LossEach core-loss t

22、ype of electrical steel is identified by maximum core-loss limits as shown in Table 1.7.2 PermeabilityThe permeability at all inductions magnetic flux density values shall be as high as possible consistent withthe required core-loss limits that govern the grade. Typical relative peak permeability (p

23、) values are given in Appendix X1.TABLE 1 Core-Loss TypesA and Maximum Core LossesB at aMagnetic Flux Density of 15 kG (1.5 T) and 60 HzC of QualityEvaluation Annealed Epstein SpecimensD0.0185-in. (0.47-mm) Thickness 0.025-in. (0.64-mm) ThicknessCore-LossTypeMaximum Core Loss Core-LossTypeMaximum Co

24、re LossW/lb W/kg W/lb W/kg47S155 1.55 3.42 64S200 2.00 4.4147S165 1.65 3.64 64S210 2.10 4.6347S175 1.75 3.86 64S220 2.20 4.8547S190 1.90 4.19 64S230 2.30 5.07TABLE 1 Core-Loss TypesA and Maximum Core LossesB at aMagnetic Flux Density of 1.5 T (15 kG) and 60 HzC of QualityEvaluation Annealed Epstein

25、SpecimensD0.47 mm (0.0185 in.) Thickness 0.64 mm (0.025 in.) ThicknessCore-LossTypeMaximum Core Loss Core-LossTypeMaximum Core LossW/kg (W/lb) W/kg (W/lb)47S155 3.42 (1.55) 64S200 4.41 (2.00)47S165 3.64 (1.65) 64S210 4.63 (2.10)47S175 3.86 (1.75) 64S220 4.85 (2.20)47S190 4.19 (1.90) 64S230 5.07 (2.3

26、0)A See Practice A664.B The test density shall be the correctASTM assumed density (in accordance with14.2) for the chemistry used by the producer to meet the property requirements ofthis specification.C Maximum core losses at a magnetic flux density of 15 kG (1.5 T)1.5 T (15 kG)and 50 Hz are 0.79 ti

27、mes maximum core losses at 60 Hz.D One half of strips cut parallel to the steel rolling direction and one half of stripscut perpendicular to the steel rolling direction.A683 1627.3 Specific Exciting PowerThe knowledge of the approximate value of rms exciting power required for the excitation of apar

28、ticular type of electrical steel is frequently useful to the user. Typical values of specific exciting power are given in AppendixX1.8. Surface Insulation Characteristics8.1 Unless otherwise specified, semiprocessed electrical steels are supplied with a thin, tightly adherent surface oxide (coatingT

29、ype C-0 in Classification A976) which has sufficient insulating ability for most small cores. The insulating ability of coating TypeC-0 can be enhanced during the users heat treatment by using a slightly oxidizing atmosphere.8.2 Applied Coatings:8.2.1 Semiprocessed electrical steels may also be supp

30、lied with a thin applied coating (coating Types C-4ASC-4A andC-5ASC-5A in Classification A976) which has sufficient insulating ability for most small cores. A major purpose for usingcoating Types C-4ASC-4A and C-5ASC-5A is to reduce surface-to-surface sticking during the users heat treatment.8.2.2 W

31、hen essential, higher levels of insulating ability may be obtained by coating semiprocessed electrical steels with thickerapplied coatings (coating Types C-4 and C-5 in Classification A976). Usage of such coatings should be approached with greatcaution since the coatings may have an inhibiting effec

32、t on decarburization and thereby limit the attainment of the lowest corelosses in the users heat treatment.9. Mechanical Requirements and Physical Properties9.1 Lamination FactorThe lamination factor shall be determined using Test Method A719/A719M and shall be as high aspracticable. It is normally

33、greater for 0.025-in. (0.64-mm) 0.64 mm (0.025 in.) thick steel than for 0.0185-in. (0.47-mm) 0.47 mm(0.0185 in.) thick steel and when the surfaces are smooth and have no applied coating.9.2 DuctilityThe material shall be as ductile as possible, consistent with meeting magnetic requirements. When re

34、quired theductility shall be determined by the bend test for ductility described in Test Method A720/A720M. Ductility is a function ofmicrostructure and may differ between producers. The users anneal may also affect ductility.10. Dimensions and Permissible Variations10.1 ThicknessSpecified thickness

35、 should be one of the common thicknesses as follows:Thickness, in. (mm)mm (in.)0.025 (0.64)0.64 (0.025)0.0185 (0.47)0.47 (0.0185)10.2 Thickness VariationsThe average thickness of the material supplied shall be as close as possible to the ordered thickness.Measurements made with a contacting micromet

36、er at points no closer than 38 in. (10 mm)10 mm (0.375 in.) from the edge of asheet or coil of specified width shall not differ from the specified thickness by more than the values (which include taper) shownin Table 2.10.3 Edge TaperThe rolling of flat-rolled strip inherently produces an edge that

37、is thinner than the rest of the strip. Thischaracteristic is termed “edge taper,” “feather,” or “gamma.” Edge taper thickness variation is sometimes the major portion of thetotal overall thickness variation permitted by 10.2. Edge taper is defined and may be measured in accordance with Test MethodTA

38、BLE 2 Thickness TolerancesAThickness Tolerances, Over or Under, in. (mm) forSpecified Width, in. (mm)SpecifiedThickness,in. (mm)6 (152)Wide andUnderOver 6 (152)to 12 (305)Wide, InclOver 12 (305)to 36 (914)Wide, InclOver 36 (914)to 48 (1219)Wide, Incl0.0185 (0.47) 0.0015 (0.038) 0.002 (0.051) 0.002 (

39、0.051) 0.003 (0.076)0.025 (0.64) 0.002 (0.051) 0.002 (0.051) 0.003 (0.076) 0.003 (0.076)TABLE 2 Thickness TolerancesAThickness Tolerances, Over or Under, mm (in.) forSpecified Width, mm (in.)SpecifiedThickness,mm (in.)152 (6)Wide andUnderOver 152 (6)to 305 (12)Wide, InclOver 305 (12)to 914 (36)Wide,

40、 InclOver 914 (36)to 1219 (48)Wide, Incl0.47 (0.0185) 0.038 (0.0015) 0.051 (0.002) 0.051 (0.002) 0.076 (0.003)0.64 (0.025) 0.051 (0.002) 0.051 (0.002) 0.076 (0.003) 0.076 (0.003)A Thickness is measured at any point across the width not less than 38 in. (10mm)10 mm (0.375 in.) from a side edge.A683 1

41、63A971. Since edge taper occurs primarily within the first 1 or 2 in. (25 or 50 mm)25 or 50 mm (1 or 2 in.) from the as-rolled edge,edge slit coils tend to have the greatest variation in thickness. The following limits on the differences in thickness measured withinthe first 2 in. (50 mm)50 mm (2 in

42、.) or less from either edge of the ordered width will apply.Ordered Thickness Maximum Taperin. mm in. mmmm (in.) mm (in.)0.0185 0.47 0.0012 0.0310.47 (0.0185) 0.031 (0.0012)0.025 0.64 0.0014 0.0360.64 (0.025) 0.036 (0.0014)10.4 Width TolerancesMaximum deviations from the ordered width shall be as sh

43、own in Table 3.10.5 Length TolerancesThe maximum deviations from the ordered length shall be as shown in Table 4.10.6 CamberCamber is the greatest deviation of a side edge from a straight line, the measurement being taken on the concaveside with a straightedge. It is limited to 14 in. (6.4 mm) in an

44、y 8-ft (2.4-m) 6.4 mm (0.25 in.) in any 2.4 m (8 ft) length.10.7 Out of SquareThis tolerance applies to cut lengths only and represents the deviation of an edge from a straight line placedat a right angle to the side, touching one corner and extending to the other side. It shall not exceed 116 in. (

45、1.6 mm) in any 6 in.(150 mm)1.6 mm (0.062 in.) in any 150 mm (6 in.) of width or fraction thereof.11. Workmanship and Finish11.1 Surface FinishesMany applications of these steels require some treatment of the normally smooth surface to minimizesticking during the lamination anneal. This may take the

46、 form of an intentionally roughened surface or a chemical treatment ofthe surface commonly referred to as antistick. The several ranges of roughness that are usually available include the following asdetermined by a profilometer and expressed as arithmetic average microinches at 0.030-in. (0.76-mm)

47、cutoff and 0.3-in./s (7.6-mm)micrometers at 0.76 mm (0.030 in.) cutoff and 7.6 mm/s (0.3 in./s) tracing speed:TABLE 3 Width TolerancesSpecified Width Width ToleranceOver Underin. mm in. mm in. mm2 to 6,incl(50 to 150 incl) 0.008 (0.20) 0.008 (0.20)Over 6 to 9,incl(over 150 to 230, incl) 0.016 (0.41)

48、 0.016 (0.41)Over 9 to 12,incl(over 230 to 300, incl) 0.032 (0.81) 0.032 (0.81)Over 12 to 30,incl(over 300 to 760, incl) 18 (3.2) 0 0Over 30 to 48,incl(over 760 to 1220, incl) 316 (4.8) 0 0Over 48 to 60,incl(over 1220 to 1520, incl) 14 (6.4) 0 0TABLE 3 Width TolerancesSpecified Width Width Tolerance

49、Over Undermm in. mm in. mm in.50 to 150incl2 to 6, incl 0.20 (0.008) 0.20 (0.008)over 150 to 230, incl Over 6 to 9,incl0.41 (0.016) 0.41 (0.016)over 230 to 300, incl Over 9 to 12,incl0.81 (0.032) 0.81 (0.032)over 300 to 760,inclOver 12 to 30, incl 3.2 (0.125) 0 0over 760 to 1220,inclOver 30 to 48, incl 4.8 (0.188) 0 0over 1220 to 1520,inclOver 48 to 60, incl 6.4 (0.25) 0 0A683 164SurfaceFinishProfilometer(Ra), in. (m)SurfaceFinishProfilometer(Ra), m (in.)Smooth 020 (00.5)Smooth 00.5 (020)Matte 3060 (0.81.5)Matte 0.81.5 (3060)Ro

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