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1、2009年大学生英语竞赛( NECCS) A类(研究生)初赛真题试卷及答案与解析 Section A 1 What is the patient suffering from? ( A) A throat infection. ( B) A skin infection. ( C) A serious cut. 2 Why is the man late? ( A) The trains were delayed. ( B) He couldnt find a bus stop. ( C) Something went wrong with his friends motorbike. 3 W

2、here is the woman? ( A) In a film processing shop. ( B) In a photocopy shop. ( C) In a bookshop. 4 Which curry comes with rice included? ( A) Beef curry. ( B) Lamb curry. ( C) Chicken curry. 5 What does the shop sell? ( A) Clothes. ( B) Books. ( C) Food. Section B 6 Why does the woman compare human

3、memory to a hard disc drive? ( A) Because both can be wiped out by accidents. ( B) Because both can be trained to work better. ( C) Because both can be expanded. 7 What are we told about people suffering from Alzheimers disease? ( A) They dont understand the mechanisms of memory. ( B) They cant reme

4、mber who they are. ( C) They forget how to perform simple tasks. 8 Who has a lower risk of developing Alzheimers disease? ( A) People who have received little education. ( B) People who have mentally active jobs. ( C) People who first have good memories. 9 According to the woman, what harms our memo

5、ries? ( A) Doing too much physical exercise. ( B) The number of devices in modern life. ( C) Devices designed to help us remember things. 10 How can we remember things more easily according to the woman? ( A) By connecting them with a physical object. ( B) By looking at them very carefully first. (

6、C) By having people remind us of them. 11 What unusual ability does the woman have? ( A) Relating emotions to words. ( B) Linking colors and emotions. ( C) Connecting colors with words. 12 How did the woman develop this condition? ( A) It was passed on to her from her parents. ( B) She got it when s

7、he was a child. ( C) She developed it after she had children. 13 When the woman was younger, what did she and her brother often argue about? ( A) Whether they had unusual abilities. ( B) The colors connected with words. ( C) Why they saw different colors for certain words. 14 What does the woman say

8、 about her ability? ( A) It is directly associated with her moods. ( B) It can make her feel depressed. ( C) It has made her very famous. 15 How does the womans condition affect her reading? ( A) It enables her to read faster than average. ( B) She likes to reread a sentence from time to time. ( C)

9、She tends to skip sentences with bright colors. Section C 16 When did East Timor win independence? ( A) Less than a year ago. ( B) Two years ago. ( C) About seven years ago. 17 Who was the first president of an independent Lebanon? ( A) Calands father. ( B) Calands grandfather. ( C) Calands mother.

10、18 What did Piekens ask the young people to do? ( A) To demand a national energy plan. ( B) To fight for their count13. ( C) To end the energy crisis. 19 What is mainly talked about in this news item? ( A) The dangers of smoking. ( B) The dangers of second-hand smoke. ( C) The dangers of third-hand

11、smoke. 20 How many people were killed in the accident in addition to Robert Sanchez? ( A) 25. ( B) 24. ( C) 130 Section D 20 One of the most interesting developments in the toy market has been the【 21】 in that most traditional of toys: train sets. Models of all sorts, but especially railways, were【

12、22】 in the 1980s and 1990s, but they have become big business in the last few years. In Britain there has always been a strong interest in railways, as can be seen from the number of people who go “train spotting“-【 23】 about locomotives and train movements. This also explains why Britain is the lar

13、gest model railway market in Europe. Modern train sets are introducing children, who may never have traveled on a real train, to the joys of railway modeling. For parents, model railways are a【 24】 to computers and video games. Model trains are more lasting than other toys, and their quality is【 25】

14、 . This has added to their【 26】with both parents and children. Interestingly, the【 27】 of purchasers of model railways today are adults, not children. By that I do not mean that parents buy model railways for their children, although【 28】 this happens a great deal. I mean adults who are willing to s

15、pend a lot of money on miniature locomotives and【 29】 part of their childhood. Purchasers of model trains are often【 30】 , such as bankers and business executives. 一、 Part Vocabulary and Structure 31 The elephant had some _ relatives called mammoths, which lived during the Stone Age. ( A) remote ( B

16、) distant ( C) relevant ( D) distinct 32 It was only when I felt the aircraft leave the runway, and saw Manhattan _ into the distance beneath and behind me, that I finally began to relax. ( A) receding ( B) retreating ( C) removing ( D) reversing 33 Many old houses are being demolished to _ new buil

17、dings and parking lots. ( A) give rise to ( B) bring forth ( C) provide for ( D) make room for 34 _ we have the official list of participants, we can make the final arrangements accordingly. ( A) Until ( B) Even though ( C) Now that ( D) Unless 35 He appeared to be serious, but the truth is that for

18、 one reason or another, he didnt get his joke _ very effectively. ( A) down ( B) around ( C) across ( D) out 36 I want the light fittings to be _ the ceiling. ( A) flat on ( B) flush with ( C) parallel to ( D) level in 37 Although the victim had a testing device that _ the problem, he continued to r

19、eplace the fuses. This led to the disruption of the grounding path and the creation of a hazardous situation. ( A) would have identified ( B) would identify ( C) will have identified ( D) will identify 38 The issue in _ is whether Congress should preserve a concept called “net neutrality“. ( A) case

20、 ( B) mind ( C) contradiction ( D) question 39 Military music may have _ from attempts to get people ready for _ by using fast music with drumming to stimulate their hearts to beat faster. ( A) expanded ; confrontation ( B) advanced ; struggle ( C) evolved ; battle ( D) elevated ; strife 40 People c

21、arry out much of their commerce here, _ selling vegetables, serving locals meals or running, a hair salon. ( A) was it ( B) it is ( C) it being ( D) be it 41 There seemed little hope that the explorers, _ in the rainforest, would find their way out. ( A) having deserted ( B) to have been deserted (

22、C) to be deserted ( D) having been deserted 42 _, if anyone wants to grab the Radio Grayblog graphic for the purpose of linking, go right ahead. ( A) Incidentally ( B) Consequently ( C) Subsequently ( D) Accidentally 43 It is certain that no food is as good as _ earned by ones own labor, whether phy

23、sical or mental. ( A) such ( B) that ( C) what ( D) one 44 Ben: Look at this poster. Two of the women who were on the polar expedition to Antarctica are giving a talk in the Town Hall next month! Gina: Oh, Id really like to hear more about that. _. Ben: Just a minute. Ill have a look. It doesnt say.

24、 Shall I phone the Town Hall and find out? Gina: _ Theyre not open now though, so youll have to ring tomorrow. ( A) Would you like to go with me?; No, you neednt. ( B) What date are they coming?; Yes, good idea V ( C) Im so fascinated with Antarctica!; Yes, go ahead. ( D) Does it give any details?;

25、No, thanks, I can do that myself. 45 Female: Its always so hard to know _. Male: I know. I mean, the only thing he likes doing is going fishing, and he buys all that stuff himself. And clothes, hes got so many already. Female: Well, how about a new fishing rod? Male: _ I mean, hes so particular. ( A

26、) how to make Dad happy; Sure. ( B) when Dad goes out; Give it a try. ( C) what to get for Dad; I wouldnt dare. ( D) where Dad buys his stuff; Not bad. 二、 Part Reading Comperhension 45 I have been living in London for more than 60 years, but still, when Im driving and take some clever back-street sh

27、ort-cut, I catch myself thinking how extraordinary it is that I am doing this ! For a moment the town mouse I have become is being seen by the country mouse t used to be. And although, given a new start, I would again become a town mouse, when I visit relations in the country, I envy them. Recently,

28、 I stood beside a freshwater lake in Norfolk, made by diverting a small river, near where my brother lives. As he was identifying some of the birds we could see, in came seven swans. They circled, then the haunting sound of their wing beats gave way to silence as they glided into a splash-down. It i

29、s not a “ picturesque“ part of the coast, but it has a definite character of line and fight and color. “You do live in a lovely place,“ I said to my brother, and he answered, “Yes, I do. “ There are probably few days when he does not pause to recognize its loveliness as he works with his boats-he te

30、aches sailing-or goes about his many other occupations. The lakes creator is a local landowner, continuing the tradition whereby the nature of our countryside has been determined by those who own the land. Formerly, landowners would almost certainly have made such changes for their own benefit, but

31、this time it was done to help preserve the wildlife here, which is available for any visitor to see, providing they do nothing to disturb the birds. It is evidence of change: country life is changing fast. One of the biggest changes I have witnessed is that second-homers, together with commuters, ha

32、ve come to be accepted as a vital part of the country scene. Also the men and women who service their cars, dig their gardens, install their phones, repair their word processors, lay their carpets and do all the other things they need, are vital to modern country life. It is quite likely that the ch

33、ildren of todays workers may be moving into the same kind of jobs as the second-homers and the retired. Both the children of a country woman I know are at university, and she herself, now that they have left home, is working towards a university degree. One of the delights of country life today, it

34、seems, is that there you can see how much social mobility is increasing. Much depends, of course, on the part of the countryside you are living in and on personality- your own and that of your neighbors. In my brothers Norfolk village, social life seems dizzying to a Londoner. In addition to droppin

35、g in on neighbors, people throw and attend parties far more often than we do. My brothers wife, Mary, and her friends fly off on the most dashing bargain breaks in Krakow or Prague or Venice, and are always going into Norwich for a concert or to Kings Lynn for an exhibition. The boring country life

36、that people from cities talk about is a thing of the past-or perhaps that was only ever an impression. This is very unlike living in a London street for 50 years and knowing only the names of four other residents. In these 50 years I have made only one real friend among them. I do enjoy my life, and

37、 Mary says that she sometimes envies it (the grass on the other side of the fence) , but whenever I go to Norfolk, I end up feeling that the lives of country mice are more admirable than my own. 46 It is sometimes a source of surprise to the writer _. ( A) to find herself driving through back street

38、s ( B) that she has been in the city for so long ( C) to realize how much she has got used to living in London ( D) that she lives in the city when she prefers the country 47 The atmosphere created by the writer when she describes the swans is _. ( A) magical ( B) frightening ( C) deafening ( D) dis

39、turbing 48 What does “It“ in line 5, paragraph 4 refer to? ( A) The freshwater lake in a Norfolk village. ( B) The fact that the lake belongs to a landowner here. ( C) The fact that wildlife now needs to be preserved. ( D) The reason for the landowners action. 49 What is suggested about outsiders wh

40、o now live in the country? ( A) That country people no longer reject them. ( B) That they often do work like servicing cars and digging gardens. ( C) That the men and women who work for them are from the city. ( D) That many of them have been in the countryside for a long time. 50 Social life in the

41、 country _. ( A) depends completely on where you live ( B) is not as dull as people in the cities sometimes think it is ( C) is not affected by your neighbors ( D) is always less exciting than life in the city 50 Although your accommodation is booked for the first few days, securing long-term accomm

42、odation will be your own responsibility. During your orientation programme, the housing options available will be discussed with you and you will be advised of the various organizations where you can go for help in finding accommodation. You may find it more convenient to obtain accommodation in the

43、 institution where you are studying. Alternatively you may prefer to rent a room in a house or flat with other students. The various types of available accommodation are listed below. The cost of accommodation will vary according to the facilities provided and the location. The types of housing avai

44、lable include: boarding houses shared houses or flats residential colleges rented houses or flats. Boarding houses: These are a combination of single and shared rooms which are rented out individually. There are two types of boarding houses available: i) Self-cooking (you do your own cooking in a co

45、mmunal kitchen). Cooking and eating utensils are often provided. ii) Full board (meals are cooked for you). Facilities in a boarding house usually include: fully furnished room, sheets and towels, shared bathroom, gas and/or electrical appliances. Shared houses or flats: Shared accommodation is avai

46、lable when somebody has a spare room in their house or flat which they wish to rent. The rent and costs of gas and electricity are shared equally between the people sharing the flat. Each person is also expected to help clean and tidy the shared living space (e. g. kitchen, bathroom, living room). P

47、eople sharing a house or flat are also responsible for cleaning their own room, doing their washing and cooking their own meals. Residential colleges: Residential colleges are a feature of many academic institutions in Australia. These colleges are located on campus or very close to the campus and u

48、sually provide single bedrooms, shared bathroom, all meals and sheets and towels. Rented houses or flats: These are usually for a longer term. Most Flats are unfurnished and do not contain any furniture except a stove. Houses are considerably more expensive than flats, and rent varies with size, con

49、dition and location. The costs of electricity and gas are additional. When renting a house or flat you can either sign a lease or enter into a written tenancy agreement with the landlord. Landlords and managing agents usually require tenants to deposit an amount of money, as a bond. A bond is kept by the landlord (or in some Australian states by a Bond Board) as a protection against the tenant damaging the rented property or moving out without giving n

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