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1、BEC商务英语(中级)写作模拟试卷 43及答案与解析 一、 PART ONE 1 A meeting on sales promotion has been arranged on May 10th, 20-. It happens that the Sales Manager of the company must be away lot a marketing conference in another city around this time. Thus, the meeting has to be rescheduled. You, assistant to the Sales Ma

2、nager, write a memo to the expected attendants. Explain why the meeting is rescheduled. Indicate the rescheduled time and place. Write 40 50 words on your Answer Sheet. 二、 PART TWO 2 You are the owner of a clothing firm. A customer has sent you a letter summarizing a recent negotiation. You have wri

3、tten some notes on the letter. Write a 120-140-word reply to the buyer using the letter and your notes. Do not include your address. Dear Sophia. It was good to see you again last week and we are delighted that your silk blouse will be included in our winter catalog. We are delighted, too. As promis

4、ed, listed below are the points agreed at the meeting: 1. The contract is for the Ella range of silk blouses in three colors. in six colors, which three colors do they want? 2. You will grant us exclusive import rights for the blouses in the UK. 3. The quantity will be 5.000 pieces, with a further o

5、ption of 3,000. We agreed 4.000? 4. The price per piece will be $5.65 for the first 5,000. You will confirm the price for the optional 3,000 pieces, $5.25 for the optional pieces 5. Payment will be made by letter of credit. 6. The initial order will be ready by August 1st. 20-. 15th at the earliest

6、I trust you will find this in order. I look forward to your written confirmation in due course. Best regards. Stephanie Ho Chief Purchaser BEC商务英语(中级)写作模拟试卷 43答案与解析 一、 PART ONE 1 【正确答案】 To: Expected attendants From: Susan Anniston Date: May 6th, 20- Subject: Sales meeting rescheduled Please be infor

7、med that the sales promotion meeting on May 10th has been rescheduled, because our Sales Manager has to attend a marketing conference in another place on that day. The new meeting date is on May 15th, and the venue, Boardroom 305, remains unchanged. Thank you! 二、 PART TWO 2 【正确答案】 Dear Stephanie. Th

8、ank you for you letter of July 21st, 20-. We are delighted that the Ella range will be in your catalogue. There are, however, several points which need clarifying in the contract. ? The Ella range comes in six colors. Please look at the samples and confirm which three colors you would like. ? You re

9、ferred to the further option of 3,000 pieces. I thought we had agreed on 4,000 pieces. Please confirm the correct figure. ? I can confirm that the optional pieces will cost $5.25 each. Unfortunately, due to a full order booking, we are unable to deliver the goods by August 1st, 20-. The earliest dale would be August 15th. 20-. I hope this will be acceptable. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Best regards,


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