1、Designation: C1503 08 (Reapproved 2013)Standard Specification forSilvered Flat Glass Mirror1This standard is issued under the fixed designation C1503; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A num
2、ber in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon () indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1. Scope1.1 This specification covers the requirements for silveredflat glass mirrors of rectangular shape supplied as cut sizes,stock sheets or as le
3、hr ends and to which no further processing(such as edgework or other fabrication) has been done.1.2 This specification covers the quality requirements ofsilvered annealed monolithic clear and tinted flat glass mirrorsup to 6 mm (14 in.) thick. The mirrors are intended to be usedindoors for mirror gl
4、azing, for components of decorativeaccessories or for similar uses.1.3 This specification does not address safety glazing ma-terials nor requirements for mirror applications. Consult modelbuilding codes and other applicable standards for safetyglazing applications.1.4 Mirrors covered in this specifi
5、cation are not intended foruse in environments where high humidity or airborne corrosionpromoters, or both, are consistently present (such as swimmingpool areas, ocean-going vessels, chemical laboratories andother corrosive environments).1.5 The dimensional values stated in metric units are to bereg
6、arded as the standard. The inch-pound units given inparentheses are for information only.1.6 The following safety hazards caveat pertains only to thetest method portion Section 7 of this specification. Thisstandard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns,if any, associated with its us
7、e. It is the responsibility of the userof this standard to establish appropriate safety and healthpractices and determine the applicability of regulatory require-ments prior to use.2. Referenced Documents2.1 Reference to these documents shall be the latest issueunless otherwise specified by the auth
8、ority applying thisspecification:2.2 ASTM Standards:2B117 Practice for Operating Salt Spray (Fog) ApparatusC162 Terminology of Glass and Glass ProductsC1036 Specification for Flat GlassE903 Test Method for Solar Absorptance, Reflectance, andTransmittance of Materials Using Integrating Spheres3. Term
9、inology3.1 Definitions:3.1.1 Refer to Terminology C162 and the standards refer-enced in 2.2 as appropriate.3.1.2 associated distortion, nalteration of viewed imagescause by variations in glass flatness in inhomogeneous portionswithin the glass.3.1.3 blemishesimperfections in the body, on the surface
10、or in the silver coating of the mirror; for the purpose of thisspecification blemishes are divided into 3 categories: linear blemishesscratches, rubs, digs, and othersimilar imperfections on either surface of the glass substrate. point blemishescrush, knots, dirt, stones, gaseousinclus
11、ions (seeds and bubbles), tin particles, and other similarimperfections in the body of the glass substrate. silver film blemishesvisible clouding, spot silverfaults and other similar imperfections of the silver coating.3.1.4 chipan imperfection on the edge of a mirror lite dueto breakage of a
12、 small fragment out of an otherwise regularsurface. shell chipa circular indentation in the mirror edgedue to breakage of a small fragment. v-chipa V-shaped chip indentation in the mirroredge due to breakage of a small fragment. chip widththe perpendicular distance from theedge
13、of the mirror to the inner edge of the chip. chip lengththe distance, parallel to the edge of themirror, from one edge of a chip to the other. chip depththe measured distance of a chip fromthe face of the mirror into the thickness.1This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM C
14、ommittee C14 on Glassand Glass Products and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee C14.08 on FlatGlass.Current edition approved April 1, 2013. Published April 2013. Originallyapproved in 2001. Last previous edition approved in 2008 as C150308. DOI:10.1520/C1503-08R13.2For referenced ASTM stand
15、ards, visit the ASTM website, www.astm.org, orcontact ASTM Customer Service at serviceastm.org. For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume information, refer to the standards Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA
16、 19428-2959. United States13.1.5 clean cut edgenatural cut edge of mirror withoutfurther fabrication.3.1.6 clustera group of not less than 3 point blemishesseparated by not more than 50 mm (2 in.).3.1.7 crusha lightly pitted area in the glass surface result-ing in a dull gray or white appearance ove
17、r the region.3.1.8 digdeep, short scratch in the glass surface.3.1.9 dirta small particle of foreign material imbedded inthe glass surface.3.1.10 edge corrosionchange in the color or level ofreflectance along the mirror edge as a result of degradation ofthe silver coating from external sources.3.1.1
18、1 edgeworkfabrication of the mirror edge beyond theoriginal clean-cut condition.3.1.12 flarea protrusion on the edge of a lite of mirror.3.1.13 gaseous inclusion(also known as seed or bubble)around or elongated bubble at the surface (open) or within thebody thickness leaving a cavity in the mirror.3
19、.1.14 knotan inhomogeneity in the form of a vitreouslump in the mirror.3.1.15 mirror cut sizemirrors intended for final use in thesize ordered (i.e. mirrors not intended for recutting).3.1.16 mirror lehr endmirrors intended for recutting bythe user into smaller sizes where it is expected that somema
20、terial may be lost in cutting due to blemishes and edgequality.3.1.17 mirror stock sheetmirrors intended for architec-tural use and where trimming will be required.3.1.18 ruban abrasion of the mirror surface producing afrosted appearance.3.1.19 scratchdamage on the glass surface in the form ofa line
21、 caused by the movement of an object across and incontact with the glass surface.3.1.20 silver coatingthe metallic silver coating in a sil-vered mirror product.3.1.21 silvered mirrormirror product fabricated throughthe application of metallic silver and protected by a mirrorbacking paint.3.1.22 spot
22、 silver faulta small area at which the silvercoating is partially or entirely absent.3.1.23 stonea crystalline inclusion in the mirror.3.1.24 visible cloudinga frosted appearance in the re-flected image from a silvered mirror.4. Classification and Intended Use4.1 GradesMirrors furnished under this s
23、pecification shallbe of the following grades, as specified.4.1.1 Mirror Cut SizeMirrors intended for final use in thesize ordered (that is, mirrors not intended for recutting).4.1.2 Mirror Stock SheetMirrors intended for architecturaluse and where trimming will be required.4.1.3 Mirror Lehr EndMirro
24、rs intended for recutting bythe user into smaller sizes where it is expected that somematerial may be lost in cutting due to blemishes and edgequality.4.2 QualitiesMirrors furnished under this specificationshall be of the following qualities, as specified.4.2.1 Mirror Select Quality(Usually availabl
25、e in 6 mm (14in.) clear mirror only.) Recommended or intended or both, foruse in visually demanding applications requiring minimaldistortion and blemishes.4.2.2 Mirror Glazing QualityRecommended or intendedor both, for general use where limited levels of minor blem-ishes or distortion, or both are a
26、cceptable.4.3 ColorThe glass substrate may be clear or tinted.4.3.1 Clear Glass MirrorsMirrors made with clear (un-tinted) glass. (This does NOT include low-iron glass mirrors.)4.3.2 Low-Iron Glass MirrorsMirrors made with low-ironcontent glass. Intended for use in applications where increasedlight
27、reflectance and glass clarity are required. Not all grades orqualities may be available in low-iron glass mirrors.4.3.3 Tinted Glass MirrorsMirrors made with tinted (col-ored) glass. Intended for use primarily in decorative applica-tions where diminished light reflectance is not a concern. Avariety
28、of tinted glass substrates are available. The specific tintdesired should be specified by the purchaser and is subject toavailability. Not all grades or qualities may be available intinted glass mirror.NOTE 1Although usually imperceptible, actual color or shade of clearglass, tinted glass or low-iro
29、n glass substrates may vary from manufac-turer to manufacturer and from batch to batch.4.4 ThicknessMirrors are available in the standard nomi-nal thicknesses provided in Table 1:5. Ordering Information5.1 Purchasers should select the preferred options permittedin this specification and include the
30、following information inprocurement documents:5.1.1 Title, number, and date of this specification.5.1.2 Grade of mirror (see 4.1).TABLE 1 Available Nominal Mirror ThicknessNominal Designation Intended useSIDesig-nation(mm)TraditionaldesignationMaximumrecommendedsurface areapercut size pieceRecommend
31、edapplication2.5 single Up to .5 sq. m.(5 ft2)Utility mirrors where distortionand blemishes are not amajor concern3.0 doubleor18 in.Up to .75 sq. m.(7.5 ft2)Mirror components and othergeneral use applications4.0532 in. Up to 1 sq. m.(10 ft2)Mirror components and othergeneral use applications5.0316 i
32、n. Up to 3 sq. m.(32 ft2)Architectural use and otherapplications where opticalquality is a major concern6.014 in. Up to 3 sq. m.(32 ft2.)Architectural use and otherapplications where opticalquality is a major concernC1503 08 (2013)25.1.3 Quality of mirror (see 4.2).5.1.4 Color of mirror (see 4.3).5.
33、1.5 Thickness of mirror.5.1.6 Nominal length and width.5.2 Packaging RequirementsMirror packaging and pro-tection shall be standard manufacturer practice unless other-wise specified. Consult manufacturer before specifying.6. Requirements6.1 Reflectance RequirementsWhen measured in accor-dance with T
34、est Method 7.2, reflectance shall not be less thanthe following:6.1.1 For clear and low-iron glass mirrorsminimum vis-ible light reflected = 83 %.6.1.2 For tinted glass mirrorsminimum visible light re-flected = (T)2(where T = the visible light transmission valuefor the glass substrate in its unsilve
35、red state.)6.2 Coating Requirements:6.2.1 Appearance of Silver CoatingWhen inspected inaccordance with Test Method 7.1.3, the silver coating shall befree of visible silver coating blemishes.6.2.2 Coating Resistance RequirementsWhen tested inaccordance with Test Method 7.3 mirrors shall meet therequi
36、rements shown in Table 7.6.3 Blemish LimitsBlemishes, other than visible blem-ishes in the silver coating, are permitted within the followinglimits.6.3.1 Blemish Limits for Mirror Cut Size and Mirror StockSheet Grades: Linear Blemish LimitsWhen inspected in accor-dance with Test Method 7.1.2
37、linear blemishes shall be withinthe limits shown in Table Point Blemish LimitsWhen inspected in accor-dance with Test Method point blemishes shall be withinthe limits shown in Table Blemish Limits for Mirror Lehr End Grade: Linear Blemish LimitsWhen tested in accorda
38、ncewith Test Method 7.1.2 mirrors shall meet the quality require-ments shown in Table Point Blemish LimitsWhen tested in accordancewith Test Method mirrors shall meet the qualityrequirements shown in Tables 3 and 4.6.4 Edge Quality RequirementsEdges shall be clean cut.(Types and qu
39、alities of edgework are not within the scope ofthis specification. Consult manufacturer before specifying.)6.4.1 Shell ChipsShell chips are permitted in the edges ofclean cut mirror as long as they do not exceed the acceptancecriteria shown in Table V-ChipsVisible V-Chips are not permitted.
40、(See 7.1for viewing criteria.)6.5 Dimensional Tolerances:6.5.1 ThicknessWhen measured at any point throughoutthe sheet, tolerances for thickness (including uniformity ofthickness) of mirrors shall be in accordance with Table Length and WidthWhen measured in accordancewith Test Method 7.4, to
41、lerances for length and width ofmirrors shall be in accordance with Table SquarenessWhen measured in accordance with TestMethod 7.5, tolerances for squareness of mirrors shall be inaccordance with Table 2.6.6 Distortion RequirementsLimited levels of distortionare inherent in flat glass mirro
42、rs and are permitted, providedthat the glass used in manufacturing the mirrors conforms tothe following limits.6.6.1 Distortion Limits for Mirror Select Quality MirrorsGlass used in the manufacture of Mirror Select Quality mirrorsshall conform to the allowable distortion limits cited inSpecification
43、 C1036 for Q1 quality glass.6.6.2 Distortion Limits for Mirror Glazing QualityMirrorsGlass used in the manufacture of Mirror GlazingQuality mirrors shall conform to the allowable distortion limitscited in Specification C1036 for Q2 quality glass.6.7 Fabrication RequirementsMirrors may be further fab
44、-ricated using a variety of cutting, edging, and decoratingprocesses. These processes are not covered within the scope ofthis specification and must be agreed upon between buyer andseller.7. Test Methods7.1 Visual InspectionAll visual inspections shall be madewith 20/20 vision (naked eye or correcte
45、d). Place samples inthe vertical position at the distance specified in the sectionsfollowing. Unless otherwise specified in the sections below, theviewer shall inspect the reflective surface of the sample at anTABLE 2 Dimensional Tolerances for Mirror Cut Size, Mirror Stock Sheet and Mirror Lehr End
46、 GradesNominal Designation Thickness RangeASquareness Length and WidthBToleranceSIDesignationmmTraditionalDesignationmm in. Cut Size Stock Sheet andLehr EndCutSizeStock SheetandLehr Endmin max min max Max. D1-D2mm (in.)mm( in.)mm( in.)2.5 mm (Single) 2.16 to 2.57 0.085 to 0.101 2.0 (564) 3.0 (18) 1.
47、6 (116) 6.4 (14)3.0 mm (Double-18 in.) 2.92 to 3.40 0.115 to 0.134 2.0 (564) 3.0 (18) 1.6 (116) 6.4 (14)4.0 mm (532 in.) 3.78 to 4.19 0.149 to 0.165 2.0 (564) 3.0 (18) 1.6 (116) 6.4 (14)5.0 mm (316 in.) 4.57 to 5.07 0.180 to 0.199 2.0(564) 3.0(18) 1.6 (116) 6.4 (14)6.0 mm (14 in.) 5.56 to 6.20 0.219
48、 to 0.244 2.0 (564) 3.0 (18) 1.6 (116) 6.4 (14)AThe mirror shall not vary in thickness more than 0.1 mm (.004 in.) over a 100 mm (4 in.) area.BLength and width of mirrors include flares and bevels.C1503 08 (2013)3angle of 90, plus or minus 10, perpendicular to the surfaceusing daylight (without dire
49、ct sunlight) or other uniformdiffused background lighting that simulates daylight.7.1.1 Visual Inspection for Point Blemishes (Knots, Dirt,Stones, Gaseous Inclusions, Tin Particles, Crush, and OtherSimilar BlemishesFrom a distance of approximately1m(39in.) the viewer shall inspect the mirror. If a blemish is detected,measure in accordance with and refer to Table 3 andTable 4 for evaluation criteria. Point Blemishes MeasurementPoint blemish sizeshall be determined b