1、Designation: B 640 07Standard Specification forWelded Copper Tube for Air Conditioning and RefrigerationService1This standard is issued under the fixed designation B 640; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of
2、last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.1. Scope*1.1 This specification establishes the
3、requirements forwelded copper tube for air conditioning and refrigerationservice for use in connections, repairs, and alterations.The tubeshall be made from one of the following coppers:Copper UNSNo.PreviouslyUsed Designa-tionType of Cop-perC10100 OFE Oxygen-freeelectronicC10200 OF Oxygen-freewithou
4、t-residual oxi-dantsC12000 DLP Phosphorus-deoxidized,low-residualphosphorusC12200 DHP Phosphorus-deoxidized,high-residualphosphorusNOTE 1Fittings used for soldered or brazed connections in airconditioning and refrigeration systems are described in ASME StandardB 16.22.NOTE 2The assembly of copper tu
5、bular systems by soldering isdescribed in Practice B 828.NOTE 3Solders for joining copper tubular systems by descirbed inSpecification B32. The requirements for acceptable fluxes for thesesystems are described in Specification B 813.1.2 Copper UNS No. C12200 shall be furnished, unlessotherwise speci
6、fied. The copper tube shall be supplied inannealed coils or drawn temper straight lengths.1.3 UnitsValues stated in inch-pound units are to beregarded as standard. The values given in parentheses aremathematical conversions to SI units which are provided forinformation only and are not considered st
7、andard.1.4 This standard does not purport to address all of thesafety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is theresponsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.2. Refer
8、enced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:2B32 Specification for Solder MetalB 153 Test Method for Expansion (Pin Test) of Copper andCopper-Alloy Pipe and TubingB 170 Specification for Oxygen-Free Electrolytic CopperRefinery ShapesB 577 Test Methods for Detection of Cuprous Oxide (Hy-drogen Embrittlement Su
9、sceptibility) in CopperB 601 Classification for Temper Designations for Copperand Copper AlloysWrought and CastB 813 Specification for Liquid and Paste Fluxes for Solder-ing of Copper and Copper Alloy TubeB 828 Practice for Making Capillary Joints by Soldering ofCopper and Copper Alloy Tube and Fitt
10、ingsB 846 Terminology for Copper and Copper AlloysB 900 Practice for Packaging of Copper and Copper AlloyMill Products for U.S. Government AgenciesE3 Guide for Preparation of Metallographic SpecimensE8 Test Methods for Tension Testing of Metallic MaterialsE29 Practice for Using Significant Digits in
11、 Test Data toDetermine Conformance with SpecificationsE53 Test Method for Determination of Copper in Unal-loyed Copper by GravimetryE62 Test Methods for Chemical Analysis of Copper andCopper Alloys (Photometric Methods)E 243 Practice for Electromagnetic (Eddy-Current) Exami-nation of Copper and Copp
12、er-Alloy TubesE 255 Practice for Sampling Copper and Copper Alloys forthe Determination of Chemical Composition1This specification is under the jurisdiction ofASTM Committee B05 on Copperand Copper Alloys and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee B05.04 on Pipeand Tube.Current edition approve
13、d April 1, 2007. Published April 2007. Originallyapproved in 1978. Last previous edition approved in 2006 as B 640 00 (2006).2For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website, www.astm.org, orcontact ASTM Customer Service at serviceastm.org. For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume information,
14、refer to the standards Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.1*A Summary of Changes section appears at the end of this standard.Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.E 527 Practice for Numbering Metals and Alloys (UNS)2.2
15、 ASME Standards:3B 16.22 Wrought Copper and Copper Alloy Solder JointPressure Fittings3. Terminology3.1 For definitions of terms related to copper and copperalloys, refer to Terminology B 846.3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:3.2.1 tube, air-conditioning, na welded copper tube con-f
16、orming to a standard series of sizes and to specified internalcleanness requirements, normally furnished in drawn temperstraight lengths, with the ends capped or sealed.3.2.2 tube, refrigeration-service, na welded copper tubeconforming to a standard series of sizes and to special internalcleanness a
17、nd dehydration requirements, normally furnished insoft temper coils, with ends capped or sealed.4. Ordering Information4.1 Include the following information when placing ordersfor product under this specification, as applicable:4.1.1 ASTM designation and year of issue,4.1.2 Copper Alloy UNS No. desi
18、gnation,4.1.3 Temper (Section 7),4.1.4 Dimensions: diameter, wall thickness, length, and soforth (Section 11),4.1.5 How furnished (straight lengths or coils),4.1.6 Quantity: total weight or number of pieces or coils ofeach copper, size, and temper.4.2 The following options are available and should b
19、especified at the time of placing the order when required:4.2.1 Hydrogen embrittlement susceptibility (9.3),4.2.2 Electromagnetic (eddy-current) test on coiled lengths(10.1),4.2.3 Expansion test (9.1),4.2.4 Cleanness test (10.2),4.2.5 Flattening test (9.4),4.2.6 Reverse bend test (9.5),4.2.7 Certifi
20、cation (Section 20),4.2.8 Test report (Section 21), and4.2.9 When product is purchased for agencies of the U.S.Government (10.3).5. Materials and Manufacture5.1 MaterialThe material of manufacture shall be sheet orstrip of Copper Alloy UNS No. C10100, or C10200, orC12000, or C12200 of such purity an
21、d soundness as to besuitable for processing into welded tube to meet the propertiesprescribed herein.5.2 Manufacture:5.2.1 The product shall be manufactured by forming thematerial into a tubular shape on a suitable forming mill andwelded using an automatic process.5.2.2 The product shall be cold wor
22、ked to the finished sizeand wall thickness and subsequently annealed, when required,to meet the temper properties specified.5.2.3 The product shall conform to “fully finished tube” asrequired in and Welded tube with internal and external flash re-moved by scarfing, and the tu
23、be subsequently cold drawn, overa mandrel and annealed as necessary to conform to thespecified temper. Welded tube that has been mechanically worked intoa smooth tube without the need for internal or external scarfing,or other metal removal and subsequently cold drawn over amandrel and anneal
24、ed as necessary to conform to the specifiedsize and temper.5.2.4 Coiled lengths specified as O60, soft-annealed temper,shall be bright annealed after coiling, then dehydrated, andcapped, plugged, crimped, or otherwise closed at both ends soas to maintain the internal cleanness of the tubing under no
25、rmalconditions of handling and storage.5.2.5 Straight lengths specified as H58, hard-drawn temper,shall be cleaned and capped, plugged, or otherwise closed atboth ends so as to maintain the internal cleanness of the tubingunder normal conditions of handling and storage.6. Chemical Composition6.1 The
26、 material shall conform to the chemical composi-tional requirements in Table 1 for the Copper UNS No.designation specified in the ordering information.6.2 These composition limits do not preclude the presenceof other elements. By agreement between the manufacturer andpurchaser, limits may be establi
27、shed and analysis required forunnamed elements.7. Temper7.1 The standard tempers for products described in thisspecification are given in Table Drawn general purpose H58.7.1.2 Annealed temper O60.7.2 Tempers are defined in Classification B 601. Otherspecial anneal tempers may be supplied as
28、agreed uponbetween the manufacturer or supplier and the purchaser.8. Mechanical Property Requirements8.1 Tensile Strength Requirements:3Available from American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), ASMEInternational Headquarters, 3 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5990.TABLE 1 Chemical Requirements
29、CopperUNS No.Copper,AminPhosphorusMin MaxC10100 99.99BC. CC10200 99.95D. .C12000 99.90 0.004 0.012C12200 99.9 0.015 0.040ACopper (including silver).BThis value is exclusive of silver and shall be determined by difference of“impurity total” from 100 %. “Impurity total” is defined as the sum of sulfur
30、, silver,lead, tin, bismuth, arsenic, antimony, iron, nickel, zinc, phosphorus, selenium,tellurium, manganese, cadmium, and oxygen present in the sample.CImpurity parts per million maximums for C10100 shall be: antimony 4, arsenic5, bismuth 1, cadmium 1, iron 10, lead 5, manganese 0.5, nickel 10, ox
31、ygen 5,phosphorus 3, selenium 3, silver 25, sulfur 15, tellurium 2, tin 2, and zinc 1.DOxygen in C10200 shall be 10 ppm max.B6400728.1.1 Product furnished under this specification shall con-form to the tensile requirements prescribed in Table 2 whentested in accordance with Test Methods E8. A
32、cceptance or rejection based upon mechanicalproperties shall depend only on tensile strength.9. Performance Requirements9.1 Expansion Test:9.1.1 When specified in the contract or purchase order,product test specimens from tube furnished in the O60 an-nealed temper shall be expanded in accordance wit
33、h TestMethod B 153 with an expansion of the outside diameter in thefollowing percentage:Outside Diameter,in. (mm)Expansion of OutsideDiameter, %58 (15.9) and under 30Over58 (15.9) 259.1.2 The expanded tube shall show no cracking or otherdefects visible to the unaided eye.9.2 Microscopical Examinatio
34、nWhen specified in thecontract or purchase order, product test specimens of CopperUNS Nos. C10100, C10200, and C12000 shall be free ofcuprous oxide as determined by Test Method A of TestMethods B 577.9.3 Hydrogen Embrittlement SusceptibilityWhen speci-fied in the contract or purchase order, product
35、test specimens ofCopper UNS Nos. C10100, C10200, C12000, and C12200shall conform to the requirements of Test Method B of TestMethods B 577.9.4 Flattening Test:9.4.1 When specified in the contract or purchase order, theflattening test described in the Test Method section in 16.2.5shall be performed.9
36、.4.2 During inspection, the flattened areas and edges of thetest specimen shall be free of defects, but blemishes of a naturethat do not interfere with the intended application are accept-able.9.5 Reverse Bend TestWhen specified in the contract orpurchase order, the product test specimens when flatt
37、ened andbent in accordance with the test method described in 16.2.6,shall show no evidence of cracks, lack of penetration in theweld, or overlaps resulting from flash removal visible to theunaided eye which are considered unacceptable for the in-tended application.10. Other Requirements10.1 Electrom
38、agnetic (Eddy-Current) Test:10.1.1 Each straight length tube, up to and including 318-in.(79.4-mm) outside diameter, shall be passed through an eddy-current testing unit adjusted to provide information on thesuitability of the tube for the intended application.10.1.2 Tubes that do not actuate the si
39、gnaling device of theeddy current testing unit shall be considered as conforming tothe requirements of the test. Testing shall follow the proceduresof Practice E 243, except for the determination of “end effect.”10.1.3 Testing of coiled lengths shall be subject to negotia-tion between the manufactur
40、er and the purchaser.10.1.4 For tubes greater than 318 in. (79.4 mm) in outsidediameter, the manufacturer and purchaser shall agree onwhatever nondestructive testing is required.10.2 Cleanness Test:10.2.1 When specified in the contract or purchase order, acleanness test described in 16.2.9 shall be
41、performed. After evaporation of the cleaning solvent, theresidue weight shall not exceed 0.0035 g/ft2(0.038 g/m2). Themaximum amount of residue in grams per tube shall not exceedthe limits in Tables 3 and 4.10.3 Purchases for Agencies of the U.S. GovernmentWhen specified in the contract or p
42、urchase order, productpurchased for agencies of the U.S. government shall conformto the requirements stipulated in the Supplementary Require-ments.11. Dimensions, Mass, and Permissible Variations11.1 The standard dimensions, weights per foot, and toler-ances for the various nominal sizes are given i
43、n Tables 5 and 6.11.2 Wall Thickness and Diameter:11.2.1 Coil LengthsTable Straight LengthsTable 6.11.3 Length:11.3.1 The standard length for coils shall be 50 ft (15.2 m).The length tolerances for all coils shall be +12 in. (300 mm)and 0 in.11.3.2 The standard length for straight lengths s
44、hall be 20 ft(6.10 m). The length tolerances for all lengths shall be +1 in.(25 mm) and 0 in.TABLE 2 Mechanical Property RequirementsCopper UNS Nos. C10100, C10200, C12000, and C12200Form TemperTensile Strength, Min Elongation in 2in. (50 mm), Min,%ksiAMPaBCoiled lengths O60 30 205 40Straight length
45、s H58 36 250 . . .Aksi = 1000 psi.BSee Appendix X1.TABLE 3 Interior Surface Residue Limits of Soft Coiled LengthsAStandard Size, in.Wall Thickness,in. (mm)Residue LimitBper 50ft (15.2 m) coil, gCopper UNSNos. C10100,C10200,C12000, andC12200Copper UNSNos. C10100,C10200,C12000, andC1220018 0.030 (0.76
46、2) 0.0030316 0.030 (0.762) 0.005814 0.030 (0.762) 0.0087516 0.032 (0.813) 0.011438 0.032 (0.813) 0.014312 0.032 (0.813) 0.020058 0.035 (0.889) 0.025434 0.035 (0.889) 0.031234 0.042 (1.07) 0.030578 0.045 (1.14) 0.0360118 0.050 (1.27) 0.0470138 0.055 (1.40) 0.0580158 0.060 (1.52) 0.0690ASee also Table
47、 5.BResidue limit 0.0035-g/ft2(0.038-g/m2) inside area. The internal surface areaper foot or tube is determined by the equation (3.1416 3 inside diameter 3144)/1728.B64007311.4 Roundness:11.4.1 Straight LengthsFor unannealed drawn tube instraight lengths, the roundness tolerance is specified in Tabl
48、e 7.The deviation from roundness is measured as the differencebetween major and minor diameters as determined at any onecross section of the tube. Roundness tolerance has not beenestablished for annealed tube in straight lengths.11.4.2 Coil LengthsRoundness tolerance has not beenestablished for tube
49、s furnished in coils.11.5 Squareness of CutFor tube in straight lengths, thedeviation from squareness is measured as the difference be-tween one side of a cross section of tube from the opposite sidewhen measured against the projected perpendicularity of theplane of the projected center of the tube. The departure fromsquareness of the end of any tube shall not exceed more than0.010 in. (0.25 mm) for tube up to and including58-in. (15.9mm) standard size; and not more than 0.016 in./in. (0.016mm/mm) of outside diameter, for tube larger than58-in.