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1、BEC商务英语(中级)口语模拟试卷 134及答案与解析 一、 SECTION 2 MINI PRESENTATIONS (ABOUT 6 MIN) In this part of the test you are asked to give a short talk on a business topic. You have to choose one of the topics from the three below and then talk for about 1 minute. You have 1 minute to prepare your ideas. 1 What is im

2、portant when.? Recruiting staff - Personal quality - Recruitment agency - - 2 What is important when.? Evaluating performance - Commitment - Colleague assessment - - 3 What is important when.? Providing employee benefits - Purposes - Needs of the employees - - BEC商务英语(中级)口语模拟试卷 134答案与解析 一、 SECTION 2

3、 MINI PRESENTATIONS (ABOUT 6 MIN) In this part of the test you are asked to give a short talk on a business topic. You have to choose one of the topics from the three below and then talk for about 1 minute. You have 1 minute to prepare your ideas. 1 【正确答案】 From my point of view, firstly, personal qu

4、ality plays a significant role in selecting employees. Usually the shortest board determines the volume of water a barrel can hold, and this is also applicable to the staff recruiting process. Whats more, in the recruitment process, we can use a recruitment agency to locate experienced and qualified

5、 staff. After obtaining some information they can contact and interview latent candidates, check references, and select the best-qualified person for us. Lastly, when we make the selection, observing the applicants interpersonal skills is indispensable. We cannot just focus on the academy awards of

6、the candidates. We also need to ask questions to inspect the applicants interpersonal relationships with people in the social situation. 【试题解析】 本题需要发言的主题是 “招聘员工 ”。根据已有的要点 1“Personal quality个人品质 ”,可以联想到找到品质好的员工可以降低失败的风险 (reduce risk of failure)。根据已有的要点 2“Recruitmentagency招聘机构 ”,可以联想到招聘机构可以更好地联系到优秀的员工

7、,这样做更加便利。另外我们还可以补充一些回答的要点,例如, Experience经验,可以想到招聘有经验的员工企业就不用再花钱去培训,降低了成本 (reduce costs);再如, Interpersonal skills人际交往技巧,因为这种品质对提高成功机会 (boost the chance for success)十分重要。 2 【正确答案】 In the first place, considering employees commitment is a priority when evaluating their performance. A faithful and since

8、re employee will work diligently and industriously and make tremendous contribution to the company. Secondly, colleagues opinions show the target employees personal relationship. Therefore, its of great importance to consider that. If he or she only demonstrated a mastery of professional skills, we

9、can not give him or her a high appraisal. Lastly, sales figure maybe the most effective factor to show ones performance. The increase of sales after a period of ones work can prove everything. 【试题解析】 本题需要发言的主题是 “评价员工的表现 ”。根据已有的要点1“Commitment敬业精神 ”,可以联想到这 是员工的基本品质,敬业的员工会为公司贡献更多。根据已有的要点 2“Colleague as

10、sessment同事评价 ”,可以联想到同事评价是了解员工的个性 (personal characteristics)的重要渠道。另外我们还可以补充一些回答的要点,例如, Sales figure销售数据,可以想到做对评价实际效果(assessoutcomes)十分必要;再如, Leader assessment领导评价,起到决定性作用(have the last say)。 3 【正确答案】 When thinking about what benefits should be provided to the employees, we must first decide the purpo

11、se of the company, whether it is to raise the staffs morale or to enhance the loyalty of the employees. Meanwhile, we should make certain of the employees real needs by doing a survey among the staff. It is necessary to give priority to the needs of the majority and the most urgent needs. Lastly, it

12、 is also of great significance to look for an appropriate place if the benefits we are to provide are establishing a staff canteen or a recreation room. The place should be large enough and shouldnt incur too much cost. 【试题解析】 本题需要发言的主题是 “提供员工福利 ”。根据已有的要点1“Purposes目的 ”,可以联想到提供员工福利是为了提升员工士气 (raise th

13、e staffs morale),也可能是为了提高员工对公司的忠诚度 (enhance the loyalty of the employees)。根据 已有的要点 2“Needs of the employees员工的需求 ”,可以想到提供的福利只有满足员工的需要才会达到想要的效果。另外,我们还可以补充一些回答的要点,例如: Costs费用,因为提供员工福利必然会增加人力资源成本 (cost of human resource);再如,如果考虑提供譬如员工餐厅 (staff canteen),活动室(recreation room)这样的福利,则还需想到是否有适宜的场地 (appropriate place)等。


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