ASTM C1661-2013 Standard Guide for Viewing Systems for Remotely Operated Facilities《远程操作设备观察系统标准指南》.pdf

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ASTM C1661-2013 Standard Guide for Viewing Systems for Remotely Operated Facilities《远程操作设备观察系统标准指南》.pdf_第1页
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1、Designation: C1661 07C1661 13Standard Guide forViewing Systems for Remotely Operated Facilities1This standard is issued under the fixed designation C1661; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A

2、 number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon () indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1. Scope1.1 Intent:1.1.1 This guide establishes the minimum requirements for viewing systems for remotely operated facilities, including hot cells

3、(shielded cells), used for the processing and handling of nuclear and radioactive materials. The intent of this guide is to aid in thedesign, selection, installation, modification, fabrication, and quality assurance of remote viewing systems to maximize theirusefulness and to minimize equipment fail

4、ures.1.1.2 It is intended that this guide record the principles and caveats that experience has shown to be essential to the design,fabrication, installation, maintenance, repair, replacement, and, decontamination and decommissioning of remote viewingequipment capable of meeting the stringent demand

5、s of operating, dependably and safely, in a hot cell environment where operatorvisibility is limited due to the radiation exposure hazards.1.1.3 This guide is intended to apply to methods of remote viewing for nuclear applications but may be applicable to anyenvironment where remote operational view

6、ing is desirable.1.2 Applicability:1.2.1 This guide applies to, but is not limited to, radiation hardened and non-radiation hardened cameras (black- and-white andcolor), lenses, camera housings and positioners, periscopes, through wall/roof viewing, remotely deployable cameras, crane/robotmounted ca

7、meras, endoscope cameras, borescopes, video probes, flexible probes, mirrors, lighting, fiber lighting, and supportequipment.1.2.2 This guide is intended to be applicable to equipment used under one or more of the following conditions: The remote operation facility that contains a significant

8、 radiation hazard to man or the environment. The facility equipment can neither be accessed directly for purposes of operation or maintenance, nor can the equipmentbe viewed directly, for example, without shielding viewing windows, periscopes, or a video monitoring system. The facility

9、 can be viewed directly but portions of the views are restricted (for example, the back or underside of objects)or where higher magnification or specialized viewing is beneficial.1.2.3 The remote viewing equipment may be intended for either long-term application (commonly, in excess of several years

10、)or for short-term usage (for example, troubleshooting). Both types of applications are addressed in sections that follow.1.2.4 This guide is not intended to cover the detailed design and application of remote handling connectors for services (forexample, electrical, instrumentation, video, etc.).1.

11、2.5 The system of units employed in this guide is the metric unit, also known as SI Units, which are commonly used forInternational Systems, and defined by ASTM/IEEE SI 10, Standard for Use of International System of Units. Some videoparameters use traditional units that are not consistent with SI U

12、nits but are used widely across the industry. For example, videoimage format is referred to in “inch” units. (See Table 1.)1.2.6 Lens and lens element measurements are always in millimeter (mm) units, even where SI Units are not in common usage,as an industry practice. Other SI Units (for example, c

13、m) are rarely used for lenses or lens elements.1.2.7 Unless otherwise mentioned in this guide radiation exposure refers to gamma energy level in terms of 60 Co exposure, andradiation per hour or rad/h absorbed radiation dose Gy/h (rad/h) refers to instantaneous raterates and not cumulative values.1.

14、3 User Caveats:1.3.1 This guide does not cover radiation shielding windows used for hot cell viewing. They are covered separately under GuideC1572.1.3.2 This guide is not a substitute for applied engineering skills, proven practices and experience. Its purpose is to provideguidance.1 This guide is u

15、nder the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee C26 on Nuclear Fuel Cycle and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee C26.14 on Remote Systems.Current edition approved Feb. 1, 2007Jan. 1, 2013. Published April 2007February 2013. Originally approved in 2007. Last previous edition approved in 2007 as C16

16、61 07. DOI: 10.1520/C1661-07.10.1520/C1661-13.This document is not an ASTM standard and is intended only to provide the user of an ASTM standard an indication of what changes have been made to the previous version. Becauseit may not be technically possible to adequately depict all changes accurately

17、, ASTM recommends that users consult prior editions as appropriate. In all cases only the current versionof the standard as published by ASTM is to be considered the official document.Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States11.

18、3.3 The guidance set forth in this guide relating to design of equipment is intended only to inform designers and engineersof these features, conditions, and procedures that have been found necessary or highly desirable to the design, selection, operationand maintenance of reliable remote viewing eq

19、uipment for the subject service conditions.1.3.4 The guidance set forth in this guide results from operational experience of conditions, practices, features, lack of features,or lessons learned that were found to be sources of operating or maintenance problems, or causes of failure.1.3.5 This guide

20、does not supersede federal or state regulations, or codes applicable to equipment under any conditions.1.4 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibilityof the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and h

21、ealth practices and determine the applicability of regulatorylimitations prior to use.2. Referenced Documents2.1 Industry and National Consensus StandardsNationally recognized industry and consensus standards applicable in wholeor in part to the design, fabrication, quality assurance, inspection, te

22、sting, and installation of equipment are referenced throughoutthis guide and include, but are not limited to, the following:2.2 ASTM Standards:2C1217 Guide for Design of Equipment for Processing Nuclear and Radioactive MaterialsC1533 Guide for General Design Considerations for Hot Cell EquipmentC155

23、4 Guide for Materials Handling Equipment for Hot CellsC1572 Guide for Dry Lead Glass and Oil-Filled Lead Glass Radiation Shielding Window Components for Remotely OperatedFacilitiesE170 Terminology Relating to Radiation Measurements and DosimetryASTM/IEEE SI 10 Standard for Use of the International S

24、ystem of Units2.3 Other Standards:ANS 8.1 Nuclear Criticality Safety in Operations with Fissile Materials Outside Reactors3ANS Design Guides for Radioactive Material Handling Facilities however, this should not be at the expense of overly complex wiring since this can be evenmore difficult to repair

25、.6.2.2 Materials of construction of remote viewing equipment on the side should be radiation resistant, compatible with the hotcell environment, easily decontaminated, and compatible with other materials with which they are in contact, to the extent possibleand where economically feasible.6.2.3 Wiri

26、ng between the remote and accessible portions of any viewing system should be simplified, in number of wires andtypes of wires, as much as possible and wiring-sensitive signals (for example, low level or noise sensitive signals) should beavoided if possible. The simplicity and robustness of the wiri

27、ng, to and from a remote system, can be a major determinate of thesuccess of an installation. Complex wiring, signals affected by electrical interference, and connectors with large numbers ofconnection pins, can significantly reduce the usefulness or survival of an installation, and remote maintenan

28、ce. The remote wiringshould be suitable for the life of the facility and, if possible, be remotely replaceable after a facility is in radioactive operation,since the inability to repair nonfunctional wiring would terminate a remote viewing system. See NFPA 70, 47CFR.6.2.4 The inevitable remote repla

29、cement or removal of remote viewing components should be carefully considered during thedesign phase. The complexity and fragility of remote viewing systems as compared to more robust items (for example, pumps,motors, etc.) increases the likelihood of failure in any design. Replacement of systems sh

30、ould incorporate mechanical interfaces,and electrical connectors compatible with the manipulation means in a hot cell.6.2.5 During the facility design phase, the potential need for remote viewing equipment should be carefully considered, so thatprovisions can be made for its deployment. Such provisi

31、ons might include mechanical mounting, wall tubes, electricalfeed-throughs, brackets, etc. in a potential location for a remote viewing apparatus. These provisions should have a minimal impacton the initial construction, and significantly reduce the difficulty of a remote viewing deployment at a lat

32、er date.6.2.6 Multiple remote viewing systems should be standardized as much as possible to minimize expense and improvemaintenance. The maintenance of remote viewing systems often requires a pre-staged camera mount with services for connectors,typically assembled and tested in a mock-up facility, t

33、o allow rapid maintenance and to minimize the potential for personnelexposure. Standardized designs allow a minimum number of pre-staged mounts to be required and maximizes the speed of repair.The mock-up facility usually provides for a test version of the mechanical and electrical interfaces that a

34、re located in theradiological environment where the remote system can be tested. This assures their proper fit, interfacing, operation, andmaintenance prior to their actual installation in a hot cell or similar environment.6.2.7 Remote video systems for process and anomaly monitoring can be traditio

35、nal type cameras or IP cameras. Eachapplication should be evaluated for the advantages and disadvantages of each type. There is not a single type that is applicable forall applications. Traditional video cameras typically provide analog video signals (that is, NTSC or PAL) and use multiple wiresfor

36、power, control, and video. IP cameras typically provide higher resolution and have an Ethernet port for control and video andmay also use the Ethernet for power. See later sections of this document for Power over Ethernet, Image Delay, and radiationhardness considerations.Acomparison of the pros and

37、 cons of both types should be evaluated and include device cost, wiring cost,compatibility with existing systems, resolution required, and lens costs.6.2.8 Data security and system operability should both be evaluated during design and choice of components in a remote videosystem. Wired systems typi

38、cally use a “star” wiring schematic so the system operability is only limited by the wiring provided.IP network systems share singular or multiple IP network wiring with multiple camera, data storage devices, and control points.Additionally the higher resolution cameras require more bandwidth for ea

39、ch device. A system design should take into account thefactors of camera resolution, required frame rate, encoding methodology, IP network type (for example, 10BaseT, 100BaseT,1000BaseT, etc.), and any shared usage of the network. Normally, only the higher speed IPnetworks can be applied to an IPcam

40、erasystem of more than a few cameras, and a dedicated network may be required to avoid network delays that might otherwise resultC1661 139from shared usage.Wired systems are inherently secure systems, since access is limited by the wiring scheme. However, IPsystemsmust provide measures to prevent un

41、wanted access to the video information. Video management software normally providesseveral levels of user access by means of usernames and passwords.The levels of access may range from viewing specific cameras,to viewing and controlling any camera, through to administrative rights to change configur

42、ation. Restrictions on recording andplayback may also be available.6.2.9 The usage of IP cameras should include an evaluation of the Image Delay relative to the application, since IP cameras andthe associated network have an inherent and potentially variable image delay. Image Delay refers to the la

43、g between when an eventoccurs and when it is available at the operator viewing location. Transmission of signals (video or control) using IP involves thetransmission of small data packets, as space is available, on the transmission media and the reassembly of the signals at the receiptend. This meth

44、odology has inherent and variable lags. The amount of lag is small for many applications but can be a significantissue for some. For routine surveillance applications the lag is not normally a consideration. However, for any applications wherethe video image is used for viewing the remote operation

45、of tools the lag can be a significant problem. With a fast dedicated videonetwork the video encoding and decoding time will be the significant part of the delay.6.2.10 Remote video systems can be either wired or wireless depending on the requirements. The considerations are note relatedto the above

46、discussion of traditional or IP type cameras, as either can be wired or wireless. The design considerations include costof wiring, data security considerations, desired camera resolution, required signal bandwidth, and control requirements. If remotecamera control is required a bi-directional link i

47、s required for wireless systems. Nuclear environments typically have large amountof steel (rebar in walls) and thick concrete that make wireless links challenging. Image quality can be variable and control can bea significant problem due to signal attenuation and multiple reflections. A wireless mes

48、h video network has considerableadvantages in this environment due to the flexibility of the mesh to compensate for multipath reception and temporarily blockedpaths between nodes.7. Materials of Construction7.1 Material of Construction in Hazardous Environments:7.1.1 Remote viewing systems materials

49、 of construction should be resistant to the expected chemical and mechanicalenvironment of a hot cell while maintaining radiation hardness appropriate to the application.7.1.2 The chemical environment of a hot cell is often hostile to exposed components or materials; this includes the usage ofaggressive chemicals for decontamination purposes. This problem can be addressed by enclosing a viewing system in sealed, andsometimes pressurized, housings with sealed viewing windows. Typically, glass or fused silica quartz viewing windows can beused with the latter being much more resistant


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