ASTM C1242-2016 Standard Guide for Selection Design and Installation of Dimension Stone Attachment Systems《规格石料固定系统的选择 设计和安装标准指南》.pdf

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ASTM C1242-2016 Standard Guide for Selection Design and Installation of Dimension Stone Attachment Systems《规格石料固定系统的选择 设计和安装标准指南》.pdf_第1页
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ASTM C1242-2016 Standard Guide for Selection Design and Installation of Dimension Stone Attachment Systems《规格石料固定系统的选择 设计和安装标准指南》.pdf_第2页
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ASTM C1242-2016 Standard Guide for Selection Design and Installation of Dimension Stone Attachment Systems《规格石料固定系统的选择 设计和安装标准指南》.pdf_第3页
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ASTM C1242-2016 Standard Guide for Selection Design and Installation of Dimension Stone Attachment Systems《规格石料固定系统的选择 设计和安装标准指南》.pdf_第4页
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ASTM C1242-2016 Standard Guide for Selection Design and Installation of Dimension Stone Attachment Systems《规格石料固定系统的选择 设计和安装标准指南》.pdf_第5页
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1、Designation: C1242 16Standard Guide forSelection, Design, and Installation of Dimension StoneAttachment Systems1This standard is issued under the fixed designation C1242; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of

2、last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon () indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.INTRODUCTIONNatural building stone is chosen as a buildings cladding for its beauty which endures with minimalmaintenance. Stone i

3、s durable when used properly. Exercising good judgment when selecting theparticular stone, determining the quarrying and fabrication techniques, designing the method ofattachment, and installing all components correctly maximizes these benefits. A properly executedstone cladding is designed and inst

4、alled within the capabilities and limitations of the stone and supportsystem to resist all forces that work on them.This guide presents design principles that require consideration when designing anchorages andevaluating exterior stone to be compatible with its proposed use. It is an overview of cur

5、renttechniques and a review of minimum requirements for sound stone engineering and construction. Theguide does not list all possible methods of attachment nor does it provide a step-by-step procedure forstone anchor engineering. Knowledge gained from new engineering designs, testing of applications

6、,and the investigation of existing problems are continually reviewed to update this guide. Commentfrom users is encouraged.Good judgment by architects, engineers, and contractors when specifying, designing, engineering,and constructing stone and other work that interfaces stone is necessary to use t

7、his guide. Users of thisguide should combine known performance characteristics of the stone, the buildings structuralbehavior, and knowledge of materials and construction methods with proven engineering practice.1. Scope1.1 This guide covers the categories of anchors and anchor-ing systems and discu

8、sses the design principles to be consid-ered in selecting anchors or systems that will resist gravityloads and applied loads.1.2 This guide sets forth basic requirements for the designof stone anchorage and provides a practical checklist of thosedesign considerations.1.3 This guide pertains to:1.3.1

9、 The anchoring of stone panels directly to the buildingstructure for support,1.3.2 The anchoring of stone panels to subframes or tocurtainwall components after these support systems are at-tached to the building structure,1.3.3 The anchoring of stone panels to subframes or tocurtainwall components w

10、ith stone cladding preassembledbefore these support systems are attached to the buildingstructure, and1.3.4 The supervision and inspection of fabrication andinstallation of the above.1.4 Observe all applicable regulations, specific recommen-dations of the manufacturers, and standards governing inter

11、-facing work.1.5 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regardedas standard. The values given in parentheses are mathematical1This guide is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee C18 on DimensionStone and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee C18.06 on AttachmentComponents and Syst

12、ems.Current edition approved Sept. 1, 2016. Published November 2016. Originallyapproved in 1993. Last previous edition approved in 2015 as C1242 15a. DOI:10.1520/C1242-16.Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States1conversions to

13、SI units that are provided for information onlyand are not considered standard.1.6 This standard does not purport to address all of thesafety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is theresponsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-priate safety and health practices and dete

14、rmine the applica-bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. (See Tables 1 and2.)2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:2C97 Test Methods for Absorption and Bulk Specific Gravityof Dimension StoneC99 Test Method for Modulus of Rupture of DimensionStoneC119 Terminology Relating to Dimension St

15、oneC170 Test Method for Compressive Strength of DimensionStoneC406 Specification for Roofing SlateC482 Test Method for Bond Strength of Ceramic Tile toPortland Cement PasteC503 Specification for Marble Dimension StoneC509 Specification for Elastomeric Cellular Preformed Gas-ket and Sealing MaterialC

16、568 Specification for Limestone Dimension StoneC615 Specification for Granite Dimension StoneC616 Specification for Quartz-Based Dimension StoneC629 Specification for Slate Dimension StoneC864 Specification for Dense Elastomeric Compression SealGaskets, Setting Blocks, and SpacersC880 Test Method fo

17、r Flexural Strength of Dimension StoneC920 Specification for Elastomeric Joint SealantsC1115 Specification for Dense Elastomeric Silicone RubberGaskets and AccessoriesC1193 Guide for Use of Joint Sealants2For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, orcontact ASTM Customer Se

18、rvice at For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume information, refer to the standards Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.FIG. 1 Kerf AnchorC1242 162C1201 Test Method for Structural Performance of ExteriorDimension Stone Cladding Systems by Uniform StaticAirPressure DifferenceC1

19、354/C1354M Test Method for Strength of IndividualStone Anchorages in Dimension StoneC1472 Guide for Calculating Movement and Other EffectsWhen Establishing Sealant Joint WidthC1496 Guide for Assessment and Maintenance of ExteriorDimension Stone Masonry Walls and FacadesC1526 Specification for Serpen

20、tine Dimension StoneC1527 Specification for Travertine Dimension StoneE632 Practice for Developing Accelerated Tests to AidPrediction of the Service Life of Building Componentsand Materials3. Terminology3.1 General DefinitionsFor definitions of terms used inthis guide, refer to Terminology C119.3.2

21、Specific definitions used in the design process are listedin 7.4.4. Significance and Use4.1 This guide is intended to be used by architects,engineers, and contractors who either design or install exteriorstone cladding for architectural structures.4.2 This guide is an industry standard for engineeri

22、ngdesign considerations, documentation, material considerations,FIG. 2 Rod and Plug AnchorFIG. 3 Adhesive Embedded Threaded AnchorFIG. 4 Point Loading PreventionFIG. 4 Point Loading Prevention (continued)C1242 163anchor type applications, and installation workmanship toassist designers and installer

23、s to achieve a proper and durablestone cladding.4.3 Stone and its support systems are part of a buildingsskin and shall be compatible with the behavior and perfor-mance of other interfacing systems, such as the curtainwall andsuperstructure frame.4.3.1 Every stone work application shall comply with

24、ap-plicable building codes.4.3.2 It is not the intent of this Guide to supersede publishedrecommendations for specific stone types. Provisions of otherdimension stone industry publications should be reviewed andconsidered in addition to this Guides recommendations. Allindustry information should be

25、considered with respect toproject specifications and requirements. If provisions of suchpublications differ from those in this Guide, it is acceptablepractice to follow the publications provisions if recommendedby the stone specialist defined in 4.4 for the specific conditionsof the individual proje

26、ct.4.3.3 Because stone properties vary, the range and variabil-ity of pertinent properties of the stone proposed for use shouldbe determined by testing and statistical methods that areevaluated using sound engineering principles. Use recent testdata where applicable. Always reference proven performa

27、nceof relevant existing structures.4.3.4 Changes in properties over time shall be considered.4.3.5 Overall behaviors of all building systems and compo-nents including the stone shall be interactively compatible.4.4 Stone SpecialistSome conditions require professionalexpertise to select and plan a pr

28、oper anchoring system,establish appropriate testing requirements, interpret tests, de-sign and engineer the anchoring system, or monitor its fabri-cation and installation. A specialist is a person that comple-ments the capabilities of the project team by contributingspecific expert experience with t

29、he use, selection, design, andinstallation of dimension stone.4.4.1 Particular conditions where special expertise is sug-gested to achieve a reliable installation: Where complex connections or anchoring methodsof unknown or questionable performance records are likely tobe considered or specif

30、ied; Where the performance record of the specifiedsystems and materials is not known or questionable; When multiple cladding materials occur on the samefacade;FIG. 5 Disc AnchorFIG. 6 Combined AnchorTABLE 1 Dimension Stone SpecificationsStone Type ASTM SpecificationCalciteAC503Dolomite

31、AC503Granite C615LimestoneBC568Marble (exterior)BC503Quartz-BasedBC616QuartziteAC616Quartzitic SandstoneAC616SandstoneAC616SerpentineAC503Serpentine C1526Slate (roof) C406Slate (walls) C629TravertineAC1527AThis stone type is a subclassification.BThis stone type has subclassifications or grades.TABLE

32、 2 Dimension Stone Test MethodsMeasures ASTM Test Methodliquid porosity and relative density C97combined shear with tensile unit strength from bending C99ultimate crushing unit strength C170primary tensile unit strength from bending C880capacity and deflections of panels assembled withtheir anchors

33、onto their supporting backup structureC1201individual anchor strength C1354/C1354Maccelerated production of service life E632C1242 1644.4.1.4 If the supporting structure or backup is more flexiblethan L/600 in any direction; If extreme loading could be caused by seismic,hurricane, tornado, or

34、 installation and handling methods; When special building code requirements prevail. If provisions of stone industry publications or proj-ect specifications differ from this guide.5. Selection Considerations5.1 Review the following factors before selecting a stonematerial, an anchoring

35、 system and subframe system from thoseoptions being considered:5.1.1 Have the stone materials under consideration per-formed well on existing buildings in similar exposures?5.1.2 Have the different anchoring and subframe systemsunder consideration performed well on existing buildings insimilar expos

36、ures?5.1.3 How is the performance of the anchor and its engage-ment into the stone affected by installation and handlingprocedures?5.1.4 How are the performance and appearance of thesubframe, the anchors connection to the subframe, and thesubframes connections to the building structure affected bydi

37、fferential movements?5.1.5 Do the physical characteristics of the stone measuredby standard tests show the material has structural limitations?Which physical properties are important to the application, andwhich test methods measure those properties and their vari-ability? Refer to Table 2 for stand

38、ard test methods andproperties they measure.5.1.6 Do the physical characteristics of the stone not mea-sured by standard tests suggest the material may have long-term durability concerns? Other properties, including (but notlimited to) resistance to chemical attack, weather-relatedstrength reduction

39、, and dimensional changes, might be evalu-ated by special laboratory tests designed to obtain data undersimulated conditions.5.1.7 Does the project location or shape develop exceptionaldesign wind, or seismic loads, or does the stone materialrequire higher safety factors than other stones not antici

40、patedby statutory codes?5.1.8 Do the anchor and subframe system accommodatebuilding dimensional changes caused by wind and seismicsway, thermal and elastic deformation, creep and shrinkage,and their combined effects?5.1.9 Will contiguous facade elements such as windows,other claddings, window suppor

41、ts, or window-washing andwall maintenance provisions influence the stone cladding, itsanchoring or subframe system?5.1.10 Do the anchor or subframe systems penetratewaterproofing, facilitate internal moisture collection, or pen-etrate wall insulation and cavity ventilation?5.1.11 Do the materials us

42、ed resist corrosion, galvanic andchemical reactions?5.2 The following general rules are helpful in the design ofanchors and connections:5.2.1 The simplest connections are usually the best.5.2.2 Make connections with the fewest components.5.2.3 Use the fewest possible anchor connection types inany pa

43、rticular project.5.2.4 Provide for adjustability in connections to accommo-date tolerances in materials and construction.5.2.5 Distribute the weight of stone or panel systems on nomore than two points of connection where possible.5.2.6 Make anchor connection locations accessible to thecraftsman.5.2.

44、7 Design connection components and stone sinkages toavoid entrapping moisture.5.2.8 At friction connections with slotted holes parallel tothe direction of load, specify proper bolts, washers, slot size,and bolt installation procedure.5.3 Safety FactorsIn order to design an anchoring system,the varia

45、bilities of the materials being considered should beknown and compensated. This is accomplished through the useof an appropriate safety factor to be applied to the stone, theanchorage, and the backup structure.5.3.1 Table 3 shows generally accepted Safety Factors forstone cladding by stone type. The

46、se factors are recognized byindustry specialists and publications and are based upon pastsuccessful practice. These factors are based on a maximumcoefficient of variation of 20 % when project samples are testedin accordance with Test Methods C99 or C880 for sedimentarystones in thicknesses of 2 in.

47、(50 mm) or greater. Safety factorscould be changed when conditions listed under 5.3.2 or 5.3.3exist in the project.5.3.2 Exemplar Availability: A safety factor could be modi-fied if the long-term performance of the stone material, anchorand backup system cannot be verified by well-performingexemplar

48、s. Consult a stone specialist as defined in 4.4 for theappropriate change in safety factor.5.3.3 Structural Variables: A safety factor could be modi-fied if specific conditions exist on the project different fromthose upon which Table 3 values are based. Consult a stonespecialist as defined in 4.4 f

49、or the appropriate change in safetyfactor. Some specific conditions are: Critical material strength tests show increased vari-ability; Life expectancy of project exceeds forty years; Stone material loses significant strength over time; When designing stone at anchors; Anchor capacity tests show increased variability; Anchors will not be inspected in final position onbuilding; Anchors require varied installation techniques orvaried positions;TABLE 3 Generally Accepted Safety Factors for Stone Claddingby Stone TypeStone Ty


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