ASTM A972 A972M-2000(2004) Standard Specification for Fusion Bonded Epoxy-Coated Pipe Piles.pdf

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1、Designation: A 972/A 972M 00 (Reapproved 2004)Standard Specification forFusion Bonded Epoxy-Coated Pipe Piles1This standard is issued under the fixed designation A 972/A 972M; the number immediately following the designation indicates the yearof original adoption or, in the case of revision, the yea

2、r of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.A superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1. Scope1.1 This specification covers pipe piles with protectivefusion-bonded epoxy powder coating applied by the electro-st

3、atic spray, flocking, or fluidized bed process.NOTE 1The coating applicator is identified throughout this specifica-tion as the manufacturer.1.2 Other organic coatings may be used provided they meetthe requirements of this specification.1.3 Requirements for the powder coating are contained inAnnex A

4、1.1.4 This specification is applicable for orders in either SIunits (as Specification A 972M) or inch-pound units as Speci-fication A 972. The values stated in either SI or inch-poundunits are to be regarded as standard. Within the text, theinch-pound units are shown in brackets.1.5 The following pr

5、ecautionary statement refers to the testmethod portion only, Section 8, of this standard: This standarddoes not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any,associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of thisstandard to establish appropriate safety and health practicesand

6、determine the applicability of regulatory limitations priorto use.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:2A 252 Specification for Welded and Seamless Steel PipePilesB 117 Practice for Operating Salt Spray (Fog) ApparatusD 4060 Test Method for Abrasion Resistance of OrganicCoatings by the Taber Ab

7、raserG 8 Test Method for Cathodic Disbonding of PipelineCoatingsG 12 Test Method for Nondestructive Measurement of FilmThickness of Pipeline Coatings on SteelG 14 Test Method for Impact Resistance of Pipeline Coat-ings (Falling Weight Test)G 20 Test Method for Chemical Resistance of PipelineCoatings

8、2.2 American Petroleum Institute Specification:API RP 5L7 Recommended Practice for Internal Fusion-Bonded Epoxy Coating of Line Pipe32.3 National Association of Corrosion Engineers Stan-dards:TM0175 Visual Standard for Surfaces of New Steel Cen-trifugally Blast Cleaned with Steel Shot or Steel Grit(

9、NACE No. 2)4RP0490 Holiday Detection of Fusion-Bonded Epoxy Exter-nal Pipeline Coatings of 250 to 750 m (10 to 30 mils)42.4 Steel Structures Painting Council Standards:SSPC VIS 1 Visual Standards5SSPC-SP1 Surface Preparation Specification No. 1: SolventCleaning5SSPC-SP10 Near White Blast Cleaning53.

10、 Ordering Information3.1 Orders for pipe piles under this specification mayinclude the following information:3.1.1 Specification for designation and year of issue,3.1.2 Size (pipe pile outside diameter and nominal wallthickness),3.1.3 Quantity.3.1.4 Length,3.1.5 Portions to be coated (full length or

11、 distance fromend),3.1.6 Requirements for certifications (see 4.1 and 12.1),3.1.7 Requirements for material samples (see 4.3),3.1.8 Requirements for patching material (see 4.4),3.1.9 Requirements for visual standards for surface cleaningcomparison (see 5.1),3.1.10 Requirements for test frequency (se

12、e 8.1, 8.2), and1This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee A01 on Steel,Stainless Steel, and Related Alloys and is under the direct responsibility ofSubcommittee A01.09 on Carbon Steel Tubular Products .Current edition approved Sept 1, 2004. Published October 2004. Originallyapp

13、roved in 1997. Last previous edition approved in 2000 as A 972/A 972M 00.2For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, orcontact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume information, refer to the standards Document Summary page onthe A

14、STM website.3Available from the American Petroleum Institute (API), 1220 L St., WashingtonDC 20005.4Available from the National Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE), 1440South Creek, Houston, TX 77084.5Available from Society for Protective Coatings (SSPC), 40 24th St., 6th Floor,Pittsburgh, PA

15、15222-4656.1Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.3.1.11 Requirements for inspections at the manufacturingplant (see 10.1).4. Materials and Manufacture4.1 Steel pipe piles to be coated shall meet the requirementsof Specifica

16、tion A 252 as ordered.NOTE 2Surface conditions such as slivers, gouges, laminations, pits,and sharp edges may cause coating application difficulties and effortshould be made to hold these conditions to a minimum.4.2 The powder coating shall meet the requirements listed inAnnex A1 and shall be approv

17、ed by the purchaser.4.2.1 If specified in the order, a written certification shall befurnished to the purchaser that properly identifies the suppliedpowder coating, batch designation of each batch used in theorder, quantity represented, date of manufacture, name andaddress of manufacturer, and state

18、s that the powder coating,meets the requirements of Annex A1.4.3 If specified in the order, a representative 0.2 kg 8 oz.sample from each batch of the powder coating shall be suppliedto the purchaser. The sample shall be packaged in an airtightcontainer and identified by batch designation.4.4 Patchi

19、ng material shall be compatible with the powdercoating and recommended by the manufacturer of the powdercoating. If specified in the order, patching material shall besupplied to the purchaser.5. Surface Preparation5.1 Prior to blast cleaning, the surfaces of steel pipe piles tobe coated shall be pre

20、cleaned, as required, in accordance withSSPC-SP1. Steel surfaces shall be cleaned by abrasive blastcleaning to near-white metal in accordance with SSPC-SP10.The cleaning media used shall produce an anchor patternprofile of 38100 m 1.54.0 mils. Either of the followingvisual standards of comparison sh

21、all be used to define the finalsurface condition: SSPC-VIS 1 or NACE TM0175. Expendedblasting media debris and dust shall be removed from blastedsurfaces prior to applying the powder coating.5.2 Prior to application of the fusion-bonded epoxy powdercoating, raised slivers, scabs, laps, sharp edges,

22、or seams shallbe removed using abrasive grinders. No individual area ofgrinding shall exceed 230 cm236 in.2. The total area ofgrinding shall not exceed 1 % of the total surface area.NOTE 3Pipe piles with excessive grinding should be reblasted prior tocoating to establish a suitable anchor pattern in

23、 the ground area.6. Coating Application6.1 The powder coating shall be applied to the cleaned steelsurfaces before visible oxidation occurs, but not exceeding 3 hafter cleaning.6.2 To achieve the required coating thickness (see 7.1), thesteel shall be preheated prior to applying the powder coating i

24、naccordance with the powder coating manufacturers writtenrecommendations. The heat source shall not leave a residue orcontaminant on the steel surfaces. If oxidation occurs, the steelshall be cooled to ambient temperature and recleaned beforeapplying the powder coating.6.3 The powder coating shall b

25、e applied and cured inaccordance with the powder coating manufacturers writtenrecommendations.6.4 Areas of pipe piles not requiring coating to allow forwelding or other purposes shall be specified by the purchaserand shall be blocked-out during the coating application.7. Requirements for Coated Pipe

26、 Piles7.1 Coating Thickness:7.1.1 The minimum coating thickness after curing on thepipe piles shall be 300 m 12 mils.7.1.2 The coating thickness shall be measured in accordancewith Test Method G 12 following the instructions for calibra-tion and use recommended by the thickness gage manufacturer.7.2

27、 Coating Continuity:7.2.1 Holiday detection shall be performed on each coatedpipe pile in accordance with NACE RP0490 or a 67.5 V directcurrent, 80-k V wet-sponge holiday detector in conjunctionwith a wetting agent.7.2.2 Holidays detected shall be patched in accordance withthe patching material manu

28、facturers written recommenda-tions.8. Test Frequency8.1 Measure the coating thickness on a minimum of every10thpipe pile.8.2 Test the coating continuity over the entire coated surfaceof each pipe pile.9. Permissible Coating Damage and Repair of DamagedCoating9.1 Coating damage to pipe piles due to h

29、andling or othercauses shall be repaired in the manufacturers plant withpatching material prior to shipment.9.2 The areas of coating damage shall be prepared for theapplication of patching material by cleaning the damaged area,removing the damaged coating using grinders or other suitablemeans, feath

30、ering the adjacent coating, and removing allremaining residue or dust.9.3 The application of the patching materials to the dam-aged areas shall be in accordance with the patching materialmanufacturers written recommendation.10. Inspection10.1 The purchasers representative (inspector) shall beallowed

31、 entry to the area of the manufacturers plant wherework on the purchasers order is being performed during timesof operation. The manufacturer shall afford the inspector allreasonable facilities to satisfy that the material is beingfurnished in accordance with this specification.10.2 The inspector sh

32、all be allowed to select completed pipepiles randomly for inspection and testing in the manufacturersplant. Such inspections and tests conducted by the inspectorshall not interfere unnecessarily with the manufacturers op-eration.11. Rejection11.1 Coated pipe piles represented by test specimens that

33、donot meet the requirements of this specification shall be re-jected. At the manufacturers option, rejected sections shall beA 972/A 972M 00 (2004)2replaced, or may be stripped of coating, cleaned, recoated, andresubmitted for acceptance testing in accordance with therequirements of this specificati

34、on.12. Certification12.1 Upon request by the purchaser, the manufacturer shallfurnish, at the time of shipment, written certification that thecoated sections meet the requirements of this specification.13. Handling, Packaging and Shipping13.1 Coated pipe piles shall not be dropped, dragged, orhandle

35、d in any manner that will result in damage to the coating.Equipment for handling coated sections shall have paddedcontact areas.13.2 Pipe piles shall be stored off the ground on supportsthat prevent excessive deflection. Stacked pipe piles shall beisolated with suitable separators to prevent coating

36、 damage.13.3 Bundling bands for packaging and tie-down bands forshipping shall be padded or made of material that shall notdamage the coating. Pipe piles shall be supported duringshipping in a manner that prevents impact damage to thecoating and excessive deflection.14. Keywords14.1 corrosion resist

37、ance; fusion-bonded epoxy powdercoating; pipe pilesANNEX(Mandatory Information)A1. QUALIFICATION OF ORGANIC COATINGS FOR PIPE PILINGA1.1 ScopeA1.1.1 This specification covers qualification requirementsfor a barrier epoxy powder coating for protecting pipe piling.A1.2 Coating MaterialA1.2.1 The coati

38、ng material shall be a 100 % solids, heatcurable, thermosetting, epoxy powder coating.A1.2.2 At the request of the purchaser, the manufacturer ofthe fusion-bonded epoxy powder coating shall be required tocertify that products used to coat pipe piling meet the require-ments of this specification.A1.3

39、 Coating RequirementsA1.3.1 Chemical ResistanceThe chemical resistance ofthe coating shall be evaluated according to Test Method G 20by immersing coated plates in each of the following: distilledwater, an aqueous solution of 3 M CaCl2, an aqueous solutionof 3 M NaOH, and a solution saturated with Ca

40、(OH)2.Specimens without holidays and specimens with intentionalholes drilled through the coating 6 mm 14 in. in diametershall be tested. The temperature of the test solutions shall be 246 2C 75 6 4F. The minimum test time shall be 45 days.The coating shall not blister, soften, lose bond, or developh

41、olidays during this period. The coating surrounding theintentionally made holes shall exhibit no undercutting duringthe 45-day period.A1.3.2 Impact ResistanceThe impact resistance of thecoating shall be tested in accordance with Test Method G 14using a 16 mm 58 in. diameter tup, 300 m 12 milsminimum

42、 coating thickness ona3mm18 in. thick panel at24 6 2C 75 6 4F. Three tests shall be performed. Theminimum acceptable value shall be 9 J 80 in.-lb. of impactwith no visible breaks in the coating.A1.3.3 Coating FlexibilityThe flexibility of the coatingshall be evaluated by bending three 16 mm 58 in. t

43、hickpanels coated with a minimum of 0.3 mm 12 mils of coatingover a mandrel at 0 6 2C 32 6 4F. Tests shall be performedin accordance with of API RP 5L7 with an acceptancecriterion of 1.5 total deflection at 0 6 2C 32 6 40F. Bendsshall be visually inspected; any visible tears or cracks in the

44、coating at bends is cause for rejection, unless located with 2.5mm 0.1 in. of the edge of the strap. Unopened stretch markson the coating surface do not constitute coating failure.A1.3.4 Abrasion ResistanceThe abrasion resistance of thecoating shall be tested by a taber abraser (see Test MethodD 406

45、0), or its equivalent, using four standard steel plates forthis apparatus coated to a thickness of 0.30 to 0.35 mm 12 to14 mils and CS-10 wheels with a 1-kg 2.2-lb load per wheel.The maximum allowable weight loss shall not exceed 100 mg0.0035 oz./1000 cycles. The abrasion wheels shall be cleanedafte

46、r 500 cycles.A1.3.5 Salt FogThe weathering resistance of the coatingshall be tested using a salt spray cabinet following PracticeB 117 for 1000 h. The coating shall not blister, and the coatingdisbondment shall not exceed 3 mm 0.12 in, as measuredfrom the edge of the scribe area.A1.3.6 Cathodic Disb

47、ondmentThe effects of electricaland electrochemical stresses on the bond of the coating to steeland on the film integrity shall be assessed in an elevatedcathodic disbondment test. Test Method G 8 shall be followedexcept that flat plates coated with the proposed material shallbe used. The drilled co

48、ating defect shall be 3 mm 0.12 in. indiameter, the electrolyte solution shall be 3 % NaCl by massdissolved in distilled water, the electrolyte solution temperatureshall be 65 6 2C 150 6 3.6F, and the test duration shall be24 hours. The average coating disbondment radius of three testpanels shall no

49、t exceed 6 mm 0.24 in. as measured from theedge of the intentional coating defect.A 972/A 972M 00 (2004)3ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentionedin this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the riskof infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.This standard is subject to revision at any time by the res


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