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1、BEC商务英语(中级)听力模拟试卷 130及答案与解析 一、 PART ONE 0 Look at the note below. You will hear a man calling his office. 4 Look at the note below. You will hear a woman calling about a job application. 8 Look at the note below. You will hear a man phoning about some arrangements for a meeting. 二、 PART TWO 12 You w

2、ill hear five short recordings about delivery problems. For each recording, decide which problem the speaker talks about. Write one letter(A-H)next to the number of the recording. Do not use any letter more than once. After you have listened once, replay the recordings. A The goods were delivered la

3、te. B Goods were delivered without having been ordered. C The items ordered were unavailable. D Only part of our order was delivered. E The goods were damaged in transit. F Goods were packaged in the wrong quantities. G The sales literature about the goods was misleading. H Goods intended for one lo

4、cation were delivered to another. 13 _ 14 _ 15 _ 16 _ 17 _ 17 You will hear another five recordings. Five people are talking about project management. For each recording, decide what action each speaker is recommending. Write one letter(A-H)next to the number of the recording. Do not use any letter

5、more than once. After you have listened once, replay the recordings. A defining objectives tightly B planning the schedule carefully C ensuring the plans have some flexibility D handing over some tasks to other team members E ensuring the team is motivated F dealing with problems promptly G arrangin

6、g regular status meetings H keeping in constant email contact with team 18 _ 19 _ 20 _ 21 _ 22 _ 三、 PART THREE 22 You will hear Desmond Butler, owner of Klikset, talking about how he created a successful toy company. For each question(23-30), mark one letter(A, B or C)for the correct answer. After y

7、ou have listened once, replay the recording. 23 Desmond Butler was dissatisfied working with his fathers company because ( A) the market share was declining. ( B) his earning potential was limited. ( C) there was little room for expansion. 24 Desmond Butler came up with the idea of Klikset while he

8、was ( A) producing some plastic connectors. ( B) researching different plastic toys. ( C) playing with plastic straws. 25 His original intention was to use another company to ( A) manufacture the toy. ( B) market the toy. ( C) develop the toy. 26 Whilst producing the prototype, Desmond was ( A) conf

9、ident of instant success. ( B) worried about failing. ( C) determined to continue. 27 Before establishing the Klikset company, Desmond ( A) became a buyer for a big toy company. ( B) worked in a toy factory. ( C) accepted a job working in a toy shop. 28 Before hearing Desmonds presentation, Jim Tayl

10、or, a customer, thought that ( A) the product would fail to sell. ( B) the business plan needed developing. ( C) the idea had potential. 29 Desmond joined forces with Elto because he wanted ( A) to use their design department. ( B) to export his product. ( C) to sell half his company. 30 Desmond bel

11、ieves the way to succeed is by ( A) being prepared to take risks. ( B) making quick decisions. ( C) producing very detailed plans. BEC商务英语(中级)听力模拟试卷 130答案与解析 一、 PART ONE 0 【听力原文】 Look at the note below. You will hear a man calling his office. You have 15 seconds to read through the note. pause Now l

12、isten, and fill in the spaces. Man: Thank you for calling Andersons International. Our offices are closed at the moment. Please leave your name, number and message after the tone. Man: Hello, Martin Hayes here - Ive just arrived. The journey was fine, no problems at the airport. Ive arrived at the R

13、etail Exhibition - the buildings really impressive! The only problem is, the stands that we sent by air cargo last week are missing - the computers arrived, and the posters are here, though. Can you get onto the transport people first thing in the morning to track them down and get them here by tomo

14、rrow evening at the very latest? Stress how urgent it is! Also, Ive just unpacked the brochures and realised we havent got enough price-lists to give out with them. Well need another five hundred; use a courier to get them out here - the day after tomorrow at the latest. Call me back when you know w

15、hats happening. Im at the press conference all morning today, but you can get me during lunch. Ill speak to you again later. 1 【正确答案】 (RETAIL)EXHIBITION 2 【正确答案】 STANDS 3 【正确答案】 PRICE(-)LISTS 4 【正确答案】 (PRESS)CONFERENCE 4 【听力原文】 Look at the note below. You will hear a woman calling about a job applic

16、ation. You have 15 seconds to read through the note. pause Now listen, and fill in the spaces. Woman: Oh, hello, can I speak to Jill Croft, please? Man: Im sorry, but shes not here at the moment. Can I take a message? Woman: Oh, please. Its Sarah Middlemiss here. M-I-double D-L-E-M-I-double Sfrom Pe

17、gasus Communications Ltd. Man: Thanks. Whats the message? Woman: Well, Im the personnel manager here at Pegasus . its regarding the position of sales executive Jill has applied for. Its just to let her know that before we arrange interview dates, were inviting applicants to a company presentation on

18、 the twenty-eighth. Well confirm this, of course, by letter. Man: Fine - Ill let her know that. Woman: One other thing - weve received her application and curriculum vitae, but cant find any mention of her referees. Could you ask her to let us have their details as soon as possible? Man: OK - Ive no

19、ted that down. Woman: Thanks very much for your help. Man: No problem. Bye for now . . . 5 【正确答案】 MIDDLEMISS / MIDDLE MISS 6 【正确答案】 SALES EXEC(UTIVE) 7 【正确答案】 (COMPANY)PRESENTATION 8 【正确答案】 REFEREES 8 【听力原文】 Look at the note below. You will hear a man phoning about some arrangements for a meeting. Y

20、ou have 15 seconds to read through the note. pause Now listen, and fill in the spaces. pause Woman: Hello. Sales. Can I help you? Man: Oh, hello. Is Lauren ONeil there? Woman: Im sorry, but shes at lunch right now. Can I take a message? Man: Um . . . OK. Its Chris Darcy here, from Human Resources. I

21、m phoning about next weeks . Woman: . . . Hang on, I just need to get a pen. Right, here we are. So, its Chris Darcy from HR, and its about. . . Man: The shareholders meeting next week. Woman: OK. And what shall I tell Lauren? Man: Tell Lauren the boards decided to make an official statement about t

22、he planned merger. I know we werent going to, but theyve changed their mind. Woman: Oh . . . Yes, thats interesting. Man: Mm, but not entirely unexpected. Anyway, the MD needs Lauren to put together a presentation showing the combined sales of the newly-merged group. Woman: OK. Ive got that. Is ther

23、e anything else? Man: Yes, tell her that Ill handle the presentation about HR issues, but could Lauren also include something about expected savings in her part of the presentation? Woman: OK. Ill give her the message. Man: Thats great. Thanks very much. 9 【正确答案】 (THE)SHAREHOLDERS 10 【正确答案】 (THE)(PL

24、ANNED)MERGER 11 【正确答案】 THE(COMBINED)SALES 12 【正确答案】 EXPECTED SAVINGS 二、 PART TWO 12 【听力原文】 Thirteen Once I needed to replace our office chairs, so I compared products in several manufacturers brochures, chose the model that best suited our purposes, and ordered ten of them. Well, they were supposed

25、to be delivered within twenty-eight days, and when they finally arrived, practically at the last minute in fact, we found that the description in the brochure had given quite a false impression of them. We sent them back, and had a lot of trouble with the manufacturer. pause Fourteen I run a small b

26、eauty salon, just the one site, so my orders are quite small quantities compared with the big chains. But I still expect my suppliers to provide a high level of customer service. And with all the packaging thats available these days, it should be easy enough to ensure consignments are properly prote

27、cted, but more than once Ive had to return goods because when they arrived they werent in a fit state to be used. pause Fifteen Were a small printing firm, so of course we get regular supplies of ink and paper. The way it works, we sign a contract with a supplier for a year at a time, and they send

28、the same quantity each month, unless we phone to change it, of course. Well, one year we didnt renew the contract with our regular ink supplier, but the month after it expired, they sent the usual order. We werent impressed. I must say. pause Sixteen Im responsible for centralised ordering for a mul

29、ti-site organisation - were a chain of builders merchants - and its amazing how often suppliers get confused. Of course we double check the paperwork before sending it to them, but even so, things happen like the time bathroom equipment arrived at head office instead of one of the branches, which wa

30、s desperate for the goods. And once, boxes of mouse mats meant for head office turned up along with window frames and bricks. pause Seventeen Im a store manager in a chain that sells arts and crafts equipment. Our central warehouse orders goods boxed up in small amounts ready to go straight onto the

31、 shelves of the stores. For example, poster paints usually come in boxes of ten. Everythings then distributed to the branches when its required. But in the last delivery, the warehouse received the right number of pens, but in boxes of a thousand! It took ages to sort it out. 13 【正确答案】 G 14 【正确答案】 E

32、 15 【正确答案】 B 16 【正确答案】 H 17 【正确答案】 F 17 【听力原文】 Eighteen I can tell you from my own experience that the most important thing in project management is not to try to do everything yourself. Thatll lead to problems sooner rather than later. You must plan which tasks you really need to do yourself and th

33、en delegate responsibility for each of the other tasks to others. You should of course, make sure the members of your team have the initiative and flexibility necessary for such responsibilities. pause Nineteen I think, its absolutely crucial that all the people to whom youve delegated responsibilit

34、ies should get together at least once a month so that you can all share information about how your own bits of the project are going. If you dont do that, then its easy to assume something has been done by someone else when it hasnt - after all, not everyone has the same level of motivation. Email c

35、ontact is great, of course, but nothing beats face-to-face communication. pause Twenty You have to get off to a good start which means you have to be absolutely clear about what your aims are right from the start. These should be discussed with the team and should be put in writing so that everyone

36、shares full knowledge about the precise parameters of the project. I know from several projects Ive been involved with that confusion about goals often leads to problems early on, problems which could very easily have been prevented. pause Twenty-one When youre working on a new project, you have to

37、delegate, of course. But, if anything starts to go wrong you should handle it yourself. As project manager, it is up to you to keep a close eye on how things are progressing. You should try to predict any difficulties and sort them out immediately so the project can move on. There are many tasks tha

38、t can be handed over to other people, but not this. pause Twenty-two Planning things in detail is, of course, vital. However, it makes sense to ensure that your initial plan incorporates a degree of adaptability. You and your project team cant assume that circumstances will stay the same for ever, a

39、nd so it makes sense for your plan not to be so rigid that it cannot take account of any developments and changes in circumstance. It should not, of course, need to stray from its basic objectives. 18 【正确答案】 D 19 【正确答案】 G 20 【正确答案】 A 21 【正确答案】 F 22 【正确答案】 C 三、 PART THREE 22 【听力原文】 You will hear Desm

40、ond Butler, owner of Klikset, talking about how he created a successful toy company. For each question, 23-30, mark one letter(A, B or C)for the correct answer. After you have listened once, replay the recording. You have 45 seconds to read through the questions. pause Now listen, and mark A, B or C

41、. pause Woman: Today Im talking to Desmond Butler, Managing Director of Klikset, the construction toy which every youngster wants. Welcome Desmond. Man: Hello Jenny. Woman: So, how did it all start? Man: Id been running my fathers plastic component business and Id taken it as far as I could, and was

42、 bored. We were producing make-up cases - you know, eye-shadow, lipstick, mascara cases and so on. It was a steady market, although very competitive, but I needed a new challenge. I was getting quite a good income from it, but money isnt everything. Woman: So what gave you the idea for Klikset? Man:

43、 I was at a wedding party, sitting in a corner toying with plastic drinking straws on my table thinking about the manufacturing process that made them. I began piecing them together and managed to build a small flat structure. I realised that with the right connectors I could build some impressive o

44、bjects and I thought this might be the seed idea for a new toy. Woman: How did you plan to get started? Man: Well, my initial idea was to develop the toy and sell the concept to a big toy company. I would then retain the contract to make it and get them to sell it under their brand name. I didnt kno

45、w anything about the toy market and thought itd be better to leave the selling to the experts. Woman: Did it take long to get a prototype ready? Man: Longer than Id anticipated. I spent eighteen months refining the straw idea with six lengths of rod connectors before the basic Klikset was ready. Onc

46、e Id decided to go down the path that was it. Nothing was going to stop me. If it was a total failure, it would set me back five years financially, but I believed it would catch on eventually. Woman: So did you go ahead and set up your company then? Man: I tried to sell it to the big manufacturers,

47、who didnt want to know. I decided that as they werent interested, I would learn their business and do it myself. I researched the toy industry thoroughly. I even applied for jobs in toy shops just so I could go to the interviews and find out more about the business. I also contacted as many store bu

48、yers as possible and asked what kind of toys they were looking for. I got a part-time job in a toy factory before setting up Klikset in nineteen ninety-three. Woman: And was it easy to sell your product? Man: At first, no. The biggest toy store initially turned me down, but finally I saw their chief

49、 buyer Jim Taylor. He liked my business plan, but told me that what I had to offer probably had zero value to him. So I asked for five minutes to do a presentation and I pulled out all the stops. I made a Ferris wheel, a windmill and a bulldozer and within a couple of minutes Jim Taylor was won over. I sold one million pounds worth of toys through his store that first year. Woman: An amazing success story. But it didnt stop there, did i


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