ASTM B1-2012 Standard Specification for Hard-Drawn Copper Wire《冷拉铜线标准规格》.pdf

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1、Designation: B1 01 (Reapproved 2007) B1 12Standard Specification forHard-Drawn Copper Wire1This standard is issued under the fixed designation B1; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of originaladoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number

2、in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A superscriptepsilon () indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.1. Scope1.1 This specification covers hard-drawn round copper wire for el

3、ectrical purposes.1.2 The values stated in inch-pound or SI units are to be regarded separately as standard. Each system shall be usedindependently of the other. Combining values from the two systems may result in non-conformance with the specification. Forconductor sizes designated by AWG or kcmil

4、sizes, the requirements in SI units are numerically converted from the correspondingrequirements in inch-pound units. For conductor sizes designation by AWG or kcmil, the requirements in SI units have beennumerically converted from corresponding values stated or derived in inch-pound units. For cond

5、uctor sizes designated by SI unitsonly, the requirements are stated or derived in SI standard. The values given in parentheses are mathematical conversionsto SI units that are provided for information only and are not considered standard.1.2.1 ExceptionFor density, resistivity and temperatu

6、re, the values stated in SI units are to be regarded as standard.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:2B49 Specification for Copper Rod Drawing Stock for Electrical PurposesB193 Test Method for Resistivity of Electrical Conductor MaterialsB258 Specification for Nominal Diameters and Cross-Secti

7、onal Areas of AWG Sizes of Solid Round Wires Used as ElectricalConductors2.2 National Institute of Standards and Technology:NBS Handbook 100 Copper Wire Tables33. Ordering Information3.1 Orders for material under this specification shall include the following information:3.1.1 Quantity of each size,

8、3.1.2 Wire size: diameter in inches (5.4 and Table 1),3.1.3 Type of copper, if special (Section 4),3.1.4 Whether certification of resistivity of rod stock is acceptable instead of resistivity tests on the finished wire (6.2),3.1.5 Package size (8.1),3.1.6 Special package marking, if required, and3.1

9、.7 Place of inspection (7.1).4. Materials and Manufacture4.1 The material shall be copper of such quality and purity that the finished product shall have the properties and characteristicsprescribed in this specification.NOTE 1Specification B49 defines the materials suitable for use.1 This specifica

10、tion is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee B01 on Electrical Conductors and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee B01.04 on Conductorsof Copper and Copper Alloys.Current edition approved March 15, 2007Nov. 15, 2012. Published April 2007November 2012. Originally approved in 1909. Last pr

11、evious edition approved in 20012007as B1 01.B1 01 (2007). DOI: 10.1520/B0001-01R07.10.1520/B0001-12.2 For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or contact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTM Standardsvolume information, refer to the standards

12、Document Summary page on the ASTM website.3 Available from the National Technical Information Service, 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA 22161.This document is not an ASTM standard and is intended only to provide the user of an ASTM standard an indication of what changes have been made to the pr

13、evious version. Becauseit may not be technically possible to adequately depict all changes accurately, ASTM recommends that users consult prior editions as appropriate. In all cases only the current versionof the standard as published by ASTM is to be considered the official document.Copyright ASTM

14、International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States15. General Requirements (see Section 8)5.1 Tensile Strength and Elongation The wire shall conform to the requirements as to tensile strength and elongationprescribed in Table 1 (see Explanatory Note 1

15、and Note 2). For wire whose nominal diameter is more than 0.001 in. (1 mil) (0.025mm) greater than a size listed in Table 1 and less than that of the next larger size, the requirements of the next larger size shallapply.5.2 JointsNo joints shall be made in the completed wire (see Explanatory Note 3)

16、. Joints in the wire and rods made prior tofinal drawing shall be in accordance with the best commercial practice. Tests on a specimen containing a joint shall show at least95% of the tensile strength given in Table 1. Elongation tests shall not be made on a specimen containing a joint.5.3 Resistivi

17、ty The electrical resistivity at 20C shall not exceed the following values:Nominal Diameter, in. Resistivity at 20C,lb/mile 20.460 to 0.325, inclUnder 0.325 to 0.0403, incl900.77910.15Nominal Diameter, in. Resistivity at 20C,g/m211.68 to 8.25, inclUnder 8.25 to 1.02, incl0.157750.159405.4 Dimensions

18、 and Permissible VariationsThe wire sizes shall be expressed as the diameter of the wire in decimal fractionsof an inch to the nearest 0.0001 in. (or 0.001 mm) (see Explanatory Note 4). Within the range of diameters given in Table 1, thewire shall not vary from the specified diameter by more than pl

19、us and minus 1 %, expressed to the nearest 0.0001 in. (or 0.001mm).5.5 FinishThe wire shall be free of all imperfections not consistent with the best commercial practice.6. Test Methods6.1 Tensile Strength and Elongation :TABLE 1 Tensile PropertiesDiameterA Area at 20CNominal TensileStrengthB (see E

20、xplanatoryNote 2)NominalElongation,%Bin. mm cmil in.2 mm2 psi MPa in 10 in. (250 mm)0.4600 11.684 211 600 0.1662 107.0 49 000 340 3.80.4096 10.464 167 800 0.1318 85.0 51 000 350 3.30.3648 9.266 133 100 0.1045 67.4 52 800 365 2.80.3249 8.252 105 600 0.08291 53.5 54 500 375 2.40.2893 7.348 83 690 0.06

21、573 42.4 56 100 385 2.20.2576 6.543 66 360 0.05213 33.6 57 600 395 2.00.2294 5.827 52 620 0.04133 26.7 59 000 405 1.80.2043 5.189 41 740 0.03278 21.2 60 100 415 1.70.1819 4.620 33 090 0.02599 16.8 61 200 420 1.60.1650* 4.191 27 220 0.02138 13.8 62 000 425 1.50.1620 4.115 26 240 0.02061 13.3 62 100 4

22、30 1.40.1443 3.665 20 820 0.01635 10.5 63 000 435 1.30.1340* 3.404 17 960 0.01410 9.10 63 400 435 1.30.1285 3.264 16 510 0.01297 8.37 63 700 440 1.30.1144 2.906 13 090 0.01028 6.63 64 300 445 1.20.1040* 2.642 10 820 0.008495 5.48 64 800 445 1.20.1019 2.588 10 380 0.008155 5.26 64 900 445 1.20.0920*

23、2.387 8 460 0.00665 4.29 65 400 450 1.10.0907 2.304 8 230 0.00646 4.17 65 400 450 1.10.0808 2.052 6 530 0.00513 3.31 65 700 455 1.10.0800* 2.032 6 400 0.00503 3.24 65 700 455 1.10.0720 1.829 5 180 0.00407 2.63 65 900 455 1.10.0650* 1.651 4 220 0.00332 2.14 66 200 455 1.00.0641 1.628 4 110 0.00323 2.

24、08 66 200 455 1.00.0571 1.450 3 260 0.00256 1.65 66 400 460 1.00.0508 1.290 2 580 0.00203 1.31 66 600 460 1.00.0453 1.151 2 050 0.00161 1.04 66 800 460 1.00.0403 1.024 1 620 0.00128 0.823 67 000 460 1.0A The diameters marked by asterisks (*) are often employed by purchasers for communication lines,

25、but are not in the American Wire Gage (B however, any individual production unit, the specimen fromwhich has a tensile strength less than the appropriate tensile strength value in Table 1 minus 1700 psi (12 MPa) shall be rejected. The lot shall be considered to have failed to meet the tensile

26、 conformance criterion if the average of the four specimensis less than the tensile strength in Table 1 minus 400 psi (3 MPa) and the tensile strength of any of the individual specimens isless than the value in Table 1 minus 1700 psi (12 MPa). If the average of the four specimens is less than

27、 the tensile strength in Table 1 minus 400 psi (3 MPa) and the tensilestrength of each of the individual specimens is equal to or more than the value in Table 1 minus 1700 psi (12 MPa), six additionalspecimens from six production units other than the four originally sampled shall be tested. The lot

28、shall be considered conformingif the tensile strength of each of the ten specimens is not less than the appropriate tensile strength value in Table 1 minus 1700psi and the average of the ten specimens is not less than the value in Table 1 minus 400 psi. The lot shall be considered to havefailed to m

29、eet the tensile strength requirement if the tensile strength of any of the individual specimens is less than the value inTable 1 minus 1700 psi or if the average of the ten specimens is less than the value in Table 1 minus 400 psi.9.1.2 ElongationThe lot shall be considered conforming if the average

30、 elongation of the four specimens is not less than theappropriate elongation value in Table 1 minus 0.1 percentage points; however, any individual production unit, the specimen fromwhich has an elongation less than the appropriate elongation value in Table 1 minus 0.2 percentage points shall be reje

31、cted. The lot shall be considered to have failed to meet the elongation conformance criterion if the average of the fourspecimens is less than the appropriate elongation value in Table 1 minus 0.1 percentage points the elongation of any of theindividual specimens is less than the elongation v

32、alue in Table 1 minus 0.2 percentage points. If the average of the four specimens is less than the appropriate elongation value in Table 1 minus 0.1 percentage pointsand the elongation of each of the individual specimens is equal to or more than the elongation value in Table 1 minus 0.2percen

33、tage points, six additional specimens from six production units other than the four originally sampled shall be tested. Thelot shall be considered conforming if the elongation of each of the ten specimens is not less than the appropriate elongation valuein Table 1 minus 0.2 percentage points and the

34、 average of the ten specimens is not less than the value in Table 1 minus 0.1percentage points. The lot shall be considered to have failed to meet the elongation requirement if any of the ten specimens is lessthan the appropriate elongation value in Table 1 minus 0.2 percentage points or if the aver

35、age of the ten specimens is lessthan theelongation value in Table 1 minus 0.1 percentage points.9.1.3 Resistivity The electrical resistivity of each of the four specimens shall conform to the requirements of 5.3. Failure tomeet this requirement shall constitute failure to meet the resistivity confor

36、mance criterion.9.1.4 DimensionsThe dimensions of the first sample (Table 2) shall conform to the requirements of 5.4. If there are no failures,the lot conforms to this requirement. If there are failures but the number of these does not exceed the allowable defect number,c2 (Table 2), for the respec

37、tive number of units in the sample, a second sample equal to n2 shall be taken and the total defects ofthe n1 plus n2 units shall not exceed the allowable defect number, c2. Failure to meet this requirement shall constitute failure tomeet the dimensional conformance criterion.TABLE 3 Sampling for Su

38、rface Finish and Packaging InspectionNumber of Unitsin LotNumber of Units inSample, nAllowable Numberof DefectiveUnits, c1 to 30, incl all 031 to 50, incl 30 051 to 100, incl 37 0101 to 200, incl 40 0201 to 300, incl 70 1301 to 500, incl 100 2501 to 800, incl 130 3Over 800 155 4B1 1249.1.5 Surface F

39、inish The surface finish of the samples taken in accordance with Table 3 shall conform to the requirementsof 5.5. The number of units in the sample showing surface defects not consistent with commercial practice shall not exceed theallowable defect number, c, in Table 3. Failure to meet this require

40、ment shall constitute failure to meet the surface-finishconformance criterion.9.1.6 PackagingConformance to the packaging requirements specified by the purchaser shall be determined in accordancewith Table 3. The number of units in the sample showing nonconformance to the requirement shall not excee

41、d the allowable defectnumber, c, in Table 3. Failure to meet this requirement shall constitute failure to meet the packaging conformance criterion.10. Density10.1 For the purpose of calculating mass per unit length, cross sections, etc., the density of the copper shall be taken as 8.89g/cm 3 (0.3211

42、7 lb/in.3) at 20C (see Explanatory Note 9).11. Keywords11.1 copper electrical conductor; copper wire; electrical conductor; electrical conductorcopper; hard-drawn copper wire.EXPLANATORY NOTESNOTE 1Other tests than those provided in this specification have been considered at various times, such as t

43、wist tests, wrap tests, tests for elastic limit,etc. It is the opinion of the committee that twist and wrap tests on hard-drawn wire do not serve a useful purpose and should be regarded as undesirable,as well as inconclusive as to results and significance. Tests for values of elastic limit are likew

44、ise indefinite as to results. Tests to determine elasticproperties of hard-drawn wire from which wire stringing and sagging data may be compiled are considered to be outside the scope of the acceptance testscontemplated in this specification.NOTE 2The tensile strength values given in Table 1 cannot

45、always be met if the wire is drawn into coils of less than 19 in. (48 mm) inside diameteror if the wire has been rewound. Lower tensile strength values, therefore, are permissible for smaller-diameter coils, or rewound wire, through mutualagreement between the manufacturer and the purchaser at the t

46、ime the order is placed.NOTE 3Mechanical joints made during inspection at the request of the purchaser are permissible if agreed upon at the time of placing the order.NOTE 4The values of the wire diameters in Table 1 which correspond to gage numbers of the American Wire Gage (see Specification B258)

47、 are givento the nearest 0.0001 in. (0.002(0.0025 mm). The diameters preceded by asterisks are not in the American Wire Gage series. They correspond to certainof the numbers of the Birmingham Wire Gage or of the British Standard Wire Gage and are used for communication lines. The use of gage numbers

48、 tospecify wire sizes is not recognized in this specification, because of the possibility of confusion. An excellent discussion of wire gages and related subjectsis contained in NBS Handbook 100.3NOTE 5It is known that the rate of loading during tension testing of copper affects the performance of t

49、he sample to a greater or lesser extent, dependingupon many factors. In general, tested values of tensile strength are increased and tested values of elongation are reduced with increase of speed of themoving head of the testing machine. These effects are pronounced when the speed of the moving head is excessive in the testing of hard-drawn wires.It is suggested that tests be made at speeds of moving head which, under no-load conditions, are not greater than 3 in. (75 mm)/min, but in no case ata speed greater than that at which correct readings can be


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