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1、BEC商务英语(中级)口语模拟试卷 96及答案与解析 一、 SECTION 1 INTERVIEW (ABOUT 3 MIN) 1 In this part, the interlocutor asks questions to each of the candidates in turn. You have to give information about yourself and express personal opinions. Questions: (1)How to spell your full name? (2)Please list the advantages livin

2、g in your hometown. (3)Do you think it is worth keeping if a hobby takes too much time or energy? 二、 SECTION 2 MINI PRESENTATIONS (ABOUT 6 MIN) In this part of the test you are asked to give a short talk on a business topic. You have to choose one of the topics from the three below and then talk for

3、 about 1 minute. You have 1 minute to prepare your ideas. 2 In this part of the test, you are asked to give a short talk on a business topic. You have to choose one of the topics from the three below and then talk for about one minute. You have one minute to prepare your ideas. A: What is important

4、when. ? Improving the staffs performance Training Transfer B: What is important when.? Choosing a new career Location Salary C: What is important when.? Selecting a business magazine to read Cost Content 三、 SECTION 3 DISCUSSION (ABOUT 5 MIN) In this part of the test you are given a discussion topic.

5、 You have 30 seconds to look at the prompt card, an example of which is below, and then about 3 minutes to discuss the topic with your partner. After that examiner will ask you more questions related to the topic. 3 In this part of the test you are given a discussion topic. You have 30 minutes to lo

6、ok at the prompt card, an example of which is below, and then about 3 minutes to discuss the topic with your partner. After that the examiner will ask you more questions related to the topic. For two candidates Launch Company Newspaper Your company would like to launch company newspaper for all staf

7、f members on a regular basis. You have been asked to help organize it. Discuss the situation together, and decide: what kind of articles and information should be included what the newspaper should look like and how often it should be sent. For three candidates Launch Company Newspaper Your company

8、would like to launch company newspaper for all staff members regularly. You have been asked to help organize it. Discuss the situation together, and decide: what kind of articles and information should be included what the newspaper should look like and how often it should be published how to get th

9、e information and news in the company. Follow-on questions Do you think it is important that managers listen to complaints from employees? Do you communicate with your colleagues often. How do you do it? What are the advantages of management communication? Is it necessary for the managers to have pe

10、rsonal contacts with his employees?(Why?/Why not?) How important is it to develop the intranet of the company? BEC商务英语(中级)口语模拟试卷 96答案与解析 一、 SECTION 1 INTERVIEW (ABOUT 3 MIN) 1 【正确答案】 (1)Yes. It spells. (2)I think the advantages living in my hometown are as follows: Firstly the prices of all food and

11、 vegetables are much lower. Secondly people are very kind. (3)No, I dont think so. For my part, if a hobby takes me too much time or energy, I will not be addicted to it. A good hobby is a kind of way to relax ourselves or make us happy. If too much time or energy is focus on one hobby, how can we m

12、anage our normal life and work? So I will find a new hobby to replace it. 二、 SECTION 2 MINI PRESENTATIONS (ABOUT 6 MIN) In this part of the test you are asked to give a short talk on a business topic. You have to choose one of the topics from the three below and then talk for about 1 minute. You hav

13、e 1 minute to prepare your ideas. 2 【正确答案】 I choose topic A what is important when improve the staff performance. As for this topic, I have the following ideas: Firstly, regular training is indispensable measurement to improve the staff performance. When the staffs participate in the training, their

14、 professional knowledge and ability will be both improved. So, they can handle the skills needed for effective performance. Certainly, their performance will be better than before. Secondly, if one employee has a poor performance in working, maybe he or she is not suitable for this job. You can tran

15、sfer him or her to another position. That may be useful. Transfer can help to make full use of an employees strengths, while avoiding weaknesses. In one word, transfer can give an employee a chance to become a more effective member of the organization. Thirdly, motivating the employees is an importa

16、nt idea. Because well-motivated employees guarantee effective performance. The staff will have more inner power to express themselves by doing better job or doing extra task and so on. And consequently, their performance will become better. All in all, training, transfer and motivating are all very

17、important when improving the staff performance. I choose topic B what is important when choosing a new career chance. With regard to this topic, I have the following views: First of all, salary is the basic element for a new career. To find a good job, we should first earn our own living. And the sa

18、lary can afford us the daily expanses and some other necessary cost. So the good salary can attract most of the job hunters. Second, location is another important element that we should take into consideration. You had better choose a job near your home, so that it is convenient for your activities.

19、 If so, it can save you lots of time, money and energy. Finally, future development is an indispensable point. We should prefer a company where we can improve or enrich ourselves and we can show our ability. Maybe more challenge can lay a stable foundation for the futures better development. In a wo

20、rd, salary, location and future development are all important elements when selecting a new career chance. I choose topic C what is important when selecting a business magazine. Regard with this topic, in my opinion, here are three factors I will make a discussion. To begin with, content is a main f

21、actor for selection. So what you are interested determines which kind of business magazine you will choose. So the first step of your selection is to locate your content. Besides, cost is another important factor. Is this magazine is good enough for its price? If so, your selection is half successfu

22、l. And when you compare two similar content magazines, the cost is a better reference. Then, design can be interesting factor to think about. As a reader, we can be attracted by some magazines with beautiful design. Their covers and pages are all very charming, also the vivid pictures. It will be of

23、 significance for our better understanding and high emotions. In all, content, cost and design are all important when selecting a business magazine. 【试题解析】 这道题所给出可供选择的三个话题分别是改善员工的工作表现时,什么是重要的。话题 A所给的两个提示点是培训和换班;第二个是选择新工作时,什么是重要的;第三个话题是选择商业杂志时,什么是重要的。本题主要涉及了公司和最佳选择这两个热门话题,我们主要采取小型演讲题的三步走策略,即搭建框架、选词构句

24、和逐个击破。 三、 SECTION 3 DISCUSSION (ABOUT 5 MIN) In this part of the test you are given a discussion topic. You have 30 seconds to look at the prompt card, an example of which is below, and then about 3 minutes to discuss the topic with your partner. After that examiner will ask you more questions relat

25、ed to the topic. 3 【正确答案】 A: Our company is designing company newspaper for all staff members. It is certainly a very good channel for internal communication. B: True enough. What information should be included, in your opinion? A: As I see it, it should carry articles about the tangible performance

26、 standards for staff to follow, and information about any changes in the company, such as new policies, new projects and new managers, etc. . this will help to reduce the chance for confusion and misinterpretation of key corporate policies and decision. B: Thats a good point. Information of this kin

27、d will help staff members better adjust themselves to the work environment and achieve higher level of performance. A: There should also be information about the latest achievements of me company as well. B: I agree with you. But. A: And about annual performance review and staff appraisals, just to

28、reward hard-working people and look at problems in work. You see. B: Well, you are quite right. But I think we should place emphasis on two-way communication. The newspaper should also focus on the employees side; we should allow our employees to voice their opinion about day-to-day work and corpora

29、te development. They should also have a chance to comment on the performance of the managers and point out problems in their work. A: sure. So let us put in this column “ voice from the staff“. B: In addition to the contents, we should also put our logo in our newspaper. A: Yes, of course. Later, I

30、will make discussion with the editor. Follow-on questions Yes, complaints from employees usually reflect the problems within the firm, some even show problems of the management. Listening to the complaints helps manager to find problems and ways to resolve them. Yes. I often communicate with my coll

31、eagues, we share corporate information together. And we exchange our views. Management communications can enhance mutual trust, promote employee commitment, and boost morale. Above all, it helps to improve productivity. Yes. It is better for the manager to go an employees work station rather than ma

32、ke phone calls. Face-to-face discussion shows your sincerity. In information age, company intranet tends to be a very effective channel of communication. It is speedy in relaying the corporate news, management messages. 【试题解析】 这道题的主题是公司报纸的创建。发生的背景是你们公司想要创建一分全体员工的报纸。请你们共同协助这一企划。所给的两个提示点是报纸应该包括哪些文章和信息以及报纸的版式和发行周期。


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