1、Designation: A761/A761M 16A761/A761M 16a American Association State Highway and TransportationOfficials StandardAASHTO No. M 167 M 167 MStandard Specification forCorrugated Steel Structural Plate, Zinc-Coated, for Field-Bolted Pipe, Pipe-Arches, and Arches1This standard is issued under the fixed des
2、ignation A761/A761M; the number immediately following the designation indicates the yearof original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.A superscript epsilon () indicates an editorial change since the last rev
3、ision or reapproval.This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the U.S. Department of Defense.1. Scope*1.1 This specification covers corrugated steel structural plate, zinc-coated, used in the construction of pipe, pipe-arches, arches,underpasses, and special shapes for field assembly. A
4、ppropriate fasteners and accessory materials are also described. The pipe,arches, and other shapes are generally used for drainage purposes, pedestrian and vehicular underpasses, and utility tunnels.1.2 This specification does not include requirements for bedding, backfill, or the relationship betwe
5、en earth cover load and platethickness of the pipe. Experience has shown that the successful performance of this product depends upon the proper selection ofplate thickness, type of bedding and backfill, manufacture in the plant, and care in the installation. The purchaser must correlatethe precedin
6、g factors and also the corrosion and abrasion requirements of the field installation with the plate thickness. Thestructural design of corrugated steel structural plate pipe and the proper installation procedures are described in PracticesA796/A796M and A807/A807M.1.3 This specification is applicabl
7、e to orders in either inch-pound units (as A761) or SI units (as A761M). Inch-pound units andSI units are not necessarily equivalent. SI units are shown in brackets in the text, but they are the applicable values when thematerial is ordered to A761M.1.4 This specification references notes and footno
8、tes which provide explanatory material. These notes and footnotes (excludingthose in tables and figures) shall not be considered as requirements of this specification.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:2A36/A36M Specification for Carbon Structural SteelA90/A90M Test Method for Weight Mass of
9、Coating on Iron and Steel Articles with Zinc or Zinc-Alloy CoatingsA123/A123M Specification for Zinc (Hot-Dip Galvanized) Coatings on Iron and Steel ProductsA153/A153M Specification for Zinc Coating (Hot-Dip) on Iron and Steel HardwareA307 Specification for Carbon Steel Bolts, Studs, and Threaded Ro
10、d 60 000 PSI Tensile StrengthA370 Test Methods and Definitions for Mechanical Testing of Steel ProductsA449 Specification for Hex Cap Screws, Bolts and Studs, Steel, Heat Treated, 120/105/90 ksi Minimum Tensile Strength,General UseA563 Specification for Carbon and Alloy Steel NutsA563M Specification
11、 for Carbon and Alloy Steel Nuts (Metric)A751 Test Methods, Practices, and Terminology for Chemical Analysis of Steel ProductsA754/A754M Test Method for Coating Weight (Mass) of Metallic Coatings on Steel by X-Ray FluorescenceA780 Practice for Repair of Damaged and Uncoated Areas of Hot-Dip Galvaniz
12、ed CoatingsA796/A796M Practice for Structural Design of Corrugated Steel Pipe, Pipe-Arches, and Arches for Storm and Sanitary Sewersand Other Buried Applications1 This specification is under the jurisdiction ofASTM Committee A05 on Metallic-Coated Iron and Steel Products and is the direct responsibi
13、lity of Subcommittee A05.17on Corrugated Steel Pipe Specifications.Current edition approved May 1, 2016Nov. 1, 2016. Published May 2016November 2016. Originally approved in 1979. Last previous edition approved in 20152016 asA761/A761M 15. 16. DOI: 10.1520/A0761_A0761M-16.10.1520/A0761_A0761M-16A.2 F
14、or referencedASTM standards, visit theASTM website, www.astm.org, or contactASTM Customer Service at serviceastm.org. For Annual Book of ASTM Standardsvolume information, refer to the standards Document Summary page on the ASTM website.This document is not an ASTM standard and is intended only to pr
15、ovide the user of an ASTM standard an indication of what changes have been made to the previous version. Becauseit may not be technically possible to adequately depict all changes accurately, ASTM recommends that users consult prior editions as appropriate. In all cases only the current versionof th
16、e standard as published by ASTM is to be considered the official document.*A Summary of Changes section appears at the end of this standardCopyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States1A807/A807M Practice for Installing Corrugated S
17、teel Structural Plate Pipe for Sewers and Other ApplicationsA902 Terminology Relating to Metallic Coated Steel ProductsB6 Specification for ZincB695 Specification for Coatings of Zinc Mechanically Deposited on Iron and SteelE29 Practice for Using Significant Digits in Test Data to Determine Conforma
18、nce with SpecificationsE376 Practice for Measuring Coating Thickness by Magnetic-Field or Eddy-Current (Electromagnetic) Testing MethodsF568M Specification for Carbon and Alloy Steel Externally Threaded Metric Fasteners (Metric) (Withdrawn 2012)32.2 ANSI Standards:4B18.2.1 Square and Hex Bolts and S
19、crews, Inch SeriesB18.2.2 Square and Hex NutsB18.2.3.6M Bolts, Metric Heavy HexB18.2.4.6M Hex Nuts, Heavy, Metric2.3 AASHTO Standard:5LRFD Bridge Design Specifications2.4 American Welding Society Standard:6AWS D1.1/D1.1M Structural Welding Code3. Terminology3.1 DefinitionsSee Terminology A902 for de
20、finitions of general terminology relating to metallic-coated steel products.3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:3.2.1 arch, na part circle shape spanning an open invert between the footings on which it rests.3.2.2 box culvert, na rectangular box with a long-radius crown and short radi
21、us corners, and having either a full invert orfootings.3.2.3 circumferential flange connection, na circumferential seam for structural plate that is connected through a flange alongthe edge of the plate; circumferential flanges are cold-formed.3.2.4 circumferential reinforcing member, na structural
22、section bolted to a structural plate structure, parallel to thecorrugations, to provide additional strength or stiffness.3.2.5 circumferential seam, na connection seam along the edge of the plate parallel to the corrugation.3.2.6 fabricator, nthe producer of the components for the finished product.3
23、.2.7 flat plate, nsheet or plate used to fabricate structural plate.3.2.8 longitudinal flange connection, na longitudinal seam for structural plate that is connected through a flange along theedge of the plate; longitudinal flanges are welded to structural plate.3.2.9 longitudinal seam, na connectio
24、n seam along the edge of the plate perpendicular to the corrugation.3.2.10 manufacturer, nthe producer of the flat plate and accessories.3.2.11 pipe, na conduit having full circular shape; also, in a general context, all structure shapes covered by this specification.3.2.12 pipe-arch, nan arch shape
25、 with an approximate semicircular crown, small-radius, corners, and large-radius invert.3.2.13 pipe, horizontal ellipse, nan elliptically shaped pipe with the horizontal diameter approximately 25 % greater than thenominal diameter.3.2.14 pipe, vertically elongated, nan elliptically shaped pipe with
26、the vertical diameter up to 10 % greater than the nominaldiameter.3.2.15 purchaser, nthe person or agency that purchases the finished pipe structure.3.2.16 special shape, na shape, other than described elsewhere in this section, suitable for fabrication with structural plate.3.2.17 structural plate,
27、 na corrugated and curved plate which is field assembled with other structural plates to form therequired structure.3.2.18 vehicular underpass, na high arch shape with an approximate semicircular crown, large-radius sides, small-radiuscorners between sides and invert, and large-radius invert.3 The l
28、ast approved version of this historical standard is referenced on www.astm.org.4 Available from American National Standards Institute (ANSI), 25 W. 43rd St., 4th Floor, New York, NY 10036.5 Available from American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO), 444 N. Capitol St.
29、, NW, Suite 249, Washington, DC 20001.6 Available from American Welding Society (AWS), 8669 NW 36 St., #130, Miami, FL 33166-6672, http:/www.aws.org.A761/A761M 16a24. Connection Classification4.1 Lapped ConnectionsThe corrugated steel structural plate shall be fabricated with any of the corrugations
30、 in 6.2 with boltedlap seams in both circumferential and longitudinal directions. See Fig. 1.4.2 Flange ConnectionsThe corrugated steel structural plate shall be fabricated with 15 by 5 12-in. 380 by 140-mmcorrugations with bolted flange seams in both circumferential and longitudinal directions, ori
31、ented such that after curving, allflanges are on the inside of the structure. See Figs. 2-4. For arch anchorage plates, the longitudinal flange along the bottom edgemay be omitted and bolt hole patterns furnished the same as that for structural plate with lapped connections.5. Ordering Information5.
32、1 Orders for material under this specification shall include the following information as necessary to adequately describe thedesired product:5.1.1 Name of material (corrugated steel structural plate and accessories),5.1.2 Description of structure (see Section 3),5.1.3 Number of structures,5.1.4 AST
33、M designation and year of issue, asA761 for inch-pound units or A761M for SI units.FIG. 1 Layout of Structural Plate with Lapped ConnectionsA761/A761M 16a35.1.5 Type of connections if other than lapped (see Section 4),5.1.6 Dimensions of structure (diameter or span and rise, and length, and so forth
34、) (see 9.2 and Note 7),FIG. 2 Layout of Structural Plate with Flange ConnectionsFIG. 3 Details of Structural Plate with Flange ConnectionsA761/A761M 16a45.1.7 Thickness of plate (see 9.1), and for the 6 by 2-in. 150 by 50-mm corrugation, the type of steel in accordance with 6.1.3and Table 1,5.1.8 De
35、scription of corrugations (see 7.2),5.1.9 End treatment (bevel, skew, grade or slope corrections, or other special provision if required by the project plans orspecifications),5.1.10 Seam bolt size and number per corrugation, if different than the minimums specified (see 7.4 and Tables 2-4),5.1.11 S
36、pecial requirements (including reinforcement locations, shapes, and thicknesses), if required, and5.1.12 Certification, if required (see 13.1).NOTE 1Typical ordering descriptions are as follows: (1) Structural plates and fasteners for two corrugated steel structural plate pipes with lappedconnection
37、s, in accordance with ASTM A761 , 180-in. diameter, 0.168-in. plate thickness, 6 by 2-in. corrugations, each 140-ft nominal centerlinelength with end treatment as shown on plans; (2) Structural plates and fasteners for one corrugated steel structural plate pipe-arch with lapped connections,in accord
38、ance with ASTM A761M , 3860-mm span by 2460-mm rise, 5.54-mm plate thickness, 150 by 50-mm corrugations, 27.0-m nominalcenterline length with square ends, longitudinal seams with four M20 bolts per corrugation.6. Materials6.1 Flat Plate:6.1.1 ManufactureThe base steel shall be made by any of the fol
39、lowing processes: open-hearth, basic-oxygen, orelectric-furnace.6.1.2 Chemical CompositionThe base metal heat analysis shall conform to the chemical requirements of Table 6. Therequirements of this specification shall be met in continuous mass production during which the manufacturer has made analys
40、isof individual heats so as to ensure that material is controlled within the specified limits.6.1.3 Mechanical RequirementsThe mechanical properties of the flat plate material prior to corrugating shall conform to therequirements in Table 1. For the 6 by 2-in. 150 by 50-mm corrugation, either Type 3
41、3 or Type 38 must be specified.NOTE 2The properties given in Table 1 for the flat plate normally provide the following minimum yield strengths after the plate is corrugated: 33ksi 230 MPa for Type 33 material and 38 ksi 265 MPa for Type 38 material with 6 by 2-in. 150 by 50-mm corrugations; 44 ksi 3
42、00 MPa for 15by 512-in. 380 by 140-mm and 16 by 6-in. 400 by 150-mm corrugations; and 42 ksi 290 MPa for pipe with 20 by 9 12-in. 500 by 237-mmcorrugations. These yield strengths are used in the structural design of the pipe.6.2 Bearings for ArchesWhen specified, metal bearings for arches shall be c
43、old-formed channels made from flat plate materialconforming to 6.1, and not less than 0.188 in. 4.78 mm in specified thickness.6.3 Flange Material for Longitudinal SeamsFlanges for longitudinal seams of structural plate with flange connections shallbe fabricated from material conforming to Table 5.6
44、.4 Members for Structural ReinforcementSteel members for circumferential or longitudinal stiffeners, or secondary structuralcomponents, shall be fabricated from rolled shapes conforming to Specification A36/A36M, or from flat plate material conformingto 6.1.NOTE 3Steel structural members are often u
45、sed to reinforce long span structural plate structures or structural plate box structures. The structuraldesign requirements for long span structural plate structures are established in AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications, Section 12.8, and inAASHTO Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges,
46、Division I, Section 12.7. The structural design requirements for structural plate box structuresare established in AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications, Section 12.9, and in AASHTO Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges, DivisionI, Section 12.8.FIG. 4 Flange Details for Longitudinal Seams i
47、n Structural Plate with Flange ConnectionsA761/A761M 16a56.5 Assembly FastenersExcept as provided in 6.5.1, bolts and nuts shall conform to the requirements specified in Table 2(Note 4). Bolts shall have sufficient length to provide at least “full nut” engagement when tightened in place. The number
48、of boltsfurnished shall be 2 % in excess of the theoretical number required to erect the structure or structures.TABLE 1 Mechanical Requirements for Flat PlateACorrugation Size Yield StrengthB , min, Tensile StrengthB , min, Elongation in 2 in. 50in. mm ksi MPa ksi MPa mm,C min, %6 by 2 150 by 50Typ
49、e 33 28.0 190 42.0 290 25Type 38 33.0 225 45.0 310 2515 by 512 380 by 140,16 by 6 400 by 150,and 20 by 912 500 by23740.0 275 55.0 380 25ATo determine conformance with this specification, round each value for tensile strength and for yield strength to the nearest 0.1 ksi 1 MPa and each value for elongationto the nearest 1 %, both in accordance with the rounding method of Practice E29.BYield strength and tensile strength are based on thickness of the base metal. If tests are m