ASTM B567-1998(2014) Standard Test Method for Measurement of Coating Thickness by the Beta Backscatter Method《用β射线反向散射法测量镀层厚度的标准试验方法》.pdf

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ASTM B567-1998(2014) Standard Test Method for Measurement of Coating Thickness by the Beta Backscatter Method《用β射线反向散射法测量镀层厚度的标准试验方法》.pdf_第1页
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ASTM B567-1998(2014) Standard Test Method for Measurement of Coating Thickness by the Beta Backscatter Method《用β射线反向散射法测量镀层厚度的标准试验方法》.pdf_第2页
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ASTM B567-1998(2014) Standard Test Method for Measurement of Coating Thickness by the Beta Backscatter Method《用β射线反向散射法测量镀层厚度的标准试验方法》.pdf_第3页
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ASTM B567-1998(2014) Standard Test Method for Measurement of Coating Thickness by the Beta Backscatter Method《用β射线反向散射法测量镀层厚度的标准试验方法》.pdf_第4页
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ASTM B567-1998(2014) Standard Test Method for Measurement of Coating Thickness by the Beta Backscatter Method《用β射线反向散射法测量镀层厚度的标准试验方法》.pdf_第5页
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1、Designation: B567 98 (Reapproved 2014)Standard Test Method forMeasurement of Coating Thickness by the Beta BackscatterMethod1This standard is issued under the fixed designation B567; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision,

2、the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon () indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the U.S. Department of Defense.1. Scope1.1 This test method cov

3、ers the beta backscatter gages forthe nondestructive measurement of metallic and nonmetalliccoatings on both metallic and nonmetallic substrate materials.1.2 The test method measures the mass of coating per unitarea, which can also be expressed in linear thickness unitsprovided that the density of t

4、he coating is known.1.3 The test method is applicable only if the atomic numbersor equivalent atomic numbers of the coating and substratediffer by an appropriate amount (see 6.2).1.4 Beta backscatter instruments employ a number of dif-ferent radioactive isotopes. Although the activities of theseisot

5、opes are normally very low, they can present a hazard ifhandled incorrectly. This standard does not purport to addressthe safety issues and the proper handling of radioactivematerials. It is the responsibility of the user to comply withapplicable State and Federal regulations concerning the han-dlin

6、g and use of radioactive material. Some States requirelicensing and registration of the radioactive isotopes.1.5 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded asstandard. No other units of measurement are included in thisstandard.1.6 This standard does not purport to address all of thesafety conc

7、erns, if any, associated with its use. It is theresponsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.2. Terminology2.1 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:2.1.1 activitythe

8、 nuclei of all radioisotopes are unstableand tend to change into a stable condition by spontaneouslyemitting energy or particles, or both. This process is known asradioactive decay. The total number of disintegrations during asuitably small interval of time divided by that interval of timeis called

9、“activity.” Therefore, in beta backscattermeasurements, a higher activity corresponds to a greateremission of beta particles. The activity of a radioactive elementused in beta backscatter gages is generally expressed inmicrocuries (1 Ci = 3.7 104disintegrations per second).2.1.2 aperturethe opening

10、of the mask abutting the testspecimen. It determines the size of the area on which thecoating thickness is measured. This mask is also referred to asa platen, an aperture plate, a specimen support, or a specimenmask.2.1.3 backscatterwhen beta particles pass through matter,they collide with atoms. Am

11、ong other things, this interactionwill change their direction and reduce their speed. If thedeflections are such that the beta particle leaves the body ofmatter from the same surface at which it entered, the betaparticle is said to be backscattered.2.1.4 backscatter coeffcientthe backscatter coeffic

12、ient ofa body, R, is the ratio of the number of beta particlesbackscattered to that entering the body. R is independent of theactivity of the isotope and of the measuring time.2.1.5 backscatter count: absolute backscatter countthe absolute backscat-ter count, X, is the number of beta particle

13、s that are backscat-tered during a finite interval of time and displayed by theinstrument. X will, therefore, depend on the activity of thesource, the measuring time, the geometric configuration of themeasuring system, and the properties of the detector, as well asthe coating thickness and the atomi

14、c numbers of the coatingand substrate materials. X0is the count produced by theuncoated substrate, and Xs, that of the coating material. Toobtain these values, it is necessary that both these materials areavailable with a thickness greater than the saturation thickness(see 2.1.12). normalized

15、 backscatterthe normalizedbackscatter, xn, is a quantity that is independent of the activityof the source, the measuring time, and the properties of the1This test method is under the jurisdiction ofASTM Committee B08 on Metallicand Inorganic Coatingsand is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee B

16、08.10 onTest Methods.Current edition approved May 1, 2014. Published May 2014. Originallyapproved in 1972. Last previous edition approved in 2009 as B567 98 (2009).DOI: 10.1520/B0567-98R14.Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United Stat

17、es1detector. The normalized backscatter is defined by theequation:xn5X 2 X0Xs2 X0where:X0= count from the substrate,Xs= count from the coating material, andX = count from the coated specimen, and each count is forthe same interval of time.Because X is always X0and Xs, xncan only take valuesbetween 0

18、 and 1. (For reasons of simplicity, it is oftenadvantageous to express the normalized count as a percentageby multiplying xnby 100.) normalized backscatter curvethe curve obtainedby plotting the coating thickness as a function of xn.2.1.6 beta particlesbeta particles or beta rays are high-spe

19、ed electrons that are emitted from the nuclei of materialsundergoing a nuclear transformation. These materials arecalled beta-emitting isotopes, beta-emitting sources, or betaemitters.2.1.7 coating thicknessin this test method, coating thick-ness refers to mass per unit area as well as geometricalth

20、ickness.2.1.8 dead time or resolving timeGeiger-Mller tubesused for counting beta particles have characteristic recoverytimes that depend on their construction and the count rate.After reading a pulse, the counter is unresponsive to successivepulses until a time interval equal to or greater than its

21、 dead timehas elapsed.2.1.9 energyit is possible to classify beta emitters by themaximum energy of the particles that they release during theirdisintegration. This energy is generally given in mega-electronvolts, MeV.2.1.10 equivalent (or apparent) atomic number theequivalent atomic number of an all

22、oy or compound is theatomic number of an element that has the same backscattercoefficient as the material.2.1.11 half-life, radioactivefor a single radioactive decayprocess, the time required for the activity to decrease by half.2.1.12 saturation thicknessthe minimum thickness of amaterial that prod

23、uces a backscatter that is not changed whenthe thickness is increased. (See also Appendix X1.)2.1.13 sealed source or isotopea radioactive source sealedin a container or having a bonded cover, the container or coverbeing strong enough to prevent contact with and dispersion ofthe radioactive material

24、 under the conditions of use and wearfor which it was designed.2.1.14 source geometrythe spatial arrangement of thesource, the aperture, and the detector with respect to each other.3. Summary of Test Method3.1 When beta particles impinge upon a material, a certainportion of them is backscattered. Th

25、is backscatter is essentiallya function of the atomic number of the material.3.2 If the body has a surface coating and if the atomicnumbers of the substrate and of the coating material aresufficiently different, the intensity of the backscatter will bebetween two limits: the backscatter intensity of

26、 the substrateand that of the coating. Thus, with proper instrumentation andif suitably displayed, the intensity of the backscatter can beused for the measurement of mass per unit area of the coating,which, if the density remains the same, is directly proportionalto the thickness.3.3 The curve expre

27、ssing coating thickness (mass per unitarea) versus beta backscatter intensity is continuous and can besubdivided into three distinct regions, as shown in Fig. 1. Thenormalized count rate, xn, is plotted on the X-axis, and thelogarithm of the coating thickness, on the Y-axis. In the range0 xn 0.35, t

28、he relationship is essentially linear. In the rangeFIG. 1 Normalized BackscatterB567 98 (2014)20.35 xn 0.85, the curve is nearly logarithmic; this meansthat, when drawn on semilogarithmic graph paper, as in Fig. 1,the curve approximates a straight line. In the range0.85 xn1, the relationship is near

29、ly hyperbolic.3.4 Radiation other than the beta rays are emitted orbackscattered by the coating or substrate, and may be includedin the backscatter measurements. Whenever the term backscat-ter is used in this method, it is to be assumed that reference ismade to the total radiation measured.4. Signif

30、icance and Use4.1 The thickness or mass per unit area of a coating is oftencritical to its performance.4.2 For some coating-substrate combinations, the beta back-scatter method is a reliable method for measuring the coatingnondestructively.4.3 The test method is suitable for thickness specificationa

31、cceptance if the mass per unit area is specified. It is notsuitable for specification acceptance if the coating thickness isspecified and the density of the coating material can vary or isnot known.5. Instrumentation5.1 In general, a beta backscatter instrument will comprise:(1) a radiation source (

32、isotope) emitting primarily beta particleshaving energies appropriate to the coating thickness to bemeasured (see Appendix X2), (2) a probe or measuring systemwith a range of apertures that limit the beta particles to the areaof the test specimen on which the coating thickness is to bemeasured, and

33、containing a detector capable of counting thenumber of backscattered particles (for example, a Geiger-Mller counter (or tube), and (3) a readout instrument wherethe intensity of the backscatter is displayed. The display, in theform of a meter reading or a digital readout can be: (a)proportional to t

34、he count, (b) the normalized count, or (c) thecoating thickness expressed either in thickness or mass per unitarea units.6. Factors Affecting the Measuring Accuracy6.1 Counting Statistics:6.1.1 Radioactive disintegration takes place randomly.Thus, during a fixed time interval, the number of beta par

35、ticlesbackscattered will not always be the same. This gives rise tostatistical errors inherent to radiation counting. In consequence,an estimate of the counting rate based on a short countinginterval (for example, 5 s) may be appreciably different froman estimate based on a longer counting interval,

36、 particularly ifthe counting rate is low. To reduce the statistical error to anacceptable level, it is necessary to use a counting interval longenough to accumulate a sufficient number of counts.6.1.2 At large total counts, the standard deviation () willclosely approximate the square root of the tot

37、al count, that is5=X ; in 95 % of all cases, the true count will be withinX 6 2. To judge the significance of the precision, it is oftenhelpful to express the standard deviation as a percentage of thecount, that is, 100=X/X, or 100/=X. Thus, a count of 100 000will give a value ten times more precise

38、 than that obtained witha count of 1000. Whenever possible, a counting interval shouldbe chosen that will provide a total count of at least 10 000,which corresponds to a statistical error of 1 % for the countrate. It should be noted, however, that a 1 % error in the countrate can correspond to a muc

39、h larger percentage error in thethickness measurement, the relative error depending on theatomic number spread or ratio between coating and substratematerials.6.1.3 Direct-reading instruments are also subject to thesestatistical random errors. However, if these instruments do notpermit the display o

40、f the actual counting rate or the standarddeviation, the only way to determine the measuring precision isto make a large number of measurements at the same coatedlocation on the same coated specimen, and calculate thestandard deviation by conventional means.NOTE 1The accuracy of a thickness measurem

41、ent by beta backscatteris generally poorer than the precision described in 5.1, inasmuch as it alsodepends on other factors that are described below. Methods to determinethe random errors of thickness measurements before an actual measure-ment are available from some manufacturers.6.2 Coating and Su

42、bstrate MaterialsBecause the back-scatter intensity depends on the atomic numbers of the sub-strate and the coating, the repeatability of the measurement willdepend to a large degree on the difference between theseatomic numbers; thus, with the same measuring parameters, thegreater this difference,

43、the more precise the measurement willbe. As a rule of thumb, for most applications, the difference inatomic numbers should be at least 5. For materials with atomicnumbers below 20, the difference may be reduced to 25 % ofthe higher atomic number; for materials with atomic numbersabove 50, the differ

44、ence should be at least 10 % of the higheratomic number. Most plastics and related organic materials (forexample, photoresists) may be assumed to have an equivalentatomic number close to 6. (Appendix X3 gives atomic numbersof commonly used coating and substrate materials.)6.3 Aperture:6.3.1 Despite

45、the collimated nature of the sources used incommercial backscatter instruments, the backscatter recordedby the detector is, nearly always, the sum of the backscatterproduced by the test specimen exposed through the apertureand that of the aperture plate(n). It is, therefore, desirable to usea materi

46、al with a low atomic number for the construction of theplaten and to select the largest aperture possible. Measuringerrors will be increased if the edges of the aperture opening areworn or damaged, or if the test specimen does not properlycontact these edges.6.3.2 Because the measuring area on the t

47、est specimen hasto be constant to prevent the introduction of another variable,namely the geometrical dimensions of the test specimen, it isessential that the aperture be smaller than the coated area of thesurface on which the measurement is made.6.4 Coating Thickness:6.4.1 In the logarithmic range,

48、 the relative measuring erroris nearly constant and has its smallest value.6.4.2 In the linear range, the absolute measuring error,expressed in mass per unit area or thickness, is nearly constant,which means that as the coating thickness decreases, theB567 98 (2014)3relative measuring error increase

49、s. At or near xn= 0.35, therelative errors of the linear and logarithmic ranges are about thesame. Thus, the relative error at this point may, for mostpractical purposes, be used to calculate the absolute error overthe linear range.6.4.3 In the hyperbolic range, the measuring error is alwayslarge because a small variation in the intensity of the betabackscatter will produce a large variation in the measuredcoating thickness.6.4.4 For instruments that indicate only backscatter countrate and not thickness directly, the count rate is normallyconve


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